Beispiel #1
def patchify(array, patch_size, interval=1):
    """Create a list of patches by sampling the given array in row-major order with the given patch size
    and interval between patches.

    @param array: given array to patchify
    @type array: L{numpy.array}
    @param patch_size: a two dimension list which gives the size of width and height of the patch
    @type patch_size: list
    @param interval: interval between patches
    @type interval: int
    @return: list of sampled patches
    @rtype: L{numpy.array}
    if not _valid_patch_size(patch_size):
        raise SRException(INVALID_PATCH_SIZE_ERR % patch_size)

    patch_width = patch_size[0]
    patch_dimension = patch_width * patch_width
    patch_radius = patch_width / 2
    patch_y, patch_x = np.mgrid[-patch_radius:patch_radius+1, -patch_radius:patch_radius+1]
    array_height, array_width = np.shape(array)
    pad_height, pad_width = get_pad_size(array_height, array_width, patch_width, interval)
    pad_array = np.pad(array, ((patch_radius, pad_height), (patch_radius, pad_width)), 'reflect')
    padded_height, padded_width = np.shape(pad_array)
    patches_y, patches_x = np.mgrid[patch_radius:padded_height-patch_radius:interval,
    patches_number = len(patches_y.flat)
    patches_y_vector = np.tile(patch_y.flatten(), (patches_number, 1)) + np.tile(patches_y.flatten(),
                                                                                 (patch_dimension, 1)).transpose()
    patches_x_vector = np.tile(patch_x.flatten(), (patches_number, 1)) + np.tile(patches_x.flatten(),
                                                                                 (patch_dimension, 1)).transpose()
    index = np.ravel_multi_index([patches_y_vector, patches_x_vector], (padded_height, padded_width))
    return np.reshape(pad_array.flatten()[index], (patches_number, patch_dimension))
    def create_method(cls, method_type):
        """Create a SR method object.

        @param type: type of SR method
        @type method_type: str
        @return: an instance of SR method
        if (method_type == "iccv09"):
            return ICCV09()
            raise SRException("Unsupported SR Method Type:%s" % method_type)
Beispiel #3
def unpatchify(patches, output_array_size, kernel, overlap=1):
    Create an array from the given patches by merging them together with the given kernel and overlap size.

    @param patches: given patches array
    @type patches: L{numpy.array}
    @param output_array_size: size of output array
    @type output_array_size: list
    @param kernel: kernel to merge the patches into array
    @type kernel: L{numpy.array}
    @param overlap: overlap size between patches
    @type overlap: int
    @return: merged array from the given patches
    @rtype: L{numpy.array}
    patches_number, patch_dimension = np.shape(patches)
    if not _valid_patch_dimension(patch_dimension):
        raise SRException(INVALID_PATCH_DIMENSION % patch_dimension)
    if patch_dimension != np.shape(kernel.flatten())[0]:
        raise "Invalid kernel size, kernel size should be equal to patch size."
    patch_width = int(patch_dimension**(.5))
    patch_radius = patch_width / 2
    interval = patch_width - overlap
    output_array_height, output_array_width = output_array_size
    pad_size = get_pad_size(output_array_height, output_array_width,
                            patch_width, interval)
    padded_array_size = [
        d + patch_radius + p for d, p in zip(output_array_size, pad_size)
    padded_array_height, padded_array_width = padded_array_size
    padded_array = np.zeros(padded_array_size)
    weight = np.zeros(padded_array_size)
    patches_y, patches_x = np.mgrid[patch_radius:padded_array_height -
                                    patch_radius:padded_array_width -
    h, w = np.shape(patches_x)
    patch_idx = 0
    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            patch_x = patches_x[i, j]
            patch_y = patches_y[i, j]
            padded_array[patch_y - patch_radius:patch_y + patch_radius + 1,
            patch_x - patch_radius:patch_x + patch_radius + 1] += \
                np.reshape(patches[patch_idx], (patch_width, patch_width)) * kernel
            weight[patch_y - patch_radius:patch_y + patch_radius + 1,
                   patch_x - patch_radius:patch_x + patch_radius + 1] += kernel
            patch_idx += 1
    padded_array /= weight
    output_array_height, output_array_width = output_array_size
    return padded_array[patch_radius:output_array_height + patch_radius,
                        patch_radius:output_array_width + patch_radius]