def __init__(self, leftExpression, rightExpression, operation):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.operation = operation
        self.leftExpression = leftExpression
        self.rightExpression = rightExpression

        # Determine the type of the expression
        # check if types of 2 expressions are the same
        if (self.leftExpression.basetype != self.rightExpression.basetype):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The two types of the expressions in the logic expression should be the same"

        if (not isinstance(self.leftExpression.basetype, BooleanType)):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Left side of logic expression should be a bool, now: " +

        if (not isinstance(self.rightExpression.basetype, BooleanType)):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Right side of logic expression should be a bool, now: " +

        # set the type of this expression
        self.basetype = BooleanType()
Beispiel #2
    def build_for_statement(self, tree):
        if tree.getChildCount() < 6:
            raise RuntimeError("invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +
        token = tree.getChild(0).getPayload()
        # for开头
        if not isinstance(token, Token) or token.type != CXLexer.FOR:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +
        token = tree.getChild(1).getPayload()
        if not isinstance(token,
                          Token) or token.type != CXLexer.LEFTPARENTHESIS:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +
        token = tree.getChild(tree.getChildCount() - 2).getPayload()
        if not isinstance(token,
                          Token) or token.type != CXLexer.RIGHTPARENTHESIS:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +

        child_index = 2
        semicolon_index = 0
        init_expression = Expression(None)
        check_expression = Expression(None)
        update_expression = Expression(None)
        while True:
            token = tree.getChild(child_index).getPayload()
            if isinstance(token, Token):
                if token.type == CXLexer.RIGHTPARENTHESIS:
                # index=2为分号表示初始语句为空
                elif token.type == CXLexer.SEMICOLON:
                    semicolon_index += 1
                    child_index += 1
                    if semicolon_index > 2:
                        raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" +
                                           tree.getText() + "'")
                    raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" +
                                       tree.getText() + "'")
                if semicolon_index == 0:
                    init_expression = self.build_expression(
                elif semicolon_index == 1:
                    check_expression = self.build_expression(
                    update_expression = self.build_expression(
                child_index += 1
        statement = self.build_compound_statement(
            tree.getChild(tree.getChildCount() - 1))
        return ForStatement(init_expression, check_expression,
                            update_expression, statement, self.symbol_table)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, expression):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.expression = expression

        if (not isinstance(expression.basetype, AddressType)):
            raise RuntimeError("Tried to dereference non address type: " +

        self.basetype = self.expression.basetype.addressee
 def __init__(self, basetype, expression):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.expression = expression
     if basetype == "int":
         self.basetype = IntegerType()
     elif basetype == "real":
         self.basetype = RealType()
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, symbol):
        """Create variable call with symbol(Symbol)"""
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.basetype = symbol.basetype
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.arraySize = None

        if(type(self.symbol) == type(ArrayType)):
            self.arraySize = self.symbol.basetype.getElementsCount()
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, symbol, index):
        """Call variable call with symbol(Symbol) and index(int)"""
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.index = index
        self.basetype = symbol.basetype

        if(index != None):
            #Call to element in array so change the basetype to the array's basetype
            self.basetype = symbol.basetype.basetype
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, left_expression, right_expression, operation):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.operation = operation
     self.left_expression = left_expression
     self.right_expression = right_expression
     # 判断运算符左右的类型是否相同,不支持real和int混合运算,提供强制转换符
     if self.left_expression.basetype != self.right_expression.basetype:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "The two types of the expressions in the arithmetic expression should be the same"
     self.basetype = self.left_expression.basetype
    def __init__(self, leftExpression, rightExpression, operation):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.operation = operation
        self.leftExpression = leftExpression
        self.rightExpression = rightExpression

        # Determine the type of the expression
        # check if types of 2 expressions are the same
        if(self.leftExpression.basetype != self.rightExpression.basetype):
            raise RuntimeError("The two types of the expressions in the arithmetic expression should be the same")

        # set the type of this expression
        self.basetype = BooleanType()
 def __init__(self, left_expression, right_expression, operation):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.left_expression = left_expression
     self.right_expression = right_expression
     self.operation = operation
     # print(self.left_expression.basetype, self.right_expression.basetype)
     if self.left_expression.basetype != self.right_expression.basetype:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "left and right expression must be of the same type")
     if not isinstance(self.left_expression.basetype, BooleanType):
         raise RuntimeError(
             "logic expression must be bool op bool, but now is {}".format(
     if not isinstance(self.right_expression.basetype, BooleanType):
         raise RuntimeError(
             "logic expression must be bool op bool, but now is {}".format(
     self.basetype = BooleanType
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, value, basetype):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     if(basetype == "bool"):
         self.basetype = BooleanType()
         self.value = BooleanData(value)
     elif(basetype == "char"):
         self.basetype = CharacterType()
         self.value = CharacterData(value)
     elif(basetype == "int"):
         self.basetype = IntegerType()
         self.value = IntegerData(value)
     elif(basetype == "float"):
         self.basetype = RealType()
         self.value = RealData(value)
     elif(basetype == "string"):
         self.basetype = AddressType(ArrayType(CharacterType(), len(value)))
         self.value = StringData(value + "\0")
         raise RuntimeError("Trying to create constantexpession with unkown type")
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, value, basetype):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.basetype = basetype
     self.value = value
     self.compiled_codes = None
     if self.basetype == "bool":
         self.basetype = BooleanType()
         if self.value is True:
             self.compiled_codes = "ldc b t\n"
         elif self.value is False:
             self.compiled_codes = "ldc b f\n"
             raise RuntimeError("Wrong Boolean Value")
     elif self.basetype == "int":
         self.basetype = IntegerType()
         self.compiled_codes = "ldc i {}\n".format(str(self.value))
     elif self.basetype == "real":
         self.basetype = RealType()
         self.compiled_codes = "ldc r {}\n".format(str(self.value))
         raise RuntimeError("Type {} is not supported".format(self.basetype))
    def __init__(self, leftExpression, rightExpression, operation):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.operation = operation
        self.leftExpression = leftExpression
        self.rightExpression = rightExpression

        # Determine the type of the expression
        # check if types of 2 expressions are the same
        if(self.leftExpression.basetype != self.rightExpression.basetype):
            raise RuntimeError("The two types of the expressions in the arithmetic expression should be the same")

        if(not isinstance(self.leftExpression.basetype, IntegerType) and not isinstance(self.leftExpression.basetype, RealType)):
            raise RuntimeError("Left side of arithmetic expression should be an integer or real, now: " + str(type(self.leftExpression.basetype)))

        if(not isinstance(self.rightExpression.basetype, IntegerType) and not isinstance(self.rightExpression.basetype, RealType)):
            raise RuntimeError("Right side of arithmetic expression should be an integer or real, now: " + str(type(self.rightExpression.basetype)))

        # set the type of this expression
        self.basetype = self.leftExpression.basetype
    def __init__(self, function, parameters):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.function = function
        self.parameters = parameters

        self.basetype = function.returntype
Beispiel #14
    def buildForStatement(self, tree):
        """Build For Statement"""
        # FOR LPAREN expression? SEMICOLON expression? SEMICOLON expression? RPAREN statement
        if (tree.getChildCount() < 6):
            raise RuntimeError("invalid FOR statement: `" + tree.getText() +

        # Check if FOR at front
        token = tree.getChild(0).getPayload()
        if (not isinstance(token, Token) or token.type != CLexer.FOR):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +

        # Check if LPAREN at front
        token = tree.getChild(1).getPayload()
        if (not isinstance(token, Token) or token.type != CLexer.LPAREN):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +

        # Check for RPAREN
        token = tree.getChild(tree.getChildCount() - 2).getPayload()
        if (not isinstance(token, Token) or token.type != CLexer.RPAREN):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" + tree.getText() +

        childIndex = 2
        semicolonIndex = 0

        initExpression = Expression(None)
        checkExpression = Expression(None)
        updateExpression = Expression(None)

        while (True):
            token = tree.getChild(childIndex).getPayload()
            if (isinstance(token, Token)):
                if (token.type == CLexer.RPAREN):
                elif (token.type == CLexer.SEMICOLON):
                    semicolonIndex += 1
                    childIndex += 1

                    if (semicolonIndex > 2):
                        raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" +
                                           tree.getText() + "'")
                    raise RuntimeError("Invalid FOR statement: '" +
                                       tree.getText() + "'")
                if (semicolonIndex == 0):
                    initExpression = self.buildExpression(
                elif (semicolonIndex == 1):
                    checkExpression = self.buildExpression(
                    updateExpression = self.buildExpression(

                childIndex += 1

        # build statement
        statement = self.buildStatement(tree.getChild(tree.getChildCount() -

        return ForStatement(initExpression, checkExpression, updateExpression,
                            statement, self.sym)
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, variable):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.variable = variable

        self.basetype = self.variable.basetype
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, variable, expression):
        Expression.__init__(self, None)
        self.variable = variable
        self.expression = expression

        self.basetype = self.expression.basetype
 def __init__(self, expression):
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.expression = expression
     self.basetype = self.expression.basetype
Beispiel #18
 def __init__(self, symbol):
     """Call variable call with symbol(Symbol)"""
     Expression.__init__(self, None)
     self.symbol = symbol
     self.index = None
     self.basetype = symbol.basetype