Beispiel #1
def generateExamples(dataset, predClasses):
    '''Given the entire dataset and a predicted label, print TOP_EG number of example pairs.'''
    # Init
    labels = [dataset.dict_Index_Cluster[i] for i in predClasses]
    prettyLabels = [i.replace('\n', ' ') for i in labels]
    examplesList = []
    print 'Top-{} Predicted Class-IDs:\n{}'.format(TOP_K, predClasses)
    print 'TOP-{} Predicted Class-Labels (Error-IDs and Unique Repairs):\n{}\nExamples:'.format(TOP_K, prettyLabels)

    # For each label
    numC = 0
    for label in labels:
        dataSamples = dataset.dict_ClusterRaw_DataSamples[label] # Fetch all training examples
        srcTrgtPairs = [(H.joinList(i.src, ''), H.joinList(i.trgt, '')) for i in dataSamples] # Create list of (before, after)
        topEgs = H.getTop_K(srcTrgtPairs, TOP_EG) # Sort them based on frequency and fetch Top-EG #examples

        for i in range(len(topEgs)): # For each example
            eg = topEgs[i]
            before, after = eg[0].replace('\n', ''), eg[1].replace('\n', '') # Remove new-line characters
            if before.strip() == '': before = '// Empty Line' # Deal with empty lines
            if after.strip() == '': after = '// Empty Line' # Deal with empty lines

            print 'Eg #{} class-{} before: {}'.format(i+1, predClasses[numC], before) # Print them
            print 'Eg #{} class-{} after : {}'.format(i+1, predClasses[numC], after)
        numC += 1

    # Extend to the examplesList, proportionately    
    return examplesList
Beispiel #2
def getBuggyAbsLine(codeText):
    '''Given codeText, return the buggy abstract lines (abstraction of erroneous lines) and their line numbers'''
    codeObj = Code(codeText)
    absLines = getProgAbstraction(codeObj)
    errs = codeObj.getSevereErrors()
    absLinesBuggy, lineNums = [], []

    if len(errs) > 0:
        for err in errs:
            lineNum = err.line  # Pick the first error line Num
            if lineNum > 0 and lineNum <= len(absLines):
                # If line-num reported by compiler doesn't exceeds #absLines (and is >=1)

                absLine = H.joinList(absLines[lineNum - 1], ' ')
                if lineNum not in lineNums:  # Add unique lineNum / absLine

    return absLinesBuggy, lineNums
Beispiel #3
def printProgAbstraction(fnamePath):
    codeText = open(fnamePath).read()
    codeObj = Code(codeText)
    absLines = getProgAbstraction(codeObj)
    for line in absLines:
        print H.joinList(line, ' ')
Beispiel #4
    def calcConfMat(self):
        print colored('\n\tConfusion Matrix: ...', 'magenta')
        predAtK = []

        for topK in [1, 3, 5]:
            countM, countN = 0, 0
            predClasses_Tests = self.deepModel.getPrediction(topK)

            for actClasses_bin, predClasses_bin in zip(self.y_test,
                if self.multiClass:
                    # Add +1 to index since off-by-one with dict_index2class
                    actClasses_indices = [
                        index + 1 for index in range(len(actClasses_bin))
                        if actClasses_bin[index] == 1
                    predClasses_indices = [
                        index + 1 for index in range(len(predClasses_bin))
                        if predClasses_bin[index] == 1
                    actClasses_indices, predClasses_indices = [
                    ], predClasses_bin

                actClasses = [
                    for index in actClasses_indices
                predClasses = [
                    for index in predClasses_indices

                for actClass in actClasses:
                    if actClass in predClasses:  # True-Positive
                        countM += 1
                        if topK == 1:  # Conf Matrix only for Pred@1
                            self.confMatrix[actClass].truePos += 1

                    else:  # False-Negative: Not predicted at all
                        countN += 1
                        if topK == 1:  # Conf Matrix only for Pred@1
                            self.confMatrix[actClass].falseNeg += 1

                            for predClass in predClasses:  # Add all confusion labels

                if topK == 1:  # Conf Matrix only for Pred@1
                    for predClass in predClasses:
                        if predClass not in actClasses:  # False-Positive: Predicted, but falsely
                            self.confMatrix[predClass].falsePos += 1

            if topK == 1:  # Conf Matrix only for Pred@1
                sortedConfMat = [
                    self.confMatrix[i] for i in self.getSortedConfMat()[0]
                strConf = H.joinList(sortedConfMat)

            prec_at_k = round(100 * float(countM) / (countM + countN), 2)
            print 'Pred@{}= {}'.format(topK, prec_at_k)

        return strConf, predAtK
Beispiel #5
 def __str__(self):
     return H.joinList(self.abstractTokens, ' ')