#Fight_Story.connect(One, {}, Two)
#Fight_Story.connect(Two, {}, Three)
#Fight_Story.connect(Three, {}, Four)
#Fight_Rule = RewriteRule(None, Fight, Fight_Story, None, "Fight")
# MurderBlackmailer Skeleton

# Social Condition
A = SocialNode("Invoker", {"type" : "NPC", "alive" : True})
B = SocialNode("Recipient", {"type" : "NPC", "alive" : True})

MurderBlackmailer = Graph("MurderBlackmailer", [A, B])
MurderBlackmailer.connect(A, {"Blackmail" : "N/A"}, B)

# Social Outcomes

# Player Movement
mod_a = {"Method" : {"name" : SocialNode.move_player_to_node, "self" : {"ref" : "Player"}, "args" : [{"ref" : "Invoker"}]}}
Move_1 = [mod_a]

mod_a = {"Method" : {"name" : SocialNode.move_player_to_node, "self" : {"ref" : "Player"}, "args" : [{"ref" : "Recipient"}]}}
Move_2 = [mod_a]

# Kill Victim
mod_1 = {"Method" : {"name" : SocialNode.murder, "self" : {"ref" : "Recipient"}, "args" : [{"ref" : "Player"}]}}
#Spare = StoryNode("Spare", {"Node_Type" : "Sympathy", "Additional" : "Branched_Node"}, Target)
#Ambush_Story_Outcome = StoryGraph("Ambush_By_Hater_Story_Outcome", [Murder, Ambush, Spare])
#Ambush_Story_Outcome.connect(Murder, {}, Ambush)
#Ambush_Rule = RewriteRule(Ambush_Story_Condition, Ambush_Social_Condition, Ambush_Story_Outcome, None, "Ambush_By_Hater", True)
# Ambush Skeleton

# Social Condition
Monster = SocialNode("Monster", {"alive": True})
Recipient = SocialNode("Recipient", {"alive" : True})

Ambush_Social_Condition = Graph("Stolen_Gift_Social_Condition", [Monster, Recipient])
Ambush_Social_Condition.connect(Monster, {"Hates" : "N/A"}, Recipient)
# Social Modification
# Story Condition
Murder = StoryNode("Give_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Give_Item"}, Recipient)
Ambush_Story_Condition = StoryGraph("Stolen_Gift_Condition", [Murder])

# Story Outcome
Spare = StoryNode("Stolen_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Robbery", "Additional" : "Branched_Node"}, Monster)
Foigh = StoryNode("Fight_For_Gift", {"Node_Type" : "Fight", "Additional" : "Branched_Node"}, Monster)
Beispiel #3
	def applyRule(self, chosen_results, social_results, narrative):
		#Get the rule from our chosen results
		chosen_rule = chosen_results[1]

		#Get the new story nodes from our results
		resulting_story_nodes = choice(chosen_results[0])
		#Get the resulting story nodes for our rewrite
		result = choice(social_results)

		#Get the social condition from our rule
		social_condition = chosen_rule.get_social_condition()
		#Add any new cast members necessary
		for i in range(len(result)):
			if not social_condition.get_nodes()[i].get_name() in narrative.get_cast():
				narrative.add_cast(social_condition.get_nodes()[i].get_name(), result[i])
		story_modification = chosen_rule.get_story_modification()

		#Make our new graph
		nodes = []
		for node in story_modification.get_nodes():
			target = narrative.get_cast()[node.get_target().get_name()]
			new_node = node.Copy_Story_Node()
			new_node.add_attribute("Target", target.get_name())

		new_graph = Graph("Temp", nodes)
		adj = story_modification.get_adjacency()
		for row in range(len(adj)):
			for col in range(len(adj)):
				if adj[row][col] == 1:
					adj[col][row] = 0
					new_graph.connect(nodes[row], {}, nodes[col])
		backup_narrative = narrative.Copy()
		narrative.replace_node_with_new(narrative.get_node_from_name(resulting_story_nodes[0].get_name()), new_graph)

		print "Validating Final Story\n"

		if self._verbose:
			print self._divider
			for node in narrative.get_nodes():
				print "Preconditions for " + node.get_name()
				for con in node.get_preconditions():
					print con
				print "\nPostconditions for " + node.get_name()
				for con in node.get_postconditions():
					print con
				print "\nLost Conditions for " + node.get_name()
				for con in node.get_lostconditions():
					print con	
				print "\n" + self._divider	
		valid = narrative.validate_story()
		if not valid:
			print "INVALID STORY"
			self._invalids += 1
			print "VALIDS = " + str(self._valids)
			print "INVALIDS = " + str(self._invalids)
			return backup_narrative
			print "VALID STORY"
			self._valids += 1
			print "VALIDS = " + str(self._valids)
			print "INVALIDS = " + str(self._invalids)
			return narrative
Beispiel #4
    def applyRule(self, chosen_results, social_results, narrative):

        #Get the rule from our chosen results
        chosen_rule = chosen_results[1]

        #Get the new story nodes from our results
        resulting_story_nodes = choice(chosen_results[0])

        #Get the resulting story nodes for our rewrite
        result = choice(social_results)

        #Get the social condition from our rule
        social_condition = chosen_rule.get_social_condition()

        #Add any new cast members necessary
        for i in range(len(result)):
            if not social_condition.get_nodes()[i].get_name(
            ) in narrative.get_cast():

        story_modification = chosen_rule.get_story_modification()

        #Make our new graph
        nodes = []
        for node in story_modification.get_nodes():
            target = narrative.get_cast()[node.get_target().get_name()]
            new_node = node.Copy_Story_Node()
            new_node.add_attribute("Target", target.get_name())

        new_graph = Graph("Temp", nodes)

        adj = story_modification.get_adjacency()
        for row in range(len(adj)):
            for col in range(len(adj)):
                if adj[row][col] == 1:
                    adj[col][row] = 0
                    new_graph.connect(nodes[row], {}, nodes[col])

        backup_narrative = narrative.Copy()



        print "Validating Final Story\n"

        if self._verbose:
            print self._divider
            for node in narrative.get_nodes():

                print "Preconditions for " + node.get_name()
                for con in node.get_preconditions():
                    print con
                print "\nPostconditions for " + node.get_name()
                for con in node.get_postconditions():
                    print con
                print "\nLost Conditions for " + node.get_name()
                for con in node.get_lostconditions():
                    print con
                print "\n" + self._divider

        valid = narrative.validate_story()
        if not valid:
            print "INVALID STORY"
            self._invalids += 1
            print "VALIDS = " + str(self._valids)
            print "INVALIDS = " + str(self._invalids)
            return backup_narrative
            print "VALID STORY"
            self._valids += 1
            print "VALIDS = " + str(self._valids)
            print "INVALIDS = " + str(self._invalids)
            return narrative