def __init__(self, *, num_res_return: int = 10, root: TrieNode = None, connect_to_db: bool = True, testing: bool = False, node_count: int = 1): """ :param num_res_return: maximum number of results to return to user :param root: Trienode :param connect_to_db: True if server is connected to a database :param testing: True if server constructed in test scripts """ self.__class__.server_index += 1 if connect_to_db: self.db = Database.DatabaseHandler() self._selector = self.db.graph.nodes # get node matcher if root is None: self.__root = TrieNode(prefix='', is_word=False) else: self.__root = root self.vocab = set() self.node_count = node_count self.search_count = 0 # tracking number of search before performing trie update self.testing = testing # displays at most 10 terms in history self.search_history = deque(maxlen=10) # Logging facilities if not testing: with open('logging.config', 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) logging.config.dictConfig(config) self.logger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db') self.insertLogger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db.insert') with open('data/5000_most_freq_words.csv') as csv_file: words_reader = csv.reader(csv_file) for row in words_reader: _, _, word, freq, _ = row freq = int(freq) self.__insert(word, isword=True, count=freq, from_db=True) else: self.word_dictionary = set() self._num_res_return = num_res_return self.spell_checker = Spell()
def __insert(self, word, isword=True, count=0, from_db=False): """ This method inserts a word into the trie. This method should be hidden from user. Only method build_trie() and search() should call this method. So we make it internal. :param word: str :param isword: bool :param count: number of times word is searched :param from_db: True if the method is called by build_trie() :return: Trie node which correspond to the word inserted """ # if word in Trie.english_words: # self.vocab.add(word) cur = self.__root for char in word: if char not in cur.children: self.node_count += 1 cur.children[char] = TrieNode(prefix=cur.prefix + char, parent=cur) cur = cur.children[char] cur.isWord = isword if from_db: cur.count = 0 cur.set_total_counts(count) else: cur.count += 1 if not self.testing: # self.insertLogger.debug('Insert used for {word}'.format(word=word)) self.insertLogger.debug(f'Insert used for {word}') return cur
def build_trie(node, num_children, index): nonlocal root, node_count if num_children == 0: return index for _ in range(num_children): _prefix, _isword, _top_results, _num_children_str = s[index] # create new TrieNode _isword = True if _isword == '1' else False _top_results = Server.__counter_deserialization(_top_results) new_node = TrieNode(prefix=_prefix, is_word=_isword) new_node.top_results = _top_results new_node.parent = node if node: node.children[_prefix[-1]] = new_node if index == 0: root = new_node node_count += 1 index = build_trie(new_node, int(_num_children_str), index + 1) return index
def __init__(self, num_res_return=10, root=None, connect_to_db=True, testing=False, node_count=1): """ :param num_res_return: maximum number of results to return to user :param root: Trienode :param connect_to_db: True if server is connected to a database :param testing: True if server constructed in test scripts """ self.__class__.server_index += 1 if connect_to_db: self.db = Database.DatabaseHandler() self._selector = self.db.graph.nodes # get node matcher if root is None: self.__root = TrieNode(prefix='', is_word=False) else: self.__root = root self.vocab = set() self.node_count = node_count self.search_count = 0 # tracking number of search before performing trie update # Logging facilities if not testing: with open('logging.config', 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) logging.config.dictConfig(config) self.logger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db') self.insertLogger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db.insert') else: self.word_dictionary = set() self.testing = testing self._num_res_return = num_res_return self.spell_checker = Spell()
class Server: """Server class for auto-complete system This class creates application server for performing auto-complete functionality. Main API search(str) searches a term in server and returns top results to the user. New servers can be established from Neo4j database which stores historical search data. Results may be outdated before calling update trie function. Attributes: Server.server_index: int index for the application server created Server.server_update_frequency: int frequency for controlling how often servers write to database """ server_index = 0 server_update_frequency = 1 def __init__(self, num_res_return=10, root=None, connect_to_db=True, testing=False, node_count=1): """ :param num_res_return: maximum number of results to return to user :param root: Trienode :param connect_to_db: True if server is connected to a database :param testing: True if server constructed in test scripts """ self.__class__.server_index += 1 if connect_to_db: self.db = Database.DatabaseHandler() self._selector = self.db.graph.nodes # get node matcher if root is None: self.__root = TrieNode(prefix='', is_word=False) else: self.__root = root self.vocab = set() self.node_count = node_count self.search_count = 0 # tracking number of search before performing trie update # Logging facilities if not testing: with open('logging.config', 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) logging.config.dictConfig(config) self.logger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db') self.insertLogger = logging.getLogger('Trie_db.insert') else: self.word_dictionary = set() self.testing = testing self._num_res_return = num_res_return self.spell_checker = Spell() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return f"Trie application server with {self.node_count} nodes" def __len__(self): """ Return number of nodes in the Trie :return: int """ return self.node_count def __bool__(self): """ Return True if Trie is non-empty :return: bool """ return self.node_count > 1 def __getitem__(self, item): return # accessor for num_res_return @property def num_res_return(self): return self._num_res_return @num_res_return.setter def num_res_return(self, val): self.__set_num_res_return(val) def __set_num_res_return(self, val): if val < 1: raise ReturnResultValueLessThanOne( 'should return at least 1 result.') self._num_res_return = val def app_reset(self): self.__init__() @classmethod def _get_num_server_instances(cls): return cls.server_index def top_results(self, num_results=10): res = self.__root.top_results.most_common(num_results) return [word for word, count in res] def build_db(self): """ This method removes data from database and build new graph with in-memory data in application server. :return: None """ self.db.graph.delete_all( ) # delete all existing nodes and relationships queue = deque() tx = self.db.graph.begin()'Start updating database.') node = Node( 'TrieNode', 'ROOT', isword=False, name='', ) node['count'] = self.__root.total_counts() tx.create(node) # create root in neo4j queue.append((node, self.__root)) count = 0 while queue: db_node, cur = queue.popleft() for child in cur.children: prefix = cur.children[child].prefix db_node_child = Node('TrieNode', name=prefix, isword=cur.children[child].isWord, count=cur.children[child].total_counts()) queue.append((db_node_child, cur.children[child])) tx.create(db_node_child) count += 1 tx.create(Database.Parent(db_node, db_node_child)) tx.commit() if not self.testing: #'Finished building database. Number of nodes created is {count}'.format(count=count)) f'Finished building database. Number of nodes created is {count}' ) if self.testing and tx.finished():'Transaction finished.') def update_db(self): """ Update database with latest application server usage :return: None """ root = self.__root g = self.db.graph def dfs(node, parent): """update node info to database""" if not node: return db_node = self._selector.match('TrieNode', name=node.prefix).first() if not db_node: tx = g.begin() db_node = Node('TrieNode', name=node.prefix, isword=node.isWord, count=node.total_counts()) tx.create(db_node) parent_db_node = self._selector.match( 'TrieNode', name=parent.prefix).first() tx.create(Database.Parent(parent_db_node, db_node)) tx.commit() else: db_node['count'] = node.total_counts() g.push(db_node) for child in node.children: dfs(node.children[child], node) dfs(root, None) def build_trie(self): """ This method builds trie server with TrieNode-labeled nodes from the database. Improves run-time by only insert complete words. :return: None """ self.app_reset() root = self._selector.match('ROOT').first() graph = self.db.graph def dfs(node): prefix, isword, count = node['name'], node['isword'], node['count'] if isword: self.__insert(prefix, isword, from_db=True, count=count) # find all parent-children relationships for rel in graph.match(nodes=[node], r_type=Database.Parent): if rel is not None: dfs(rel.nodes[1]) dfs(root) self.update_top_results() def __insert(self, word, isword=True, count=0, from_db=False): """ This method inserts a word into the trie. This method should be hidden from user. Only method build_trie() and search() should call this method. So we make it internal. :param word: str :param isword: bool :param count: number of times word is searched :param from_db: True if the method is called by build_trie() :return: Trie node which correspond to the word inserted """ # if word in Trie.english_words: # self.vocab.add(word) cur = self.__root for char in word: if char not in cur.children: self.node_count += 1 cur.children[char] = TrieNode(prefix=cur.prefix + char, parent=cur) cur = cur.children[char] cur.isWord = isword if from_db: cur.count = 0 cur.set_total_counts(count) else: cur.count += 1 if not self.testing: # self.insertLogger.debug('Insert used for {word}'.format(word=word)) self.insertLogger.debug(f'Insert used for {word}') return cur def delete(self, term): """ Search the specified term and delete the node if found. Also delete nodes in the subtree. :param term: str :return: None """ target_node = self.__root for letter in term: if letter not in target_node.children: return target_node = target_node.children[letter] # if target node is not a word, meaning that the term does not exist if not target_node.isWord: return words_to_del, total_deleted = Server.__delete_helper(target_node) self.node_count -= total_deleted # delete subtree rooted at the node contains the term last_letter = term[-1] target_node.parent.children.pop(last_letter) # delete parent nodes that do not contain whole term start_node = target_node.parent while start_node and start_node.parent and not start_node.isWord: last_letter = start_node.prefix[-1] start_node.parent.children.pop(last_letter) self.node_count -= 1 start_node = start_node.parent # remove all deleted terms from the top results of parent nodes of the target node while start_node: for word in words_to_del: start_node.top_results.pop(word, None) start_node = start_node.parent @staticmethod def __delete_helper(node): """ Breadth-first search to find all children nodes that are words :param node: TrieNode root of subtree :return: set(str), int terms delete and total number of nodes deleted """ q = deque([node]) res = set() node_count = 0 while q: cur = q.popleft() node_count += 1 if cur.isWord: res.add(cur.prefix) for _, child in cur.children.items(): q.append(child) return res, node_count def search(self, search_term): """ API for clients to get a list of top suggestions. The input may be a sentence, with words separated by space. Search top results for entire sentence may not make sense. Current design returns top results only based on last word in a sentence. :param search_term: str :return: List[str] """ if not isinstance(search_term, str): raise TypeError("{} is not a string".format(search_term)) # last_node = None # if search_term == '': # last_node = self.root _words = search_term.lower().split() if len(_words) == 0: return [] # for word in _words: # last_node = self.__insert(word, from_db=False) _word_lists = [] for word in _words: # The replacement takes care of cases of both valid and invalid words replacements = self.spell_checker.most_likely_replacements( word, num_res=2) _word_lists.append(replacements) replacement_list = [] Server.__search_helper(_word_lists, 0, [], replacement_list) result = [] candidates = [] for words in replacement_list: last_node = self.__insert(' '.join(words), from_db=False) candidates.append(last_node) self.search_count += 1 if self.search_count >= Server.server_update_frequency: self.search_count = 0 self.update_top_results() # result = [word[0] for word in last_node.top_results.most_common(self.num_res_return)] for node in candidates: result.extend(node.top_results.most_common(self.num_res_return)) res = [ word_freq[0] for word_freq in sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[1]) ] return res[:self.num_res_return] @staticmethod def __search_helper(word_list, idx, path, res): if idx == len(word_list): res.append(list(path)) return for word in word_list[idx]: path.append(word) Server.__search_helper(word_list, idx + 1, path, res) path.pop() def update_top_results(self): """ This method builds top suggestion results from bottom up. :return: None """ def dfs(node): if len(node.children) == 0: Server.update_parent_new(node, Counter()) return for child in node.children: dfs(node.children[child]) dfs(self.__root) @staticmethod def update_parent_new(node, d): if node.isWord: d[node.prefix] = node.count node.count = 0 # temp = node.total_counts() node.top_results.update(d) # node.set_total_counts(temp) if node.parent: Server.update_parent_new(node.parent, d) @classmethod def path_compression(cls, server): """ Compress redundant paths by finding nodes having single child node :param server: Server :return: None """ root = server.__root for child, node in root.children.items(): Server.__compress(node) @staticmethod def __combine(parent): for child, node in parent.children.items(): parent.prefix = node.prefix parent.children = node.children parent.isWord = node.isWord return parent @staticmethod def __compress(node): if len(node.children) == 0: return while not node.isWord and len(node.children) == 1: node = Server.__combine(node) for child, child_node in node.children.items(): Server.__compress(child_node) @staticmethod def __counter_serialization(cnt, num_results_to_serialize=10): """ Serialize top 10 results from counter to string :param cnt: collections.Counter :param num_results_to_serialize: number of top results to serialize :return: str """ top_res = cnt.most_common(num_results_to_serialize) res = [] for term, cnt in top_res: term = '_'.join(term.split()) res.extend([term, str(cnt)]) return " ".join(res) @staticmethod def __counter_deserialization(s): """ Convert serialized Counter to object :param s: str :return: collections.Counter """ counts = s.split() idx = 0 counter = Counter() while idx < len(counts): term = ' '.join(counts[idx].split('_')) counter[term] = int(counts[idx + 1]) idx += 2 return counter def server_serialization(self, num_results_to_serialize=10): """ Serialize the trie server. Records information such as prefix, isWord, number of child nodes and serialized top results. The purpose of this function is for rebuilding Trie in case of server failure. :return: List[List[str]] """ def dfs(node): nonlocal data if node is None: return top_results = Server.__counter_serialization( node.top_results, num_results_to_serialize=num_results_to_serialize, ) isword = '1' if node.isWord else '0' data.append( [node.prefix, isword, top_results, str(len(node.children))]) for child in node.children: dfs(node.children[child]) data = [] dfs(self.__root) return data @staticmethod def server_deserialization(s, connect_to_db=False, testing=False): """ Trie server deserialization :param s: List[List[str]], serialized Trie server :param connect_to_db: True if connect to database :param testing: True if in testing mode :return: Server """ node_count = 0 def build_trie(node, num_children, index): nonlocal root, node_count if num_children == 0: return index for _ in range(num_children): _prefix, _isword, _top_results, _num_children_str = s[index] # create new TrieNode _isword = True if _isword == '1' else False _top_results = Server.__counter_deserialization(_top_results) new_node = TrieNode(prefix=_prefix, is_word=_isword) new_node.top_results = _top_results new_node.parent = node if node: node.children[_prefix[-1]] = new_node if index == 0: root = new_node node_count += 1 index = build_trie(new_node, int(_num_children_str), index + 1) return index root = None build_trie(None, 1, 0) return Server(root=root, connect_to_db=connect_to_db, testing=testing, node_count=node_count)