def onFail(self, step):
        Override Analysis.onFail() to include galaxy specific things
        #if self.dryRun:
        self.printPaths(log=step.log)  # For posterity
        step.log.out('')  # skip a lineline
        self.runCmd('ls -l ' + step.dir, dryRun=False, log=step.log)

        retVal = Analysis.onFail(self, step)
        if retVal > 255:  # This case has been returning 0 !!!
            retVal = 55
        if retVal == 0:
            retVal = 1  # Must fail!
        return retVal
    def onFail(self, step):
        Override Analysis.onFail() to include galaxy specific things
        #if self.dryRun:
        self.printPaths(log=step.log)   # For posterity
        step.log.out('') # skip a lineline
        self.runCmd('ls -l ' + step.dir, dryRun=False, log=step.log)

        retVal = Analysis.onFail(self,step)
        if retVal > 255:  # This case has been returning 0 !!!
            retVal = 55
        if retVal == 0:
            retVal = 1    # Must fail!
        return retVal
 def onFail(self, step):
     Analysis.onFail(self, step)
     raise Exception('just failing')
 def onFail(self, step):
     Analysis.onFail(self, step)
     raise Exception('just failing')