def show_add_item_menu(get_key: str) -> None: data = get_cats(DbController.instance().get_all_rows(get_key, '*'), action='delete') current_names = [item['name'] for item in data] schema = {k.lower(): type(v) for (k, v) in data[0].items()} validation = { 'all': { 'min_length': 1, 'cancel_on': '0', 'fg': 'Blue' }, 'name': { 'unique': current_names } } is_looping = True while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(data) new_dict = dict_builder(schema, ['id', 'basket'], validation=validation) if not new_dict: return DbController.instance().insert(get_key, new_dict) clear() data = get_cats(DbController.instance().get_all_rows(get_key, '*'), action='delete') dicts_to_table(data) if input( fmt_string( 'Item SuccessFully Added. Would You Like To Add Another?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')) == 'n': is_looping = False
def view_logs(): clear() list_to_table([item for item in reversed(LOG_LEVELS.keys())], 'Levels', enumerate=True) log_level = get_validated_input('Please Select A Log Level: \n', int, fg='Blue', is_present=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) data = [] try: with open('./data/log.log', 'r') as log_file: data = log_file.readlines() except Exception as err: log('critical', str(err)) rows = [] for row in data: temp_row = {} temp_split = row.split(' @ ') t = datetime.strptime(temp_split[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') temp_row['time'] = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') temp_rest = temp_split[1] rest_split = temp_rest.split(': ') temp_row['type'] = rest_split[0].lower() msg = rest_split[1].strip() max_length = int(os.get_terminal_size().columns * 0.65) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=max_length) wrapped = '\n'.join(wrapper.wrap(msg)) temp_row['message'] = wrapped if LOG_LEVELS[temp_row['type']] >= log_level: rows.append(temp_row) dicts_to_table(rows, enumerated=True) input()
def show_update_item_menu(get_key: str) -> None: data = get_cats(DbController.instance().get_all_rows(get_key, '*'), action='delete') current_ids = [item['id'] for item in data] schema = {k.lower(): type(v) for (k, v) in data[0].items()} validation = {'all': {'min_length': 1, 'cancel_on': '0', 'fg': 'Blue'}} is_looping = True while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(data) id = get_validated_input('Please Enter An ID To Edit: ', int, fg='Blue', min_length=1, is_present=current_ids, cancel_on='0') if not id: return new_dict = dict_builder(schema, ['id', 'items'], validation=validation) if not new_dict: return DbController.instance().update(get_key, id, new_dict) clear() data = get_cats(DbController.instance().get_all_rows(get_key, '*'), action='delete') dicts_to_table(data) if input( fmt_string( 'Item SuccessFully Added. Would You Like To Add Another?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')) == 'n': is_looping = False
def search_table(table: str): clear() term = get_validated_input('Please Enter A Search Term: ', fg='Blue') if table == 'orders': data = DbController.instance().search_joined_table( table='orders o', term=term, fields=[ '', '', 'o.address', 'o.area', '', ' AS Courier', 's.code AS status' ], targets=['couriers courier', 'status s'], conditions=[' = o.courier', ' = o.status']) else: data = get_cats(DbController.instance().search_table(table, term), action='join') if len(data) > 0: dicts_to_table(data) else: print(fmt_string('No Results Found', fg='White', bg='Red')) input(fmt_string('Press Enter To Continue', fg='Green'))
def show_update_status_menu() -> None: data = get_order_data() current_ids = [order['id'] for order in data] is_looping = True while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(data) index = get_validated_input('Please Select An Id To Update: ', int, fg='Blue', cancel_on='0', is_present=current_ids) if not index: is_looping = False continue status_list = DbController.instance().get_all_rows( 'status', 'id, code') current_row = DbController.instance().get_rows_where( 'orders', '*', 'id', index)[0] clear() dicts_to_table(data) print(fmt_string(f'\nUpdating Order {index}...', fg='Cyan')) dicts_to_table(status_list) status_index = get_validated_input(f'Please Select A New Status: ', int, fg='Blue', min_length=0, max_value=len(status_list), min_value=1, cancel_on='0') if not status_index: continue current_row['status'] = status_index DbController.instance().update('orders', index, current_row) data = get_order_data() clear() dicts_to_table(data) if input( fmt_string( 'Status SuccessFully Updated. Would You Like To Update Another?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')) == 'n': is_looping = False continue
def print_order_view(): is_looping = True data = get_order_data() # Get ID's of current orders to ensure that a valid one is selected current_ids = [ item['id'] for item in DbController.instance().get_column('orders', 'id') ] while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(data, paginate=True) index = get_validated_input( 'Please Select An Id To View (-1 To Sort): ', int, fg='Blue', cancel_on='0', is_present=current_ids + [-1]) if index == False: is_looping = False continue if index == -1: clear() dicts_to_table(data, paginate=False) # Get a list of the current coloum names to be used in a sort order sort_on_keys = list(data[0].keys()) list_to_table(sort_on_keys, 'Available Sorts', enumerate=True) sort_key = get_validated_input( 'What Would You Like To Sort By [id]? ', int, fg='Blue', min_value=1, max_value=len(sort_on_keys), cancel_on=0) # Status sorts on id not named string so set this if status is selected data = get_order_data(sort_key if sort_key != 7 else 'o.status') continue for order in data: if order['id'] == index: clear() show_order_detail_menu(order)
def show_add_order_menu() -> None: display_data = get_order_data() schema = {k.lower(): type(v) for (k, v) in display_data[0].items()} validation = {'all': {'min_length': 1, 'cancel_on': '0', 'fg': 'Blue'}} is_looping = True while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(display_data) new_dict = dict_builder(schema, ['id', 'courier', 'status'], validation) if not new_dict: return clear() dicts_to_table(display_data) print(fmt_string('\nOrder Complete!', fg='Green')) dicts_to_table([new_dict], headers=list(display_data[0].keys())[1:-2]) if input(fmt_string('Does This Look Correct?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')).lower() == 'n': continue DbController.instance().insert('orders', new_dict) clear() display_data = get_order_data() dicts_to_table(display_data) if input( fmt_string( 'Item SuccessFully Added. Would You Like To Add Another?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')) == 'n': is_looping = False
def get_order_totals(): data = DbController.instance().call_proc('get_order_totals') clear() print(fmt_string('Viewing: TOTALS BY ORDER', fg='Cyan')) dicts_to_table(data) input(fmt_string('Press ENTER To Continue', fg='Green'))
def update_catagory_mapping(): is_in_cat = True while is_in_cat: cats = DbController.instance().get_all_rows('catagories', '*') cat_ids = [item['id'] for item in cats] clear() dicts_to_table(cats) selected_catagory = get_validated_input( 'Please Select A Catagory To Update: ', int, fg='Blue', is_present=cat_ids, cancel_on='0') if not selected_catagory: is_in_cat = False continue is_editing = True while is_editing: data = DbController.instance().get_rows_where( 'products', 'name, id', 'catagory', selected_catagory) product_ids = [ item['id'] for item in DbController.instance().get_all_rows( 'products', 'id') ] list_names = ['*' + item['name'] for item in data] list_ids = [item['id'] for item in data] clear() list_to_table(list_names, "Current Menu", max_length=3) dicts_to_table(get_cats(DbController.instance().get_all_rows( 'products', '*')), paginate=True, page_length=10, on_clear=lambda: list_to_table( list_names, "Current Menu", max_length=3)) selected_item = get_validated_input( 'Please Select An Item To Add: ', int, fg='Blue', is_present=product_ids, cancel_on='0', cancel_text='GO BACK') if not selected_item: is_editing = False continue if selected_catagory == 9 and selected_item in list_ids: input( fmt_string( 'That Item Is Already In This Menu, But You Can Not Remove From The Default Menu', fg='White', bg='Red')) continue elif selected_item in list_ids: if input( fmt_string( 'That Item Is Already In This Menu. Would You Like To Remove It [y/n]? \n', fg='White', bg='Red')) == 'y': DbController.instance().update('products', selected_item, {'catagory': 9}) else: DbController.instance().update('products', selected_item, {'catagory': selected_catagory})
def select_order_items(order_id) -> None: current_basket = list(DbController.instance().get_joins_where( source='basket b', fields=['', '', 'b.quantity'], targets=['products p'], conditions=['b.item ='], where=f'b.order_id = {order_id}')) current_rows = DbController.instance().get_rows_where( 'basket', '*', 'order_id', order_id) current_ids = [item['item'] for item in current_rows] catagories = DbController.instance().get_all_rows('catagories', '*') catagory_ids = [cat['id'] for cat in catagories] to_update = [] to_insert = [] to_delete = [] is_in_cat = True while is_in_cat: clear() if len(current_basket) > 0: dicts_to_table(current_basket) print(fmt_string(f'Updating Basket For Order {order_id}...', fg='Cyan')) dicts_to_table(catagories) catagory = get_validated_input('Please Select A Catagory: ', int, fg='Blue', is_present=catagory_ids, cancel_on='0', cancel_text='SKIP') if not catagory: is_in_cat = False continue is_in_product = True while (is_in_product): clear() # Reconcile duplicate records -> only affects locally if len(current_basket) > 0: for i in range(len(current_basket) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(current_basket)): if current_basket[i]['id'] == current_basket[j]['id']: current_basket[i]['quantity'] += current_basket[j][ 'quantity'] del current_basket[j] if current_basket[i]['quantity'] <= 0: del current_basket[i] dicts_to_table(current_basket) products = DbController.instance().get_rows_where( 'products', 'id, name', 'catagory', catagory) product_ids = [item['id'] for item in products] print( fmt_string(f'Updating Basket For Order {order_id}...', fg='Cyan')) dicts_to_table(products) product = get_validated_input('Please Select An Item: ', int, fg='Blue', is_present=product_ids, cancel_on='0', cancel_text='GO BACK') if not product: is_in_product = False continue quantity = get_validated_input('Please Enter A Quantity: ', int, fg='Blue', cancel_on='0', cancel_text='GO BACK') if product in current_ids: for item in current_rows: if item['item'] == product: if item['quantity'] + quantity <= 0: to_delete.append(item) current_rows.remove(item) for row in current_basket: print(row['id'], product) if row['id'] == product: current_basket.remove(row) else: item['quantity'] += quantity to_update.append(item) for row in current_basket: if row['id'] == product: row['quantity'] += quantity else: to_insert.append({ 'order_id': order_id, 'item': product, 'quantity': quantity }) for row in products: if row['id'] == product: current_basket.append({ 'id': product, 'name': row['name'], 'quantity': quantity }) # reconcile updates to additions -> would affect table for i in range(len(to_insert) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(to_insert)): if to_insert[i]['item'] == to_insert[j]['item']: to_insert[i]['quantity'] += to_insert[j]['quantity'] del to_insert[j] if to_insert[i]['quantity'] <= 0: del to_insert[i] for record in to_update: DbController.instance().update_where('basket', ['order_id', 'item'], [order_id, record['item']], record) for record in to_delete: DbController.instance().delete_where('basket', ['order_id', 'item'], [order_id, record['item']]) for record in to_insert: DbController.instance().insert('basket', record)
def show_update_order_menu() -> None: data = get_order_data() current_ids = [item['id'] for item in data] status_list = DbController.instance().get_all_rows('status', '*') status_ids = [status['id'] for status in status_list] courier_list = DbController.instance().get_all_rows('couriers', '*') courier_ids = [courier['id'] for courier in courier_list] is_looping = True while is_looping: clear() dicts_to_table(data) id = get_validated_input('Please Enter An ID To Edit: ', int, fg='Blue', min_length=1, is_present=current_ids, cancel_on='0') if not id: return order = DbController.instance().get_joins_where( fields=[ '', '', 'o.address', 'o.area', '', ' AS courier', 's.code AS status' ], source='orders o', targets=['couriers courier', 'status s'], conditions=[' = o.courier', ' = o.status'], where=f' = {id}', order='ORDER BY o.status') clear() dicts_to_table(order) schema = {k.lower(): type(v) for (k, v) in data[0].items()} schema['courier'] = int schema['status'] = int validation = { 'all': { 'min_length': 0, 'cancel_on': '', 'cancel_text': 'SKIP', 'fg': 'Blue' }, 'status': { 'is_present': status_ids, 'cancel_on': '0' }, 'courier': { 'is_present': courier_ids, 'cancel_on': '0' } } on_key = { 'status': [ clear, lambda: dicts_to_table(order), lambda: dicts_to_table(status_list) ], 'courier': [ clear, lambda: dicts_to_table(order), lambda: dicts_to_table(courier_list) ] } new_dict = dict_builder(schema, ['id'], validation, on_key=on_key, on_cancel='skip') if new_dict: DbController.instance().update('orders', id, new_dict) select_order_items(id) clear() data = get_order_data() dicts_to_table(data) if input( fmt_string( 'Item SuccessFully Updated. Would You Like To Update Another?[y/n]\n', fg='Green')) == 'n': is_looping = False