Beispiel #1
    def test_laod_data_read_data(self):
        client1 = Client(, self.port, timeout=5)
        client2 = Client(, self.port, timeout=5)
            client1.put("k.1", 0.25, timestamp=1)
            client2.put("k.1", 2.156, timestamp=2)
            client1.put("k.1", 0.35, timestamp=3)
            client2.put("k.2", 30, timestamp=4)
            client1.put("k.2", 40, timestamp=5)
            client1.put("k.2", 41, timestamp=5)
        except Exception as err:
                False, f"Ошибка вызова client.put(...) {err.__class__}: {err}")

        expected_metrics = {
            "k.1": [(1, 0.25), (2, 2.156), (3, 0.35)],
            "k.2": [(4, 30.0), (5, 41.0)],
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        metrics = client1.get("*")
        self.assertTrue(metrics == expected_metrics)

        expected_metrics = {"k.2": [(4, 30.0), (5, 41.0)]}
        metrics = client2.get("k.2")
        self.assertTrue(metrics == expected_metrics)

        expected_metrics = {}
        metrics = client1.get("k.3")
        self.assertTrue(metrics == expected_metrics)
 def test_put_cmd_bad_timestamp(self):
     key = 'cpu.cpu'
     bad_stamps = [-100, -1, 0]
     value = 2
     client = Client()
     for bad_stamp in bad_stamps:
         with self.assertRaises(ClientError):
             client.put(key, value, bad_stamp)
 def test_put_cmd_bad_key(self):
     bad_keys = ['cpucpu', 'cpu cpu', 'cpu.cpu.cpu', None, '*']
     value = 2
     timestamp = 1
     client = Client()
     for bad_key in bad_keys:
         with self.assertRaises(ClientError):
             client.put(bad_key, value, timestamp)
 def test_put_cmd_bad_value(self):
     key = 'cpu.cpu'
     timestamp = 132432
     bad_values = ['434', 'fdf', '', None, 2 + 3j]
     client = Client()
     for bad_value in bad_values:
         with self.assertRaises(ClientError):
             #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
             client.put(key, bad_value, timestamp)
 def test_put_cmd_good_args(self):
     keys = ['cpu.usage', 'cpu.temp', 'mem.usage']
     timestamps = [132432, 4324, 432432432]
     values = [1, 2, 35, 2.0, -5.0, 1e6, -1e-5, -1e10]
     client = Client()
     for key in keys:
         for value in values:
             for timestamp in timestamps:
                     client.put(key, value, timestamp)
                 except ClientError:
    def test_put_sends_byte_str_command(self):
        key = 'cpu.cpu'
        value = 54.0
        timestamp = 5435433
        cmd_bytes = 'put {} {:} {:d}\n'.format(key, str(value),
        client = Client()

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        client.put(key, value, timestamp)

        sock_instance = self.MockClass.return_value

        first_call = 0
        positional_args = 0
        call_args = sock_instance.sendall.call_args_list[first_call][
        sended_str = call_args[0]
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.assertTrue(cmd_bytes == sended_str)