Beispiel #1
 def login_valid(email, password):
     user = User.get_by_email(email=email.lower())
     if user is None:
         raise user_exceptions.UserNotExistsException("The user not exists in the system.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password=password, hashed_password=user.password):
         raise user_exceptions.WrongPasswordException("The password is not correct.")
     return True
Beispiel #2
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data["password"]):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")
     return True
Beispiel #3
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one("users", {'email': email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistError("Your User Does not exist!")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your Password was Wrong!")
     return True
Beispiel #4
 def is_valid_login(username, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstant.COLLECTION, {'username':username})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserError.UserNotExist("User is not existing in the database")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserError.PasswordIncorrect("Password is not correct")
     return True
    def change_password(self):
        old_password = self.old_password_line_edit.text()
        new_password = self.new_password_line_edit.text()
        confirm_password  = self.confirm_password_line_edit.text()

        if new_password != confirm_password:
            msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(parent=self.teacher_MainWindow)
            msg_box.setText('These two new passwords you input are not same!')
            account = Account.read_account(self.teacher_id)
            if Utils.check_hashed_password(self.old_password_line_edit.text(), self.teacher_id, account.password):
                    Account.modify_account(self.teacher_id, self.new_password_line_edit.text(), 1,
                except pymysql.Error as error:
                    msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(parent=self.teacher_MainWindow)
                    msg_box.setText(f'read courses failed!\nError: {error}')
                    msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(parent=self.teacher_MainWindow)
                    msg_box.setText('Modified password successfully!')
                msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(parent=self.teacher_MainWindow)
                msg_box.setText(f'The old password you input is wrong!')
Beispiel #6
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one('users', {'email': email})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserNotExistError("No user with this email is found.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise IncorrectPasswordError("The password you entered is incorrect.")

        return True
Beispiel #7
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("User does not exist.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError(
             "The password is incorrect.")
     return True
Beispiel #8
    def is_login_valid(cls, email: str, password: str) -> bool:
        user = cls.find_by_email(email)

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user.password):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError(
                'Your password was incorrect')

        return True
Beispiel #9
 def login_valid(email, password):
     user = User.get_by_email(email)
     if user is not None:
         if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user.password):
             raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError(
                 'Your password was incorrect')
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #10
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one(collection=UserConstants.COLLECTION,  query={'email': email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user name does not exists.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password,  user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect password")
         return True
Beispiel #11
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        user = db.find_one(UserConstraints.Collection, {'email': email})
        if user is None:
            raise exc.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user['password']):
            raise exc.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password is wrong")

        return True
Beispiel #12
    def is_login_valid(username, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstant.COLLECTION,
                                      {'username': username})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserError.UserNotExistError("User is not exist")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserError.IncorrectPasswordError("Password is not correct")

        return True
Beispiel #13
 def is_login_valid(email, sha512_password):
     user_data = Database.find_one(collection='users',
                                   query={'email': email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistError("User doesn't exist.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(sha512_password,
         raise UserErrors.UserIncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect password.")
     return True
Beispiel #14
    def is_login_valid(username, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION,
                                      {"username": username})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("User not found.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect Password")

        return True
Beispiel #15
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email}) # Password is in sha512 -> pbdkf2_sha512
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password,user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
    def is_login_valid(email, password):

        user_data = Database.find_one(
            'users', {'email': email})  #password in sha512 -> pbkdf2
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError('Your user does not exists.')
        if Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password is wrong.")
        return True
Beispiel #17
 def login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = User.get_by_email(email)
     if user_data is None:
         # Tell the user their email does not exist
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("This account does not exist!")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         # Tell the user their password is wrong
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong!")
     return True
Beispiel #18
    def is_login_valid(email,password):

        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError(" User does not exist!")

        elif  not Utils.check_hashed_password(password,user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect Password")
            return True
Beispiel #19
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        query = "SELECT * FROM appusers WHERE email = \'{}\'".format(email)
        user_data = Database.find_one(query)  # Password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512
        if user_data is None:
            # Tell the user that their e-mail doesn't exist
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            # Tell the user that their password is wrong
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
Beispiel #20
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email})
        if user_data is None:
            # email tidak ada pada sistem
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError(
                "Tidak ada user yang sama dengan email")

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            # password salah
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect Password")

        return True
Beispiel #21
 def login_user(email, password):
     # provision for the root_user add encryption for the root user here
     # else put this in a config file. but figure out a way of upgrade without a complete docker exchange
     if email == 'alloons_root' and password == 'hbF_ig034':
         return True
         user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {'email': email})
         if user_data is None:
             raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("This Username Does not exist")
         if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
             raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Password Incorrect")
         return True
Beispiel #22
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     user_data = Database.find_one(
         "users", {"email": email})  # Password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512
     if user_data is None:
         # Tell the user that their e-mail doesn't exist
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError(
             "In order to log in,you need to register first.")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         # Tell the user that their password is wrong
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError(
             "Your password was wrong.Please try again.")
     return True
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        ##this method verifies an email password combo
        ## email : user email
        ## password : hashed password
        ## param :
        user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserError('Your user does not exist.')

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.UserError('Your password was wrong.')

        return True
Beispiel #24
    def is_login_valid(email, password):

        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstant.COLLECTION, {'email':email})

        if user_data is None:

            raise UserError.UserNotExistError("User doesn't exist")

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):

            raise UserError.IncorrectPasswordError("Password is not correct")

        return True
Beispiel #25
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     :param email: 
     :param password: 
     user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistError('Your user does not exist')
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError(
             'your password is not correct')
     return True
Beispiel #26
 def login_valid(email, password):
     This method verifies that an email/pw combo is valid
     :param email: user's email
     :param password: a sha512 hashed password
     :return: true if valid else false
     user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION,
                                   {"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistError("Your user does not exist")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong")
     return True
Beispiel #27
    def is_valid_login(email, password):
        This method verifies that an email/password combo sent by the site forms is valid or not
        Chekcs that the email exists and the password associated to the email
        user_data = Database.find_one(
            'users', {'email': email})  #Password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist!")

        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.InCorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
Beispiel #28
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     This Method verifies that an email/password combo(as sent by the site form) is valid or not,
      Checks that the e-mail exists, and that the password associated to the email is correct.
     :param email: The User's email
     :param password: The sha512 hashed password
     :return: True if valid, False otherwise
     user_data = Database.find_one('users', {"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         #Tell the user that their e-mail doesn't exist
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         #Tells the user that their password is wrong
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong")
Beispiel #29
 def is_login_valid(email, password):
     :param email: the user's email
     :param password: the password(for security)
     #the password in the database is of pbkdf2_sha512
     #the password from user is sha512
     user_data = Database.find_one(collection=UserConstant.COLLECTION,
                                   query={"email": email})
     if user_data is None:
         raise UserErrors.UserNotExistError("User not exist")
     if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
         raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Password not correct")
     return True
Beispiel #30
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        This method verifies that an email/password combo (as sent by the site forms) is valid or not.
        :param email: The admin's email
        :param password: A sha512 hashed password
        :return: True if valid, False otherwise

        pw = os.environ.get('ADMIN_PASSWORD')
        if email != os.environ.get('ADMIN_EMAIL'):
            raise AdminErrors.InvalidEmailError('Invalid email')
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, pw):
            raise AdminErrors.IncorrectPasswordError('Incorrect password')

        return True
Beispiel #31
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        This method verifies that an email/pw combo is valid or not
        :param email: User email
        :param password: A sha512 hashed pw
        :return True/False
        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION,
                                      {'email': email})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
Beispiel #32
    def validate_login(email, password):
        Validates the login with email and password
        Check if the email's is on the db and if it's associated with that password
        :param email: The string of user email
        :param password: sha512 password hash
        :return: True if it matched or False if else
        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, query={"email": email})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotFoundException("User not found!")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.WrongPassword("Wrong password!")

        return True
Beispiel #33
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        This method verifies that an e-mail/password combo (sent by the website form) is valid or not
        Checks that the email exists & password is correct
        :param email: User's email
        :param password: a sha512 hashed password
        :return: true if valid, false otherwise
        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {"email":email})
        if user_data is None:
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
Beispiel #34
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        user_data = Database.find_one(AdminConstants.COLLECTION, {"email": email})

        if user_data is None:
            raise AdminErrors.AdminNotExistError("Your email or password is wrong. <br>"
                                                 "Contact your admin if you need help"
                                                 "accessing your account.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            raise AdminErrors.AdminPasswordNotCorrect("Your email or password is wrong. "
                                                      "Contact your admin if you need help"
                                                      "accessing your account.")

        return True
Beispiel #35
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        This method verifies that an e-mail/password combo (as sent by the site forms) is valid or not.
        Checks that the e-mail exists, and that the password associated to that e-mail is correct.
        :param email: The user's email
        :param password: A sha512 hashed password
        :return: True if valid, False otherwise
        user_data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email})  # Password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512
        if user_data is None:
            # Tell the user that their e-mail doesn't exist
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.")
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            # Tell the user that their password is wrong
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.")

        return True
Beispiel #36
    def is_login_valid(email, password):
        This method verifies that the email-password combo (as sent by the site forms) is valid or not
        Check that email exists, and that the password associate to that email is correct
        :param email: the user's email
        :param password: a sha512 hashed password
        :return: True if valid, False otherwise

        user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {'email': email}) # password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512
        if user_data is None:
            #tell the user their password doesn't exists
            raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user doesn't exists") # lo levantamos y lo podemos catchear desde donde se lo llame
        if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']):
            # Tell the  user that their password is wrong
            raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong")
        return True
Beispiel #37
def reset_password(username):
    user = User.find_by_username(username)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        origin = request.form['origin']
        new = request.form['new']
        re_password = request.form['re_password']

        if Utils.check_hashed_password(origin, user.password):
            if new == re_password:
                user.password = Utils.hash_password(new)
                return redirect(url_for('.index'))
                raise UserError.RetypePassword("Your new password and re-type password are not the same")
            raise UserError.PasswordIncorrect("Your origin password is not correct")

    return render_template('users/reset_password.html')