def parsed_mail(self):
        # Method which returns parsed mail payload
        #   saving attachments, original message and bodies
        #   and insert metadata into database
        #   Returns:
        #    email dictionary payload with parsed metadata
        #    empty dictionary if parsed object is not email

        # Getting email.message.Message object from original file
        self.mail = message_from_file(self.original_file)"Getting mail.message.Message object from binary file")
        # Define email metadata
        self.mail_payload = {}
        # Check if recieved email.message.Message is mail
        if self.is_mail(self.mail):
            # creating directory to save original file
  "Created directory for original file")
            # saving original file
            self.original_path = os.path.join(self.original_dir,
            self.object_write(self.original_path, str(self.mail))
            self.mail_payload['Original'] = self.original_path
            # calls method to get email metadata
            logger.debug("Calling self.get_mail_parts method to parse mail")
            # insert metadata in mysql
            logger.debug("Calling data_insertion_mysql func "
                         "to insert %s" % (self.file_name, ))
  "The file %s is not email" % (self.file_name, ))
        return self.mail_payload
Beispiel #2
def delete_mail_files(mail):
    # This function deleting mail files from NFS
    # Args:
    #    mail - mail rows from database

    # get email pathes from mail raws and delete them"Starting to delete files from NFS")
    mail_to_delete = mail_modification(mail).get('hidden')
    for mail_part in mail_to_delete.keys():
        if mail_part == 'Metadata':
            for value in mail_to_delete[mail_part].values():
                    file_dir = os.path.dirname(value)
                except AttributeError:
                if os.path.isdir(file_dir):
                    logger.debug("Deleted directory %s" % (file_dir, ))
        if mail_part == 'Attachments':
            for attachment in mail_to_delete[mail_part]:
                for attachment_location in attachment.values():
                        file_dir = os.path.dirname(attachment_location)
                    except AttributeError:
                    if os.path.isdir(file_dir):
                        logger.debug("Deleted directory %s" % (file_dir, ))
 def header_parse(self, mail):
     # Method which is parsing email headers
     # Args:
     #    mail(email.message.Message) - message to parse
     # get message header FROM"parsing headers of email")
     mail_from = parseaddr(mail.get('From'))[1]
     self.mail_payload['FROM'] = mail_from
     # get message header TO
     mail_to = mail.get('to')
     if mail_to is None:
         mail_to = mail.get('Delivered-To')
     mail_to = mail_to.split(',')
     for index, item in enumerate(mail_to):
         mail_to[index] = parseaddr(item)[1]
     self.mail_payload['TO'] = mail_to
     # get message subject
     subject = self.get_decoded(mail.get('subject'))
     if len(subject) == 0:
         subject = '(NO subject)'
     self.mail_payload['Subject'] = subject
     # get message date
     date = mail.get('date')
     datetime = parse(date)
     date_timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.timetuple()))
     self.mail_payload['Date'] = date_timestamp
     logger.debug("parsed headers in payload %s" % (self.mail_payload, ))
 def object_write(self, file_path, file_object):
     # Method for writing files
     # Args:
     #    file_path(str) - path to write
     #    file_object - file object to be written
     with open(file_path, 'w') as file_to_write:
     logger.debug("Saved file to %s" % (file_path, ))
 def get_decoded(self, header_to_decode):
     # Method for decoding subject and attachment names
     # Args:
     #    header_to_decode - email header to decode
     logger.debug("Header to decode - %s" % (header_to_decode, ))
         decoded = decode_header(header_to_decode)[0][0]
     except UnicodeError:
         decoded = header_to_decode
     logger.debug("Decoded header - %s" % (decoded, ))
     return decoded
Beispiel #6
def update_mail(mail_id, items_to_update):
    # Function to mail updating
    # Args:
    #    mail_id(int) - id of email to update
    #    items_to_update(dict) - dict from PUT method of items to update
    # Returns:
    #    result(dict) - returns dictionary which can have keys:
    #       Wrong keys - if some metadata raws were uncorrect they will add to
    #                    Wrong keys and not will be updated
    #       Updated - info about updated items
    #       Error - shows error if it was occured
    logger.debug("Updating email with items %s" % (items_to_update, ))
    result = {}
    checked = key_checker(items_to_update)
    not_updated = checked.get('impossible_keys')
    if not_updated:
        result["Wrong keys"] = not_updated
        logger.debug("wrong keys %s" % (not_updated, ))
    to_update = checked.get('possible_keys')
    if to_update:
        to_update_formatted = key_reformatter(to_update)
        logger.debug("updating %s" % (to_update_formatted, ))
        updating_result = db.update_mail(mail_id, to_update_formatted)
        if updating_result is True:
            result["Updated"] = to_update
            logger.debug("Updated %s" % (to_update, ))
        elif updating_result:
            result["Error"] = updating_result
            logger.warning("error occured %s" % (updating_result, ))
    return result
Beispiel #7
def data_insertion_mysql(cnx, payload):
    # Function which is inserting data to mysql from mail payload
    # Args:
    #   payload(dict) - email payload with parsed metadata
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    # define payload keys which belongs to metadata table
    metadata_keys = [
        'FROM', 'Subject', 'Original', 'Text body', 'Html body', 'Date'
    # taking params for metadata table
    metadata_params = [payload.get(key) for key in metadata_keys]
    # sql expression to insert data into metadata table
    metadata_insertion = ("INSERT INTO metadata"
                          "(mail_from, mail_subject, path_to_original, "
                          "path_to_text_body, path_to_html_body, mail_date) "
                          "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)")"executing inserting to metadata table")
    cursor.execute(metadata_insertion, metadata_params)
    # getting mail_id from the last insertinon
    mail_id = cnx.insert_id()
    logger.debug("insertion id %s" % (mail_id, ))
    # getting recipients list from mail payload
    recipients = payload.get('TO')
    # sql expression to insert data into mail_to table
    mail_to_insertion = ("INSERT INTO mail_to"
                         "(mail_id, mail_recipient) "
                         "VALUES (%s, %s)")
    # insert every recipient from list
    for recipient in recipients:"executing inserting to mail_to table")
        cursor.execute(mail_to_insertion, (mail_id, recipient))
    # getting attachments list from mail payload
    attachments = payload.get('Attachments')
    if attachments:
        # sql expression to insert data into attachment table
        attachment_insertion = (
            "INSERT INTO attachment"
            "(attachment_hash, path_to_attachment_file, "
            "attachment_name, attachment_size, attachment_type, mail_id) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)")
        # define payload keys which belongs to attachment table
        attachment_keys = ['md5', 'path to attachment', 'name', 'size', 'type']
        # insert each attachment into attachment table
        for attachment in attachments:
            attachment_params = [
                attachment.get(key) for key in attachment_keys
  "Executing inserting to attachment table")
            cursor.execute(attachment_insertion, attachment_params)
Beispiel #8
def key_checker(to_check):
    # This function is checking keys of recieved dictionary
    # that can be updated
    # Args:
    #    to_check(dict) - recieved dictionary of items to update
    # Returns:
    #    result(dict) - dictionary with possible and impossible keys to update"Checking keys to update")
    possible_keys = ['date', 'from', 'subject']
    impossible = []
    for key in to_check.keys():
        if key not in possible_keys:
            del to_check[key]
    result = {'possible_keys': to_check, 'impossible_keys': impossible}
    logger.debug("Checked %s" % (result, ))
    return result
Beispiel #9
def key_reformatter(dict_to_change):
    # This function is reformating keys that were requested by user
    # to keys that might been changed in database
    # Args:
    #   dict_to_change(dict) - dictionary with user keys
    # Returns:
    #    formatted_dict(dict) - dictionary of database keys to update"Reformatting leys to update")
    formatted_keys = {
        'date': 'mail_date',
        'from': 'mail_from',
        'subject': 'mail_subject'
    formatted_dict = {}
    for key, value in dict_to_change.items():
        formatted_dict[formatted_keys[key]] = value
    logger.debug("Reformated keys %s" % (formatted_dict, ))
    return formatted_dict
Beispiel #10
def delete_mail(cnx, mail_id):
    # Deleting mail with having it id from db
    # Args:
    #    cnx - opened MySQLdb connection
    #    mail_id(int) - id of email to delete
    # Returns:
    #   result:
    #    True if email was deleted
    #    False if email didn't exist
    result = False
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    sql = ("DELETE FROM metadata WHERE mail_id =%s" % mail_id)"Deleting mail with id %s" % (mail_id, ))
    deleting_result = cursor.execute(sql)
    if deleting_result:
        result = True
    logger.debug("Result of deleting %s" % (result, ))
    return result
 def __init__(self, original_file, file_name):
     # Initializating original message file and it's name
     #    initializating saving directories
     #    generate sub directory for every message instance
     # Args:
     #    original_file(open file object) - original msg file
     #    file_name(str) - name of file
     logger.debug("Initializating EmailPayload class object")
     self.original_file = original_file
     self.file_name = file_name
     self.sub_dir = str(uuid.uuid4())
     self.original_dir = ORIGINALS_DIR
     self.original_dir = os.path.join(self.original_dir, self.sub_dir)
     self.body_dir = BODY_DIR
     self.body_dir = os.path.join(self.body_dir, self.sub_dir)
     self.att_dir = ATT_DIR
     self.att_dir = os.path.join(self.att_dir, self.sub_dir)
     # define empty attachment list
     self.attachments = []
Beispiel #12
def data_selection(cnx, mail_id=None):
    # Function which is selecting rows from db
    # Select only rows for 1 email if mail_id is defined
    # Args:
    #    cnx - opened MySQLdb connection
    #    mail_id(int) - select only rows for email with mail_id
    # Returns:
    #    mail_rows(dict) - dictionary with all joined tables
    # define cursor with dictionary type
    cursor = cnx.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
    sql = ("SELECT * FROM metadata LEFT "
           "JOIN attachment ON (metadata.mail_id = attachment.mail_id) "
           "JOIN mail_to ON (mail_to.mail_id=metadata.mail_id)")
    if mail_id:
        sql += "WHERE metadata.mail_id = %s" % (mail_id, )
        logger.debug("selecting emeil with id %s" % (mail_id, ))
    mail_rows = cursor.fetchall()
    return mail_rows
Beispiel #13
def delete_mail(mail_id):
    # This checking if email exists and calls
    # functions to delete it from db and NFS
    # Args:
    #    mail_id(int) - id of email to delete
    # Returns:
    #    result(dict) - empty dictionary if email didn't exist
    #        Deleted - message with deleted mail_id
    #        Error - if error occured"Deleting mail with id %s" % (mail_id, ))
    result = {}
    mail = db.data_selection(mail_id)
    if mail:
        deleting_result = db.delete_mail(mail_id)
        if deleting_result is True:
            result['Deleted'] = "Mail with id %s" % (mail_id, )
            logger.debug("Mail with %s deleted" % (mail_id, ))
        elif deleting_result:
            result['Error'] = deleting_result
            logger.warning("Error occured %s" % (deleting_result, ))
    return result
Beispiel #14
def update_mail(cnx, mail_id, to_update):
    # Updating mail with having it id in database
    # Args:
    #    cnx - opened MySQLdb connection
    #    mail_id(int) - id of email to update
    #    to_update(dict) - dictionary of values that will be updated
    # Returns:
    #    result:
    #     True if email was updated
    #     False if not
    result = False
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    set_expression = ",".join(
        ["%s=%s" % (key, '%s') for key in to_update.keys()])
    sql = "UPDATE metadata SET %s WHERE mail_id = %s" % (set_expression,
    params = (to_update.values())"Updating mail with id %s" % (mail_id, ))
    updating_result = cursor.execute(sql, params)
    if updating_result:
        result = True
    logger.debug("result of updating is %s" % (result, ))
    return result
Beispiel #15
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):"connecting to db")
     cnx = MySQLdb.connect(host=config.get(DB_SECTION, 'host'),
                           user=config.get(DB_SECTION, 'user'),
                           passwd=config.get(DB_SECTION, 'passwd'),
                           db=config.get(DB_SECTION, 'db'),
                           charset=config.get(DB_SECTION, 'charset'))
     logger.debug("Connected %s" % (cnx, ))
         logger.debug("Calling func %s " % (func.__name__, ))
         result = func(cnx, *args, **kwargs)"Commiting changes")
     except Exception as error:"Error occured")
         logger.error(error)"Rollbacking changes")
         result = error.args[-1]
         logger.debug("Closing connection %s" % (cnx, ))
     return result