def __init__(self, mud_service, db_mode='production'):
        :param MudService mud_service: The MudService class running the game.
        :keyword str mode: Either 'test' or 'production'.

        self._mud_service = mud_service
        # This is used to sub-classes of BaseObject.
        self.parent_loader = ParentLoader()

        # Keys are object IDs, values are the parent instances (children of
        self._objects = {}

        # DB abstraction layer.
        self.db_manager = DBManager(mud_service, self.parent_loader, db_mode)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, mud_service, db_mode='production'):
        :param MudService mud_service: The MudService class running the game.
        :keyword str mode: Either 'test' or 'production'.

        self._mud_service = mud_service
        # This is used to sub-classes of BaseObject.
        self.parent_loader = ParentLoader()

        # Keys are object IDs, values are the parent instances (children of
        self._objects = {}

        # DB abstraction layer.
        self.db_manager = DBManager(mud_service, self.parent_loader, db_mode)
Beispiel #3
class ObjectStore(object):
    Serves as an in-memory object store for all "physical" entities in the
    game. An "object" can be stuff like a room or a thing.

    Objects are persisted to a DB via the :py:attr:`db_manager` attribute,
    which is a reference to a :py:class:`src.server.objects.db_io.DBManager`

    .. note:: This class should know nothing about the DB that backs it.
        Make sure to keep any DB-related things out of here.

    def __init__(self, mud_service, db_mode='production'):
        :param MudService mud_service: The MudService class running the game.
        :keyword str mode: Either 'test' or 'production'.

        self._mud_service = mud_service
        # This is used to sub-classes of BaseObject.
        self.parent_loader = ParentLoader()

        # Keys are object IDs, values are the parent instances (children of
        self._objects = {}

        # DB abstraction layer.
        self.db_manager = DBManager(mud_service, self.parent_loader, db_mode)

    def prep_and_load(self):
        This runs early in server startup. Calls on the DBManager
        (self.db_manager) to prep the DB and load all objects.

        is_first_run = yield self.db_manager.prepare_and_load()
        if is_first_run:
            # If this is the first time the server has been started, we'll
            # need to create the starter room.
            parent_path = ''
            yield self.create_object(parent_path, name='And so it begins...')

        def loader_func(obj):
            This function runs on each object instantiated from the DB at
            start time.

            :param BaseObject obj: The object to load into the store.
            self._objects[] = obj

        yield self.db_manager.load_objects_into_store(loader_func)

    def create_object(self, parent_path, name, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a new object of the specified parent.

        :param str parent_path: The full Python path + class name for a parent.
            for example,
        :param str name: The name of the object.
        :param dict kwargs: Additional attributes to set on the object.
        :rtype: BaseObject
        :returns: The newly created/instantiated/saved object.

        #noinspection PyPep8Naming
        NewObject = self.parent_loader.load_parent(parent_path)
        obj = NewObject(
        obj = yield self.save_object(obj)


    def save_object(self, obj):
        Saves an object to the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to save to the DB.

        saved_obj = yield self.db_manager.save_object(obj)
        self._objects[] = saved_obj

    def destroy_object(self, obj):
        Destroys an object by yanking it from :py:attr:`_objects` and the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to destroy.

        yield self.db_manager.destroy_object(obj)

        # Clear the object out of the store, mark it for GC.
        del self._objects[]
        del obj

    def reload_object(self, obj):
        Re-loads the object from the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to re-load from the DB.
        :rtype: BaseObject
        :returns: The newly re-loaded object.

        reloaded_obj = yield self.db_manager.reload_object(obj)
        self._objects[] = reloaded_obj

    def get_object(self, obj_id):
        Given an object ID, return the object's instance.

        :param int obj_id: The ID of the object to return.
        :returns: The requested object, which will be a :class:`BaseObject`
            sub-class of some sort.
        :raises: :py:exc:`src.server.objects.exceptions.NoSuchObject` if
            no object with the requested ID exists.

        assert isinstance(obj_id, int), \
            "get_object had a non-int passed: %s %s" % (obj_id, type(obj_id))

            return self._objects[obj_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise NoSuchObject(
                'No such object with ID: %s' % str(obj_id)

    def get_object_contents(self, obj):
        Returns all objects inside of the specified object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object whose contents to calculate.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: A list of BaseObject instances whose current location
            is ``obj``.

        return [omatch for omatch in self._objects.values() if omatch.location == obj]

    def global_name_search(self, name):
        Does a global name search of all objects. Compares input to the name
        odata key on all objects.

        :param str name: The name to search for.
        :returns: A generator of ``BaseObject`` matches.

        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            ratio = fuzz.partial_ratio(name,
            if ratio > 50:
                yield obj

    def find_exits_linked_to_obj(self, obj):
        Finds all exits that are linked to the given object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object which to find linked exits to.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of exits that are linked to the given object.

        if obj.base_type == 'exit':
            # Exits can't be linked to one another, this ends up being invalid.
            return []

        # We could use a generator for this, but then we couldn't iterate
        # and delete as we went, as this would change the size of self._objects
        # during the iteration (causing an exception). So store in list.
        linked_exits = []
        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, db_obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            if not db_obj.base_type == 'exit':
                # Not an exit, not interested.

            destination = db_obj.destination
            if destination and ==
                # This object's destination matches the specified object's ID.

        return linked_exits

    def find_objects_in_zone(self, obj):
        Finds all objects whose zone master object is set to the given object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object whose zone members to find.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of the object's zone members.

        # We could use a generator for this, but then we couldn't iterate
        # and delete as we went, as this would change the size of self._objects
        # during the iteration (causing an exception). So store in list.
        zone_members = []
        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, db_obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            zone =
            if zone and ==
                # This object's zone matches the specified object's ID.

        return zone_members

    def empty_out_zone(self, obj):
        Given a ZMO, go through its member list and un-set the zone on each
        object. The end result will be a ZMO with no members.

        :param BaseObject obj: The ZMO whose members to un-set.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: The members that were removed from the zone.

        members = self.find_objects_in_zone(obj)
        for member in members:
   = None

    def raze_zone(self, obj):
        Given a ZMO, destroy all members and the ZMO itself. No survivors.

        :param BaseObject obj: The ZMO to completely eradicate.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: A list of IDs of the deleted objects (ZMO included).

        members = self.find_objects_in_zone(obj)
        deleted_ids = []
        for member in members:
            yield member.destroy()
        yield obj.destroy()
class ObjectStore(object):
    Serves as an in-memory object store for all "physical" entities in the
    game. An "object" can be stuff like a room or a thing.

    Objects are persisted to a DB via the :py:attr:`db_manager` attribute,
    which is a reference to a :py:class:`src.server.objects.db_io.DBManager`

    .. note:: This class should know nothing about the DB that backs it.
        Make sure to keep any DB-related things out of here.
    def __init__(self, mud_service, db_mode='production'):
        :param MudService mud_service: The MudService class running the game.
        :keyword str mode: Either 'test' or 'production'.

        self._mud_service = mud_service
        # This is used to sub-classes of BaseObject.
        self.parent_loader = ParentLoader()

        # Keys are object IDs, values are the parent instances (children of
        self._objects = {}

        # DB abstraction layer.
        self.db_manager = DBManager(mud_service, self.parent_loader, db_mode)

    def prep_and_load(self):
        This runs early in server startup. Calls on the DBManager
        (self.db_manager) to prep the DB and load all objects.

        is_first_run = yield self.db_manager.prepare_and_load()
        if is_first_run:
            # If this is the first time the server has been started, we'll
            # need to create the starter room.
            parent_path = ''
            yield self.create_object(parent_path, name='And so it begins...')

        def loader_func(obj):
            This function runs on each object instantiated from the DB at
            start time.

            :param BaseObject obj: The object to load into the store.
            self._objects[] = obj

        yield self.db_manager.load_objects_into_store(loader_func)

    def create_object(self, parent_path, name, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a new object of the specified parent.

        :param str parent_path: The full Python path + class name for a parent.
            for example,
        :param str name: The name of the object.
        :param dict kwargs: Additional attributes to set on the object.
        :rtype: BaseObject
        :returns: The newly created/instantiated/saved object.

        #noinspection PyPep8Naming
        NewObject = self.parent_loader.load_parent(parent_path)
        obj = NewObject(self._mud_service,
        obj = yield self.save_object(obj)


    def save_object(self, obj):
        Saves an object to the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to save to the DB.

        saved_obj = yield self.db_manager.save_object(obj)
        self._objects[] = saved_obj

    def destroy_object(self, obj):
        Destroys an object by yanking it from :py:attr:`_objects` and the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to destroy.

        yield self.db_manager.destroy_object(obj)

        # Clear the object out of the store, mark it for GC.
        del self._objects[]
        del obj

    def reload_object(self, obj):
        Re-loads the object from the DB.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object to re-load from the DB.
        :rtype: BaseObject
        :returns: The newly re-loaded object.

        reloaded_obj = yield self.db_manager.reload_object(obj)
        self._objects[] = reloaded_obj

    def get_object(self, obj_id):
        Given an object ID, return the object's instance.

        :param int obj_id: The ID of the object to return.
        :returns: The requested object, which will be a :class:`BaseObject`
            sub-class of some sort.
        :raises: :py:exc:`src.server.objects.exceptions.NoSuchObject` if
            no object with the requested ID exists.

        assert isinstance(obj_id, int), \
            "get_object had a non-int passed: %s %s" % (obj_id, type(obj_id))

            return self._objects[obj_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise NoSuchObject('No such object with ID: %s' % str(obj_id))

    def get_object_contents(self, obj):
        Returns all objects inside of the specified object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object whose contents to calculate.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: A list of BaseObject instances whose current location
            is ``obj``.

        return [
            omatch for omatch in self._objects.values()
            if omatch.location == obj

    def global_name_search(self, name):
        Does a global name search of all objects. Compares input to the name
        odata key on all objects.

        :param str name: The name to search for.
        :returns: A generator of ``BaseObject`` matches.

        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            ratio = fuzz.partial_ratio(name,
            if ratio > 50:
                yield obj

    def find_exits_linked_to_obj(self, obj):
        Finds all exits that are linked to the given object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object which to find linked exits to.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of exits that are linked to the given object.

        if obj.base_type == 'exit':
            # Exits can't be linked to one another, this ends up being invalid.
            return []

        # We could use a generator for this, but then we couldn't iterate
        # and delete as we went, as this would change the size of self._objects
        # during the iteration (causing an exception). So store in list.
        linked_exits = []
        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, db_obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            if not db_obj.base_type == 'exit':
                # Not an exit, not interested.

            destination = db_obj.destination
            if destination and ==
                # This object's destination matches the specified object's ID.

        return linked_exits

    def find_objects_in_zone(self, obj):
        Finds all objects whose zone master object is set to the given object.

        :param BaseObject obj: The object whose zone members to find.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of the object's zone members.

        # We could use a generator for this, but then we couldn't iterate
        # and delete as we went, as this would change the size of self._objects
        # during the iteration (causing an exception). So store in list.
        zone_members = []
        #noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
        for id, db_obj in self._objects.iteritems():
            zone =
            if zone and ==
                # This object's zone matches the specified object's ID.

        return zone_members

    def empty_out_zone(self, obj):
        Given a ZMO, go through its member list and un-set the zone on each
        object. The end result will be a ZMO with no members.

        :param BaseObject obj: The ZMO whose members to un-set.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: The members that were removed from the zone.

        members = self.find_objects_in_zone(obj)
        for member in members:
   = None

    def raze_zone(self, obj):
        Given a ZMO, destroy all members and the ZMO itself. No survivors.

        :param BaseObject obj: The ZMO to completely eradicate.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: A list of IDs of the deleted objects (ZMO included).

        members = self.find_objects_in_zone(obj)
        deleted_ids = []
        for member in members:
            yield member.destroy()
        yield obj.destroy()