Beispiel #1
def show_post(permalink="notfound"):
    db = blog_connection()

    username = login_check()  # see if user is logged in
    permalink = cgi.escape(permalink)

    print("about to query on permalink = ", permalink)
    # find a post that has the appropriate permalink

    post = db.posts.find_one({'permalink': permalink})

    # end student work
    if not post:

    print("date of entry is ", post['date'])

    # fix up date
    post['date'] = post['date'].strftime("%A, %B %d %Y at %I:%M%p")

    # init comment form fields for additional comment
    comment = {
        'name': "",
        'email': "",
        'body': "",

    return bottle.template("entry_template", {
        'post': post,
        'username': username,
        'errors': "",
        'comment': comment,
Beispiel #2
def process_signup():
    db = blog_connection()

    keys = ["email", "username", "password", "verify"]
    fn = bottle.request.forms.get
    email, username, password, verify = [fn(k) for k in keys]

    # set these up in case we have an error case
    errors = {
        'username': cgi.escape(username),
        'email': cgi.escape(email)
    if user.validate_signup(username, password, verify, email, errors):
        if not user.newuser(db, username, password, email):
            # this was a duplicate
            errors['username_error'] = \
                "Username already in use. Please choose another"
            return bottle.template("signup", errors)

        session_id = user.start_session(db, username)
        print("Session id %s" % session_id)
        cookie = user.make_secure_val(session_id)
        bottle.response.set_cookie("session", cookie)
        print("user '%s' did not validate" % username)
        return bottle.template("signup", errors)
Beispiel #3
def blog_index():
    db = blog_connection()

    username = login_check()  # see if user is logged in

    # Find the last ten most recent posts, sorted from newest to oldest
    myposts = [
            'title': post['title'],
            'body': post['body'],
            'post_date': post['date'].strftime("%A, %B %d %Y at %I:%M%p"),
            'permalink': post['permalink'],
            'tags': post.get('tags', []),
            'author': post['author'],
            'comments': post.get('comments', []),
        for post in db.posts.find({'author': username})
                            .sort('date', DESCENDING)

    return bottle.template('blog_template', {
        'myposts': myposts,
        'username': username,
Beispiel #4
def process_login():
    db = blog_connection()

    username = bottle.request.forms.get("username")
    password = bottle.request.forms.get("password")

    print("user submitted ", username, "pass ", password)

    userRecord = {}
    if user.validate_login(db, username, password, userRecord):
        session_id = user.start_session(db, username)
        if session_id == -1:

        cookie = user.make_secure_val(session_id)

        # Warning, if you are running into a problem whereby the cookie
        # being set here is not getting set on the redirct, you are
        # probably using the experimental version of bottle (.12).
        # revert to .11 to solve the problem.
        bottle.response.set_cookie("session", cookie)
        return bottle.template("login", {
            'username': cgi.escape(username),
            'password': "",
            'login_error': "Invalid Login"
Beispiel #5
def insert_entry(title, post, tags_array, author):
    print("inserting blog entry", title, post)

    db = blog_connection()

    exp = re.compile(r'\W')  # match anything not alphanumeric
    whitespace = re.compile(r'\s')
    temp_title = whitespace.sub("_", title)
    permalink = exp.sub('', temp_title)

    post = {
        "title": title,
        "author": author,
        "body": post,
        "permalink": permalink,
        "tags": tags_array,
        "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        'comments': [],

        print("Inserting the post")
    except Exception as err:
        print("Error inserting post: %s" % str(err))

    return permalink
Beispiel #6
def login_check():
    cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session")

    if not cookie:
        print("no cookie...")
        session_id = user.check_secure_val(cookie)
        if not session_id:
            print("no secure session_id")
            # look up username record
            db = blog_connection()
            print("Look up session id %s" % session_id)
            session = user.get_session(db, session_id)
            return session and session['username']
Beispiel #7
def process_logout():
    cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session")

    if not cookie:
        print("no cookie...")
        session_id = user.check_secure_val(cookie)
        if not session_id:
            print("no secure session_id")
            db = blog_connection()

            # remove the session
            user.end_session(db, session_id)
            print("clearing the cookie")
            bottle.response.set_cookie("session", "")
Beispiel #8
def post_newcomment():
    name = bottle.request.forms.get("commentName")
    email = bottle.request.forms.get("commentEmail")
    body = bottle.request.forms.get("commentBody")
    permalink = bottle.request.forms.get("permalink")

    # look up the post in question
    db = blog_connection()

    # see if user is logged in
    username = login_check()
    permalink = cgi.escape(permalink)

    post = db.posts.find_one({'permalink': permalink})

    # if post not found, redirct to post not found error
    if not post:

    print("post %s was found" % permalink)

    # if values not good, redirect to view with errors
    if not (name and body):
        # fix up date
        post['date'] = post['date'].strftime("%A, %B %d %Y at %I:%M%p")

        # init comment
        comment = {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'body': body,

        errors = "Post must contain your name and an actual comment."
        print("newcomment: error in comment..returning form with errors")
        return bottle.template("entry_template", {
            'post': post,
            'username': username,
            'errors': errors,
            'comment': comment,
        # it all looks good, insert the comment into the blog post and
        # redirect back to the post viewer
        comment = {
            'author': name,
            'body': body,
        if email:
            comment['email'] = email

            # You will need to update the blog post and add the comment onto
            # the comment array. make sure you only update one document here
            # by updating the one with the right permalink.
            print("about to update a blog post with a comment")
            db.posts.update({'permalink': permalink}, {
                "$set": {'comments': post.get('comments', []) + [comment]}
            #print "num documents updated" + last_error['n']
        except Exception as err:
            print("Could not update the collection: %s" % str(err))

        print("newcomment: added the comment....redirecting to post")
        bottle.redirect("/post/" + permalink)