def get_token_transactions_by_addresses(addresses: List[str],
                                        time_from: str = '0',
                                        time_to: str = '',
                                        no_tx_list: str = '',
                                        db: Any = None) -> None:
    Get token transactions of multiple addresses.

        address: Multiple Ethereum addresses.
        time_from: Beginning datetime to take transactions from.
        time_to: Ending datetime to take transactions from.
        val_from: Minimum transferred currency of the transactions.
        val_to: Maximum transferred currency of transactions.
        no_tx_list: Maximum transactions to gather.
        db: Read-only database instance.
        int_time_from = int(time_from)
    except ValueError:
        return 'Start time {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(time_from), 400

    if time_to == '':
        time_to = str(int(time.time()) + 1000000)
        int_time_to = int(time_to)
    except ValueError:
        return 'End time {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(time_to), 400

    if int_time_from > int_time_to:
        return 'Minimum time is larger than maximum time', 400

    if no_tx_list == '':
        no_tx_list = str(1000000000000000000000000000000)
        int_no_tx_list = int(no_tx_list)
    except ValueError:
        return 'Maximum number of transactions {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(no_tx_list), 400

    gatherer = DatabaseGatherer(db)
    transactions = []
    for address in addresses:
        new_transactions = gatherer.get_token_txs_of_address(address.lower(),
                                                             int_time_from, int_time_to,
        if new_transactions is None:
            return 'Address {} has not been found'.format(address), 400
        transactions += new_transactions

    if transactions == []:
        return 'No transactions of requested addresses found', 404

    return transactions
def get_token_transactions_by_address(address: str,
                                      time_from: str = '0',
                                      time_to: str = '',
                                      no_tx_list: str = '',
                                      db: Any = None) -> None:
    Get token transactions of an address.

        address: Ethereum address.
        time_from: Beginning datetime to take transactions from.
        time_to: Ending datetime to take transactions from.
        no_tx_list: Maximum transactions to gather.
        db: Read-only database instance.
        int_time_from = int(time_from)
    except ValueError:
        return 'Start time {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(time_from), 400

    if time_to == '':
        time_to = str(int(time.time()) + 1000000)
        int_time_to = int(time_to)
    except ValueError:
        return 'End time {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(time_to), 400

    if int_time_from > int_time_to:
        return 'Minimum time is larger than maximum time', 400

    if no_tx_list == '':
        no_tx_list = str(1000000000000000000000000000000)
        int_no_tx_list = int(no_tx_list)
    except ValueError:
        return 'Maximum number of transactions {} couldn\'t be parsed.'.format(no_tx_list), 400

    gatherer = DatabaseGatherer(db)
    transactions = gatherer.get_token_txs_of_address(address.lower(), int_time_from,
                                                     int_time_to, int_no_tx_list)
    if transactions is None:
        return 'No token transactions of address {} found'.format(address), 404

    return transactions