def setUpClass(cls):
     fLOG("download and load the shapes")
     temp = get_temp_folder(__file__, "temp_seattle_shapes_records")
     name = get_seattle_streets(folder=temp)
     shapes, records, fields = shapely_records(name)
     cls._shapes = shapes
     cls._records = records
     cls._fields = fields
    def test_best_euler_path_level2(self):
            OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        name = get_seattle_streets()
        shapes, records, fields = shapely_records(name)
        edges_index, edges, vertices, distances = seattle_streets_set_level2(
            shapes, records)
        co, ind, d = best_euler_path(edges_index=edges_index, edges=edges,
                                     distances=distances, vertices=vertices, fLOG=fLOG)
        self.assertEqual(len(co), len(ind))
        assert d > 0