Beispiel #1
class Tests_service_get_iso3(unittest.TestCase):
    # Creating object of class PropertyConfig
    _properties_ = PropertyConfig()

    def setUpClass(self):
        # Call the setup method of class PropertyConfig
        # Read the hostname and endpoint from properties file and create URL
        hostname = self._properties_._config_.get('dev', 'url')
        endpoint = self._properties_._config_.get('dev', 'endpoint.getall')
        endpoint_iso3 = self._properties_._config_.get('dev',
        self.url_testdata = hostname + endpoint
        self.url = hostname + endpoint_iso3
        self.service = WebService()

    def fetch_data_and_validate(self):
        Method to fetch, validate and store all records for future test cases
            (bool): return True if method is successful in fetching the test data, false otherwise
        # Fetch data for all records that will be used as test data in further methods
        # Check if the JSON format of test_content is valid
        status_code, test_content = self.service.get(self.url_testdata)
        validate(instance=test_content, schema=Schemas.schema_all)
        self.test_data_list = test_content['RestResponse']['result']
        # Read the message returned in the content
        resp = test_content['RestResponse']['messages']
        if len(resp) == 1:
            resp_msg = resp[0]
            return False
        # Read the number of records returned
        self.total_no_of_records = CommonUtilities.fetch_total_records(
        if self.total_no_of_records != -1:
            return True
            return False

    def test_get_iso3_valid(self):
        Testing to query records with randomly chosen valid iso3Codes
        Expectation: Service should return valid json as per the defined schema with certain number of records
        assert self.fetch_data_and_validate()
        # Selecting random records from the output of all records to be used as
        # test case for this method
        no_of_test_cases = int(int(self.total_no_of_records) / 10)
        random_choice = random.sample(self.test_data_list, no_of_test_cases)
        for item in random_choice:
            iso3code = item['alpha3_code']
            # Create URL to test with ISO3CODE
            # Fetch status code and content from get method
            url = self.url + iso3code
            status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
            assert status_code == HTTPStatus.OK

            # Check if the JSON format of test_content is valid
            validate(instance=content, schema=Schemas.schema_iso)
            # Read the message returned in the content
            resp = content['RestResponse']['messages']
            assert len(resp) == 1
            resp_msg = resp[0]

            # Check if we get Country found message and required iso3code
            assert StringConstants.country_found in resp_msg
            assert content['RestResponse']['result']['alpha3_code'] == iso3code

    # Testing the URL with invalid ISO3CODE
    def test_get_iso3_invalid(self):
        Testing to query records with randomly chosen invalid iso3Codes
        Expectation: Service should return a valid json as per the defined schema with zero records
        # Create invalid ISO3CODE with random number
        # Fetch the status code and content from get method
        rand = CommonUtilities.generate_random_string(5)
        url = self.url + rand
        status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.OK

        # Check if the JSON format of content is valid
        # Read the message returned in the content
        validate(instance=content, schema=Schemas.schema_iso_invalid)
        resp = content['RestResponse']['messages']
        assert len(resp) == 1
        resp_msg = resp[0]

        # Check if we get 'no matching' message
        assert StringConstants.no_matching in resp_msg

    def test_get_iso3_post_method(self):
        Testing to query records with a random invalid iso3Code using HTTP Post
        Expectation: Service should return a HTTP Bad Request
        # Create invalid ISO3CODE with random number
        # Fetch the status code and content from get method
        rand = CommonUtilities.generate_random_string(5)
        url = self.url + rand
        # Fetch the status code from POST method
        status_code, content =, rand)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

    def test_get_iso3_xss(self):
        Testing to query records for validation against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
        Expectation: Service should return a HTTP Bad Request
        url = self.url + '<script>alert()</script>'
        status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

    def test_get_iso3_empty_string(self):
        Testing to query records with empty iSO3Code
        Expectation: Service should return a HTTP Bad Request
        status_code, content = self.service.get(self.url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

    def test_get_iso3_intl(self):
        Testing to query records with unicode characters in the iSO3Code
        Expectation: Service should handle the request gracefully and output no matching records
        url = self.url + 'ÖöÜü'
        status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.OK
        validate(instance=content, schema=Schemas.schema_iso_invalid)
        # Read the message returned in the content
        resp = content['RestResponse']['messages']
        assert len(resp) == 1
        resp_msg = resp[0]

        # Check if we get 'no matching' message
        assert StringConstants.no_matching in resp_msg
class Tests_service_get_all(unittest.TestCase):
    # Creating object of class PropertyConfig
    _properties_ = PropertyConfig()

    def setUpClass(self):
        # Call the setup method of class PropertyConfig
        # Read the hostname and endpoint from properties file and create URL
        hostname = self._properties_._config_.get('dev', 'url')
        endpoint = self._properties_._config_.get('dev', 'endpoint.getall')
        self.url = hostname + endpoint
        self.service = WebService()

    def test_get_all_valid(self):
        Testing the webservice for a valid request
        Expectation: Webservice should return HTTP Status 200 OK and a valid json with all records in the content
        status_code, content = self.service.get(self.url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.OK
        # Check if the JSON format is valid
        validate(instance=content, schema=Schemas.schema_all)
        # Read the message returned in the content
        resp = content['RestResponse']['messages']
        assert len(resp) == 1
        resp_msg = resp[0]

        # Read the number of records returned
        total_no_of_records = CommonUtilities.fetch_total_records(resp_msg)
        assert total_no_of_records != -1
        assert len(
            content['RestResponse']['result']) == int(total_no_of_records)

    def test_get_all_valid_with_query_params(self):
        Testing the webservice for a valid request with additional query parameters
        Expectation: Webservice should return HTTP Status 200 OK and a valid json with all records in the content
        rand = CommonUtilities.generate_random_string(5)
        url = self.url + '?' + rand + '=' + rand
        status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.OK
        # Check if the JSON format is valid
        validate(instance=content, schema=Schemas.schema_all)
        # Read the message returned in the content
        resp = content['RestResponse']['messages']
        assert len(resp) == 1
        resp_msg = resp[0]

        # Read the number of records returned
        total_no_of_records = CommonUtilities.fetch_total_records(resp_msg)
        assert total_no_of_records != -1
        assert len(
            content['RestResponse']['result']) == int(total_no_of_records)

    def test_get_all_invalid_request(self):
        Testing the webservice for an invalid request with additional path information in the URI
        Expectation: Webservice should return HTTP BAD REQUEST
        rand = CommonUtilities.generate_random_string(5)
        url = self.url + '/' + rand
        status_code, content = self.service.get(url)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

    def test_get_all_post_method(self):
        Testing the webservice for HTTP POST Method
        Expectation: Webservice should return HTTP BAD REQUEST
        rand = CommonUtilities.generate_random_string(5)
        status_code, content =, rand)
        assert status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST