class Game: def __init__(self, x, y): size = constants.BOARD_SIZE * constants.PIXEL_SIZE border_size = constants.BORDER_SIZE * 2 + size self.border_box = pg.rect.Rect((x, y), (border_size, border_size)) = pg.rect.Rect((x + constants.BORDER_SIZE, y + constants.BORDER_SIZE), (size, size)) self.score = 3 self.score_font = pg.font.Font(Assets.BOXY_FONT, 24) self.snake = Snake(int(constants.BOARD_SIZE / 2), constants.BOARD_SIZE / 2) self.fruit = Fruit() self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.count = 0 def lost(self): return self.snake.lost() def draw(self, window): window.blit(Assets.BACKGROUND, self.border_box) # Draw the score text = self.score_font.render("Score: " + str(self.score), True, Colors.BLACK) window.blit(text, (self.border_box.left + 3, + 3)) # Draw the snake for part in self.snake.body[1:]: x, y = + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * part[0], + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * part[1] window.blit(Assets.SNAKE_BODY, (x, y)) # Draw the fruit x, y = + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * self.fruit.position[0], + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * self.fruit.position[1] head = self.snake.body[0] head_x, head_y = + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * head[0], + constants.PIXEL_SIZE * head[1] rotated_head = pg.transform.rotate(Assets.SNAKE_HEAD, self.snake.direction) window.blit(rotated_head, (head_x, head_y)) if self.fruit.golden: window.blit(Assets.FRUIT_GOLDEN, (x, y)) else: window.blit(Assets.FRUIT_NORMAL, (x, y)) def update(self, events): self.clock.tick() self.count += self.clock.get_time() if self.count > constants.TICK: self.count %= constants.TICK self.snake.move() if self.snake.body[0] == self.fruit.position: if self.fruit.golden: self.snake.grow += 3 self.score += 3 else: self.snake.grow += 1 self.score += 1 while self.fruit.position in self.snake.body: self.fruit.reposition() for event in events: if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key in (pg.K_UP, pg.K_w): self.snake.change_direction(constants.NORTH) elif event.key in (pg.K_RIGHT, pg.K_d): self.snake.change_direction(constants.EAST) elif event.key in (pg.K_DOWN, pg.K_s): self.snake.change_direction(constants.SOUTH) elif event.key in (pg.K_LEFT, pg.K_a): self.snake.change_direction(constants.WEST)
def play(self): global rows snake = Snake(config) apple = Apple(config) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() # Detect collision with apple if snake.x == apple.x and snake.y == apple.y: apple = Apple(config) # collision with body for part in snake.body: if snake.x == part[0] and snake.y == part[1]: snake = Snake(config) direction = snake.pre_direction = snake.direction snake.decision(direction) # collision with wall if snake.collision_with_wall(snake.direction): direction = (snake.direction + 1) % 4 if snake.collision_with_wall(direction): direction = (snake.direction - 1) % 4 if snake.collision_with_wall(direction): snake = Snake(config) snake.direction = direction snake.move() self.display.fill(self.color) pygame.draw.rect(self.display,, ((0, 0), (config.game_w, config.game_h)), config.wall_offset) apple.draw(self.display) snake.draw(self.display) score = self.font.render(f'Score: {snake.score}', True, score_rect = score.get_rect(center=(config.game_w / 2, config.game_h - 10)) self.display.blit(score, score_rect) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(config.fps)
def play(self): global snake, apple snake = Snake(config) apple = Apple(config) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() # Detect collision with apple if snake.x == apple.x and snake.y == apple.y: apple = Apple(config) snake.x_change_old, snake.y_change_old = snake.x, snake.y with torch.no_grad(): data = get_data() data = data.reshape(1, 20) data = torch.tensor(data) result = model(data) snake.direction = np.argmax(result) snake.move() self.display.fill(self.color) pygame.draw.rect(self.display,, ((0, 0), (config.game_w, config.game_h)), 10) apple.draw(self.display) snake.draw(self.display) if snake.x < 0 or snake.y < 0 or snake.x > config.game_w or snake.y > config.game_h: score = self.font.render(f'Score: {snake.score}', True, score_rect = score.get_rect(center=(config.game_w / 2, config.game_h - 10)) self.display.blit(score, score_rect) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30) # fps
if (e.key == pygame.K_d or e.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) and hero.side[-1] != Side.LEFT: hero.turn_to(Side.RIGHT) elif (e.key == pygame.K_s or e.key == pygame.K_DOWN) and hero.side[-1] != Side.UP: hero.turn_to(Side.DOWN) elif (e.key == pygame.K_a or e.key == pygame.K_LEFT) and hero.side[-1] != Side.RIGHT: hero.turn_to(Side.LEFT) elif (e.key == pygame.K_w or e.key == pygame.K_UP) and hero.side[-1] != Side.DOWN: hero.turn_to(Side.UP) screen.fill((5, 5, 5)) zet.render(surface_to_render=screen) hero.move() if hero.check_collision(zet): zet.x = choice(coordinates) zet.y = choice(coordinates) hero.len() # TODO: To be moved into snake itself for each_cell in hero.tail[1:]: if each_cell.x == hero.x and each_cell.y == hero.y: hero.length = each_cell.number hero.render(surface_to_render=screen) window.blit(screen, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(300) if hero.length <= 1: caption = "Hello Pygame" else:
class Scene: def __init__(self): self.started = False self.bg_colour = (240, 160, 212) self.area_info = (0, 0, 450, 450) self.cell_amt = 18 self.back_colour = Color(231, 242, 198) self.cell_colour = Color(200, 200, 227) self.cell_size = (self.area_info[2] // self.cell_amt, self.area_info[3] // self.cell_amt) self.play_rect = Rect(self.area_info) self.play_surf = Surface(self.area_info[2:]) self.play_surf.fill(self.back_colour) self.circ_radius = 25 self.fruit = Collectible(self.cell_size, self.cell_amt) self.score = 0 self.snake = Snake(self.cell_size, self.cell_amt) self.snake_is_dead = False self.draw_checkerboard() self.font = SysFont("Arial", 30) self.text = self.font.render("Score: 0", False, self.back_colour) def draw_checkerboard(self): for i in range(self.cell_amt): for j in range(self.cell_amt): if (i % 2 == 0) ^ (j % 2 == 0): cr = Rect((i * self.cell_size[0], j * self.cell_size[1]), self.cell_size) draw_rect(self.play_surf, self.cell_colour, cr) def start(self): self.fruit.start() self.snake.start() self.started = True return self.started def update(self, delta): if not self.snake_is_dead: if get_pressed_keys()[K_SPACE]: self.fruit.reposition() elif get_pressed_keys()[K_p]: self.snake.set_growth() self.handle_collected() self.snake.move() self.fruit.update(delta) self.collect() self.snake.update(delta) if not self.snake.check_alive(): self.snake_is_dead = True self.text = self.font.render(f"Game Over", False, self.back_colour) def render(self, target): target.fill(self.bg_colour) if not self.snake_is_dead: target.blit(self.play_surf, self.play_rect) self.fruit.render(target) self.snake.render(target) target.blit(self.text, (560, 90)) else: target.blit(self.text, (90, 90)) def collect(self): if self.fruit.get_current_cell() == self.snake.get_head(): self.snake.set_growth() snake_pos = self.snake.get_snake() while self.fruit.get_current_cell() in snake_pos: self.fruit.reposition() self.handle_collected() def handle_collected(self): self.score += 1 if self.score % 5 == 0: self.snake.speed_change = True self.text = self.font.render(f"Score: {self.score}", False, self.back_colour)
# Detect collision with apple if snake.x == apple.x and snake.y == apple.y: apple = Apple(config) # collision with body for part in snake.body: if snake.x == part[0] and snake.y == part[1]: snake = Snake(config) direction = snake.pre_direction = snake.direction snake.decision(direction) if snake.collision_with_wall(snake.direction): direction = (snake.direction + 1) % 4 if snake.collision_with_wall(direction): direction = (snake.direction - 1) % 4 if snake.collision_with_wall(direction): snake = Snake(config) snake.direction = direction if add_data(): rows += 1 pbar.update((1 / args.count) * 100) snake.move() f.close()
class Game: def __init__(self, canvas: tk.Canvas): self.canvas = canvas self.grid = list() self.size = [24, 24] self.snake = Snake(self.size) self.score = 0 w = self.size[0] * Box.size + 1 h = self.size[1] * Box.size + 1 self.canvas.configure(width=w, height=h) def init(self): """ Initializes and resets the grid. Loads a grid from a file. """ # Remove all elements in the grid self.grid.clear() # Fill the grid for i in range(self.size[1]): line = list() for j in range(self.size[0]): box = Box(i, j) box.create(self.canvas) line.append(box) self.grid.append(line) # Snake self.snake.init() i_mid = self.size[1] // 2 j_mid = self.size[0] // 2 self.snake.body = [(i_mid, j_mid), (i_mid, j_mid + 1), (i_mid, j_mid + 2)] for i, j in self.snake: self.grid[i][j].set_state(states.SNAKE, self.canvas) self.score = 0 self.spawn_food() # Snake def move(self): """ Moves the snake on the grid. """ new_head, old_tail = self.snake.move() box = self.grid[new_head[0]][new_head[1]] # If there is food, do not remove the tail if box.state == states.FOOD: self.snake.body.append(old_tail) self.score += 1 self.spawn_food() # Remove the tail else: i, j = old_tail self.grid[i][j].set_state(states.EMPTY, self.canvas) # Add the head box.set_state(states.SNAKE, self.canvas) return self.snake.eat_tail() # Food def spawn_food(self): """ Adds a food in the grid. """ boxes = [box for box in self.gen_boxes() if box.state == states.EMPTY] box = random.choice(boxes) box.set_state(states.FOOD, self.canvas) # Tools def gen_boxes(self) -> Box: """ Lists all the boxes in the grid. Generator. """ for i in range(self.size[1]): for j in range(self.size[0]): yield self.grid[i][j] # Magics def __getitem__(self, index): return self.grid[index]