Beispiel #1
def debug_draw_plants_in_images_subset(debug_geo_images, possible_plants, actual_plants, image_out_directory):
    debug_images = []
    DebugImage = namedtuple('DebugImage', 'image existed')
    for geo_image in debug_geo_images:
        if hasattr(geo_image, 'debug_filepath'):
            path = geo_image.debug_filepath
            already_existed = True
            path = geo_image.file_path
            already_existed = False
        img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        if img is None:
            print "Could not open image {}".format(path)
        debug_images.append(DebugImage(img, already_existed))
    for item in possible_plants:
        from random import randint
        item_color = (randint(50, 255), randint(50, 100), randint(50, 255))
        for k, geo_image in enumerate(debug_geo_images):
            for ext_item in [item] + item.get('items',[]):
                image_rect = rect_to_image(ext_item['rect'], geo_image)
                center, size, theta = image_rect
                x, y = center
                if x >= 0 and x < geo_image.width and y >= 0 and y < geo_image.height:
                    draw_rect(debug_images[k].image, image_rect, item_color, thickness=2)
    for plant in actual_plants:
        for ref in plant.all_refs:
            if not ref.parent_image_filename:
            geo_image_filenames = [geo_image.file_name for geo_image in debug_geo_images]
                debug_img_index = geo_image_filenames.index(ref.parent_image_filename)
            except ValueError:
            debug_img = debug_images[debug_img_index].image
            if ref.type == 'CreatedPlant':
                draw_rect(debug_img, ref.bounding_rect, (255, 255, 255), thickness=6)
                draw_rect(debug_img, ref.bounding_rect, (0, 255, 0), thickness=5)
    debug_filepaths = [os.path.join(image_out_directory, postfix_filename(geo_image.file_name, 'marked')) for geo_image in debug_geo_images]
    for k, (debug_image, filepath) in enumerate(zip(debug_images, debug_filepaths)):
        if not debug_image.existed:
            output_debug_image = debug_image.image
            # KLM - don't make image smaller or bounding rect coordinates won't be right next time try to draw on image.
            #output_debug_image = cv2.resize(debug_image.image, (0,0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25)
            output_debug_image = debug_image.image
        cv2.imwrite(filepath, output_debug_image)
        debug_geo_images[k].debug_filepath = filepath
Beispiel #2
def extract_global_plants_from_images(plants, geo_images, out_directory):
    for plant in plants:
        global_bounding_rect = plant.bounding_rect
        if global_bounding_rect is None:
        found_in_image = False 
        for k, geo_image in enumerate(geo_images):
            from src.util.clustering import rect_to_image
            image_rect = rect_to_image(global_bounding_rect, geo_image)
            x, y = image_rect[0]
            if x > 0 and x < geo_image.width and y > 0 and y < geo_image.height:
                found_in_image = True
                if not plant.parent_image_filename.strip():
                    plant.bounding_rect = image_rect
                    plant.parent_image_filename = geo_image.file_name
                    plant_copy = plant.__class__('plant', position=plant.position,
                    plant_copy.bounding_rect = image_rect
                    plant_copy.parent_image_filename = geo_image.file_name
                if out_directory is None:
                image_out_directory = os.path.join(out_directory, os.path.splitext(geo_image.file_name)[0])
                ImageWriter.output_directory = image_out_directory
                img = cv2.imread(geo_image.file_path, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
                if img is not None:
                    plant_img = extract_square_image(img, image_rect, 200)
                    plant_image_fname = postfix_filename(geo_image.file_name, "_{}".format(plant.type))
                    plant.image_path = ImageWriter.save_normal(plant_image_fname, plant_img)
        if not found_in_image:
            # Can't convert global rect to a rotated image rect so remove it to be consistent.
            plant.bounding_rect = None