Beispiel #1
def mst(scores, mask, multiroot=False):
    MST algorithm for decoding non-pojective trees.
    This is a wrapper for ChuLiu/Edmonds algorithm.

    The algorithm first runs ChuLiu/Edmonds to parse a tree and then have a check of multi-roots,
    If ``multiroot=True`` and there indeed exist multi-roots, the algorithm seeks to find
    best single-root trees by iterating all possible single-root trees parsed by ChuLiu/Edmonds.
    Otherwise the resulting trees are directly taken as the final outputs.

        scores (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]``.
            Scores of all dependent-head pairs.
        mask (~torch.BoolTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``.
            Mask to avoid parsing over padding tokens.
            The first column serving as pseudo words for roots should be ``False``.
        muliroot (bool):
            Ensures to parse a single-root tree If ``False``.

            A tensor with shape ``[batch_size, seq_len]`` for the resulting non-projective parse trees.

        >>> scores = torch.tensor([[[-11.9436, -13.1464,  -6.4789, -13.8917],
                                    [-60.6957, -60.2866, -48.6457, -63.8125],
                                    [-38.1747, -49.9296, -45.2733, -49.5571],
                                    [-19.7504, -23.9066,  -9.9139, -16.2088]]])
        >>> scores[:, 0, 1:] = float('-inf')
        >>> scores.diagonal(0, 1, 2)[1:].fill_(float('-inf'))
        >>> mask = torch.tensor([[False,  True,  True,  True]])
        >>> mst(scores, mask)
        tensor([[0, 2, 0, 2]])

    batch_size, seq_len, _ = scores.shape
    scores = scores.cpu().unbind()

    preds = []
    for i, length in enumerate(mask.sum(1).tolist()):
        s = scores[i][:length+1, :length+1]
        tree = chuliu_edmonds(s)
        roots = torch.where(tree[1:].eq(0))[0] + 1
        if not multiroot and len(roots) > 1:
            s_root = s[:, 0]
            s_best = float('-inf')
            s = s.index_fill(1, torch.tensor(0), float('-inf'))
            for root in roots:
                s[:, 0] = float('-inf')
                s[root, 0] = s_root[root]
                t = chuliu_edmonds(s)
                s_tree = s[1:].gather(1, t[1:].unsqueeze(-1)).sum()
                if s_tree > s_best:
                    s_best, tree = s_tree, t

    return pad(preds, total_length=seq_len).to(mask.device)
Beispiel #2
    def compose(self, sequences):
        Composes a batch of sequences into a padded tensor.

            sequences (list[~torch.Tensor]):
                A list of tensors.

            A padded tensor converted to proper device.

        return pad(sequences, self.pad_index).to(self.device)
Beispiel #3
    def transform(self, sequences):
        sequences = [[self.preprocess(token) for token in seq]
                     for seq in sequences]
        if self.fix_len <= 0:
            self.fix_len = max(
                len(token) for seq in sequences for token in seq)
        if self.use_vocab:
            sequences = [[[self.vocab[i]
                           for i in token] if token else [self.unk]
                          for token in seq] for seq in sequences]
        if self.bos:
            sequences = [[[self.bos_index]] + seq for seq in sequences]
        if self.eos:
            sequences = [seq + [[self.eos_index]] for seq in sequences]
        lens = [
            min(self.fix_len, max(len(ids) for ids in seq))
            for seq in sequences
        sequences = [
            pad([torch.tensor(ids[:i]) for ids in seq], self.pad_index, i)
            for i, seq in zip(lens, sequences)

        return sequences
Beispiel #4
def eisner2o(scores, mask):
    Second-order Eisner algorithm for projective decoding.
    This is an extension of the first-order one that further incorporates sibling scores into tree scoring.

        - Ryan McDonald and Fernando Pereira. 2006.
          `Online Learning of Approximate Dependency Parsing Algorithms`_.

        scores (~torch.Tensor, ~torch.Tensor):
            A tuple of two tensors representing the first-order and second-order scores repectively.
            The first (``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]``) holds scores of all dependent-head pairs.
            The second (``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len, seq_len]``) holds scores of all dependent-head-sibling triples.
        mask (~torch.BoolTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``.
            Mask to avoid parsing over padding tokens.
            The first column serving as pseudo words for roots should be ``False``.

            A tensor with shape ``[batch_size, seq_len]`` for the resulting projective parse trees.

        >>> s_arc = torch.tensor([[[ -2.8092,  -7.9104,  -0.9414,  -5.4360],
                                   [-10.3494,  -7.9298,  -3.6929,  -7.3985],
                                   [  1.1815,  -3.8291,   2.3166,  -2.7183],
                                   [ -3.9776,  -3.9063,  -1.6762,  -3.1861]]])
        >>> s_sib = torch.tensor([[[[ 0.4719,  0.4154,  1.1333,  0.6946],
                                    [ 1.1252,  1.3043,  2.1128,  1.4621],
                                    [ 0.5974,  0.5635,  1.0115,  0.7550],
                                    [ 1.1174,  1.3794,  2.2567,  1.4043]],
                                   [[-2.1480, -4.1830, -2.5519, -1.8020],
                                    [-1.2496, -1.7859, -0.0665, -0.4938],
                                    [-2.6171, -4.0142, -2.9428, -2.2121],
                                    [-0.5166, -1.0925,  0.5190,  0.1371]],
                                   [[ 0.5827, -1.2499, -0.0648, -0.0497],
                                    [ 1.4695,  0.3522,  1.5614,  1.0236],
                                    [ 0.4647, -0.7996, -0.3801,  0.0046],
                                    [ 1.5611,  0.3875,  1.8285,  1.0766]],
                                   [[-1.3053, -2.9423, -1.5779, -1.2142],
                                    [-0.1908, -0.9699,  0.3085,  0.1061],
                                    [-1.6783, -2.8199, -1.8853, -1.5653],
                                    [ 0.3629, -0.3488,  0.9011,  0.5674]]]])
        >>> mask = torch.tensor([[False,  True,  True,  True]])
        >>> eisner2o((s_arc, s_sib), mask)
        tensor([[0, 2, 0, 2]])

    .. _Online Learning of Approximate Dependency Parsing Algorithms:

    # the end position of each sentence in a batch
    lens = mask.sum(1)
    s_arc, s_sib = scores
    batch_size, seq_len, _ = s_arc.shape
    # [seq_len, seq_len, batch_size]
    s_arc = s_arc.permute(2, 1, 0)
    # [seq_len, seq_len, seq_len, batch_size]
    s_sib = s_sib.permute(2, 1, 3, 0)
    s_i = torch.full_like(s_arc, float('-inf'))
    s_s = torch.full_like(s_arc, float('-inf'))
    s_c = torch.full_like(s_arc, float('-inf'))
    p_i = s_arc.new_zeros(seq_len, seq_len, batch_size).long()
    p_s = s_arc.new_zeros(seq_len, seq_len, batch_size).long()
    p_c = s_arc.new_zeros(seq_len, seq_len, batch_size).long()

    for w in range(1, seq_len):
        # n denotes the number of spans to iterate,
        # from span (0, w) to span (n, n+w) given width w
        n = seq_len - w
        starts = p_i.new_tensor(range(n)).unsqueeze(0)
        # I(j->i) = max(I(j->r) + S(j->r, i)), i < r < j |
        #               C(j->j) + C(i->j-1))
        #           + s(j->i)
        # [n, w, batch_size]
        il = stripe(s_i, n, w, (w, 1)) + stripe(s_s, n, w, (1, 0), 0)
        il += stripe(s_sib[range(w, n+w), range(n)], n, w, (0, 1))
        # [n, 1, batch_size]
        il0 = stripe(s_c, n, 1, (w, w)) + stripe(s_c, n, 1, (0, w - 1))
        # il0[0] are set to zeros since the scores of the complete spans starting from 0 are always -inf
        il[:, -1] = il0.index_fill_(0, lens.new_tensor(0), 0).squeeze(1)
        il_span, il_path = il.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        s_i.diagonal(-w).copy_(il_span + s_arc.diagonal(-w))
        p_i.diagonal(-w).copy_(il_path + starts + 1)
        # I(i->j) = max(I(i->r) + S(i->r, j), i < r < j |
        #               C(i->i) + C(j->i+1))
        #           + s(i->j)
        # [n, w, batch_size]
        ir = stripe(s_i, n, w) + stripe(s_s, n, w, (0, w), 0)
        ir += stripe(s_sib[range(n), range(w, n+w)], n, w)
        ir[0] = float('-inf')
        # [n, 1, batch_size]
        ir0 = stripe(s_c, n, 1) + stripe(s_c, n, 1, (w, 1))
        ir[:, 0] = ir0.squeeze(1)
        ir_span, ir_path = ir.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        s_i.diagonal(w).copy_(ir_span + s_arc.diagonal(w))
        p_i.diagonal(w).copy_(ir_path + starts)

        # [n, w, batch_size]
        slr = stripe(s_c, n, w) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (w, 1))
        slr_span, slr_path = slr.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        # S(j, i) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1)), i <= r < j
        p_s.diagonal(-w).copy_(slr_path + starts)
        # S(i, j) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1)), i <= r < j
        p_s.diagonal(w).copy_(slr_path + starts)

        # C(j->i) = max(C(r->i) + I(j->r)), i <= r < j
        cl = stripe(s_c, n, w, (0, 0), 0) + stripe(s_i, n, w, (w, 0))
        cl_span, cl_path = cl.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        p_c.diagonal(-w).copy_(cl_path + starts)
        # C(i->j) = max(I(i->r) + C(r->j)), i < r <= j
        cr = stripe(s_i, n, w, (0, 1)) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (1, w), 0)
        cr_span, cr_path = cr.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        # disable multi words to modify the root
        s_c[0, w][] = float('-inf')
        p_c.diagonal(w).copy_(cr_path + starts + 1)

    def backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, i, j, flag):
        if i == j:
        if flag == 'c':
            r = p_c[i, j]
            backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, i, r, 'i')
            backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, r, j, 'c')
        elif flag == 's':
            r = p_s[i, j]
            i, j = sorted((i, j))
            backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, i, r, 'c')
            backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, j, r + 1, 'c')
        elif flag == 'i':
            r, heads[j] = p_i[i, j], i
            if r == i:
                r = i + 1 if i < j else i - 1
                backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, j, r, 'c')
                backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, i, r, 'i')
                backtrack(p_i, p_s, p_c, heads, r, j, 's')

    preds = []
    p_i = p_i.permute(2, 0, 1).cpu()
    p_s = p_s.permute(2, 0, 1).cpu()
    p_c = p_c.permute(2, 0, 1).cpu()
    for i, length in enumerate(lens.tolist()):
        heads = p_c.new_zeros(length + 1, dtype=torch.long)
        backtrack(p_i[i], p_s[i], p_c[i], heads, 0, length, 'c')

    return pad(preds, total_length=seq_len).to(mask.device)
Beispiel #5
def eisner(scores, mask):
    First-order Eisner algorithm for projective decoding.

        - Ryan McDonald, Koby Crammer and Fernando Pereira. 2005.
          `Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers`_.

        scores (~torch.Tensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len]``.
            Scores of all dependent-head pairs.
        mask (~torch.BoolTensor): ``[batch_size, seq_len]``.
            Mask to avoid parsing over padding tokens.
            The first column serving as pseudo words for roots should be ``False``.

            A tensor with shape ``[batch_size, seq_len]`` for the resulting projective parse trees.

        >>> scores = torch.tensor([[[-13.5026, -18.3700, -13.0033, -16.6809],
                                    [-36.5235, -28.6344, -28.4696, -31.6750],
                                    [ -2.9084,  -7.4825,  -1.4861,  -6.8709],
                                    [-29.4880, -27.6905, -26.1498, -27.0233]]])
        >>> mask = torch.tensor([[False,  True,  True,  True]])
        >>> eisner(scores, mask)
        tensor([[0, 2, 0, 2]])

    .. _Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers:

    lens = mask.sum(1)
    batch_size, seq_len, _ = scores.shape
    scores = scores.permute(2, 1, 0)
    s_i = torch.full_like(scores, float('-inf'))
    s_c = torch.full_like(scores, float('-inf'))
    p_i = scores.new_zeros(seq_len, seq_len, batch_size).long()
    p_c = scores.new_zeros(seq_len, seq_len, batch_size).long()

    for w in range(1, seq_len):
        n = seq_len - w
        starts = p_i.new_tensor(range(n)).unsqueeze(0)
        # ilr = C(i->r) + C(j->r+1)
        ilr = stripe(s_c, n, w) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (w, 1))
        # [batch_size, n, w]
        il = ir = ilr.permute(2, 0, 1)
        # I(j->i) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1) + s(j->i)), i <= r < j
        il_span, il_path = il.max(-1)
        s_i.diagonal(-w).copy_(il_span + scores.diagonal(-w))
        p_i.diagonal(-w).copy_(il_path + starts)
        # I(i->j) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1) + s(i->j)), i <= r < j
        ir_span, ir_path = ir.max(-1)
        s_i.diagonal(w).copy_(ir_span + scores.diagonal(w))
        p_i.diagonal(w).copy_(ir_path + starts)

        # C(j->i) = max(C(r->i) + I(j->r)), i <= r < j
        cl = stripe(s_c, n, w, (0, 0), 0) + stripe(s_i, n, w, (w, 0))
        cl_span, cl_path = cl.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        p_c.diagonal(-w).copy_(cl_path + starts)
        # C(i->j) = max(I(i->r) + C(r->j)), i < r <= j
        cr = stripe(s_i, n, w, (0, 1)) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (1, w), 0)
        cr_span, cr_path = cr.permute(2, 0, 1).max(-1)
        s_c[0, w][] = float('-inf')
        p_c.diagonal(w).copy_(cr_path + starts + 1)

    def backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, j, complete):
        if i == j:
        if complete:
            r = p_c[i, j]
            backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, r, False)
            backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, r, j, True)
            r, heads[j] = p_i[i, j], i
            i, j = sorted((i, j))
            backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, r, True)
            backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, j, r + 1, True)

    preds = []
    p_c = p_c.permute(2, 0, 1).cpu()
    p_i = p_i.permute(2, 0, 1).cpu()
    for i, length in enumerate(lens.tolist()):
        heads = p_c.new_zeros(length + 1, dtype=torch.long)
        backtrack(p_i[i], p_c[i], heads, 0, length, True)

    return pad(preds, total_length=seq_len).to(mask.device)
Beispiel #6
 def compose(self, sequences):
     return [pad(i).to(self.device) for i in zip(*sequences)]