Beispiel #1
def retweet_user_id(t: Dict) -> str:
    Integer value Tweet ID of the Original Tweeter
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.user.id_str')
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'quoted_status.user.id_str')
    return ""
Beispiel #2
def retweet_screen_name(t: Dict) -> str:
    Name of Original Tweeter
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.user.screen_name')
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'quoted_status.user.screen_name')
    return ""
Beispiel #3
def retweet_id(t: Dict) -> str:
    integer value Tweet ID of the retweeted or quoted Tweet
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.id_str')

    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'quoted_status.id_str')
    return ""
Beispiel #4
def extended_text(t: Dict) -> str:
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'extended_tweet.full_text')

    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.extended_tweet.full_text')

    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'quoted_status.extended_tweet.full_text')

    return ''
Beispiel #5
def media(t: Dict) -> str:
    An expanded version of display_url. Links to the media display page
    with suppress(KeyError):
        m = pluck(t, '')
        if m:
            return ' '.join([h['expanded_url'] for h in m])
    with suppress(KeyError):
        m = pluck(t, '')
        if m:
            return ' '.join([h['expanded_url'] for h in m])
    return ''
Beispiel #6
def hashtags(t: Dict) -> str:
    Get all hashtags, including when tweet is truncated (if available)
    with suppress(KeyError):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return ' '.join([
            h['text'] for h in pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.entities.hashtags')
    # extended tweet
    with suppress(KeyError):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return ' '.join(
            [h['text'] for h in pluck(t, 'extended_tweet.entities.hashtags')])
    # standard hashtag field
    return ' '.join([h['text'] for h in t['entities']['hashtags']])
Beispiel #7
def place(t: Dict) -> str:
    Full human-readable representation of the place’s name (if available)
    with suppress(TypeError):
        return pluck(t, 'place.full_name')
    return ''
Beispiel #8
def coordinates(t: Dict) -> str:
    Get location coordinates in the form [longitude, latitude] (if available)
    with suppress(TypeError):
        return '%f %f' % tuple(pluck(t, 'coordinates.coordinates'))
    return ''
Beispiel #9
def quoted_or_retweeted_hashtags(t: Dict) -> str:
    Get quoted or retweeted hashtags
    # retweets
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return ' '.join([
            h['text'] for h in pluck(
                t, 'retweeted_status.extended_tweet.entities.hashtags')

    # quotes
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return ' '.join([
            for h in pluck(t, 'quoted_status.extended_tweet.entities.hashtags')
    return ''
Beispiel #10
def text(t: Dict) -> str:
    Get text of tweet
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'retweeted_status.full_text')

    return t.get('full_text') or t.get('extended_tweet',
                                       {}).get('full_text') or t['text']
Beispiel #11
def user_urls(t: Dict) -> str:
    url of the Tweeter
    with suppress(KeyError):
        u = pluck(t, 'user.entities.url.urls')
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker
        return " ".join(
            [url['expanded_url'] for url in u if url['expanded_url']])
    return ""
Beispiel #12
def quote(t: Dict) -> str:
    with suppress(KeyError):
        return pluck(t, 'quoted_status.text')
    return ''