def get_excitation_list_qasm(excitation_list, var_parameters, gate_counter):
    qasm = ['']
    # iterate over all excitations (each excitation is represented by a sum of products of pauli operators)
    for i, excitation in enumerate(excitation_list):
        # print('Excitation ', i)  # testing
        # iterate over the terms of each excitation (each term is a product of pauli operators, on different qubits)
        # TODO replace with the function from QasmUtils
        for exponent_term in excitation.terms:
            exponent_angle = var_parameters[i] * excitation.terms[exponent_term]
            assert exponent_angle.real == 0
            exponent_angle = exponent_angle.imag
            qasm.append(QasmUtils.exponent_qasm(exponent_term, exponent_angle))

    return ''.join(qasm)
    def test_exponent_statevector(self):

        exp_operator = ((0, 'X'), (1, 'Z'), (2, 'Z'))
        qasm = QasmUtils.qasm_header(3)
        qasm += QasmUtils.exponent_qasm(exp_operator, -numpy.pi / 2)
        statevector = QiskitSimBackend.statevector_from_qasm(qasm)

        expected_statevector = numpy.zeros(8)
        expected_statevector[1] = 1

        self.assertEqual(len(expected_statevector), len(statevector))

        for i in range(len(statevector)):
    def test_exponent_statevectors(self):

        qubit_operators = []
        # only symetric qubit operators will works, because qiskit and openfermion use different qubit orderings
        qubit_operators.append(openfermion.QubitOperator('Z0 Y1 Z2'))
        qubit_operators.append(openfermion.QubitOperator('X0 Y1 X2'))
        qubit_operators.append(openfermion.QubitOperator('Y0 X1 X2 Y3'))

        for qubit_operator in qubit_operators:

            qubit_operator_tuple = list(qubit_operator.terms.keys())[0]
            n_qubits = len(qubit_operator_tuple)

            for angle in range(10):
                angle = 2 * numpy.pi / 10

                # <<< create a statevector using QiskitSimulation.get_exponent_qasm >>>
                qasm = QasmUtils.qasm_header(n_qubits)
                qasm += QasmUtils.exponent_qasm(qubit_operator_tuple, angle)
                qiskit_statevector = QiskitSimBackend.statevector_from_qasm(
                qiskit_statevector = qiskit_statevector * numpy.exp(
                    1j * angle)  # correct for a global phase
                qiskit_statevector = qiskit_statevector.round(
                    2)  # round for the purpose of testing

                # <<< create a statevector using MatrixCalculation.get_qubit_operator_exponent_matrix >>>
                exp_matrix = MatrixUtils.get_excitation_matrix(
                    1j * qubit_operator, n_qubits, angle).todense()
                # prepare initial statevector corresponding to state |0>
                array_statevector = numpy.zeros(2**n_qubits)
                array_statevector[0] = 1
                # update statevector
                array_statevector = numpy.array(
                        2)  # round for the purpose of testing

                # <<<< compare both state vectors >>>>
                # check the components of the two vectors are equal
                for i in range(len(qiskit_statevector)):