def draw_vehicle_fill_tr(self, data_vehicle, id_sel, hcolor, tr): # data_vehicle: (ndarray) t x y theta v length width tag_segment tag_lane id (dim = N x 10, width > length) # id_sel: (ndarray) id of vehicles # hcolor: (tuple) rgb color # tr: (scalar) transparency 0 ~ 1 if ~isinstance(data_vehicle, np.ndarray): data_vehicle = np.array(data_vehicle) shape_data_vehicle = data_vehicle.shape if len(shape_data_vehicle) == 1: data_vehicle = np.reshape(data_vehicle, (1, -1)) num_vehicle = data_vehicle.shape[0] for nidx_n in range(0, num_vehicle): # Get vehicle-data # structure: t x y theta v length width tag_segment tag_lane id (dim = 10, width > length) data_vehicle_tmp = data_vehicle[nidx_n, :] # Get polygon-points pnts_vehicle_tmp = get_pnts_carshape(data_vehicle_tmp[1], data_vehicle_tmp[2], data_vehicle_tmp[3], data_vehicle_tmp[6], data_vehicle_tmp[5]) # Set (fill) color if np.isin(data_vehicle_tmp[-1], id_sel): cmap_vehicle = hcolor else: cmap_vehicle = get_rgb("Light Gray") pnts_vehicle_pixel = self.convert2pixel(pnts_vehicle_tmp) # Plot vehicle for nidx_pnt in range(0, pnts_vehicle_pixel.shape[0]): pnt_tmp = pnts_vehicle_pixel[nidx_pnt, :] if nidx_pnt == 0: self.ctx.move_to(pnt_tmp[0], pnt_tmp[1]) else: self.ctx.line_to(pnt_tmp[0], pnt_tmp[1]) pnt_0_tmp = pnts_vehicle_pixel[0, :] self.ctx.line_to(pnt_0_tmp[0], pnt_0_tmp[1]) # Plot (cairo) self.ctx.set_line_width(1) self.ctx.set_source_rgba(cmap_vehicle[0], cmap_vehicle[1], cmap_vehicle[2], tr) self.ctx.fill_preserve() self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.ctx.set_line_width(1) self.ctx.stroke()
def draw_trajectory_array_w_cost(self, traj_array, cost, idx_invalid, cost_max, hlinewidth): # traj_array: list of trajectory (ndarray, dim = N x 2) # cost: (ndarray) cost of trajectory (dim = N) # idx_invalid: (ndarray or list) invalid trajectory array # cost_max: (scalar) cost_max (if 0, cost is scaled automatically) # hlinewidth: (scalar) linewidth if ~isinstance(cost, np.ndarray): cost = np.array(cost) cost = cost.reshape(-1) num_traj = len(traj_array) if len(idx_invalid) > 0: idx_valid = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, num_traj), idx_invalid) else: idx_valid = np.arange(0, num_traj) if len(idx_valid) > 0: cost_valid = cost[idx_valid] if cost_max == 0: max_cost_valid, min_cost_valid = max(cost_valid), min( cost_valid) if abs(max_cost_valid - min_cost_valid) < float(1e-4): max_cost_valid, min_cost_valid = 1.0, 0.0 else: max_cost_valid, min_cost_valid = cost_max, 0.0 else: max_cost_valid, min_cost_valid = 1.0, 0.0 # cmap ="cool") cmap ="autumn") for nidx_traj in range(0, len(idx_invalid)): # Plot invalid trajectories idx_sel = idx_invalid[nidx_traj] traj_sel = traj_array[idx_sel] self.draw_trajectory_tr(traj_sel[:, 0:2], hlinewidth, get_rgb("Dark Slate Blue"), 0.95) # self.draw_pnts_tr(traj_sel[:, 0:2], 3, get_rgb("Medium Slate Blue"), 0.5) for nidx_traj in range(0, len(idx_valid)): # Plot valid trajectories idx_sel = idx_valid[nidx_traj] traj_sel = traj_array[idx_sel] idx_tmp = (cost[idx_sel] - min_cost_valid) / (max_cost_valid - min_cost_valid) idx_tmp = min(max(idx_tmp, 0.0), 1.0) cmap_1 = cmap(idx_tmp) # cmap_1 = get_rgb("Orange") self.draw_trajectory_tr(traj_sel[:, 0:2], hlinewidth, cmap_1[0:3], 0.95)
def draw_background(self, color_name): # hcolor: (tuple) color hcolor = get_rgb(color_name) self.ctx.move_to(0, 0) self.ctx.line_to(self.screen_size[0], 0) self.ctx.line_to(self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1]) self.ctx.line_to(0, self.screen_size[1]) self.ctx.line_to(0, 0) self.ctx.set_line_width(1) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(hcolor[0], hcolor[1], hcolor[2]) self.ctx.fill()
def draw_track_sub(self, pnts_poly_track): # pnts_poly_track: (list) points of track # Convert to pixel space pnts_pixel_track = [] num_lane_seg = 0 # number of lane-segment for nidx_seg in range(0, len(pnts_poly_track)): seg_sel = pnts_poly_track[nidx_seg] pnts_pixel_seg = [] for nidx_lane in range(0, len(seg_sel)): num_lane_seg = num_lane_seg + 1 pnts_tmp = seg_sel[nidx_lane] pnts_conv_tmp = self.convert2pixel_sub(pnts_tmp) pnts_pixel_seg.append(pnts_conv_tmp) pnts_pixel_track.append(pnts_pixel_seg) # Plot track for nidx_seg in range(0, len(pnts_pixel_track)): pnts_pixel_seg = pnts_pixel_track[nidx_seg] # Plot lane-segment for nidx_lane in range(0, len(pnts_pixel_seg)): # Pnts on lane-segment pnts_pixel_lane = pnts_pixel_seg[nidx_lane] for nidx_pnt in range(0, pnts_pixel_lane.shape[0]): pnt_tmp = pnts_pixel_lane[nidx_pnt, :] if nidx_pnt == 0: self.ctx.move_to(pnt_tmp[0], pnt_tmp[1]) else: self.ctx.line_to(pnt_tmp[0], pnt_tmp[1]) pnt_0_tmp = pnts_pixel_lane[0, :] self.ctx.line_to(pnt_0_tmp[0], pnt_0_tmp[1]) # Set (fill) color cmap_lane = get_rgb("Dim Gray") # Plot (cairo) self.ctx.set_line_width(0.3) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(cmap_lane[0], cmap_lane[1], cmap_lane[2]) self.ctx.fill_preserve() self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.ctx.set_line_width(0.3) self.ctx.stroke()
def draw_track(self): # pnts_poly_track: (list) points of track if self.screen_mode == 0: linewidth_outer, linewidth_inner = 1, 1 elif self.screen_mode == 1: linewidth_outer, linewidth_inner = 2, 2 else: linewidth_outer, linewidth_inner = 1, 1 self.update_pixel_track() # Plot track (polygon) for nidx_seg in range(0, len(self.pixel_poly_track)): pixel_poly_seg = self.pixel_poly_track[nidx_seg] # Plot lane-segment for nidx_lane in range(0, len(pixel_poly_seg)): idx_lane = len(pixel_poly_seg) - nidx_lane - 1 # Pnts on lane-segment pixel_poly_lane = pixel_poly_seg[idx_lane] for nidx_pnt in range(0, pixel_poly_lane.shape[0]): pixel_tmp = pixel_poly_lane[nidx_pnt, :] pixel_tmp = self.snapCoords(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) if nidx_pnt == 0: self.ctx.move_to(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) else: self.ctx.line_to(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) pnt_0_tmp = pixel_poly_lane[0, :] pnt_0_tmp = self.snapCoords(pnt_0_tmp[0], pnt_0_tmp[1]) self.ctx.line_to(pnt_0_tmp[0], pnt_0_tmp[1]) # Set (fill) color cmap_lane = get_rgb("Dim Gray") # Plot (cairo) self.ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(cmap_lane[0], cmap_lane[1], cmap_lane[2]) self.ctx.fill_preserve() # self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # self.ctx.set_line_width(linewidth_outer) self.ctx.stroke() # Plot track (outer) for nidx_seg in range(0, len(self.pixel_outer_border_track)): pixel_outer_seg = self.pixel_outer_border_track[nidx_seg] for nidx_lane in range(0, len(pixel_outer_seg)): pixel_outer_lane = pixel_outer_seg[nidx_lane] for nidx_pnt in range(0, pixel_outer_lane.shape[0]): pixel_tmp = pixel_outer_lane[nidx_pnt, :] pixel_tmp = self.snapCoords(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) if nidx_pnt == 0: self.ctx.move_to(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) else: self.ctx.line_to(pixel_tmp[0], pixel_tmp[1]) # Set (fill) color cmap_lane = get_rgb("Black") # Plot (cairo) self.ctx.set_line_width(linewidth_outer) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(cmap_lane[0], cmap_lane[1], cmap_lane[2]) self.ctx.stroke() # Plot track (inner) hcolor_inner = get_rgb("Silver") for nidx_seg in range(0, len(self.pixel_inner_border_track)): pixel_inner_seg = self.pixel_inner_border_track[nidx_seg] for nidx_lane in range(0, len(pixel_inner_seg)): pixel_inner_lane = pixel_inner_seg[nidx_lane] for nidx_pnt in range(0, pixel_inner_lane.shape[0], 2): pixel_cur_tmp = pixel_inner_lane[nidx_pnt, :] pixel_cur_tmp = self.snapCoords(pixel_cur_tmp[0], pixel_cur_tmp[1]) if (nidx_pnt + 1) <= (pixel_inner_lane.shape[0] - 1): pixel_next_tmp = pixel_inner_lane[nidx_pnt + 1, :] pixel_next_tmp = self.snapCoords( pixel_next_tmp[0], pixel_next_tmp[1]) self.ctx.move_to(pixel_cur_tmp[0], pixel_cur_tmp[1]) self.ctx.line_to(pixel_next_tmp[0], pixel_next_tmp[1]) self.ctx.set_line_width(linewidth_inner) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(hcolor_inner[0], hcolor_inner[1], hcolor_inner[2]) self.ctx.stroke() else: self.ctx.arc(pixel_cur_tmp[0], pixel_cur_tmp[1], 1, 0, 2 * math.pi) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(hcolor_inner[0], hcolor_inner[1], hcolor_inner[2]) self.ctx.fill()