def read_data(self, DataListName, FeatureName,shape): ''' Load original data and the feature that you choose to use is needed You can choose different output shape. :DataListName: The log.txt path :FeatureName: The name of the feature that you choose to use :shape: The output shape that you prefer ''' Feature = FeatureName.capitalize() Data = np.zeros((1,shape)) Label = [] processer = PreProcessing(512, 128) wav_list, frame_list, energy_list, zcr_list, endpoint_list, Label = processer.process(DataListName) if Feature[0] == 'E': for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(energy_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) Data=np.concatenate((Data,temp),axis = 0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, Label elif Feature[0] == 'Z': for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(zcr_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) Data=np.concatenate((Data,temp),axis = 0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, Label else: print("please choose correct feature, and we will return ZCR by default") for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(zcr_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) Data=np.concatenate((Data,temp),axis = 0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, Label
def setUp(self): self.DATA_DIR = './TEST_DIR' self.LOG = './TEST_DIR/data_log.txt' builder = VoiceDataSetBuilder( dst_path=self.DATA_DIR, log_file=self.LOG, rate=44100) self.pre_process = PreProcessing(frame_size=512, overlap=128) plt.ion() plt.figure(1)
def load_target(self, ModelListName): ''' Load model data this is the model data for classification :ModelListName: The Model_log.txt path ''' eff_label_list = [] eff_mfcc = [] processer = PreProcessing(512, 128) wav_list, frame_list, mfcc_list, energy_list, zcr_list, endpoint_list, label_list = processer.process( ModelListName) for i in range(len(mfcc_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(mfcc_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) if endpoint_list[i][1] - endpoint_list[i][0] != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) eff_mfcc.append(mfcc_list[i]) else: continue return eff_mfcc, eff_label_list
def read_data(self, DataListName): ''' Load original data You can choose different output shape. :DataListName: The log.txt path ''' eff_label_list = [] eff_mfcc = [] processer = PreProcessing(512, 128) wav_list, frame_list, mfcc_list, energy_list, zcr_list, endpoint_list, label_list = processer.process( DataListName) for i in range(len(mfcc_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(mfcc_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) if endpoint_list[i][1] - endpoint_list[i][0] != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) eff_mfcc.append(mfcc_list[i]) else: continue return eff_mfcc, eff_label_list
class PreProcessingTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DATA_DIR = './TEST_DIR' self.LOG = './TEST_DIR/data_log.txt' builder = VoiceDataSetBuilder( dst_path=self.DATA_DIR, log_file=self.LOG, rate=44100) self.pre_process = PreProcessing(frame_size=512, overlap=128) plt.ion() plt.figure(1) def test_all(self): wav_list, frame_list, energy_list, zcr_list, endpoint_list = \ self.pre_process.process(self.LOG) for i in range(len(frame_list)): wav_data = wav_list[i] print(np.max(np.abs(wav_data))) frames = frame_list[i] energys = energy_list[i] zcrs = zcr_list[i] endpoints = endpoint_list[i] effective_es = PreProcessing.effective_feature(zcrs, endpoints) plt.figure(i + 1) plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(wav_data) print(endpoints) for ep in endpoints: plt.axvline(ep * (self.pre_process.frame_size - self.pre_process.overlap), color='r') plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(energys) for ep in endpoints: plt.axvline(ep, color='r') plt.subplot(223) longest_e = [] for e in effective_es: if len(e) > len(longest_e): longest_e = e plt.plot(longest_e) plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(zcrs) for ep in endpoints: plt.axvline(ep, color='r') plt.waitforbuttonpress() def tearDown(self): for file in os.listdir(self.DATA_DIR): os.remove(os.path.join(self.DATA_DIR, file)) if os.path.exists(self.DATA_DIR): os.removedirs(self.DATA_DIR) if os.path.exists(self.LOG): os.remove(self.LOG)
class FeatureExtractorsTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.WAVE_NUM = 10 self.WAVE_DURANCE = 1000 self.wave_list = np.random.randn(self.WAVE_DURANCE, self.WAVE_NUM) self.base = PreProcessing(100, 10) self.frames = np.array([self.base.Enframe(wave) for wave in self.wave_list]) def test_enhance_frame(self): for i in range(self.WAVE_NUM): self.assertTrue(( FeatureExtractors.enhance_frame( wav_data=self.wave_list[:, i], frame_size=100, overlap=10, windowing_method='Hamming' ) == self.base.Enframe(self.wave_list[:, i]) ).all()) def test_zero_crossing_rate(self): for i in range(self.WAVE_NUM): self.assertTrue(( FeatureExtractors.zero_crossing_rate( frames=self.frames ) == self.base.ZCR(self.frames) ).any()) def test_energy(self): for i in range(self.WAVE_NUM): self.assertTrue(( == ).any())
def call_extraction(args): if len(args) == 3: input_file = args[0] template_name = args[1] output_file = args[2] else: raise IncorrectArgumentNumberException(3, args) xml_tree = ET.ElementTree() with open(constants.base_filepath + input_file) as file: data = try: xml_tree = ET.fromstring(data) except (ET.XMLSyntaxError, ValueError) as e: data = re.sub('<\\?.*?\\?>', '', data) xml_tree = ET.fromstring(data) template = XMLUtil.Template(template_name) pre_processed_xml_tree = PreProcessing.apply_all( xml_tree, template.pre_process_queue) extracted_xml = XMLExtractor.extract_template_data_from_xml( template.get_template(), pre_processed_xml_tree) extracted_xml = PostProcessing.apply_all(extracted_xml, template.post_process_queue) out = XMLUtil.xml_to_string(extracted_xml) if output_file != 'None': with open(constants.base_filepath + output_file, 'w') as file: file.write(out) return out
def read_data(self, DataListName, FeatureName, shape): ''' Load original data and the feature that you choose to use is needed You can choose different output shape. :DataListName: The log.txt path :FeatureName: The name of the feature that you choose to use :shape: The output shape that you prefer ''' Feature = FeatureName.capitalize() Data = np.zeros((1, shape)) zcrdata = np.zeros((1, shape)) energydata = np.zeros((1, shape)) eff_label_list = [] processer = PreProcessing(512, 128) wav_list, frame_list, mfcc_list, energy_list, zcr_list, endpoint_list, label_list = processer.process( DataListName) if Feature[0] == 'E': for i in range(len(energy_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(energy_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) if len(temp) != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) else: continue Data = np.concatenate((Data, temp), axis=0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, eff_label_list elif Feature[0] == 'Z': for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(zcr_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) print(np.shape(temp)) if len(temp) != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) else: continue Data = np.concatenate((Data, temp), axis=0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, eff_label_list elif Feature[0] == 'W': for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(zcr_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) if len(temp) != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) else: continue zcrdata = np.concatenate((zcrdata, temp), axis=0) zcrdata = zcrdata[1:] for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(energy_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) if len(temp) == 0: continue energydata = np.concatenate((energydata, temp), axis=0) energydata = energydata[1:] data = energydata * zcrdata return data, eff_label_list else: print( "please choose correct feature, and we will return ZCR by default" ) for i in range(len(zcr_list)): temp = processer.effective_feature(zcr_list[i], endpoint_list[i]) temp = processer.reshape(temp, shape) if len(temp) != 0: eff_label_list.append(label_list[i]) else: continue Data = np.concatenate((Data, temp), axis=0) Data = Data[1:] return Data, eff_label_list
def setUp(self): self.WAVE_NUM = 10 self.WAVE_DURANCE = 1000 self.wave_list = np.random.randn(self.WAVE_DURANCE, self.WAVE_NUM) self.base = PreProcessing(100, 10) self.frames = np.array([self.base.Enframe(wave) for wave in self.wave_list])