Beispiel #1
def main():

    cont = 1

    ssllog.log.initLog(sslconfig.sslConfig.logFilename, sslconfig.sslConfig.logLevel)
    if options.runOnceMode:

    ssllog.log.main_logger.debug("Starting main()")

    sleepInSecs            = sslconfig.sslConfig.sleepSecs
    sslCertDestinationPath = sslconfig.sslConfig.sslCertDestinationPath
    lastTimestamp          = sslconfig.sslConfigTimestamp.lastTimestamp

    myHostname = socket.gethostname()"My hostname: " + myHostname)

    datastore = SSLDataStore(sslconfig.sslConfig.databaseHost, \
        sslconfig.sslConfig.databaseUser, \
        sslconfig.sslConfig.databasePass, \

    if not datastore:
        ssllog.log.main_logger.critical("Error: Problem connecting to the "\
                "database. Exiting!")

    # Let's see whats changed since we were last here
    dbConnected = 0
    dbSleep = 60
    while not dbConnected:
        except mdb.Error, e:
            ssllog.log.main_logger.error("Error: Problem getting current state " \
                    "from the database. Sleeping for %d before trying again." \
                    % (dbSleep))
            ssllog.log.main_logger.error("Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1]))

        if datastore.con and
            dbConnected = 1
            datastore.cursor = datastore.con.cursor()

            # Parse out the starting ss-multicert.conf file into a hash (past
            # state)
            pastSSLConfigHash = atsParseSSLMultiCertConfig()
            # Grab all of the XIDs in the SSL datastore (present state)
            originTimestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
            presentSSLConfigHash = sslcertdatabase.getXIDsNewerThanTimestamp(\
                    datastore, originTimestamp)
            ssllog.log.main_logger.error("Error: Problem getting opening " \
                    "connection to database in order to obtain the current " \
                "state from the database. Sleeping for %d before trying again." \
                    % (dbSleep))
Beispiel #2
                if thisTimestamp:
                    lastTimestamp = thisTimestamp
                if not sslCertHash:
                limitStart += 1000
                # Write out the new/updated certs we found in the database
                ssllog.log.main_logger.debug("- Write certs to filesystem %s" %\
                        ', '.join(['%s' % (key) for key in sslCertHash.keys()]))
                sslcertdatabase.writeCertsFromHashOfCerts(sslCertHash, sslCertDestinationPath)

            # Now snapshot the entire database and see if there are any
            # 'delete's
            # Grab all of the XIDs in the SSL datastore (new state)
            ssllog.log.main_logger.debug("- Getting a fresh look at the database to see if anything was deleted")
            originTimestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
            newSSLConfigHash = sslcertdatabase.getXIDsNewerThanTimestamp(datastore, originTimestamp)

            # We've added the new/updated cert files, but before we delete
            # any files, lets write out the new ssl-multicert config based on
            # the most recent snapshot of the database which includes adds,
            # updates and deletes.
            # Tell traffic_line to trigger a reload of the trafficserver
            # config.  We can take care of deleting the old files while it is
            # coming back up.
            ssllog.log.main_logger.debug("- Update trafficserver ssl-multicert")
            atsUpdateSSLMultiCertConfigFromConfigHash(newSSLConfigHash, 'w')
            atsUpdateRemapConfigFromConfigHash(newSSLConfigHash, 'w')
            ssllog.log.main_logger.debug("- Trigger traffic_line to reload config")