Beispiel #1
def format_isodate_for_user_timezone(value):
    Format the provided ISO date time string for human friendly display taking into user timezone
    specific in the config.
    config = get_config()
    timezone = config.get("cli", {}).get("timezone", "UTC")
    result = format_isodate(value=value, timezone=timezone)
    return result
Beispiel #2
def format_isodate_for_user_timezone(value):
    Format the provided ISO date time string for human friendly display taking into user timezone
    specific in the config.
    config = get_config()
    timezone = config.get('cli', {}).get('timezone', 'UTC')
    result = format_isodate(value=value, timezone=timezone)
    return result
Beispiel #3
    def format(cls, entry, *args, **kwargs):
        attrs = kwargs.get('attributes', [])
        attribute_transform_functions = kwargs.get('attribute_transform_functions', {})
        key = kwargs.get('key', None)
        if key:
            output = jsutil.get_value(entry.result, key)
            # drop entry to the dict so that jsutil can operate
            entry = vars(entry)
            output = ''
            for attr in attrs:
                value = jsutil.get_value(entry, attr)
                value = strutil.strip_carriage_returns(strutil.unescape(value))
                # TODO: This check is inherently flawed since it will crash st2client
                # if the leading character is objectish start and last character is objectish
                # end but the string isn't supposed to be a object. Try/Except will catch
                # this for now, but this should be improved.
                if (isinstance(value, six.string_types) and len(value) > 0 and
                        value[0] in ['{', '['] and value[len(value) - 1] in ['}', ']']):
                        new_value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        new_value = value
                    if type(new_value) in [dict, list]:
                        value = new_value
                if type(value) in [dict, list]:
                    # 1. To get a nice overhang indent get safe_dump to generate output with
                    #    the attribute key and then remove the attribute key from the string.
                    # 2. Drop the trailing newline
                    # 3. Set width to maxint so pyyaml does not split text. Anything longer
                    #    and likely we will see other issues like storage :P.
                    formatted_value = yaml.safe_dump({attr: value},
                                                     indent=2)[len(attr) + 2:-1]
                    value = ('\n' if isinstance(value, dict) else '') + formatted_value
                    value = strutil.dedupe_newlines(value)

                # transform the value of our attribute so things like 'status'
                # and 'timestamp' are formatted nicely
                transform_function = attribute_transform_functions.get(attr,
                                                                       lambda value: value)
                value = transform_function(value=value)

                output += ('\n' if output else '') + '%s: %s' % \
                    (DisplayColors.colorize(attr, DisplayColors.BLUE), value)

            output_schema = entry.get('action', {}).get('output_schema')
            schema_check = get_config()['general']['silence_schema_output']
            if not output_schema and kwargs.get('with_schema'):
                rendered_schema = {
                    'output_schema': schema.render_output_schema_from_output(entry['result'])

                rendered_schema = yaml.safe_dump(rendered_schema, default_flow_style=False)
                output += '\n'
                output += _print_bordered(
                    "Based on the action output the following inferred schema was built:"
                    "%s" % rendered_schema
            elif not output_schema and not schema_check:
                output += (
                    "\n\n** This action does not have an output_schema. "
                    "Run again with --with-schema to see a suggested schema."

        if six.PY3:
            return strutil.unescape(str(output))
            # Assume Python 2
                result = strutil.unescape(str(output)).decode('unicode_escape').encode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                # String contains a value which is not an unicode escape sequence, ignore the error
                result = strutil.unescape(str(output))
            return result
Beispiel #4
    def get_client(self, args, debug=False):
        ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG = os.environ.get('ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG', 0)

        skip_config = args.skip_config
        skip_config = skip_config or ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG

        # Note: Options provided as the CLI argument have the highest precedence
        # Precedence order: cli arguments > environment variables > rc file variables
        cli_options = [
            'base_url', 'auth_url', 'api_url', 'api_version', 'cacert'
        cli_options = {opt: getattr(args, opt, None) for opt in cli_options}
        config_file_options = self._get_config_file_options(args=args)

        kwargs = {}

        if not skip_config:
            # Config parsing is not skipped
            kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, config_file_options)

        kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, cli_options)
        kwargs['debug'] = debug

        client = Client(**kwargs)

        if skip_config:
            # Config parsing is skipped
  'Skipping parsing CLI config')
            return client

        # Ok to use config at this point
        rc_config = get_config()

        # Silence SSL warnings
        silence_ssl_warnings = rc_config.get('general',
        if silence_ssl_warnings:

        # We skip automatic authentication for some commands such as auth
            command_class_name = args.func.im_class.__name__
        except Exception:
            command_class_name = None

        if command_class_name in self.SKIP_AUTH_CLASSES:
            return client

        # We also skip automatic authentication if token is provided via the environment variable
        # or as a command line argument
        env_var_token = os.environ.get('ST2_AUTH_TOKEN', None)
        cli_argument_token = getattr(args, 'token', None)
        env_var_api_key = os.environ.get('ST2_API_KEY', None)
        cli_argument_api_key = getattr(args, 'api_key', None)
        if env_var_token or cli_argument_token or env_var_api_key or cli_argument_api_key:
            return client

        # If credentials are provided in the CLI config use them and try to authenticate
        credentials = rc_config.get('credentials', {})
        username = credentials.get('username', None)
        password = credentials.get('password', None)
        cache_token = rc_config.get('cli', {}).get('cache_token', False)

        if credentials:
            # Credentials are provided, try to authenticate agaist the API
                token = self._get_auth_token(client=client,
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                    'Auth API server is not available, skipping authentication.'
                return client
            except Exception as e:
                    'Failed to authenticate with credentials provided in the config.'
                raise e
            client.token = token
            # TODO: Hack, refactor when splitting out the client
            os.environ['ST2_AUTH_TOKEN'] = token

        return client
Beispiel #5
    def format(cls, entry, *args, **kwargs):
        attrs = kwargs.get('attributes', [])
        attribute_transform_functions = kwargs.get(
            'attribute_transform_functions', {})
        key = kwargs.get('key', None)
        if key:
            output = jsutil.get_value(entry.result, key)
            # drop entry to the dict so that jsutil can operate
            entry = vars(entry)
            output = ''
            for attr in attrs:
                value = jsutil.get_value(entry, attr)
                value = strutil.strip_carriage_returns(strutil.unescape(value))
                # TODO: This check is inherently flawed since it will crash st2client
                # if the leading character is objectish start and last character is objectish
                # end but the string isn't supposed to be a object. Try/Except will catch
                # this for now, but this should be improved.
                if (isinstance(value, six.string_types) and len(value) > 0
                        and value[0] in ['{', '[']
                        and value[len(value) - 1] in ['}', ']']):
                        new_value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        new_value = value
                    if type(new_value) in [dict, list]:
                        value = new_value
                if type(value) in [dict, list]:
                    # 1. To get a nice overhang indent get safe_dump to generate output with
                    #    the attribute key and then remove the attribute key from the string.
                    # 2. Drop the trailing newline
                    # 3. Set width to maxint so pyyaml does not split text. Anything longer
                    #    and likely we will see other issues like storage :P.
                    formatted_value = yaml.safe_dump({attr: value},
                                                     indent=2)[len(attr) +
                    value = ('\n' if isinstance(value, dict) else
                             '') + formatted_value
                    value = strutil.dedupe_newlines(value)

                # transform the value of our attribute so things like 'status'
                # and 'timestamp' are formatted nicely
                transform_function = attribute_transform_functions.get(
                    attr, lambda value: value)
                value = transform_function(value=value)

                output += ('\n' if output else '') + '%s: %s' % \
                    (DisplayColors.colorize(attr, DisplayColors.BLUE), value)

            output_schema = entry.get('action', {}).get('output_schema')
            schema_check = get_config()['general']['silence_schema_output']
            if not output_schema and kwargs.get('with_schema'):
                rendered_schema = {

                rendered_schema = yaml.safe_dump(rendered_schema,
                output += '\n'
                output += _print_bordered(
                    "Based on the action output the following inferred schema was built:"
                    "%s" % rendered_schema)
            elif not output_schema and not schema_check:
                output += (
                    "\n\n** This action does not have an output_schema. "
                    "Run again with --with-schema to see a suggested schema.")

        if six.PY3:
            return strutil.unescape(str(output))
            # Assume Python 2
                result = strutil.unescape(
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                # String contains a value which is not an unicode escape sequence, ignore the error
                result = strutil.unescape(str(output))
            return result
Beispiel #6
    def get_client(self, args, debug=False):
        ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG = os.environ.get('ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG', 0)

        skip_config = args.skip_config
        skip_config = skip_config or ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG

        # Note: Options provided as the CLI argument have the highest precedence
        # Precedence order: cli arguments > environment variables > rc file variables
        cli_options = ['base_url', 'auth_url', 'api_url', 'api_version', 'cacert']
        cli_options = {opt: getattr(args, opt) for opt in cli_options}
        config_file_options = self._get_config_file_options(args=args)

        kwargs = {}

        if not skip_config:
            # Config parsing is not skipped
            kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, config_file_options)

        kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, cli_options)
        kwargs['debug'] = debug

        client = Client(**kwargs)

        if skip_config:
            # Config parsing is skipped
  'Skipping parsing CLI config')
            return client

        # Ok to use config at this point
        rc_config = get_config()

        # Silence SSL warnings
        silence_ssl_warnings = rc_config.get('general', {}).get('silence_ssl_warnings', False)
        if silence_ssl_warnings:

        # We skip automatic authentication for some commands such as auth
            command_class_name = args.func.im_class.__name__
        except Exception:
            command_class_name = None

        if command_class_name in SKIP_AUTH_CLASSES:
            return client

        # We also skip automatic authentication if token is provided via the environment variable
        # or as a command line argument
        env_var_token = os.environ.get('ST2_AUTH_TOKEN', None)
        cli_argument_token = getattr(args, 'token', None)
        env_var_api_key = os.environ.get('ST2_API_KEY', None)
        cli_argument_api_key = getattr(args, 'api_key', None)
        if env_var_token or cli_argument_token or env_var_api_key or cli_argument_api_key:
            return client

        # If credentials are provided in the CLI config use them and try to authenticate
        credentials = rc_config.get('credentials', {})
        username = credentials.get('username', None)
        password = credentials.get('password', None)
        cache_token = rc_config.get('cli', {}).get('cache_token', False)

        if username and password:
            # Credentials are provided, try to authenticate agaist the API
                token = self._get_auth_token(client=client, username=username, password=password,
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                LOG.warn('Auth API server is not available, skipping authentication.')
                return client
            except Exception as e:
                print('Failed to authenticate with credentials provided in the config.')
                raise e

            client.token = token
            # TODO: Hack, refactor when splitting out the client
            os.environ['ST2_AUTH_TOKEN'] = token

        return client
Beispiel #7
    def get_client(self, args, debug=False):
        ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG = os.environ.get("ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG", 0)

        skip_config = args.skip_config
        skip_config = skip_config or ST2_CLI_SKIP_CONFIG

        # Note: Options provided as the CLI argument have the highest precedence
        # Precedence order: cli arguments > environment variables > rc file variables
        cli_options = [
        cli_options = {opt: getattr(args, opt, None) for opt in cli_options}
        if cli_options.get("cacert", None) is not None:
            if cli_options["cacert"].lower() in ["true", "1", "t", "y", "yes"]:
                cli_options["cacert"] = True
            elif cli_options["cacert"].lower() in ["false", "0", "f", "no"]:
                cli_options["cacert"] = False
        config_file_options = self._get_config_file_options(args=args)

        kwargs = {}

        if not skip_config:
            # Config parsing is not skipped
            kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, config_file_options)

        kwargs = merge_dicts(kwargs, cli_options)
        kwargs["debug"] = debug

        client = Client(**kwargs)

        if skip_config:
            # Config parsing is skipped
  "Skipping parsing CLI config")
            return client

        # Ok to use config at this point
        rc_config = get_config()

        # Silence SSL warnings
        silence_ssl_warnings = rc_config.get("general",
        if silence_ssl_warnings:
            # pylint: disable=no-member

        # We skip automatic authentication for some commands such as auth
            command_class_name = args.func.__self__.__class__.__name__
        except Exception:
            command_class_name = None

        if command_class_name in self.SKIP_AUTH_CLASSES:
            return client

        # We also skip automatic authentication if token is provided via the environment variable
        # or as a command line argument
        env_var_token = os.environ.get("ST2_AUTH_TOKEN", None)
        cli_argument_token = getattr(args, "token", None)
        env_var_api_key = os.environ.get("ST2_API_KEY", None)
        cli_argument_api_key = getattr(args, "api_key", None)
        if (env_var_token or cli_argument_token or env_var_api_key
                or cli_argument_api_key):
            return client

        # If credentials are provided in the CLI config use them and try to authenticate
        credentials = rc_config.get("credentials", {})
        username = credentials.get("username", None)
        password = credentials.get("password", None)
        cache_token = rc_config.get("cli", {}).get("cache_token", False)

        if username:
            # Credentials are provided, try to authenticate agaist the API
                token = self._get_auth_token(
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                    "Auth API server is not available, skipping authentication."
                return client
            except Exception as e:
                    "Failed to authenticate with credentials provided in the config."
                raise e
            client.token = token
            # TODO: Hack, refactor when splitting out the client
            os.environ["ST2_AUTH_TOKEN"] = token

        return client
Beispiel #8
    def format(cls, entry, *args, **kwargs):
        attrs = kwargs.get("attributes", [])
        attribute_transform_functions = kwargs.get(
            "attribute_transform_functions", {})
        key = kwargs.get("key", None)
        if key:
            output = jsutil.get_value(entry.result, key)
            # drop entry to the dict so that jsutil can operate
            entry = vars(entry)
            output = ""
            for attr in attrs:
                value = jsutil.get_value(entry, attr)
                value = strutil.strip_carriage_returns(strutil.unescape(value))

                # transform the value of our attribute so things like 'status'
                # and 'timestamp' are formatted nicely
                transform_function = attribute_transform_functions.get(
                    attr, lambda value: value)
                value = transform_function(value=value)

                # TODO: This check is inherently flawed since it will crash st2client
                # if the leading character is objectish start and last character is objectish
                # end but the string isn't supposed to be a object. Try/Except will catch
                # this for now, but this should be improved.
                if (isinstance(value, six.string_types) and len(value) > 0
                        and value[0] in ["{", "["]
                        and value[len(value) - 1] in ["}", "]"]):
                        new_value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        new_value = value
                    if type(new_value) in [dict, list]:
                        value = new_value
                if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
                    # 1. To get a nice overhang indent get safe_dump to generate output with
                    #    the attribute key and then remove the attribute key from the string.
                    # 2. Drop the trailing newline
                    # 3. Set width to maxint so pyyaml does not split text. Anything longer
                    #    and likely we will see other issues like storage :P.
                    # NOTE: We use C version of the safe dumper which is faster.
                    # Keep in mind that using YamlSafeDumper is the same as using yaml.safe_dumps
                    # (same class is used underneath when using yaml.safe_dump) so the code is safe.
                    formatted_value = yaml.dump(
                        {attr: value},
                    )[len(attr) + 2:-1]

                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        # Indent list values with 2 spaces for a nicer display.
                        lines = formatted_value.split("\n")
                        formatted_value = []
                        for line in lines:
                            formatted_value.append("  %s" % (line))

                        formatted_value = "\n".join(formatted_value)

                    value = ("\n" if isinstance(value, (dict, list)) else
                             "") + formatted_value
                    value = strutil.dedupe_newlines(value)

                # transform the value of our attribute so things like 'status'
                # and 'timestamp' are formatted nicely
                transform_function = attribute_transform_functions.get(
                    attr, lambda value: value)
                value = transform_function(value=value)

                output += ("\n" if output else "") + "%s: %s" % (
                    DisplayColors.colorize(attr, DisplayColors.BLUE),

            output_schema = entry.get("action", {}).get("output_schema")
            schema_check = get_config()["general"]["silence_schema_output"]
            if not output_schema and kwargs.get("with_schema"):
                rendered_schema = {

                rendered_schema = yaml.safe_dump(rendered_schema,
                output += "\n"
                output += _print_bordered(
                    "Based on the action output the following inferred schema was built:"
                    "%s" % rendered_schema)
            elif not output_schema and not schema_check:
                output += (
                    "\n\n** This action does not have an output_schema. "
                    "Run again with --with-schema to see a suggested schema.")

        if six.PY3:
            return strutil.unescape(str(output))
            # Assume Python 2
                result = (strutil.unescape(
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                # String contains a value which is not an unicode escape sequence, ignore the error
                result = strutil.unescape(str(output))
            return result