def test_create_user_validate_email(app):
    # When no email is provided a ValueError is raised
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user("", A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)

    # When an invalid email is provided a ValueError is raised.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user("", A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST,
def test_create_user_validate_password(app):
    # When a password of length < 10 is provided, a ValueError is raised.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, "", A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, "123456789", A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)

    # When a password of length >= 10 is provided, a user is created:
    assert (services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, "1234567890", A_FIRST, A_LAST,
                                 AN_ORG) is not None)
def test_request_password_reset_email_down(app, monkeypatch):
    # Given: existing user, matching password
    user = services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)
    driver_mock = Mock()
    driver_mock.send_reset_email.return_value = False
    monkeypatch.setattr(services.mail, "make_driver", lambda: driver_mock)

    # Then: the user's reset_token is updated, and an email is sent.
    assert not services.request_password_reset(user)
def test_create_user(app):
    # Given: good email/passwords are provided, a user is saved
    user = services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)
    # Then: a user is created, with email and password hash.
    assert == AN_EMAIL
    assert user.password_hash != A_PASSWORD
    assert user.first_name == A_FIRST
    assert user.last_name == A_LAST
    assert user.organization == AN_ORG
    assert len(user.password_salt) > 0
    # and the hash would return true if verified
    assert utils.verify_hash(A_PASSWORD, user.password_hash,

    # The org can be None
    user = services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, None)
    assert user.organization == None

    # The org can be ""
    user = services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, "")
    assert user.organization == ""
def test_request_password_reset(app, monkeypatch):
    # Given: existing user, matching password
    user = services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_FIRST, A_LAST, AN_ORG)
    driver_mock = Mock()
    monkeypatch.setattr(services.mail, "make_driver", lambda: driver_mock)

    # Then: the user's reset_token is updated, and an email is sent.
    original_reset_token = user.reset_token
    assert services.request_password_reset(user)
    assert driver_mock.mock_calls[0][1][0].id ==
    assert user.reset_token != original_reset_token
    assert user.reset_token_expires_at < datetime.utcnow()
def test_create_user_validate_last_name(app):
    # When no last name is provided, a ValueError is raised.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_LAST, None, AN_ORG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        services.create_user(AN_EMAIL, A_PASSWORD, A_LAST, "", AN_ORG)