Beispiel #1
 def fraction_time_scheduler_delay(self):
   """ Of the total time spent across all machines in the cluster, what fraction of time was
   spent waiting on the scheduler?"""
   total_scheduler_delay = 0
   total_runtime = 0
   for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
     total_scheduler_delay += sum([t.scheduler_delay for t in stage.tasks])
     total_runtime += stage.total_runtime()
   return total_scheduler_delay * 1.0 / total_runtime
Beispiel #2
 def fraction_time_scheduler_delay(self):
   """ Of the total time spent across all machines in the cluster, what fraction of time was
   spent waiting on the scheduler?"""
   total_scheduler_delay = 0
   total_runtime = 0
   for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
     total_scheduler_delay += sum([t.scheduler_delay for t in stage.tasks])
     total_runtime += stage.total_runtime()
   return total_scheduler_delay * 1.0 / total_runtime
Beispiel #3
  def no_stragglers_perfect_parallelism_speedup(self):
    """ Returns how fast the job would have run if time were perfectly spread across 32 slots. """
    ideal_runtime = 0
    total_runtime_combined_stages = 0
    for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
      if id in self.stages_to_combine:
        total_runtime_combined_stages += stage.total_runtime()
        new_runtime = float(stage.total_runtime()) / concurrency.get_max_concurrency(stage.tasks)
        print "New runtime: %s, original runtime: %s" % (new_runtime, stage.finish_time() - stage.start_time)
        ideal_runtime += new_runtime

    print "Total runtime combined: %s (concurrency %d" % (total_runtime_combined_stages, self.combined_stages_concurrency)
    ideal_runtime += float(total_runtime_combined_stages) / self.combined_stages_concurrency
    print "Getting simulated runtime"
    simulated_actual_runtime = self.get_simulated_runtime()
    print "Ideal runtime for all: %s, simulated: %s" % (ideal_runtime, simulated_actual_runtime)
    return ideal_runtime / simulated_actual_runtime
Beispiel #4
  def no_stragglers_perfect_parallelism_speedup(self):
    """ Returns how fast the job would have run if time were perfectly spread across 32 slots. """
    ideal_runtime = 0
    total_runtime_combined_stages = 0
    for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
      if id in self.stages_to_combine:
        total_runtime_combined_stages += stage.total_runtime()
        new_runtime = float(stage.total_runtime()) / concurrency.get_max_concurrency(stage.tasks)
        print "New runtime: %s, original runtime: %s" % (new_runtime, stage.finish_time() - stage.start_time)
        ideal_runtime += new_runtime

    print "Total runtime combined: %s (concurrency %d" % (total_runtime_combined_stages, self.combined_stages_concurrency)
    ideal_runtime += float(total_runtime_combined_stages) / self.combined_stages_concurrency
    print "Getting simulated runtime"
    simulated_actual_runtime = self.get_simulated_runtime()
    print "Ideal runtime for all: %s, simulated: %s" % (ideal_runtime, simulated_actual_runtime)
    return ideal_runtime / simulated_actual_runtime
Beispiel #5
 def fraction_time_waiting_on_shuffle_read(self):
   """ Of the total time spent across all machines in the cluster, what fraction of time was
   spent waiting on the network? """
   total_fetch_wait = 0
   # This is just used as a sanity check: total_runtime_no_shuffle_read + total_fetch_wait
   # should equal total_runtime.
   total_runtime_no_shuffle_read = 0
   total_runtime = 0
   for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
     total_fetch_wait += stage.total_fetch_wait()
     total_runtime_no_shuffle_read += stage.total_runtime_no_remote_shuffle_read()
     total_runtime += stage.total_runtime()
   assert(total_runtime == total_fetch_wait + total_runtime_no_shuffle_read)
   return total_fetch_wait * 1.0 / total_runtime
Beispiel #6
 def fraction_time_waiting_on_shuffle_read(self):
   """ Of the total time spent across all machines in the cluster, what fraction of time was
   spent waiting on the network? """
   total_fetch_wait = 0
   # This is just used as a sanity check: total_runtime_no_shuffle_read + total_fetch_wait
   # should equal total_runtime.
   total_runtime_no_shuffle_read = 0
   total_runtime = 0
   for id, stage in self.stages.iteritems():
     total_fetch_wait += stage.total_fetch_wait()
     total_runtime_no_shuffle_read += stage.total_runtime_no_remote_shuffle_read()
     total_runtime += stage.total_runtime()
   assert(total_runtime == total_fetch_wait + total_runtime_no_shuffle_read)
   return total_fetch_wait * 1.0 / total_runtime