Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

        # basic commands
        self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS = [
            'goto', 'guarded_move', 'guarded_move_fast', 'solid_contact',
            'solid_fingertips_contact', 'avoid_contact', 'maintain_contact',
            'dither', 'hold'
        self.FINGER_MAP = {'f1': 0, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2}

        # motion parameters
        self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0  # max closure (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6  # max closure (radians)

        # control loop logic parameters for safety checking
        self.ARRIVAL_ERROR = 0.05  #  error at which controller considers
        # position control finished
        self.BLOCKED_ERROR = 0.05  #  if the finger hasn't moved this far
        # in hand_hist steps, it's blocked
        self.BLOCKED_TIME = 0.3  #  seconds before checking for blockage
        # it's necessary to wait, otherwise the
        # finger will interpret the time spent
        # still before movement as blocked

        # Initialize logic variables
        self.control_mode = ['goto', 'goto',
                             'goto']  # control mode for each finger
        self.working = [
            False, False, False
        ]  # completion criteria (service returns when all false)
        self.call_time = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
                          -1.0]  # used to track when commands are called
        self.cmd_spool = np.array(
            [-1.0, -1.0,
             -1.0])  # finger commanded position, radians spool rotation
        self.cmd_spool_old = deepcopy(
        )  # Previous cmd position. If current cmd position matches, give no command
        self.target_spool = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Set up publishers
        self.actuator_pub = rospy.Publisher('/set_reflex_hand',

        # Subscribe to sensor information
        self.hand_publishing = True
        self.hand = Hand()
        self.hand_hist = [
        ]  # history of incoming hand data, bounded in __hand_callback
        self.HISTORY_LENGTH = 15  # how many snapshots of old data to keep for checking motor stall, etc
        self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME = 5  # time (seconds) that code will wait for a subscription
        self.state_debugger = StateDebugger()

        topic = '/reflex_hand'
        rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
        time_waiting = 0.0
        while len(self.hand_hist) < 2\
              and time_waiting < self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME\
              and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            time_waiting += 0.01
        self.hand_publishing = did_subscribe_succeed(time_waiting, topic)
        if not self.hand_publishing:
                '\tCheck that your hand is plugged in to power and the ethernet port'

        rospy.loginfo('Reflex class is initialized')
    def __init__(self):
        super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

        # basic commands
        self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS = ['goto',
        self.FINGER_MAP = {'f1': 0, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2}

        # motion parameters
        self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05         # radians / 0.01 second
        self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15   # radians / 0.01 second
        self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0           # max opening (radians)
        self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0           # max closure (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0         # max opening (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6         # max closure (radians)

        # control loop logic parameters for safety checking
        self.ARRIVAL_ERROR = 0.05       #  error at which controller considers
                                        # position control finished
        self.BLOCKED_ERROR = 0.05       #  if the finger hasn't moved this far
                                        # in hand_hist steps, it's blocked
        self.BLOCKED_TIME = 0.3         #  seconds before checking for blockage
                                        # it's necessary to wait, otherwise the
                                        # finger will interpret the time spent
                                        # still before movement as blocked

        # Initialize logic variables
        self.control_mode = ['goto', 'goto', 'goto']        # control mode for each finger
        self.working = [False, False, False]                # completion criteria (service returns when all false)
        self.call_time = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]           # used to track when commands are called
        self.cmd_spool = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])       # finger commanded position, radians spool rotation
        self.cmd_spool_old = deepcopy(self.cmd_spool)       # Previous cmd position. If current cmd position matches, give no command

        # Set up publishers
        self.actuator_pub = rospy.Publisher('/set_reflex_hand',

        # Subscribe to sensor information
        self.hand_publishing = True
        self.hand = Hand()
        self.hand_hist = []             # history of incoming hand data, bounded in __hand_callback
        self.HISTORY_LENGTH = 15        # how many snapshots of old data to keep for checking motor stall, etc
        self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME = 5         # time (seconds) that code will wait for a subscription
        self.state_debugger = StateDebugger()

        topic = '/reflex_hand'
        rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
        time_waiting = 0.0
        while len(self.hand_hist) < 2\
              and time_waiting < self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME\
              and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            time_waiting += 0.01
        self.hand_publishing = did_subscribe_succeed(time_waiting, topic)
        if not self.hand_publishing:
            rospy.logwarn('\tCheck that your hand is plugged in to power and the ethernet port')

        rospy.loginfo('Reflex class is initialized')
Beispiel #3
class ReFlex(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

        # basic commands
        self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS = [
            'goto', 'guarded_move', 'guarded_move_fast', 'solid_contact',
            'solid_fingertips_contact', 'avoid_contact', 'maintain_contact',
            'dither', 'hold'
        self.FINGER_MAP = {'f1': 0, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2}

        # motion parameters
        self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0  # max closure (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6  # max closure (radians)

        # control loop logic parameters for safety checking
        self.ARRIVAL_ERROR = 0.05  #  error at which controller considers
        # position control finished
        self.BLOCKED_ERROR = 0.05  #  if the finger hasn't moved this far
        # in hand_hist steps, it's blocked
        self.BLOCKED_TIME = 0.3  #  seconds before checking for blockage
        # it's necessary to wait, otherwise the
        # finger will interpret the time spent
        # still before movement as blocked

        # Initialize logic variables
        self.control_mode = ['goto', 'goto',
                             'goto']  # control mode for each finger
        self.working = [
            False, False, False
        ]  # completion criteria (service returns when all false)
        self.call_time = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
                          -1.0]  # used to track when commands are called
        self.cmd_spool = np.array(
            [-1.0, -1.0,
             -1.0])  # finger commanded position, radians spool rotation
        self.cmd_spool_old = deepcopy(
        )  # Previous cmd position. If current cmd position matches, give no command
        self.target_spool = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Set up publishers
        self.actuator_pub = rospy.Publisher('/set_reflex_hand',

        # Subscribe to sensor information
        self.hand_publishing = True
        self.hand = Hand()
        self.hand_hist = [
        ]  # history of incoming hand data, bounded in __hand_callback
        self.HISTORY_LENGTH = 15  # how many snapshots of old data to keep for checking motor stall, etc
        self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME = 5  # time (seconds) that code will wait for a subscription
        self.state_debugger = StateDebugger()

        topic = '/reflex_hand'
        rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
        time_waiting = 0.0
        while len(self.hand_hist) < 2\
              and time_waiting < self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME\
              and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            time_waiting += 0.01
        self.hand_publishing = did_subscribe_succeed(time_waiting, topic)
        if not self.hand_publishing:
                '\tCheck that your hand is plugged in to power and the ethernet port'

        rospy.loginfo('Reflex class is initialized')

    def __hand_callback(self, msg):
        """ Updates local cache of Hand data and calls control_loop """
        self.hand = deepcopy(msg)
        while len(self.hand_hist) >= self.HISTORY_LENGTH:

    def __control_loop(self):
        publishing_error = 'tactile_publishing = %s and joints_publishing = %s, both must be true to use ' % \
                            (self.hand.tactile_publishing, self.hand.joints_publishing)

        # each finger has a control mode, which corresponds to some basic logic
        cmd_change = []
        pos_error = []

        for i in range(3):
            # position control mode
            motor_error = self.cmd_spool[i] - self.hand.finger[i].spool
            if self.control_mode[i] == 'goto':
                if self.working[i]:
                        i, 'Waiting for (arrived) or (blocked)')
                if not self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    self.working[i] = False
                elif self.working[i] and abs(motor_error) < self.ARRIVAL_ERROR:
                    self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(arrived)')
                    self.working[i] = False
                elif self.working[i] and rospy.get_time() > (self.call_time[i] + self.BLOCKED_TIME)\
                     and abs(self.hand_hist[0].finger[i].spool - self.hand_hist[-1].finger[i].spool) < self.BLOCKED_ERROR:
                    self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(blocked)')
                    self.move_finger(i, self.hand.finger[i].spool)
                    self.working[i] = False
                    rospy.logwarn('Finger %d was blocked, halting finger',
                                  i + 1)
                        '\tIf the finger reports blocked but was not')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tactually blocked by an object, it was')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tlikely commanded to a point out of its.')
                        '\trange. Consider redoing the tendon length')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tif the finger does not have the desired')

            # guarded modes
            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'guarded_move':  # close until either link experiences contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing\
                   and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                            i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                            i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'guarded_move')
                    self.working[i] = False

            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'guarded_move_fast':  # close until either link experiences contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                            i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                            i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[
                            i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'guarded_move_fast')
                    self.working[i] = False

            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'solid_contact':  # close until both links experience contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                            i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_full_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                            i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'solid_contact')
                    self.working[i] = False

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'solid_fingertips_contact':
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:

                    if self.working[i]:
                            i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')

                    if self.fingertips_full_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                            i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error +
                    self.working[i] = False

            # ceaseless modes
            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'dither':  # if in contact, loosen; if no contact, tighten
                    i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i) and (self.hand.finger[i].spool
                                                      > self.TENDON_MIN):
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool - self.FINGER_STEP
                    elif (self.hand.finger[i].spool < self.TENDON_MAX):
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'dither')

            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'avoid_contact':  # open finger if contact
                    i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i) and (self.hand.finger[i].spool
                                                      > self.TENDON_MIN):
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool - self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'avoid_contact')

            elif self.control_mode[
                    i] == 'maintain_contact':  # if no contact, move finger in
                    i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if not self.finger_in_contact(i) and (
                            self.hand.finger[i].spool < self.TENDON_MAX):
                            i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'maintain_contact')

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'hold':
                    i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')

                    'reflex_base: Found unrecognized control_mode: %s',

            # execute finger control
            self.cmd_spool[i] = min(max(self.cmd_spool[i], self.TENDON_MIN),
            cmd_change.append(self.cmd_spool[i] != self.cmd_spool_old[i])
            pos_error.append(motor_error > self.ARRIVAL_ERROR
                             and self.working[i])
            self.cmd_spool_old[i] = deepcopy(self.cmd_spool[i])

        if sum(cmd_change) or sum(pos_error):
            pos_list = [
                self.cmd_spool[0], self.cmd_spool[1], self.cmd_spool[2],
                min(max(self.hand.palm.preshape, self.PRESHAPE_MIN),


    # Commands the preshape joint to move to a certain position
    def move_preshape(self, goal_pos):
        if self.hand.palm.preshape != goal_pos:

            self.call_time[3] = rospy.get_time()
            self.reset_hist(True, 3)
            cmd = min(max(goal_pos, self.PRESHAPE_MIN), self.PRESHAPE_MAX)
            pos_list = [
                self.hand.finger[0].spool, self.hand.finger[1].spool,
                self.hand.finger[2].spool, cmd

            motor_error = goal_pos - self.hand.palm.preshape
            blocked = False
            if not self.hand.joints_publishing:
                while (abs(motor_error) > self.ARRIVAL_ERROR)\
                       and not blocked and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                    motor_error = goal_pos - self.hand.palm.preshape

                    if rospy.get_time() > (self.call_time[3] + self.BLOCKED_TIME) \
                       and abs(self.hand_hist[0].palm.preshape - self.hand_hist[-1].palm.preshape) < self.BLOCKED_ERROR:
                        pos_list = [
                            self.hand.finger[2].spool, self.hand.palm.preshape
                            'The preshape joint was blocked, stopping it')
                        blocked = True

            if blocked:
                    'Preshape was (blocked)')
                self.state_debugger.end_preshape_tracking('Preshape (arrived)')

    # Commands a finger to move to a certain position
    def move_finger(self, finger_index, goal_pos):
        self.control_mode[finger_index] = 'goto'
        self.call_time[finger_index] = rospy.get_time()
        self.working[finger_index] = True
        self.cmd_spool[finger_index] = goal_pos

    # Parses modes and turns them into control_mode for control_loop
    def __command_base_finger(self, finger, mode):
        i = self.FINGER_MAP[finger]
        if mode in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
            self.call_time[i] = rospy.get_time()

        if mode == 'guarded_move':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'guarded_move'
        elif mode == 'guarded_move_fast':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'guarded_move_fast'
        elif mode == 'solid_contact':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'solid_contact'
        elif mode == 'solid_fingertips_contact':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'solid_fingertips_contact'
        elif mode == 'avoid_contact':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'avoid_contact'
        elif mode == 'maintain_contact':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'maintain_contact'
        elif mode == 'dither':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'dither'
        elif mode == 'hold':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'hold'
                'reflex_base: received an unknown finger command: %s', mode)
        self.reset_hist(self.working[i], i)

    def command_base(self, *args):
        # 1 arg = hand command
        # 3 arg = finger commands
        # 2, 4, 6 arg = [finger, mode, (finger, mode, (finger, mode))]

        flag = False
        if len(args) == 1:
            self.__command_base_finger('f1', args[0])
            self.__command_base_finger('f2', args[0])
            self.__command_base_finger('f3', args[0])

            if args[0] not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                flag = True

        elif len(args) == 3:
            self.__command_base_finger('f1', args[0])
            self.__command_base_finger('f2', args[1])
            self.__command_base_finger('f3', args[2])

            for arg in args:
                if arg not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                    flag = True

        elif len(args) in [2, 4, 6]:
            fingers = [args[2 * j] for j in range(len(args) / 2)]
            modes = [args[2 * (j + 1) - 1] for j in range(len(args) / 2)]
            for j in range(len(fingers)):
                self.__command_base_finger(fingers[j], modes[j])

            for mode in modes:
                if mode not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                    flag = True
                'reflex_base: did not recognize the input, was given %s', args)
            flag = True

        rospy.loginfo('commanded the fingers, self.working = %s, self.control_mode: %s'\
                        , str(self.working), str(self.control_mode))

        while any(self.working) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        return flag

    def hand_in_contact(self):
        """ Returns boolean on whether any sensors (fingers or palm) are in
        contact """
        any_contact = False
        for i in range(3):
            if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                any_contact = True
        if sum( > 0:
            any_contact = True
        return any_contact

    def finger_in_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns boolean on whether finger has made contact, whether via
        sensor or by distal deflection """
        return self.proximal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               or self.distal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               or self.distal_deflection_contact(finger_index)

    def finger_full_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns boolean on whether both finger links have made contact,
        whether via sensor or by distal deflection """
        return self.proximal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               and (self.distal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
                    or self.distal_deflection_contact(finger_index))

    def fingertips_full_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns boolean on whether both finger links have made contact,
        whether via sensor or by distal deflection """
        return (self.distal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
                    or self.distal_deflection_contact(finger_index))

    def proximal_sensor_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any proximal sensor contact """
        return sum(self.hand.finger[finger_index].contact[0:5])

    def distal_sensor_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any distal sensor contact """
        return sum(self.hand.finger[finger_index].contact[5:9])

    def distal_deflection_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any distal deflection contact """
        return self.hand.finger[
            finger_index].distal > self.distal_contact_angle(finger_index)

    def distal_contact_angle(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a variable angle to signal distal contact based on finger
        spool level """
        spool_level = [self.TENDON_MIN, self.TENDON_MAX]
        # Distal angle indicating contact (radians)
        contact_angle = [0.6, 0.8]

        # Fit current spool level to a linear slope
        slope = (contact_angle[1] - contact_angle[0]) / (spool_level[1] -
        y_intercept = contact_angle[0]
        return slope * self.hand.finger[finger_index].spool + y_intercept

    def reset_hist(self, flag, finger_index):
        """ Resets cached angles so that motor blockage can be measured """
        if finger_index == 3:
            for i in range(len(self.hand_hist)):
                self.hand_hist[i].palm.preshape = -1
        elif flag:
            for i in range(len(self.hand_hist)):
                self.hand_hist[i].finger[finger_index].spool = -1

    def guarded_move(self):

    def guarded_move_fast(self):

    def solid_contact(self):

    def solid_fingertips_contact(self):

    def avoid_contact(self):

    def maintain_contact(self):

    def dither(self):

    def hold(self):
class ReFlex(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

        # basic commands
        self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS = ['goto',
        self.FINGER_MAP = {'f1': 0, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2}

        # motion parameters
        self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05         # radians / 0.01 second
        self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15   # radians / 0.01 second
        self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0           # max opening (radians)
        self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0           # max closure (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0         # max opening (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6         # max closure (radians)

        # control loop logic parameters for safety checking
        self.ARRIVAL_ERROR = 0.05       #  error at which controller considers
                                        # position control finished
        self.BLOCKED_ERROR = 0.05       #  if the finger hasn't moved this far
                                        # in hand_hist steps, it's blocked
        self.BLOCKED_TIME = 0.3         #  seconds before checking for blockage
                                        # it's necessary to wait, otherwise the
                                        # finger will interpret the time spent
                                        # still before movement as blocked

        # Initialize logic variables
        self.control_mode = ['goto', 'goto', 'goto']        # control mode for each finger
        self.working = [False, False, False]                # completion criteria (service returns when all false)
        self.call_time = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]           # used to track when commands are called
        self.cmd_spool = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])       # finger commanded position, radians spool rotation
        self.cmd_spool_old = deepcopy(self.cmd_spool)       # Previous cmd position. If current cmd position matches, give no command

        # Set up publishers
        self.actuator_pub = rospy.Publisher('/set_reflex_hand',

        # Subscribe to sensor information
        self.hand_publishing = True
        self.hand = Hand()
        self.hand_hist = []             # history of incoming hand data, bounded in __hand_callback
        self.HISTORY_LENGTH = 15        # how many snapshots of old data to keep for checking motor stall, etc
        self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME = 5         # time (seconds) that code will wait for a subscription
        self.state_debugger = StateDebugger()

        topic = '/reflex_hand'
        rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
        time_waiting = 0.0
        while len(self.hand_hist) < 2\
              and time_waiting < self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME\
              and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            time_waiting += 0.01
        self.hand_publishing = did_subscribe_succeed(time_waiting, topic)
        if not self.hand_publishing:
            rospy.logwarn('\tCheck that your hand is plugged in to power and the ethernet port')

        rospy.loginfo('Reflex class is initialized')

    def __hand_callback(self, msg):
        """ Updates local cache of Hand data and calls control_loop """
        self.hand = deepcopy(msg)
        while len(self.hand_hist) >= self.HISTORY_LENGTH:

    def __control_loop(self):
        publishing_error = 'tactile_publishing = %s and joints_publishing = %s, both must be true to use ' % \
                            (self.hand.tactile_publishing, self.hand.joints_publishing)

        # each finger has a control mode, which corresponds to some basic logic
        cmd_change = []
        pos_error = []

        for i in range(3):
            # position control mode
            motor_error = self.cmd_spool[i] - self.hand.finger[i].spool
            if self.control_mode[i] == 'goto':
                if self.working[i]:
                   self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'Waiting for (arrived) or (blocked)')
                if not self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    self.working[i] = False
                elif self.working[i] and abs(motor_error) < self.ARRIVAL_ERROR:
                    self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(arrived)')
                    self.working[i] = False
                elif self.working[i] and rospy.get_time() > (self.call_time[i] + self.BLOCKED_TIME)\
                     and abs(self.hand_hist[0].finger[i].spool - self.hand_hist[-1].finger[i].spool) < self.BLOCKED_ERROR:
                    self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(blocked)')
                    self.move_finger(i, self.hand.finger[i].spool)
                    self.working[i] = False
                    rospy.logwarn('Finger %d was blocked, halting finger', i+1)
                    rospy.loginfo('\tIf the finger reports blocked but was not')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tactually blocked by an object, it was')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tlikely commanded to a point out of its.')
                    rospy.loginfo('\trange. Consider redoing the tendon length')
                    rospy.loginfo('\tif the finger does not have the desired')

            # guarded modes
            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'guarded_move':        # close until either link experiences contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing\
                   and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'guarded_move')
                    self.working[i] = False

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'guarded_move_fast':       # close until either link experiences contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'guarded_move_fast')
                    self.working[i] = False

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'solid_contact':       # close until both links experience contact
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.working[i]:
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'Waiting for (contacted) or (end of range)')
                    if self.finger_full_contact(i):
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(contacted)')
                    elif self.hand.finger[i].spool >= self.TENDON_MAX:
                        self.working[i] = False
                        self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, '(end of range)')
                    elif self.working[i]:
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'solid_contact')
                    self.working[i] = False

            # ceaseless modes
            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'dither':              # if in contact, loosen; if no contact, tighten
                self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i) and (self.hand.finger[i].spool > self.TENDON_MIN):
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool - self.FINGER_STEP
                    elif (self.hand.finger[i].spool < self.TENDON_MAX):
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool + self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'dither')

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'avoid_contact':       # open finger if contact
                self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if self.finger_in_contact(i) and (self.hand.finger[i].spool > self.TENDON_MIN):
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool-self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'avoid_contact')

            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'maintain_contact':    # if no contact, move finger in
                self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')
                if self.hand.tactile_publishing and self.hand.joints_publishing:
                    if not self.finger_in_contact(i) and (self.hand.finger[i].spool < self.TENDON_MAX):
                        self.cmd_spool[i] = self.hand.finger[i].spool+self.FINGER_STEP
                    rospy.loginfo(publishing_error + 'maintain_contact')
            elif self.control_mode[i] == 'hold':
                self.state_debugger.set_finger_state(i, 'In state until commanded otherwise')

                rospy.loginfo('reflex_base: Found unrecognized control_mode: %s', self.control_mode[i])

            # execute finger control 
            self.cmd_spool[i] = min(max(self.cmd_spool[i], self.TENDON_MIN), self.TENDON_MAX)
            cmd_change.append(self.cmd_spool[i] != self.cmd_spool_old[i])
            pos_error.append(motor_error > self.ARRIVAL_ERROR and self.working[i])
            self.cmd_spool_old[i] = deepcopy(self.cmd_spool[i])

        if sum(cmd_change) or sum(pos_error):
            pos_list = [self.cmd_spool[0], self.cmd_spool[1], self.cmd_spool[2], min(max(self.hand.palm.preshape, self.PRESHAPE_MIN), self.PRESHAPE_MAX)]

    # Commands the preshape joint to move to a certain position
    def move_preshape(self, goal_pos):
        if self.hand.palm.preshape != goal_pos:

            self.call_time[3] = rospy.get_time()
            self.reset_hist(True, 3)
            cmd = min(max(goal_pos, self.PRESHAPE_MIN), self.PRESHAPE_MAX)
            pos_list = [self.hand.finger[0].spool,

            motor_error = goal_pos - self.hand.palm.preshape
            blocked = False
            if not self.hand.joints_publishing:
                while (abs(motor_error) > self.ARRIVAL_ERROR)\
                       and not blocked and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                    motor_error = goal_pos - self.hand.palm.preshape

                    if rospy.get_time() > (self.call_time[3] + self.BLOCKED_TIME) \
                       and abs(self.hand_hist[0].palm.preshape - self.hand_hist[-1].palm.preshape) < self.BLOCKED_ERROR:
                        pos_list = [self.hand.finger[0].spool,
                        rospy.logwarn('The preshape joint was blocked, stopping it')
                        blocked = True

            if blocked:
                self.state_debugger.end_preshape_tracking('Preshape was (blocked)')
                self.state_debugger.end_preshape_tracking('Preshape (arrived)')

    # Commands a finger to move to a certain position
    def move_finger(self, finger_index, goal_pos):
        self.control_mode[finger_index] = 'goto'
        self.call_time[finger_index] = rospy.get_time()
        self.working[finger_index] = True
        self.cmd_spool[finger_index] = goal_pos

    # Parses modes and turns them into control_mode for control_loop
    def __command_base_finger(self, finger, mode):
        i = self.FINGER_MAP[finger]
        if mode in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
            self.call_time[i] = rospy.get_time()

        if mode == 'guarded_move':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'guarded_move'
        elif mode == 'guarded_move_fast':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'guarded_move_fast'
        elif mode == 'solid_contact':
            self.working[i] = True
            self.control_mode[i] = 'solid_contact'
        elif mode == 'avoid_contact':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'avoid_contact'
        elif mode == 'maintain_contact':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'maintain_contact'
        elif mode == 'dither':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'dither'
        elif mode == 'hold':
            self.working[i] = False
            self.control_mode[i] = 'hold'
            rospy.logwarn('reflex_base: received an unknown finger command: %s', mode)
        self.reset_hist(self.working[i], i)

    def command_base(self, *args):
        # 1 arg = hand command
        # 3 arg = finger commands
        # 2, 4, 6 arg = [finger, mode, (finger, mode, (finger, mode))]
        flag = False
        if len(args) == 1:
            self.__command_base_finger('f1', args[0]) 
            self.__command_base_finger('f2', args[0])
            self.__command_base_finger('f3', args[0])

            if args[0] not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                flag = True

        elif len(args) == 3:
            self.__command_base_finger('f1', args[0])
            self.__command_base_finger('f2', args[1])
            self.__command_base_finger('f3', args[2])

            for arg in args:
                if arg not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                    flag = True

        elif len(args) in [2,4,6]:
            fingers = [args[2*j] for j in range(len(args)/2)]
            modes = [args[2*(j+1)-1] for j in range(len(args)/2)]
            for j in range(len(fingers)):
                self.__command_base_finger(fingers[j], modes[j])

            for mode in modes:
                if mode not in self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS:
                    flag = True
            rospy.loginfo('reflex_base: did not recognize the input, was given %s', args)
            flag = True
        rospy.loginfo('commanded the fingers, self.working = %s, self.control_mode: %s'\
                        , str(self.working), str(self.control_mode))

        while any(self.working) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        return flag

    def hand_in_contact(self):
        """ Returns boolean on whether any sensors (fingers or palm) are in
        contact """
        any_contact = False
        for i in range(3):
            if self.finger_in_contact(i):
                any_contact = True
        if sum( > 0:
            any_contact = True
        return any_contact

    def finger_in_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns boolean on whether finger has made contact, whether via
        sensor or by distal deflection """
        return self.proximal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               or self.distal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               or self.distal_deflection_contact(finger_index)

    def finger_full_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns boolean on whether both finger links have made contact,
        whether via sensor or by distal deflection """
        return self.proximal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
               and (self.distal_sensor_contact(finger_index)\
                    or self.distal_deflection_contact(finger_index))

    def proximal_sensor_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any proximal sensor contact """
        return sum(self.hand.finger[finger_index].contact[0:5])

    def distal_sensor_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any distal sensor contact """
        return sum(self.hand.finger[finger_index].contact[5:9])

    def distal_deflection_contact(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a boolean indicating any distal deflection contact """
        return self.hand.finger[finger_index].distal > self.distal_contact_angle(finger_index)

    def distal_contact_angle(self, finger_index):
        """ Returns a variable angle to signal distal contact based on finger
        spool level """
        spool_level = [self.TENDON_MIN, self.TENDON_MAX]
        # Distal angle indicating contact (radians)
        contact_angle = [0.6, 0.8]

        # Fit current spool level to a linear slope
        slope = (contact_angle[1] - contact_angle[0]) / (spool_level[1] - spool_level[0])
        y_intercept = contact_angle[0]
        return slope * self.hand.finger[finger_index].spool + y_intercept

    def reset_hist(self, flag, finger_index):
        """ Resets cached angles so that motor blockage can be measured """
        if finger_index == 3:
            for i in range(len(self.hand_hist)):
                self.hand_hist[i].palm.preshape = -1
        elif flag:
            for i in range(len(self.hand_hist)):
                self.hand_hist[i].finger[finger_index].spool = -1

    def guarded_move(self):

    def guarded_move_fast(self):

    def solid_contact(self):

    def avoid_contact(self):

    def maintain_contact(self):

    def dither(self):

    def hold(self):