def __init__(self, strips, udp_address, udp_port): self.strips = strips = Net(udp_address, udp_port) self.fft = None self.state_factory = State(strips) self.color = Color() self.groups = [[a] for a in list(range(strips))]
class LED_Controller: def __init__(self, strips, udp_address, udp_port): self.strips = strips = Net(udp_address, udp_port) self.fft = None self.state_factory = State(strips) self.color = Color() self.groups = [[a] for a in list(range(strips))] def full_color(self, color): """Send a color to all strips.""" def rainbow_full_state(self, state, i, freq=.03): """Return a state with all strips in single color of rainbow, i is used as counter.""" return self.full_color([math.sin(freq * i + offset) * 0.5 + 0.5 for offset in range(0, 6, 2)]) def rainbow_full(self): """Directly display rainbow fade with all strips in single color.""" colors = Color.rainbow_colors() for color in colors: time.sleep(.03) def rainbow_moving(self, groups=None, freq=0.5): if groups is None: groups = self.groups """Display rainbow colors using strip-groups, colors are moved.""" colors = Color.rainbow_colors(2000, freq) for i in range(len(colors)): state = self.state_factory.state_off() for g in range(len(groups)): state = self.state_factory.set_strips(state, groups[g], colors[i + g]) time.sleep(.03) def rainbow_moving_state(self, groups=None, freq=0.5): if groups is None: groups = self.groups """ Return a state of rainbow colors moving through strip groups. i is used as counter. """ colors = Color.rainbow_colors(2000, freq) i = 0 state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: i = (i + 1) % (len(colors) - len(groups)) for g in range(len(groups)): state = self.state_factory.set_strips(state, groups[g], colors[i + g]) yield state def sine_map_state(self, state, i, groups=GROUPS, freq=0.5): """Use a sine-function to set the brightness of strip groups of a given state, cycles with i.""" a_map = [math.sin(freq * i + offset) * 0.5 + 0.5 for offset in range(len(groups))] for g in range(len(groups)): state = self.state_factory.set_strips(state, groups[g], [a_map[g] * c for c in state[groups[g][0]]]) return state def move_color_state(self, color, groups=GROUPS, base=None): if base is None: base=self.state_factory.state_off() """Yield states with one color moving through strips.""" i = 0; while True: i = (i + 1) % len(groups) yield self.state_factory.set_strips(base, groups[i], color) def alpha_state(self, state, i, freq=0.3): """Return a state in which all strips brightness is set, cycling with i.""" for s in range(self.strips): state = self.state_factory.set_strips(state, [s], Color.alpha(state[s], math.sin(freq * i) * 0.5 + 0.5)) if DEBUG: print(state) return state def alpha_pulse_colors(self, color, freq=0.5): """Return a list colors where color is the base and alpha is cycled.""" colors = [] for i in range(2000): colors.append([(math.sin(freq * i) * 0.5 + 0.5) * c for c in color]) return colors def pulse_color(self, color, freq=0.5): """Display alpha-pulsing color.""" colors = self.alpha_pulse_colors(color, freq) for color in colors: self.full_color(color) time.sleep(.03) def led_funct(self, base, steps, *functions): """ Yield steps-many states based on base, applying functions. The supplied functions have to take a state and a counter variable as parameters. Functions are applied in given order. """ for i in range(steps): state = base[:] for f in functions: state = f(state, i) yield state def iterate_states(self, states, delay=0.03): """Display list of states one after the other.""" for state in states: if DEBUG: print(state) time.sleep(delay) def iterate_states_threaded(self, generator, delay=0.03): = generator if not def iterate_generator(self, generator): = generator def numbering(self): """Cycle through strips to find out numbering.""" for i in range(self.strips): state = self.state_factory.state_off() print(i), [i], [1, 1, 1])) time.sleep(1) def fft_init(self, delay=0.03): """ Initialize a thread that starts FFT-Analysation. If a thread has already been started and FFT is running, no new thread is started. """ if not self.fft.run_thread: self.fft.start_analyse_thread() time.sleep(delay) def fft_destroy(self): """Stop FFT-thread.""" self.fft.stop_analyse_thread() def fft_eq(self, colors=None, scale=1, delay=0.03, threshold=0, groups=GROUPS): if colors is None: colors = self.color.heat_colors() self.fft_init() state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) for i in range(len(groups)): if i < len(intensity): self.state_factory.set_strips(state, GROUPS[i], colors[np.clip(intensity[i], 0, 99)]) yield state def fft_pulse_map(self, colors=None, scale=1, delay=0.03, threshold=0, channel=0): if colors is None: colors = self.color.heat_colors() self.fft_init() state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) state = self.state_factory.full_color(colors[np.clip(intensity[channel], 0, len(colors) - 1)]) yield state def fft_pulse_color(self, color=Color.white, scale=1, delay=0.03, channel=0, threshold=0): self.fft_init() state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) state = self.state_factory.full_color(Color.alpha(color, intensity[channel] / 100)) yield state def fft_pulse_cycle(self, cycle_colors=None, scale=1, delay=0.03, threshold=0, channel=0): if cycle_colors is None: cycle_colors = self.color.rainbow_colors() self.fft_init() cycle = 1 state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: cycle = (cycle + 1) % len(cycle_colors) intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) state = self.state_factory.full_color(Color.alpha(cycle_colors[cycle], intensity[channel] / 100)) yield state def fft_move_color(self, color=None, groups=GROUPS, channel=0, decay=0.8, scale=1, delay=0.03, threshold=0): self.fft_init() state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: c = color() intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) nextstate = self.state_factory.state_off() for i in range(1, len(groups)): self.state_factory.set_strips(nextstate, groups[i], self.color.alpha(state[groups[i - 1][0]], decay)) self.state_factory.set_strips(nextstate, groups[0], self.color.alpha(c, intensity[channel] / 100)) state = nextstate[:] yield state def fft_move_map(self, colors=None, groups=GROUPS, channel=0, scale=1, delay=0.03, decay=1, threshold=0): if colors is None: colors = self.color.heat_colors() self.fft_init() state = self.state_factory.state_off() while True: intensity = [((scale * i) if i > threshold else 0) for i in self.fft.intensity()] if DEBUG: print(intensity) nextstate = self.state_factory.state_off() for i in range(1, len(groups)): self.state_factory.set_strips(nextstate, groups[i], self.color.alpha(state[groups[i - 1][0]], decay)) self.state_factory.set_strips(nextstate, groups[0], colors[int(np.clip(intensity[channel], 0, 99))]) state = nextstate[:] yield state def off(self): def stop_all_threads(self): if self.fft: self.fft.stop_analyse_thread() def testrgb(self, delay): for c in [,,, Color.white]: self.full_color(c) time.sleep(delay)