def create_state_from_node(node: dict, node_type: str, min_x: int, min_y: int, states: [State], player_signal: List[str], functions: List[str]) -> Tuple[State, List[str]]: """ creates state from mode with node_type type (state or group) :param functions: list with functions :param node: dict with node data :param node_type: state or group :param min_x - min x coordinate to add to state coordinate to excluse negative coordinates :param min_y - min y coordinate to add to state coordinate to excluse negative coordinates :param states - list of created states :param player_signal - list of triggers :return State """ name: str = get_state_label(node) if node_type == 'state' else get_group_label(node) actions: str = get_state_actions(node) if node_type == 'state' else get_group_actions(node) node_id = node['id'] (triggers, player_signal) = create_actions(actions, node_id, player_signal, functions) state_entry: List[str] = [trig.action for trig in triggers if == 'entry'] state_exit: List[str] = [trig.action for trig in triggers if == 'exit'] state_entry_str: str = '#ifdef DESKTOP\n printf("Entered state %s");\n#endif /* def DESKTOP */' % name state_entry += state_entry[0] if state_entry else "" state_exit_str: str = '#ifdef DESKTOP\n printf("Exited state %s");\n#endif /* def DESKTOP */' % name state_exit_str += state_exit[0] if state_exit else "" triggers: List[Trigger] = [trig for trig in triggers if != 'entry' and != 'exit'] x, y, width, height = get_coordinates(node) x = x // divider - min_x // divider + 2 y = y // divider - min_y // divider + 2 width: int = width // divider height: int = height // divider parent: State = get_parent_by_label(node_id, states) new_id: List[str] = [(parent.new_id[0] + "/" + str(len(parent.childs) + len(parent.trigs)))] state: State = State(name=name, type=node_type, id=node_id, new_id=new_id, actions=actions, entry=state_entry_str, exit=state_exit_str, trigs=triggers, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, parent=parent, childs=list()) return state, player_signal
def create_global_state(w: int, h: int) -> State: """ creates global parent state of all states :param w: width between states :param h: height of all states :return: global parent state """ state = State(name="global", type="group", id="", new_id=["1"], actions="", entry="", exit="", trigs=[], x=1, y=1, width=w // divider + global_w_delta, height=h // divider + global_h_delta, parent=None, childs=[]) return state
def create_terminate_state(states: [State]) -> State: """ creates state for terminate state machine on desktop :param states: list of states :return: global parent state """ global_state: State = get_state_by_id(states, '', 'old') state: State = State(name="final?def DESKTOP", type="state", id="last", new_id=["2"], actions="", entry="""printf("\nBye! Bye!\n"); exit(0);""", exit="", trigs=[], x=global_state.x + global_state.width // 2 - terminal_w // 2, y=states[0].y + states[0].height + 5, width=terminal_w, height=terminal_h, parent=None, childs=[]) return state
def create_choice_from_node(node: dict, min_x: int, min_y: int, states: [State]) -> State: """ creates choice state from node :param node: dict with node data :param min_x - min x coordinate to add to state coordinate to excluse negative coordinates :param min_y - min y coordinate to add to state coordinate to excluse negative coordinates :param states - list of already creates states :return State """ node_id = node['id'] x, y, width, height = get_coordinates(node) x: int = x // divider - min_x // divider + 1 y: int = y // divider - min_y // divider + 1 width: int = width // divider height: int = height // divider parent: State = get_parent_by_label(node_id, states) new_id: List[str] = [parent.new_id[0] + "/" + str(len(parent.childs) + len(parent.trigs))] state: State = State(name=get_state_label(node), type="choice", id=node_id, new_id=new_id, actions="", entry="", exit="", trigs=[], x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, parent=parent, childs=list()) return state