def getChild(self, path, request): if path == '': # ZOOP! if isinstance(self, Widget): return widget = self.getWidget(path, request) if widget: if isinstance(widget, resource.Resource): return widget else: p = p.isLeaf = getattr(widget, 'isLeaf', 0) return p elif path in self.files: prefix = getattr(sys.modules[self.__module__], '__file__', '') if prefix: prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(prefix)) return static.File(os.path.join(prefix, path)) elif path == '__reload__': return Reloader( map(reflect.namedModule, [self.__module__] + self.modules))) else: return error.NoResource()
def getChild(self, chnam, request): if chnam == '': return error.ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND, "Bad URL", "The empty string is not a valid user.") import pwd td = '.twistd' if chnam[-len(td):] == td: username = chnam[:-len(td)] sub = 1 else: username = chnam sub = 0 try: pw_name, pw_passwd, pw_uid, pw_gid, pw_gecos, pw_dir, pw_shell \ = pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: return error.ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND, "No Such User", "The user %s was not found on this system." % repr(username)) if sub: twistdsock = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userSocketName) rs = ResourceSubscription('unix',twistdsock) self.putChild(chnam, rs) return rs else: return static.File(os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userDirName))
def getChild(self, name, request): if name == '': return self td = '.twistd' if name[-len(td):] == td: username = name[:-len(td)] sub = 1 else: username = name sub = 0 try: pw_name, pw_passwd, pw_uid, pw_gid, pw_gecos, pw_dir, pw_shell \ = pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: return error.NoResource() if sub: twistdsock = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userSocketName) rs = ResourceSubscription('unix', twistdsock) self.putChild(name, rs) return rs else: path = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userDirName) if not os.path.exists(path): return error.NoResource() return static.File(path)
## Copyright (C) 2009 John Doee <*****@*****.**>## Basic plugin template created by:# Copyright (C) 2008 Martijn Voncken <*****@*****.**># Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch <*****@*****.**># Copyright (C) 2009 Damien Churchill <*****@*****.**>## Deluge is free software.## You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)# any later version.## deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.# See the GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with deluge. If not, write to:# The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.## In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give# permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL# library.# You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of# the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this# exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),# but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete# this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception# statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.# import base64import jsonimport loggingimport osimport urllib import deluge.configmanager from collections import defaultdict from deluge import componentfrom deluge._libtorrent import ltfrom deluge.core.rpcserver import exportfrom deluge.plugins.pluginbase import CorePluginBase from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, taskfrom twisted.python import randbytesfrom twisted.web import server, resource, static, http, client from .filelike import FilelikeObjectResourcefrom .resource import Resource logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_PREFS = { 'ip': '', 'port': 46123, 'allow_remote': False, 'reset_complete': True, 'use_stream_urls': True, 'auto_open_stream_urls': False, 'remote_username': '******', 'remote_password': '******',} def sleep(seconds): d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(seconds, d.callback, seconds) return d class FileServeResource(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self): self.file_mapping = {} resource.Resource.__init__(self) def generate_secure_token(self): return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(randbytes.RandomFactory().secureRandom(21, True)) def add_file(self, path): token = self.generate_secure_token() self.file_mapping[token] = path return token def render_GET(self, request): key = request.path.split('/')[2] if key not in self.file_mapping: return resource.NoResource().render(request) f = self.file_mapping[key] if f.is_complete(): return static.File(f.full_path).render_GET(request) else: tfr = return FilelikeObjectResource(tfr, f.size).render_GET(request) class StreamResource(Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, client, *args, **kwargs): self.client = client Resource.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @defer.inlineCallbacks def render_GET(self, request): infohash = request.args.get('infohash', None) path = request.args.get('path', None) if infohash is None: defer.returnValue(json.dumps({'status': 'error', 'message': 'missing infohash'})) if path is None: defer.returnValue(json.dumps({'status': 'error', 'message': 'missing path'})) result = yield self.client.stream_torrent(infohash[0], path[0]) defer.returnValue(json.dumps(result)) class UnknownTorrentException(Exception): pass class UnknownFileException(Exception): pass class TorrentFileReader(object): def __init__(self, torrent_file): self.torrent_file = torrent_file self.size = torrent_file.size self.position = 0 self.waiting_for_piece = None self.current_piece = None self.current_piece_data = None @defer.inlineCallbacks def read(self, size=1024): required_piece, read_position = self.torrent_file.get_piece_info(self.position) if self.current_piece != required_piece: logger.debug('We are missing piece %i and it is required, requesting' % (required_piece, )) self.waiting_for_piece = required_piece self.current_piece_data = yield self.torrent_file.get_piece_data(required_piece) self.current_piece = required_piece self.waiting_for_piece = None logger.debug('We can read from local piece from %s size %s from position %s' % (read_position, size, self.position)) data = self.current_piece_data[read_position:read_position+size] self.position += len(data) defer.returnValue(data) def tell(self): return self.position def close(self): self.torrent_file.close(self) def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET): self.position = offset class TorrentFile(object): # can be read from, knows about itself def __init__(self, torrent, first_piece, last_piece, piece_size, offset, path, full_path, size, index): self.torrent = torrent self.first_piece = first_piece self.last_piece = last_piece self.piece_size = piece_size self.offset = offset self.path = path self.size = size self.full_path = full_path self.index = index self.file_requested = False self.do_shutdown = False self.first_piece_end = self.piece_size * (self.first_piece + 1) - offset self.waiting_pieces = {} self.current_readers = [] self.registered_alert = False self.alerts = component.get("AlertManager") def open(self): """ Returns a filelike object """ if not self.registered_alert: self.alerts.register_handler("read_piece_alert", self.on_alert_got_piece_data) self.registered_alert = True tfr = TorrentFileReader(self) self.current_readers.append(tfr) self.file_requested = False return tfr def close(self, tfr): self.current_readers.remove(tfr) self.torrent.unprioritize_pieces(tfr) def is_complete(self): torrent_status = self.torrent.torrent.get_status(['file_progress', 'state']) file_progress = torrent_status['file_progress'] return file_progress[self.index] == 1.0 def get_piece_info(self, tell): return divmod((self.offset + tell), self.piece_size) def on_alert_got_piece_data(self, alert): torrent_id = str(alert.handle.info_hash()) if torrent_id != self.torrent.infohash: return logger.debug('Got piece data for piece %s' % alert.piece) if alert.piece not in self.waiting_pieces: logger.debug('Got data for piece %i, but no data needed for this piece?' % alert.piece) return # TODO: check piece size is not zero self.waiting_pieces[alert.piece].callback(alert.buffer) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_piece_data(self, piece): logger.debug('Trying to get piece data for piece %s' % piece) for reader in self.current_readers: if reader.current_piece == piece: defer.returnValue(reader.current_piece_data) if piece not in self.waiting_pieces: self.waiting_pieces[piece] = defer.Deferred() logger.debug('Waiting for %s' % piece) self.torrent.schedule_piece(self, piece, 0) while not self.torrent.torrent.handle.have_piece(piece): if self.do_shutdown: raise Exception() logger.debug('Did not have piece %i, waiting' % piece) self.torrent.unrelease() yield sleep(1) self.torrent.torrent.handle.read_piece(piece) data = yield self.waiting_pieces[piece] if piece in self.waiting_pieces: del self.waiting_pieces[piece] logger.debug('Done waiting for piece %i, returning data' % piece) defer.returnValue(data) def shutdown(self): self.do_shutdown = True class Torrent(object): def __init__(self, torrent_handler, infohash): self.infohash = infohash self.torrent = component.get("TorrentManager").torrents.get(infohash, None) self.torrent_handler = torrent_handler if not self.torrent: raise UnknownTorrentException('%s is not a known infohash' % infohash) self.torrent_files = None self.priority_increased = defaultdict(set) self.do_shutdown = False self.torrent_released = True # set to True if all the files are set to download self.populate_files() self.file_priorities = [0] * len(self.torrent_files) self.last_piece = self.torrent_files[-1].last_piece self.torrent.handle.set_sequential_download(True) reactor.callLater(0, self.update_piece_priority) reactor.callLater(0, self.blackhole_all_pieces, 0, self.last_piece) def populate_files(self): self.torrent_files = [] status = self.torrent.get_status(['piece_length', 'files', 'save_path']) piece_length = status['piece_length'] files = status['files'] save_path = status['save_path'] for f in files: first_piece = f['offset'] / piece_length last_piece = (f['offset'] + f['size']) / piece_length full_path = os.path.join(save_path, f['path']) self.torrent_files.append(TorrentFile(self, first_piece, last_piece, piece_length, f['offset'], f['path'], full_path, f['size'], f['index'])) return files def find_file(self, file_or_index=None, includes_name=False): best_file = None biggest_file_size = 0 for i, f in enumerate(self.torrent_files): path = f.path if not includes_name and '/' in path: path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[1:]) logger.debug('Testing file %r against %s / %r' % (file_or_index, i, path)) if file_or_index is not None: if i == file_or_index or path == file_or_index: best_file = f break else: if f.size > biggest_file_size: best_file = f biggest_file_size = f.size return best_file def get_file(self, file_or_index=None, includes_name=False): f = self.find_file(file_or_index, includes_name) if f is None: raise UnknownFileException('Was unable to find %s' % file_or_index) return f def unprioritize_pieces(self, tfr): logger.debug('Unprioritizing pieces for %s' % tfr) currently_downloading = self.get_currently_downloading() for piece, increased_by in self.priority_increased.items(): if tfr in increased_by: increased_by.remove(tfr) if not increased_by and piece not in currently_downloading and not self.torrent.status.pieces[piece]: logger.debug('Unprioritizing piece %s' % piece) self.torrent.handle.piece_priority(piece, 0) def get_currently_downloading(self): currently_downloading = set() for peer in self.torrent.handle.get_peer_info(): if peer.downloading_piece_index != -1: currently_downloading.add(peer.downloading_piece_index) return currently_downloading def blackhole_all_pieces(self, first_piece, last_piece): currently_downloading = self.get_currently_downloading() logger.debug('Blacklisting pieces from %i to %i skipping %r' % (first_piece, last_piece, currently_downloading)) for piece in range(first_piece, last_piece+1): if piece not in currently_downloading and not self.torrent.status.pieces[piece]: if piece in self.priority_increased: continue logger.debug('Setting piece priority %s to blacklist' % piece) self.torrent.handle.piece_priority(piece, 0) def unrelease(self): if self.torrent_released: logger.debug('Unreleasing %s' % self.infohash) self.torrent_released = False self.torrent.set_file_priorities(self.file_priorities) self.blackhole_all_pieces(0, self.last_piece) def get_torrent_file(self, file_or_index, includes_name): f = self.get_file(file_or_index, includes_name) f.file_requested = True self.torrent.resume() should_update_priorities = False if self.file_priorities[f.index] == 0: self.file_priorities[f.index] = 3 should_update_priorities = True if self.torrent_released: should_update_priorities = True if should_update_priorities and not f.is_complete(): # Need to do this stuff on seek too self.unrelease() return f def shutdown(self):'Shutting down torrent %s' % self.infohash) self.do_shutdown = True for tf in self.torrent_files: tf.shutdown() def schedule_piece(self, torrent_file, piece, distance): if torrent_file not in self.priority_increased[piece]: if not self.priority_increased[piece]: self.priority_increased[piece].add(torrent_file) logger.debug('Scheduled piece %s at distance %s' % (piece, distance)) self.torrent.handle.piece_priority(piece, (7 if distance <= 4 else 6)) self.torrent.handle.set_piece_deadline(piece, 700*(distance+1)) self.priority_increased[piece].add(torrent_file) def do_pieces_schedule(self, torrent_file, currently_downloading, from_piece): logger.debug('Looking for stuff to do with pieces for file %s from piece %s' % (torrent_file, from_piece)) priority_increased = 0 chain_size = 0 download_chain_size = 0 end_of_chain = False current_buffer_offset = 5 if self.torrent.status.pieces[torrent_file.last_piece]: if torrent_file.first_piece != torrent_file.last_piece and self.torrent.status.pieces[torrent_file.last_piece-1] \ or torrent_file.first_piece == torrent_file.last_piece: current_buffer_offset = 20 for piece, status in enumerate(self.torrent.status.pieces[from_piece:torrent_file.last_piece+1], from_piece): if not end_of_chain: if status: chain_size += 1 elif piece in currently_downloading: download_chain_size += 1 if not status and piece not in currently_downloading: if not end_of_chain: status_increase = max(11, chain_size-current_buffer_offset) end_of_chain = True priority_increased += 1 if priority_increased >= status_increase: logger.debug('Done increasing priority for %i pieces' % status_increase) break self.schedule_piece(torrent_file, piece, piece-from_piece) else:'We are done with the rest of this chain, we might be able to increase others') return True return False def update_piece_priority(self): # if all do_pieces_schedule returns true, allow all pices of file to be downloaded or whole torernt if self.do_shutdown: return logger.debug('Updating piece priority for %s' % self.infohash) currently_downloading = set() for peer in self.torrent.handle.get_peer_info(): if peer.downloading_piece_index != -1: currently_downloading.add(peer.downloading_piece_index) all_heads_done = True for f in self.torrent_files: if not f.file_requested and not f.current_readers: continue logger.debug('Rescheduling file %s' % f.path) if f.file_requested: all_heads_done &= self.do_pieces_schedule(f, currently_downloading, f.first_piece) self.schedule_piece(f, f.last_piece, 0) if f.first_piece != f.last_piece: self.schedule_piece(f, f.last_piece-1, 1) for tfr in f.current_readers: if tfr.waiting_for_piece is not None: logger.debug('Scheduling based on waiting for piece %s' % tfr.waiting_for_piece) all_heads_done &= self.do_pieces_schedule(f, currently_downloading, tfr.waiting_for_piece) elif tfr.current_piece is not None: logger.debug('Scheduling based on current piece %s' % tfr.current_piece) all_heads_done &= self.do_pieces_schedule(f, currently_downloading, tfr.current_piece) if all(self.torrent.status.pieces): logger.debug('All pieces complete, no need to loop') return if all_heads_done and not self.torrent_released: logger.debug('We are already done with all heads, figuring out what to do next') if self.torrent_handler.config['reset_complete']: self.torrent_released = True logger.debug('Resetting all disabled files') file_priorities = [(1 if fp == 0 else fp) for fp in self.file_priorities] self.torrent.set_file_priorities(file_priorities) if not all_heads_done and self.torrent_released: logger.debug('Seems like the torrent was released too early') self.unrelease() reactor.callLater(0.3, self.update_piece_priority) class TorrentHandler(object): def __init__(self, config): self.torrents = {} self.config = config self.alerts = component.get("AlertManager") self.alerts.register_handler("torrent_removed_alert", self.on_alert_torrent_removed) def get_stream(self, infohash, file_or_index=None, includes_name=False):'Trying to stream infohash %s and file %s include_name %s' % (infohash, file_or_index, includes_name)) if infohash not in self.torrents: self.torrents[infohash] = Torrent(self, infohash) return self.torrents[infohash].get_torrent_file(file_or_index, includes_name) def on_alert_torrent_removed(self, alert): try: torrent_id = str(alert.handle.info_hash()) except (RuntimeError, KeyError): logger.warning('Failed to handle on torrent remove alert') return if torrent_id not in self.torrents: return self.torrents[torrent_id].shutdown() del self.torrents[torrent_id] def shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutting down TorrentHandler') self.alerts.deregister_handler(self.on_alert_torrent_removed) for torrent in self.torrents.values(): torrent.shutdown() class Core(CorePluginBase): def enable(self): self.config = deluge.configmanager.ConfigManager("streaming.conf", DEFAULT_PREFS) self.fsr = FileServeResource() self.resource = Resource() self.resource.putChild('file', self.fsr) if self.config['allow_remote']: self.resource.putChild('stream', StreamResource(username=self.config['remote_username'], password=self.config['remote_password'], client=self)) = server.Site(self.resource) try: session = component.get("Core").session settings = session.get_settings() settings['prioritize_partial_pieces'] = True session.set_settings(settings) except AttributeError: logger.warning('Unable to exclude partial pieces') self.torrent_handler = TorrentHandler(self.config) try: self.listening = reactor.listenTCP(self.config['port'],, interface=self.config['ip']) except: self.listening = reactor.listenTCP(self.config['port'],, interface='') @defer.inlineCallbacks def disable(self): self.torrent_handler.shutdown() yield self.listening.stopListening() def update(self): pass @export @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_config(self, config): """Sets the config dictionary""" for key in config.keys(): self.config[key] = config[key] yield self.disable() self.enable() @export def get_config(self): """Returns the config dictionary""" return self.config.config @export @defer.inlineCallbacks def stream_torrent(self, infohash=None, url=None, filedump=None, filepath_or_index=None, includes_name=False): tor = component.get("TorrentManager").torrents.get(infohash, None) if tor is None:'Did not find torrent, must add it') if not filedump and url: filedump = yield client.getPage(url) if not filedump: defer.returnValue({'status': 'error', 'message': 'unable to find torrent, provide infohash, url or filedump'}) torrent_info = lt.torrent_info(lt.bdecode(filedump)) infohash = str(torrent_info.info_hash()) core = component.get("Core") try: yield core.add_torrent_file('file.torrent', filedump.encode('base64'), {'add_paused': True}) except: defer.returnValue({'status': 'error', 'message': 'failed to add torrent'}) try: tf = self.torrent_handler.get_stream(infohash, filepath_or_index, includes_name) except UnknownTorrentException: defer.returnValue({'status': 'error', 'message': 'unable to find torrent, probably failed to add it'}) defer.returnValue({ 'status': 'success', 'use_stream_urls': self.config['use_stream_urls'], 'auto_open_stream_urls': self.config['auto_open_stream_urls'], 'url': 'http://%s:%s/file/%s/%s' % (self.config.config['ip'], self.config.config['port'], self.fsr.add_file(tf), urllib.quote_plus(os.path.basename(tf.path).encode('utf-8'))) })