Beispiel #1
def two_dim_transitions_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot transition entropies and stationary distributions.

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1./ N
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, exact=True)
    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)
    ax1 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax1.set_title("Transition Probabilities")
    ups, downs, _ = two_dim_transitions(edges)
    xs = range(0, N+1)
    ax1.plot(xs, ups)
    ax1.plot(xs, downs)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    divs1 = expected_divergence(edges)
    divs2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    plot_dictionary(divs1, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(divs2, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[2, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Beispiel #2
def two_dim_transitions_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot transition entropies and stationary distributions.

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1. / N
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, exact=True)
    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)
    ax1 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax1.set_title("Transition Probabilities")
    ups, downs, _ = two_dim_transitions(edges)
    xs = range(0, N + 1)
    ax1.plot(xs, ups)
    ax1.plot(xs, downs)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    divs1 = expected_divergence(edges)
    divs2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    plot_dictionary(divs1, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(divs2, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[2, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Beispiel #3
def two_dim_transitions(edges):
    Compute the + and - transitions for plotting in two_dim_transitions_figure

    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)
    N = sum(edges[0][0])
    ups = []
    downs = []
    stays = []
    for i in range(0, N + 1):
            up = d[((i, N - i), (i + 1, N - i - 1))]
        except KeyError:
            up = 0
            down = d[((i, N - i), (i - 1, N - i + 1))]
        except KeyError:
            down = 0
        stays.append(1 - up - down)
    return ups, downs, stays
Beispiel #4
def two_dim_transitions(edges):
    Compute the + and - transitions for plotting in two_dim_transitions_figure

    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)
    N = sum(edges[0][0])
    ups = []
    downs = []
    stays = []
    for i in range(0, N+1):
            up = d[((i, N-i), (i+1, N-i-1))]
        except KeyError:
            up = 0
            down = d[((i, N-i), (i-1, N-i+1))]
        except KeyError:
            down = 0
        stays.append(1 - up - down)
    return ups, downs, stays
Beispiel #5
def exact_stationary(edges, initial_state=None, logspace=False):
    Computes the stationary distribution of a reversible process on the simplex
    exactly. No check for reversibility.


    edges: list or dictionary
        The edges or edge_dict of the process
    initial_state: tuple, None
        The initial state. If not given a suitable state is created.
    logspace: bool False
        Carry out the calculation in logspace

    dictionary, the stationary distribution

    # Convert edges to edge_dict if necessary
    if isinstance(edges, list):
        edges = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)
    # Compute population parameters from the edge_dict
    state = list(edges)[0][0]
    N = sum(state)
    num_players = len(state)
    # Get an initial state
    if not initial_state:
        initial_state = [N // num_players] * num_players
        initial_state[-1] = N - (num_players - 1) * (N // num_players)
    initial_state = tuple(initial_state)

    # Use the exact form of the stationary distribution.
    d = dict()
    for state in simplex_generator(N, num_players - 1):
        # Take a path from initial to state.
        seq = [initial_state]
        e = list(seq[-1])
        for i in range(0, num_players):
            while e[i] < state[i]:
                for j in range(0, num_players):
                    if e[j] > state[j]:
                e[j] = e[j] - 1
                e[i] = e[i] + 1
            while e[i] > state[i]:
                for j in range(0, num_players):
                    if e[j] < state[j]:
                e[j] = e[j] + 1
                e[i] = e[i] - 1
        if logspace:
            s = 0.
            s = 1.
        for index in range(len(seq) - 1):
            e, f = seq[index], seq[index + 1]
            if logspace:
                s += log(edges[(e, f)]) - log(edges[(f, e)])
                s *= edges[(e, f)] / edges[(f, e)]
        d[state] = s
    if logspace:
        s0 = logsumexp([v for v in d.values()])
        for key, v in d.items():
            d[key] = exp(v - s0)
        s0 = 1. / sum([v for v in d.values()])
        for key, v in d.items():
            d[key] = s0 * v
    return d