Beispiel #1
    def test_with():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        for i in range(10):
            with ExecutionTimer(stats.sub_collection()):
                time.sleep(i / 10)

        assert (len(stats["stats"]["test_execution"]["test_with"]
                    ["execution time"]) == 10)
        for i, measured_time in enumerate(stats["stats"]["test_execution"]
                                          ["test_with"]["execution time"]):
            assert i / 10 < measured_time < i / 10 + 0.1
    def test_good():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        stats.record("apple", 12)
        stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42)
        stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128)

        assert stats["apple"] == 12
        assert stats[("lemon", "apple")] == 42
        assert stats[("lemon", "grape")] == 128
    def test_bad():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        stats.record("apple", 12)
        stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42)
        stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128)

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = ("apple", "dog") in stats
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = () in stats
def test_sub_collection():
    stats = StatisticCollection()

    with stats.sub_collection() as sub_collection:
        sub_collection.record("apple", 42)

    assert stats["stats"]["test_collection"]["test_sub_collection"]["apple"] == 42
    assert (
        == 42
def test_transparent_wrapper():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    wrapper = TransparentWrapper(stats)

    wrapper.record("apple", 12)
    wrapper.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42)

    assert wrapper["apple"] == 12
    assert wrapper[("lemon", "apple")] == 42
Beispiel #6
    def test_initialize():
        counter = Counter(StatisticCollection())
        counter.initialize("kiwi", "grape")
        counter.initialize("apple", "lemon", value=42)

        assert counter.collection["kiwi"] == [0]
        assert counter.collection["grape"] == [0]

        assert counter.collection["apple"] == [42]
        assert counter.collection["lemon"] == [42]
    def test_good():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        stats.record("apple", 12)
        stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42)
        stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128)

        assert "apple" in stats
        assert ("lemon", "apple") in stats
        assert ("lemon", "grape") in stats
        assert "dog" not in stats
        assert ("dog",) not in stats
        assert ("lemon", "juice") not in stats
Beispiel #8
    def test_manual():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        timer = ExecutionTimer(stats)
        for i in range(10):
            time.sleep(i / 10)

        assert len(stats["execution time"]) == 10
        for i in range(10):
            assert i / 10 < stats["execution time"][i] < i / 10 + 0.1
Beispiel #9
    def test_with():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        with Counter(stats.sub_collection()) as counter:
            counter.collection.record("apple", 12)
            counter.collection.record("lemon", [1, 2, 3, 4])

            with pytest.raises(KeyError):

            assert counter.collection["apple"] == 13

            counter.increment("apple", 3)
            assert counter.collection["apple"] == 16

            assert counter.collection["lemon"] == [1, 2, 3, 5]

            counter.increment("lemon", 3)
            assert counter.collection["lemon"] == [1, 2, 3, 8]
def test_descant():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    stats.record("apple", 12)
    stats.record("grape", 84)
    stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42, unit="globe")
    stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128)

    descants = stats.get_descants()
    descants_list = list(descants)

    assert (("apple",), 12, None) in descants_list
    assert (("grape",), 84, None) in descants_list
    assert (("lemon",), stats["lemon"], None) in descants_list
    assert (("lemon", "apple"), 42, "globe") in descants_list
    assert (
    ) in descants_list
Beispiel #11
    def test_manual():
        counter = Counter(StatisticCollection())
        counter.collection.record("apple", 12)
        counter.collection.record("lemon", [1, 2, 3, 4])

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        assert counter.collection["apple"] == 13

        counter.increment("apple", 3)
        assert counter.collection["apple"] == 16

        assert counter.collection["lemon"] == [1, 2, 3, 5]

        counter.increment("lemon", 3)
        assert counter.collection["lemon"] == [1, 2, 3, 8]
Beispiel #12
    def test_decorator():
        stats = StatisticCollection()

        def _dummy(laziness: int) -> int:
            return laziness


        assert (len(stats[(
            "execution time",
        )]) == 2)
        assert (1 < stats[(
            "execution time",
        )][0] < 1.1)
        assert (2 < stats[(
            "execution time",
        )][1] < 2.1)
from __future__ import annotations

import time
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

from stats.collection import StatisticCollection, SubCollectionWrapper

execution_statistics = StatisticCollection()

class TimerError(Exception):

class Timer:
    def __init__(self):
        self._start_time = None

    def start(self):
        if self._start_time is not None:
            raise TimerError("Timer is running. Use .stop() to stop it")
        self._start_time = time.perf_counter()

    def stop(self):
        if self._start_time is None:
            raise TimerError("Timer is not running. Use .start() to start it")

        elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time
        self._start_time = None
        return elapsed_time
    def test_duplication():
        stats = StatisticCollection()
        stats.record("apple", 12)
        stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42)

        with pytest.raises(ForbiddenDuplication):
            stats.record("apple", 4)
        with pytest.raises(ForbiddenDuplication):
            stats.record(("apple",), 42)
        with pytest.raises(ForbiddenDuplication):
            stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 10)
        with pytest.raises(ForbiddenDuplication):
            stats.record(("apple", "green"), 10)
def test_html_ul():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    stats.record("apple", 12)
    stats.record("grape", 84)
    stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42, unit="cochren")
    stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128, unit="pezeta")
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 1, unit="pinch")
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 3)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 12)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 56)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34.12)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27.23)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 0.27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 2.3)

    with open("demo_ul.html", "w", encoding="utf8") as demo_file:
        ul = stats.as_html_ul()
    assert ul == (
        '<ul class="statistics-list"><li><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> '
        '<strong>apple</strong> = 12</li><li><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> '
        '<strong>grape</strong> = 84</li><li><i class="fas fa-sitemap"></i> '
        '<strong>lemon</strong> <ul class="statistics-list"><li><i class="fas '
        'fa-info-circle"></i> <strong>apple</strong> = 42 cochren</li><li><i '
        'class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> <strong>grape</strong> = 128 '
        'pezeta</li><li><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> <strong>zest</strong> is a '
        'list of numbers<ul class="statistics-list property-list"><li '
        'class="property">average = 18 pinch</li><li class="property">deviation = '
        '25.78113005022601 pinch</li><li class="property">median = 7.5 pinch</li><li '
        'class="property">count = 4</li><li class="property">sum = 72 '
        'pinch</li></ul></li></ul></li><li><i class="fas fa-sitemap"></i> '
        '<strong>melon</strong> <ul class="statistics-list"><li><i class="fas '
        'fa-info-circle"></i> <strong>marry</strong> is a list of numbers<ul '
        'class="statistics-list property-list"><li class="property">average = '
        '34.06</li><li class="property">deviation = 0.08485281374238389</li><li '
        'class="property">median = 34.06</li><li class="property">count = 2</li><li '
        'class="property">sum = 68.12</li></ul></li><li><i class="fas '
        'fa-info-circle"></i> <strong>sweet</strong> is a list of numbers<ul '
        'class="statistics-list property-list"><li class="property">average = '
        '14.2</li><li class="property">deviation = 14.936262361559312</li><li '
        'class="property">median = 14.65</li><li class="property">count = 4</li><li '
        'class="property">sum = 56.800000000000004</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>'
def test_console_tree():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    stats.record("apple", 12)
    stats.record("grape", 84)
    stats.record(("lemon", "apple"), 42, unit="cochren")
    stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128, unit="pezeta")
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 1)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 3)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 12)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 56)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34.12)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27.23)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 0.27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 2.3)

    tree = stats.generate_console_tree()
    assert tree == (
        "|  +---[apple] = 12\n"
        "|  +---[grape] = 84\n"
        "|  +--+[lemon]\n"
        "|  |  +---[apple] = 42 cochren\n"
        "|  |  +---[grape] = 128 pezeta\n"
        "|  |  +---[zest] is a list of numbers with\n"
        "|  |             average = 18\n"
        "|  |             deviation = 25.78113005022601\n"
        "|  |             median = 7.5\n"
        "|  |             count = 4\n"
        "|  |             sum = 72\n"
        "|  +--+[melon]\n"
        "|  |  +---[marry] is a list of numbers with\n"
        "|  |              average = 34.06\n"
        "|  |              deviation = 0.08485281374238389\n"
        "|  |              median = 34.06\n"
        "|  |              count = 2\n"
        "|  |              sum = 68.12\n"
        "|  |  +---[sweet] is a list of numbers with\n"
        "|  |              average = 14.2\n"
        "|  |              deviation = 14.936262361559312\n"
        "|  |              median = 14.65\n"
        "|  |              count = 4\n"
        "|  |              sum = 56.800000000000004"
def sample_statistics():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    stats.record("apple time", 12)
    stats.record("grape", 84)
    stats.record(("lemon", "space time"), 42, unit="cochren")
    stats.record(("lemon", "grape"), 128, unit="pezeta")
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 1, unit="pinch")
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 3)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 12)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "zest"), 56)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34)
    stats.collect(("melon", "marry"), 34.12)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 27.23)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 0.27)
    stats.collect(("melon", "sweet"), 2.3)

    return stats
def test_collect():
    stats = StatisticCollection()
    stats.collect("apple", 12)
    stats.collect("apple", -12)

    stats.collect(("lemon", "apple"), 42)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "apple"), -42)

    stats.collect(("lemon", "grape"), 128)
    stats.collect(("lemon", "grape"), -128)

    assert stats["apple"] == [12, -12]
    assert stats[("lemon", "apple")] == [42, -42]
    assert stats[("lemon", "grape")] == [128, -128]