Beispiel #1
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.
    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # initialize pool once, if mutlicore is enabled
        params['POOL'] = Pool(processes=params['CORES'], initializer=pool_init,
                              initargs=(params,))  # , maxtasksperchild=1)

    # Initialise population
    individuals = initialisation(params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS']+1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # Close the workers pool (otherwise they'll live on forever).

    return individuals
Beispiel #2
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.
    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)

        # Generate statistics for run so far

    return individuals
Beispiel #3
    def act(self):
        # Process the information if the agent has sense nearby agents
        if self.agents_found:

            # Combine the original individual and individuals found by interacting with nearby agents to form 
            # a population
            individuals = self.individual + self.nearby_agents

            # Find out parents from the population
            parents = selection(individuals)

            # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
            cross_pop = crossover(parents)

            # Mutate the new population.
            new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

            # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
            new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

            # Replace the old population with the new population.
            individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

            # Generate statistics for run so far
            # Sort the individuals list 

            # Get the higest performing individual from the sorted population 
            self.new_individual = individuals[0]
Beispiel #4
def step(individuals):
    Runs a single generation of the evolutionary algorithm process:
    :param individuals: The current generation, upon which a single
    evolutionary generation will be imposed.
    :return: The next generation of the population.

    # Select parents from the original population.
    parents = selection(individuals)

    # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
    cross_pop = crossover(parents)

    # Mutate the new population.
    new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

    # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
    new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

    # Replace the old population with the new population.
    individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    return individuals
Beispiel #5
def step(individuals):
    Runs a single generation of the evolutionary algorithm process:
    :param individuals: The current generation, upon which a single
    evolutionary generation will be imposed.
    :return: The next generation of the population.

    # Select parents from the original population.
    parents = selection(individuals)

    # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
    cross_pop = crossover(parents)

    # Mutate the new population.
    new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

    # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
    new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

    # Replace the old population with the new population.
    individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far
    return individuals
Beispiel #6
    def act(self):
        # Process the information if the agent has sense nearby agents
        if self.agents_found:

            # Combine the original individual and individuals found by interacting with nearby agents to form
            # a population
            individuals = self.individual + self.nearby_agents

            # Find out parents from the population
            parents = selection(individuals)

            # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
            cross_pop = crossover(parents)

            # Mutate the new population.
            new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

            # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
            new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

            # Replace the old population with the new population.
            individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

            # Generate statistics for run so far

            # Sort the individuals list

            # Get the highest performing individual from the sorted population
            self.new_individual = individuals[0]
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Run evolution
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)
Beispiel #8
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Run evolution
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)
Beispiel #9
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Run evolution
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)

    # Returns only needed if running experiment manager
    return params['TIME_STAMP'], stats['best_ever'].fitness
Beispiel #10
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Run evolution
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

    # Print individuals in commandline
    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)
Beispiel #11
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.
    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.
    logf = open(params['FILE_PATH'] + "/log.csv", 'w')  #190312: log
    set_M()  #190307: our mod for learning multiplier

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # initialize pool once, if mutlicore is enabled
        params['POOL'] = Pool(processes=params['CORES'],
                              initargs=(params, ))  # , maxtasksperchild=1)

    # Initialise population
    individuals = initialisation(params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far
    write_log(logf, 0, params['M'], individuals)  #190312: log
    #write_best(0, params['M'], individuals)

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

                 individuals)  # 190307: our mod for learning multiplier

        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)

        write_log(logf, generation, params['M'], individuals)  #190312: log
        #write_best(generation, params['M'], individuals)
        print("generation ", generation, "/", params['GENERATIONS'],
              " finished at ",  # 190313: timestamp

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # Close the workers pool (otherwise they'll live on forever).


    return individuals
Beispiel #12
def mane():
    """ Run program """

        # Run evolution
        individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

        # Print final review
        get_stats(individuals, end=True)

    except Exception as err:
        import datetime
        print("Error occured at ",, flush=True)
        print(err, flush=True)
        raise err
Beispiel #13
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.

    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # initialize pool once, if mutlicore is enabled
        params['POOL'] = ThreadPool(
            initargs=(params, ))  # , maxtasksperchild=1)

    Logger.log("Generation 0 starts. Initializing...")
    # Initialise population
    individuals = initialisation(params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Cleanup after evaluation
    if 'cleanup' in dir(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION']):

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation
        params['CURRENT_EVALUATION'] = 0
        params['CURRENT_GENERATION'] = generation
        Logger.log("Generation {0} starts...".format(generation))
        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)
        # Cleanup after evaluation
        if 'cleanup' in dir(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION']):

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # Close the workers pool (otherwise they'll live on forever).

    return individuals
Beispiel #14
def get_info_by_domain(domain="test"):

    print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>', domain)
    session = vk.AuthSession(**crd)
    api_obj = vk.API(session)

    posts = get_json_by_id(api_obj, domain=domain, limit=5000)
    stats = get_stats(posts)

    rsp = api_obj.wall.get(domain=domain, extended=1)

    group = rsp['groups'][0]

    print('>>', group)
    name = group['name']
    link = group['screen_name']
    img_link = group['photo_big']

    return stats, name, link, img_link
Beispiel #15
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Set Fitness Funtion
    params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'] = set_fitness_function(params['PROBLEM'],
    # Set Grammar File
    params['BNF_GRAMMAR'] = grammar.Grammar(params['GRAMMAR_FILE'])

    # Run evolution
    individuals = search_loop.search_loop_wheel()

    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)

    # Returns only needed if running experiment manager
    return params['TIME_STAMP'], stats['best_ever'].fitness
def search_loop():
    """Loop over max generations"""

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness.evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = step.step(individuals)

        # Generate statistics for run so far

    return individuals
def search_loop_complete_evals():
    """Loop over total evaluations"""

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness.evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Runs for a specified number of evaluations
    while len(cache) < (params['GENERATIONS'] * params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

        stats['gen'] += 1

        # New generation
        individuals = step.step(individuals)

        # Generate statistics for run so far

    return individuals
Beispiel #18
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.
    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.

    print(params['INITIALISATION'], params['POPULATION_SIZE']) # Added by me as a debug - REMOVE
    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS']+1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)

    #ROISIN: To save phenotype of best individual
    run_no = int(params["EXTRA_PARAMETERS"])
    print("RUN_NO: ", run_no)

    print("Best: ", best)
    length = len(ind)
    i = 0
    # Wrie best to file and play with midi
    instruments = ["kick", "hh", "hhOp", "snH", "Sin1", "Sin2"]
    bestfile = open("../results/ChucK/" + instruments[run_no] + ".ck", 'w')
    """ Separate individaul into lines and add to file"""
    while i < length:
        # print i
            end_line = ind.index(";")
            # print "ind: %s end: %d, i: %d"%(ind, end_line, i)
            line = ind[: end_line + 1]

                if line[0] == "L":
                    bestfile.write("while (true) \n { \n")
                    line = line[1:]

            except IndexError:
            ind = ind[end_line + 1:]
        except ValueError:
        i += end_line


    return individuals
Beispiel #19
def LAHC_search_loop():
    Search loop for Late Acceptance Hill Climbing.
    This is the LAHC pseudo-code from Bykov and Burke.

        Produce an initial solution s
        Calculate initial cost function C(s)
        Specify Lfa
        For all k in {0...Lfa-1} f_k := C(s)
        First iteration I=0;
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution s*
            Calculate its cost function C(s*)
            v := I mod Lfa
            If C(s*)<=fv or C(s*)<=C(s)
            Then accept the candidate (s:=s*)
            Else reject the candidate (s:=s)
            Insert the current cost into the fitness array fv:=C(s)
            Increment the iteration number I:=I+1
    :return: The final population.

    maximise = params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].maximise
    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    Lfa = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    s = stats['best_ever']
    Cs =
    f = Cs * np.ones(Lfa)  # history

    I = len(individuals)
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(s)  # collect this "generation"

            s_ = params['MUTATION'](s)  # mutate s to get candidate s*
            if not s_.invalid:
            Cs_ =

            v = I % Lfa
            # ugly
            if ((maximise and (Cs_ >= f[v] or Cs_ >= Cs))
                    or (not maximise and (Cs_ <= f[v] or Cs_ <= Cs))):
                # accept the candidate
                s = s_
                Cs = Cs_
                pass  # reject the candidate

            f[v] = Cs
            I += 1

            # break from inner and outer if needed
            if I >= max_its:

        # but get this get stats first
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if I >= max_its:

    return individuals
Beispiel #20
def SCHC_search_loop():
    Search Loop for Step-Counting Hill-Climbing.
    This is the SCHC pseudo-code from Bykov and Petrovic.

        Produce an initial solution s
        Calculate an initial cost function C(s)
        Initial cost bound Bc := C(s)
        Initial counter nc := 0
        Specify Lc
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution s*
            Calculate the candidate cost function C(s*)
            If C(s*) < Bc or C(s*) <= C(s)
                Then accept the candidate s := s*
                Else reject the candidate s := s
            Increment the counter nc := nc + 1
            If nc >= Lc
                Then update the bound Bc := C(s)
                reset the counter nc := 0
        Two alternative counting methods (start at the first If):
        SCHC-acp counts only accepted moves:
            If C(s*) < Bc or C(s*) <= C(s)
                Then accept the candidate s := s*
                     increment the counter nc := nc + 1
                Else reject the candidate s := s
            If nc >= Lc
                Then update the bound Bc := C(s)
                     reset the counter nc := 0
        SCHC-imp counts only improving moves:
            If C(s*) < C(s)
                Then increment the counter nc := nc + 1
            If C(s*) < Bc or C(s*) <= C(s)
                Then accept the candidate s := s*
                Else reject the candidate s := s
            If nc >= Lc
                Then update the bound Bc := C(s)
                     reset the counter nc := 0
    :return: The final population.

    maximise = params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].maximise
    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']
    count_method = "all"  # TODO
    accept_method = "bykov"  # TODO

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    Lc = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    s = stats['best_ever']
    Cs =
    Bc = Cs  # initial cost bound
    nc = 0

    I = len(individuals)
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(s)  # collect this "generation"

            s_ = params['MUTATION'](s)  # mutate s to get candidate s*
            if not s_.invalid:
            Cs_ =

            # count
            if count_method == "all":  # we count all iterations (moves)
                nc += 1  # increment the counter

            elif count_method == "acp":  # we count accepted moves only
                if ((maximise and (Cs_ > Bc or Cs_ >= Cs))
                        or ((not maximise) and (Cs_ < Bc or Cs_ <= Cs))):
                    nc += 1  # increment the counter

            elif count_method == "imp":  # we count improving moves only
                if ((maximise and Cs_ > Cs) or ((not maximise) and Cs_ < Cs)):
                    nc += 1  # increment the counter

                raise ValueError("Unknown count method " + count_method)

            # accept
            if accept_method == "bykov":
                # standard accept method
                if ((maximise and (Cs_ > Bc or Cs_ >= Cs))
                        or ((not maximise) and (Cs_ < Bc or Cs_ <= Cs))):
                    s = s_  # accept the candidate
                    Cs = Cs_

                    pass  # reject the candidate

            elif accept_method == "nicolau":
                # simpler alternative suggested by Nicolau, unpublished
                if ((maximise and Cs_ >= Bc)
                        or ((not maximise) and (Cs_ <= Bc))):
                    s = s_  # accept the candidate
                    Cs = Cs_

                    pass  # reject the candidate

                raise ValueError("Unknown accept method " + accept_method)

            if nc >= Lc:
                Bc = Cs  # update the bound
                nc = 0  # reset the counter
            I += 1

            # break from inner and outer if needed
            if I >= max_its:

        # but get this gen stats first
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if I >= max_its:

    return individuals
def search_dynamic_loop():
    """Loop over max generations in a dynamic fitness environment"""

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness.evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # if 'PROBLEM' == "moving_point"
    # display the population & the target
    if params['PROBLEM'] in ("moving_point", "moving_point_vision",
        display_3D_population(individuals, 0)
        display_3D_plotly_population(individuals, 0)
    elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_spiral":
        display_3D_population(individuals, 0,
        display_3D_plotly_population(individuals, 0)
        # dashboard
    elif params['PROBLEM'] in ("moving_point_dual", "new_problem_here"):
        display_3D_population_dual_target(individuals, 0)

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = step.step(individuals)

        # Do we change the fitness environment?
        if generation % params['DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_PERIOD'] == 0:
            print("----+CHANGE FITNESS TARGET+----")
            if params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point":
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",
            elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_vision":
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",
            elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_step":
                move_target_step(generation, 'DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_TARGET')
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",
            elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_spiral":
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",
            elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_dual":
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",
            elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_realworld":
                print("gen: ", generation, "\t target: ",

            # Re-evaluate the entire population with this new fitness target
            individuals = evaluate_fitness.evaluate_fitness(individuals)
            # Reset the population level statistics
            #get_stats(individuals) # this also generates an additional entry/gen in the reports e.g.,stats.csv

        # Generate statistics for run so far

        # if 'PROBLEM' == "moving_point"
        # display the population & the target
        if params['PROBLEM'] in ("moving_point", "moving_point_vision",
                                 "moving_point_step", "moving_point_realworld",
            display_3D_population(individuals, generation)
            display_3D_plotly_population(individuals, generation)
        elif params['PROBLEM'] == "moving_point_spiral":
            display_3D_population(individuals, generation,
        elif params['PROBLEM'] in ("moving_point_dual", "new_problem_here"):
            display_3D_population_dual_target(individuals, generation)

    return individuals
Beispiel #22
def LAHC_search_loop():
    Search loop for Late Acceptance Hill Climbing.
    This is the LAHC pseudo-code from Burke and Bykov:

        Produce an initial solution best
        Calculate initial cost function C(best)
        Specify Lfa
        For all k in {0...Lfa-1} f_k := C(best)
        First iteration iters=0;
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution best*
            Calculate its cost function C(best*)
            idx := iters mod Lfa
            If C(best*)<=f_idx or C(best*)<=C(best)
            Then accept the candidate (best:=best*)
            Else reject the candidate (best:=best)
            Insert the current cost into the fitness array f_idx:=C(best)
            Increment the iteration number iters:=iters+1
    :return: The final population.

    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Find the best individual so far.
    best = trackers.best_ever
    # Set history.
    Lfa = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    history = [best for _ in range(Lfa)]

    # iters is the number of individuals examined so far.
    iters = len(individuals)
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS']+1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(best)  # collect this "generation"

            # Mutate the best to get the candidate best
            candidate_best = params['MUTATION'](best)
            if not candidate_best.invalid:

            # Find the index of the relevant individual from the late
            # acceptance history.
            idx = iters % Lfa
            if candidate_best >= history[idx]:
                best = candidate_best  # Accept the candidate
                pass  # reject the candidate

            # Set the new best into the history.
            history[idx] = best
            # Increment evaluation counter.
            iters += 1

            if iters >= max_its:
                # We have completed the total number of iterations.

        # Get stats for this "generation".
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if iters >= max_its:
            # We have completed the total number of iterations.

    return individuals
Beispiel #23
def SCHC_search_loop():
    Search Loop for Step-Counting Hill-Climbing.
    This is the SCHC pseudo-code from Bykov and Petrovic.

        Produce an initial solution best
        Calculate an initial cost function C(best)
        Initial cost bound cost_bound := C(best)
        Initial counter counter := 0
        Specify history
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution best*
            Calculate the candidate cost function C(best*)
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            Increment the counter counter := counter + 1
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                reset the counter counter := 0
        Two alternative counting methods (start at the first If):
        SCHC-acp counts only accepted moves:
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                     increment the counter counter := counter + 1
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                     reset the counter counter := 0
        SCHC-imp counts only improving moves:
            If C(best*) < C(best)
                Then increment the counter counter := counter + 1
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                     reset the counter counter := 0
    :return: The final population.
    # Calculate maximum number of evaluation iterations.
    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']
    count_method = params['SCHC_COUNT_METHOD']

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Set best individual and initial cost bound.
    best = trackers.best_ever
    cost_bound = best.deep_copy()

    # Set history and counter.
    history = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    counter = 0
    # iters is the number of individuals examined/iterations so far.
    iters = len(individuals)
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS']+1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(best)  # collect this "generation"

            # Mutate best to get candidate best.
            candidate_best = params['MUTATION'](best)
            if not candidate_best.invalid:

            # count
            if count_method == "count_all":  # we count all iterations (moves)
                counter += 1  # increment the counter
            elif count_method == "acp":  # we count accepted moves only
                if candidate_best > cost_bound or candidate_best >= best:
                    counter += 1  # increment the counter
            elif count_method == "imp":  # we count improving moves only
                if candidate_best > best:
                    counter += 1  # increment the counter
                s = "algorithm.hill_climbing.SCHC_search_loop\n" \
                    "Error: Unknown count method: %s" % (count_method)
                raise Exception(s)

            # accept
            if candidate_best > cost_bound or candidate_best >= best:
                best = candidate_best  # accept the candidate
                pass  # reject the candidate

            if counter >= history:
                cost_bound = best  # update the bound
                counter = 0  # reset the counter

            # Increment iteration counter.
            iters += 1

            if iters >= max_its:
                # We have completed the total number of iterations.

        # Get stats for this "generation".
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if iters >= max_its:
            # We have completed the total number of iterations.

    return individuals
Beispiel #24
def mane():
    """ Run program """

    # Run evolution
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()

    instruments = ["kick", "hh", "hhOp", "snH", "Sin1", "Sin2"]

    #GRAMMAR_FILE = "ChuckGram" + str(no + 1) + ".pybnf"
    resultsFile = open("../results/ChucK/ResultsFile" + str(no) + ".txt", 'w')
    resultsFile.write('Gen \t Ave Fit \t Best Fit \n')

    # Run evolution
    #params["GRAMMAR_FILE"] = "ChuckGram" + str(no + 1) + ".pybnf"
    individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']() #added no i/p by Roisin

    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)

    # Read grammar
    bnf_grammar = Grammar(GRAMMAR_FILE)

    # Create Individuals
    individuals = initialise_population(POPULATION_SIZE)
    # Loop
    best_ever, individuals = search_loop(GENERATIONS, individuals, bnf_grammar,
                                         generational_replacement, tournament_selection,
                                         FITNESS_FUNCTION, resultsFile)

    #for i in individuals:
    #    print(i)

    ind = individuals[0].phenotype
    length = len(ind)

    print("ind: ", ind)
    i = 0
    # Wrie best to file and play with midi
    bestfile = open("../results/ChucK/" + instruments[no] + ".ck", 'w')
    """ Separate individaul into lines and add to file"""
    while i < length:
        # print i
            end_line = ind.index(";")
            # print "ind: %s end: %d, i: %d"%(ind, end_line, i)
            line = ind[: end_line + 1]
            print("line: ", line)

                if line[0] == "L":
                    bestfile.write("while (true) \n { \n")
                    line = line[1:]

            except IndexError:
            ind = ind[end_line + 1:]
        except ValueError:
        i += end_line



    # Print final review
    get_stats(individuals, end=True)

    # Returns only needed if running experiment manager
    return params['TIME_STAMP'],