Beispiel #1
def test_plot_km():

    if pdf_output:
        from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
        pdf = PdfPages("test_survfunc.pdf")
        pdf = None

    sr1 = SurvfuncRight(ti1, st1)
    sr2 = SurvfuncRight(ti2, st2)

    fig = plot_survfunc(sr1)
    close_or_save(pdf, fig)

    fig = plot_survfunc(sr2)
    close_or_save(pdf, fig)

    fig = plot_survfunc([sr1, sr2])
    close_or_save(pdf, fig)

    # Plot the SAS BMT data
    gb = bmt.groupby("Group")
    sv = []
    for g in gb:
        s0 = SurvfuncRight(g[1]["T"], g[1]["Status"], title=g[0])
    fig = plot_survfunc(sv)
    ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
    ax.set_position([0.1, 0.1, 0.64, 0.8])
    ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    fig.legend([ha[k] for k in (0, 2, 4)],
               [lb[k] for k in (0, 2, 4)],
               'center right')
    close_or_save(pdf, fig)

    # Simultaneous CB for BMT data
    ii = bmt.Group == "ALL"
    sf = SurvfuncRight(bmt.loc[ii, "T"], bmt.loc[ii, "Status"])
    fig = sf.plot()
    ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
    ax.set_position([0.1, 0.1, 0.64, 0.8])
    ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lcb, ucb = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="log")
    plt.fill_between(sf.surv_times, lcb, ucb, color="lightgrey")
    lcb, ucb = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="arcsin")
    plt.plot(sf.surv_times, lcb, color="darkgrey")
    plt.plot(sf.surv_times, ucb, color="darkgrey")
    plt.plot(sf.surv_times, sf.surv_prob - 2*sf.surv_prob_se, color="red")
    plt.plot(sf.surv_times, sf.surv_prob + 2*sf.surv_prob_se, color="red")
    plt.xlim(100, 600)
    close_or_save(pdf, fig)

    if pdf_output:
def test_simultaneous_cb():

    # The exact numbers here are regression tests, but they are close
    # to page 103 of Klein and Moeschberger.

    df = bmt.loc[bmt["Group"] == "ALL", :]
    sf = SurvfuncRight(df["T"], df["Status"])
    lcb1, ucb1 = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="log")
    lcb2, ucb2 = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="arcsin")

    ti = sf.surv_times.tolist()
    ix = [ti.index(x) for x in (110, 122, 129, 172)]
    assert_allclose(lcb1[ix], np.r_[0.43590582, 0.42115592, 0.4035897, 0.38785927])
    assert_allclose(ucb1[ix], np.r_[0.93491636, 0.89776803, 0.87922239, 0.85894181])

    assert_allclose(lcb2[ix], np.r_[0.52115708, 0.48079378, 0.45595321, 0.43341115])
    assert_allclose(ucb2[ix], np.r_[0.96465636,  0.92745068,  0.90885428, 0.88796708])
def test_simultaneous_cb():

    # The exact numbers here are regression tests, but they are close
    # to page 103 of Klein and Moeschberger.

    df = bmt.loc[bmt["Group"] == "ALL", :]
    sf = SurvfuncRight(df["T"], df["Status"])
    lcb1, ucb1 = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="log")
    lcb2, ucb2 = sf.simultaneous_cb(transform="arcsin")

    ti = sf.surv_times.tolist()
    ix = [ti.index(x) for x in (110, 122, 129, 172)]
    assert_allclose(lcb1[ix], np.r_[0.43590582, 0.42115592, 0.4035897,
    assert_allclose(ucb1[ix], np.r_[0.93491636, 0.89776803, 0.87922239,

    assert_allclose(lcb2[ix], np.r_[0.52115708, 0.48079378, 0.45595321,
    assert_allclose(ucb2[ix], np.r_[0.96465636, 0.92745068, 0.90885428,