def main():
	anew_dict = load_anew_dict()
	anew_words = anew_dict.keys()
	users = {}
	dates = []
	statuses = {}
	status_reader.load_statuses(dates, statuses, users)
	users_words = user_words(statuses)

	userID_color_file = open('userid_hexColor', 'r')
	for line in userID_color_file:
		entry = line.split('\t')
		userid = entry[0].strip()
		color = entry[1].strip()
		for i in xrange(len(users_words)):
			# print users_words[i]["user_id"], userid
			if users_words[i]["user_id"] == userid:
				print userid
				users_words[i]["color"] = color

	total_word_counts = {}
	for user in users_words:
		for word in user["word_counts"]:
			if word not in total_word_counts:
				total_word_counts[word] = 1
			total_word_counts[word] += user["word_counts"][word]

	# Print total word counts
	# for w in sorted(total_word_counts, key=total_word_counts.get, reverse=True):
 #  		print w, total_word_counts[w]

  	# Create Word Count Files
  	for user in users_words:
  		new_file = open("./user_info/" + user["color"] + "_words" , 'w')
  		new_file.write("word" + '\t' + "count" + '\t' + "ANEW" + '\n')
  		for w in sorted(user["word_counts"], key=user["word_counts"].get, reverse=True):
  			if w in anew_words:
	  			new_file.write(w + '\t' + str(user["word_counts"][w]) + '\t' + "1")
	  			new_file.write(w + '\t' + str(user["word_counts"][w]) + '\t' + "0")
from os import path
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import status_reader
import sys

d = path.dirname(__file__)

category_ids = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
category = category_ids[0]
user_ids = [x.strip()[0:40] for x in category_ids[1:]]

users = {}
dates = []
statuses = {}
status_reader.load_statuses(dates, statuses, users)

category_text = []
for user_id in statuses: 
	user_id_trimmed = user_id[0:40]
	if user_id_trimmed in user_ids:
		for status in statuses[user_id]:

text_compilation = ' '.join(category_text)

# Generate a word cloud image
wordcloud = WordCloud('../DINOT.otf').generate(text_compilation)

# Display the generated image:
# the matplotlib way: