Beispiel #1
    def _parse_show_interfaces_interface(self, output):
        # Parses show interface output for a single interface
        # Parse output into a dict, replace certain values with types
        parsed = cli_parse_basic(output)

        # Parse IP address fields
        if 'ip address' in parsed and parsed['ip address'] and \
                'netmask' in parsed and parsed['netmask']:
            parsed['ip address'] = ipaddress.ip_interface(
                "%s/%s" % (parsed['ip address'], parsed['netmask']))
            del parsed['netmask']
        for key in ['ipv6 address', 'ipv6 link-local address']:
            if key in parsed and parsed[key]:
                parsed[key] = ipaddress.ip_interface(parsed[key])

        # Parse MAC Addr fields.
        for key in ['hw address']:
            if key in parsed:
                parsed[key] = netaddr.EUI(parsed[key])

        # Parse Datetime fields.
        for key in ['counters cleared date']:
            if key in parsed:
                # Format:  2014/11/19 16:31:12
                parsed[key] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    parsed[key], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')

        # Add in 'name'
        name = re.match('Interface (\S+) ', output).group(1)
        parsed['name'] = name

        return parsed
def test_cli_parse_basic():
    parsed_output = parsers.cli_parse_basic(ANY_CLI_OUTPUT)
    assert parsed_output['key'] == 'value'
    assert parsed_output['foo'] == 'bar'
    assert parsed_output['numbers'] == '1 / 2 / 3'
    assert parsed_output['measurements'] == '15 Flg / 10 Wuzzits'
    assert parsed_output['time'] == '12d 15h 3m 10s'
    assert parsed_output['date'] == '2013-11-11 11:15:29'
def test_numerics_output():
    parsed_output = parsers.cli_parse_basic(ANY_NUMERICS_OUTPUT)
    assert parsed_output['key'] == 'string_value'
    assert parsed_output['key2'] == 'numeric 10 with string'
    assert parsed_output['key3'] == 10
    assert type(parsed_output['key3']) is int
    assert parsed_output['key4'] == 10.5
    assert type(parsed_output['key4']) is float
    assert parsed_output['key5'] == ''
Beispiel #4
    def show_stats_bandwidth(self, port='all', type=None, frequency=None):
        Method to show Bandwidth Stats on a SteelHead

        :param port: Optional parameter to filter the bandwidth summary to
                     traffic on a specific port.  The value is simply the port
                     number (e.g., "80") and defaults to "all."
        :type port: string

        :param type: The type of traffic to summarize.  Options include
                     bi-directional, lan-to-wan, and wan-to-lan.
        :type type: string

        :param frequency: Last period of time to lookback during stats
                          collection.  Options include 1min, 5min, hour, day,
                          week, or month.

        :return: dictionary

        .. code-block:: python

                 'wan data': '5.4 GB',
                 'lan data': '6 GB',
                 'data reduction': 10,
                 'data reduction peak': 95,
                 'data reduction peak time': '2014/12/05 14:50:00',
                 'capacity increase': '1.1'


        cmd = "show stats bandwidth %s" % port
        if type is not None:
            cmd = cmd + " " + type
        if frequency is not None:
            cmd = cmd + " " + frequency

        result = self.cli.exec_command(cmd, output_expected=True)
        parsed = cli_parse_basic(result)

        pct_pattern = "(\d+\.*\d*) [%X]"
        regex = re.compile(pct_pattern)

        for stat in parsed:
            if not parsed[stat]:
                parsed[stat] = 'None'
            match =[stat])
            if match:
                parsed[stat] = float(

        return parsed
Beispiel #5
    def show_version(self):
        Returns parsed output of 'show version'.

        .. code-block:: none

            Product name:      rbt_sh
            Product release:   9.0.1
            Build ID:          #19
            Build date:        2014-11-19 01:59:36
            Build arch:        x86_64
            Built by:          mockbuild@bannow-worker4

            Uptime:            15d 23h 22m 33s

            Product model:     CX1555
            System memory:     6378 MB used / 1552 MB free / 7931 MB total
            Number of CPUs:    4
            CPU load averages: 0.08 / 0.17 / 0.10

        :return: Dictionaries of values returned

        .. code-block:: python

            {'product name': 'rbt_sh',
             'product release': '9.0.1',
             'build id': '#19',
             'build arch': 'x86_64',

        output = self.cli.exec_command("show version", output_expected=True)
        parsed = cli_parse_basic(output)

        # Force 'product model' to be a string.
        for key in ['product model']:
            if key in parsed:
                parsed[key] = unicode(parsed[key])

        # Remove 'uptime' because we don't know what object to parse it into,
        # along with some others we don't want to format right now.
        for key in [
                'uptime', 'cpu load averages', 'system memory', 'build date'
            if key in parsed:
                del parsed[key]

        return parsed
def test_multiple_enabled():
    parsed_output = parsers.cli_parse_basic(ANY_MULTIPLE_ENABLED)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        parsed_output = parsers.enable_squash(parsed_output)
def test_repeat_output():
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_empty_output():
    parsed_output = parsers.cli_parse_basic(ANY_EMPTY_OUTPUT)
    assert parsed_output['key'] is None