def get_SDSS_simple(ra, dec, rad=1/60., dir='./', name='', silent=False): ''' >> data = get_SDSS_simple(ra, dec, rad=1, dir='./' name='mydata') call the DR12 skyserver with single [ra, dec] and download cvs file input: ra, dec (deg) optional input: radius=1/60. (deg). dir='./' directory for fits file name name for file, if not give we use IAU name of input coords silent=False shut it. note, make 1e5 lines are returned, only basic imaging data (magnitudes) ''' url = SDSSurl_radec.replace('__RA__',str(float(ra))).replace('__DEC__', str(float(dec))).replace('__RAD__',str(rad*60)) #cas = SDSS_cas..replace('__RA__',str(ra)).replace('__DEC__', str(dec)).replace('__RAD__',str(rad)) if not(name): name = 'SDSS-'+iau_name(ra, dec)+'.csv' com = '''curl '''+url+''' > ''' +dir+name if not silent: print com os.system(com) # the (stupid?) format with two tables f = open(dir+name,'r') lines = '' for l in f.readlines(): #print l if l.count('#Table2')==1: break lines+=l lines= lines.split('\n') print lines[1] print lines[2:] data = readascii(lines=lines[2:], delimiter=',', names=lines[1].split(',')) return data
def get_NED_name(name=None,ra=None, dec=None, rad=.1/60., NEDdir=NEDdir, redo=False): ''' download or read NED page, return NED name of the galaxy >> get_NED_name(name, NEDdir=NEDdir) >> get_NED_name(ra=130,dec=-12, rad=0.1/60, NEDdir=NEDdir) ''' if name is not None: local_name = name.strip().replace(' ', '_') else: local_name = iau_name(ra, dec) fname = NEDdir+local_name+'.html' if not(os.path.isfile(fname)): print fname print 'not on disk, sendig query to NED' if not(os.path.isfile(fname)) or redo: download_NED(name=name, ra=ra,dec=dec, rad=rad, local_name=local_name, NEDdir=NEDdir) time.sleep(0.5) return read_NED_mainpage(local_name)
def cutout(filename='', hdu=None, center=[None, None],im_size=0.1,pix=False, writepdf=False, writefits=False, silent=False): ''' >> sub_hdu = cutout(filename='file.fits', center=[12,-1.], im_size=0.1, writepdf=False, writefits=False) >> sub_hdu = cutout(hdu=hdu, center=[12,-1.], im_size=0.1, writepdf=False, writefits=False returns: pyfits.core.PrimaryHDU input: - hdu (pyfits.core.HDUList or pyfits.core.PrimaryHDU ) or filename of fits image - center=[ra,dec] (deg) - im_size=0.1 (deg) optional input: - pix input center and im_size are in pixel units - writepdf='name.pdf' or True (write filename_sub.pdf) - writefits='name.fits' or True (fileanme+sub.fits the creation of new WCS header doesnt seem to work for all cases... ''' if (filename=='') and not(hdu): print 'please give filename= or hdu=' return if not(hdu) and not(os.path.isfile(filename)): print 'file :'+ filename+ '\n not found' return if not np.isscalar(center[0]): print 'please give center=[ra, dec]' return center = np.array(center) # read or index to PrimaryHDU if not(hdu): hdu =[0] elif type(hdu) == pyfits.core.HDUList: hdu = hdu[0] elif type(hdu) != pyfits.core.PrimaryHDU: print 'type(hdu:)', type(hdu) print 'ERROR: type(hdu) needs to be <pyfits.core.HDUList> or pyfits.core.PrimaryHDU' return # get image im = # get WCS, if not(pix): wcs = pywcs.WCS(header=hdu.header, naxis=2) #fobj=hdulist, if not silent: print 'image shape', im.shape if (len(im.shape) == 3): if not silent: print 'using first layer of image' im = im[0,:,:] print 'new image shape', im.shape if (len(im.shape) == 4): if not silent: print 'using first layer of image' im = im[0,0,:,:] if not silent: print 'new image shape', im.shape # conver center en overplot coordinates #pcenter = (wcs.wcs_sky2pix([center], 1))[0] # if pywcs pcenter = (wcs.wcs_world2pix([center],0))[0] # if astropy.wcs else: pcenter = center # slice the image if not silent: print 'center in pixel coordinates', pcenter # use true sky location (creates non-square images) #delta_ax1 = (np.abs(wcs.wcs_sky2pix([ [center[0]-im_size, center[1]] ], 1) - pcenter)/2.)[0][0] #delta_ax2 = (np.abs(wcs.wcs_sky2pix([ [center[0], center[1]-im_size] ], 1) - pcenter)/2.)[0][1] #delta = [delta_ax1, delta_ax2] #delta= np.abs(wcs.wcs_sky2pix( [center-im_size], 1)[0] - pcenter)/2. # use pixel scale to define boundaries if not(pix): delta = np.abs(0.5*im_size / np.array([hdu.header['CDELT1'], hdu.header['CDELT2']])) else: delta = (im_size/2., im_size/2.) ax1l = pcenter[0]-delta[0] ax1u=pcenter[0]+delta[0] ax2l = pcenter[1]-delta[1] ax2u=pcenter[1]+delta[1] # check limits if (ax1l < 0): ax1l = 0 if (ax1u > im.shape[1]): ax1u = im.shape[1] if (ax2l < 0): ax2l = 0 if (ax2u > im.shape[0]): ax2u = im.shape[0] if not silent: print 'ax2l,ax2u, ax1l,ax1u', ax2l,ax2u,ax1l,ax1u subim = im[ax2l:ax2u,ax1l:ax1u ] if not silent: print 'subim shape:',subim.shape if min(subim.shape) == 0: print 'ERROR. something is wrong with the cutout (center+/-im_size out of bounds?) ' return None # set the base of the output file if (writepdf==True) or (writefits==True): srem = ['.FITS', '.FIT', '.fit', '.fits'] outname = filename for srm in srem: outname=outname.split(srm)[0] if filename =='': print 'warning, not filename given pdf or fits file, using IAU name' outname = iau_name(center[0], center[1]) if not silent: print 'base for output file:', outname if writepdf: # determine color range, we use arcsinh scaling scaled_subim = np.arcsinh(subim) vals = scaled_subim.reshape(subim.shape[0]*subim.shape[1]) #nbins=50 #h_vals = np.histogram(np.log10(vals), new=False, bins=nbins) svals = np.sort(vals) slen = len(svals) vmin = svals[0.01*slen] vmax = svals[0.99*slen] #np.power(10, h_vals[1][nbins-10]) plt.imshow(scaled_subim, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='hot', interpolation='bilinear') # set filename (if not given) if not(type(writepdf) is str): outfile = outname+'_sub.pdf' else: outfile = writepdf if not silent: print 'writing', outfile plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf') #make new WCS and save fits sub_hdr = hdu.header.copy() #sub_hdu.header ## this wrong: slightly rotates the image #sub_hdr['CRVAL1'] = center[0] #sub_hdr['CRVAL2'] = center[1] #sub_hdr['CRPIX1'] = pcenter[0]-ax1l #sub_hdr['CRPIX2'] = pcenter[1]-ax2l ## keep CRVAL1 the same, but swift its pixel coodindates sub_hdr['CRPIX1'] = np.floor(hdu.header['CRPIX1'] - ax1l ) +1 sub_hdr['CRPIX2'] = np.floor(hdu.header['CRPIX2'] - ax2l ) +1 if not silent: print 'orgininal CRVAL (', hdu.header['CRVAL1'], hdu.header['CRVAL2'],\ ') in sub image pixel coordindates:', sub_hdr['CRPIX1'] , sub_hdr['CRPIX2'] # note, after this call sub_hdu.header is differnt the input than sub_hdr # (eg, NAXIS, NAXIS1, are updated) sub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=subim, header=sub_hdr) # write files if writefits: if not(type(writefits) is str): outfile = outname+'_sub.fits' else: outfile = writefits if not silent: print 'writing:', outfile sub_hdu.writeto(outfile,clobber=True) return sub_hdu