Beispiel #1
def test_sum():
    m1 = TensorProductMean(f1)
    m2 = TensorProductMean(f2)

    # Test equality.
    assert m1 + m2 == m1 + m2
    assert m1 + m2 == m2 + m1
    assert m1 + m2 != ZeroMean() + m2
    assert m1 + m2 != m1 + ZeroMean()
Beispiel #2
def test_function_mean():
    m1 = 5 * OneMean() + (lambda x: x**2)
    m2 = (lambda x: x**2) + 5 * OneMean()
    m3 = (lambda x: x**2) + ZeroMean()
    m4 = ZeroMean() + (lambda x: x**2)
    x = np.random.randn(10, 1)

    yield ok, np.allclose(m1(x), 5 + x**2)
    yield ok, np.allclose(m2(x), 5 + x**2)
    yield ok, np.allclose(m3(x), x**2)
    yield ok, np.allclose(m4(x), x**2)

    def my_function(x):

    yield eq, str(TensorProductMean(my_function)), 'my_function'
Beispiel #3
def test_basic_arithmetic():
    dispatch = Dispatcher()

    def f1(x):
        return np.array([[x**2]])

    def f1(x):
        return np.sum(x**2, axis=1)[:, None]

    def f2(x):
        return np.array([[x**3]])

    def f2(x):
        return np.sum(x**3, axis=1)[:, None]

    m1 = TensorProductMean(f1)
    m2 = TensorProductMean(f2)
    m3 = ZeroMean()
    x1 = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    x2 = np.random.randn()

    yield ok, np.allclose((m1 * m2)(x1), m1(x1) * m2(x1)), 'prod'
    yield ok, np.allclose((m1 * m2)(x2), m1(x2) * m2(x2)), 'prod 2'
    yield ok, np.allclose((m1 + m3)(x1), m1(x1) + m3(x1)), 'sum'
    yield ok, np.allclose((m1 + m3)(x2), m1(x2) + m3(x2)), 'sum 2'
    yield ok, np.allclose((5. * m1)(x1), 5. * m1(x1)), 'prod 3'
    yield ok, np.allclose((5. * m1)(x2), 5. * m1(x2)), 'prod 4'
    yield ok, np.allclose((5. + m1)(x1), 5. + m1(x1)), 'sum 3'
    yield ok, np.allclose((5. + m1)(x2), 5. + m1(x2)), 'sum 4'
Beispiel #4
def test_tensor_product():
    m1 = 5 * OneMean() + (lambda x: x ** 2)
    m2 = (lambda x: x ** 2) + 5 * OneMean()
    m3 = (lambda x: x ** 2) + ZeroMean()
    m4 = ZeroMean() + (lambda x: x ** 2)

    x = B.randn(10, 1)
    assert np.allclose(m1(x), 5 + x ** 2)
    assert np.allclose(m2(x), 5 + x ** 2)
    assert np.allclose(m3(x), x ** 2)
    assert np.allclose(m4(x), x ** 2)

    def my_function(x):

    assert str(TensorProductMean(my_function)) == "my_function"
Beispiel #5
def test_derivative():
    yield eq, str(EQ().diff(0)), 'd(0) EQ()'
    yield eq, str(EQ().diff(0, 1)), 'd(0, 1) EQ()'

    yield eq, str(ZeroKernel().diff(0)), '0'
    yield eq, str(OneKernel().diff(0)), '0'

    yield eq, str(ZeroMean().diff(0)), '0'
    yield eq, str(OneMean().diff(0)), '0'
Beispiel #6
def test_derivative():
    assert str(EQ().diff(0)) == 'd(0) EQ()'
    assert str(EQ().diff(0, 1)) == 'd(0, 1) EQ()'

    assert str(ZeroKernel().diff(0)) == '0'
    assert str(OneKernel().diff(0)) == '0'

    assert str(ZeroMean().diff(0)) == '0'
    assert str(OneMean().diff(0)) == '0'
Beispiel #7
def test_basic_arithmetic():
    m1 = TensorProductMean(f1)
    m2 = TensorProductMean(f2)
    m3 = ZeroMean()

    x1 = B.randn(10, 2)
    x2 = B.randn()

    approx((m1 * m2)(x1), m1(x1) * m2(x1))
    approx((m1 * m2)(x2), m1(x2) * m2(x2))
    approx((m1 + m3)(x1), m1(x1) + m3(x1))
    approx((m1 + m3)(x2), m1(x2) + m3(x2))
    approx((5.0 * m1)(x1), 5.0 * m1(x1))
    approx((5.0 * m1)(x2), 5.0 * m1(x2))
    approx((5.0 + m1)(x1), 5.0 + m1(x1))
    approx((5.0 + m1)(x2), 5.0 + m1(x2))
Beispiel #8
def test_shifting():
    # Kernels:
    yield eq, str(ZeroKernel().shift(5)), '0'
    yield eq, str(EQ().shift(5)), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str(Linear().shift(5)), 'Linear() shift 5'
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ()).shift(5)), '5 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * Linear()).shift(5)), '(5 * Linear()) shift 5'

    # Means:
    def mean(x):
        return x

    m = TensorProductMean(mean)
    yield eq, str(ZeroMean().shift(5)), '0'
    yield eq, str(m.shift(5)), 'mean shift 5'
    yield eq, str(m.shift(5).shift(5)), 'mean shift 10'
    yield eq, str((5 * m).shift(5)), '(5 * mean) shift 5'
Beispiel #9
def test_shifting():
    # Kernels:
    assert str(ZeroKernel().shift(5)) == '0'
    assert str(EQ().shift(5)) == 'EQ()'
    assert str(Linear().shift(5)) == 'Linear() shift 5'
    assert str((5 * EQ()).shift(5)) == '5 * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * Linear()).shift(5)) == '(5 * Linear()) shift 5'

    # Means:
    def mean(x):
        return x

    m = TensorProductMean(mean)
    assert str(ZeroMean().shift(5)) == '0'
    assert str(m.shift(5)) == 'mean shift 5'
    assert str(m.shift(5).shift(5)) == 'mean shift 10'
    assert str((5 * m).shift(5)) == '(5 * mean) shift 5'
Beispiel #10
def test_ones_zeros():
    c = Cache()

    # Nothing to check for kernels:  ones and zeros are represented in a
    # structured way.

    # Test that ones and zeros are cached and that all signatures work.
    m = ZeroMean()
    yield eq, id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c)), \
          id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c))
    yield neq, id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c)), \
          id(m(np.random.randn(5, 10), c))
    yield eq, id(m(1, c)), id(m(1, c))

    m = OneMean()
    yield eq, id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c)), \
          id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c))
    yield neq, id(m(np.random.randn(10, 10), c)), \
          id(m(np.random.randn(5, 10), c))
    yield eq, id(m(1, c)), id(m(1, c))