def _make_crossspectrum(self, lc1, lc2):

        # make sure the inputs work!
        if not isinstance(lc1, lightcurve.Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc1 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if not isinstance(lc2, lightcurve.Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc2 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        # Then check that GTIs make sense
        if self.gti is None:
            self.gti = cross_two_gtis(lc1.gti, lc2.gti)


        if self.gti.shape[0] != 1:
            raise TypeError("Non-averaged Cross Spectra need "
                            "a single Good Time Interval")

        lc1 = lc1.split_by_gti()[0]
        lc2 = lc2.split_by_gti()[0]

        # total number of photons is the sum of the
        # counts in the light curve
        self.nphots1 = np.float64(np.sum(lc1.counts))
        self.nphots2 = np.float64(np.sum(lc2.counts))

        self.meancounts1 = np.mean(lc1.counts)
        self.meancounts2 = np.mean(lc2.counts)

        # the number of data points in the light curve

        if lc1.n != lc2.n:
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have same number "
                                "of time bins per segment.")

        if lc1.dt != lc2.dt:
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have "
                                "same time binning dt.")

        self.n = lc1.n

        # the frequency resolution
        self.df = 1.0 / lc1.tseg

        # the number of averaged periodograms in the final output
        # This should *always* be 1 here
        self.m = 1

        # make the actual Fourier transform and compute cross spectrum
        self.freq, self.unnorm_power = self._fourier_cross(lc1, lc2)

        # If co-spectrum is desired, normalize here. Otherwise, get raw back
        # with the imaginary part still intact.
        self.power = self._normalize_crossspectrum(self.unnorm_power, lc1.tseg)
Beispiel #2
    def _operation_with_other_lc(self, other, operation):
        Helper method to codify an operation of one light curve with another (e.g. add, subtract, ...).
        Takes into account the GTIs correctly, and returns a new :class:`Lightcurve` object.

        other : :class:`Lightcurve` object
            A second light curve object

        operation : function
            An operation between the :class:`Lightcurve` object calling this method, and ``other``,
            operating on the ``counts`` attribute in each :class:`Lightcurve` object

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The new light curve calculated in ``operation``
        if self.mjdref != other.mjdref:
            raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")

        common_gti = cross_two_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)
        mask_self = create_gti_mask(self.time, common_gti, dt=self.dt)
        mask_other = create_gti_mask(other.time, common_gti, dt=other.dt)

        # ValueError is raised by Numpy while asserting np.equal over arrays
        # with different dimensions.
            diff = np.abs((self.time[mask_self] - other.time[mask_other]))
            assert np.all(diff < self.dt / 100)
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            raise ValueError("GTI-filtered time arrays of both light curves "
                             "must be of same dimension and equal.")

        new_time = self.time[mask_self]
        new_counts = operation(self.counts[mask_self],

        if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
            simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                  "We are setting the errors to zero to avoid complications.")
            new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
        elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
            new_counts_err = \
        # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
            raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                " Please use one of these: "

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time,

        return lc_new
Beispiel #3
    def _make_corr(self, lc1, lc2):

        Do some checks on the light curves supplied to the method, and then calculate the time
        shifts, time lags and cross correlation.

        lc1::class:`stingray.Lightcurve` object
            The first light curve data.

        lc2::class:`stingray.Lightcurve` object
            The second light curve data.


        if not isinstance(lc1, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc1 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")
        if not isinstance(lc2, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc2 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if not np.isclose(lc1.dt, lc2.dt):
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have "
                                "same time binning dt.")
            # ignore very small differences in dt neglected by np.isclose()
            lc1.dt = lc2.dt
            self.dt = lc1.dt

        # self.lc1 and self.lc2 may get assigned values explicitly in which case there is no need to copy data
        if self.lc1 is None:
            self.lc1 = lc1
        if self.lc2 is None:
            self.lc2 = lc2

        # Subtract means before passing scipy.signal.correlate into correlation
        lc1_counts = self.lc1.counts - np.mean(self.lc1.counts)
        lc2_counts = self.lc2.counts - np.mean(self.lc2.counts)

        # Calculates cross-correlation of two lightcurves
        self.corr = \
            signal.correlate(lc1_counts, lc2_counts, self.mode)

        self.n = np.size(self.corr)
        self.time_shift, self.time_lags, self.n = self.cal_timeshift(dt=self.dt)

        # Normalization that makes the maximum correlation equal to 1, and
        # maximum anticorrelation -1.
        if self.norm == "variance":
            # Note that self.corr is normalized so that the maximum is
            # proportional to the number of bins in the first input
            # light curve. Hence, the division by the lc size
            variance1 = np.var(lc1.counts) - np.mean(lc1.counts_err)**2
            variance2 = np.var(lc2.counts) - np.mean(lc2.counts_err)**2
            self.corr = self.corr / np.sqrt(variance1 * variance2) / lc1_counts.size
Beispiel #4
    def __sub__(self, other):
        Subtract two light curves element by element having the same time array.

        This magic method subtracts two Lightcurve objects having the same
        time array such that the corresponding counts arrays interferes with
        each other.

        GTIs are crossed, so that only common intervals are saved.

        >>> time = [10, 20, 30]
        >>> count1 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> count2 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> gti1 = [[0, 20]]
        >>> gti2 = [[0, 25]]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time, count1, gti=gti1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time, count2, gti=gti2)
        >>> lc = lc1 - lc2
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300, 1100,  400])

        # ValueError is raised by Numpy while asserting np.equal over arrays
        # with different dimensions.
            assert np.all(np.equal(self.time, other.time))
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            raise ValueError("Time arrays of both light curves must be "
                             "of same dimension and equal.")

        new_counts = np.subtract(self.counts, other.counts)

        if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
            simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                  "We are setting the errors to zero to avoid complications.")
            new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
        elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
            new_counts_err = np.sqrt(np.add(self.counts_err**2,
            # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
            raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                " Please use one of these: "

        common_gti = cross_two_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(self.time, new_counts,
                            err=new_counts_err, gti=common_gti)

        return lc_new
Beispiel #5
def create_gti_from_condition(time, condition,
                              safe_interval=0, dt=None):
    """Create a GTI list from a time array and a boolean mask (``condition``).

    time : array-like
        Array containing time stamps

    condition : array-like
        An array of bools, of the same length of time.
        A possible condition can be, e.g., the result of ``lc > 0``.

    gtis : ``[[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]``
        The newly created GTIs

    Other parameters
    safe_interval : float or ``[float, float]``
        A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start
        and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs.
    dt : float
        The width (in sec) of each bin of the time array. Can be irregular.

    if len(time) != len(condition):
        raise StingrayError('The length of the condition and '
                            'time arrays must be the same.')

    idxs = contiguous_regions(condition)

    if not isinstance(safe_interval, collections.Iterable):
        safe_interval = [safe_interval, safe_interval]

    dt = assign_value_if_none(dt,
                              np.zeros_like(time) + (time[1] - time[0]) / 2)

    gtis = []
    for idx in idxs:
        startidx = idx[0]
        stopidx = idx[1] - 1

        t0 = time[startidx] - dt[startidx] + safe_interval[0]
        t1 = time[stopidx] + dt[stopidx] - safe_interval[1]
        if t1 - t0 < 0:
        gtis.append([t0, t1])
    return np.array(gtis)
    def cal_timeshift(self, dt=1.0):
        Calculate the cross correlation against all possible time lags, both positive and negative.

        dt: float, optional, default ``1.0``
            Time resolution of the light curve, should be passed when object is populated with
            correlation data and no information about light curve can be extracted. Used to
            calculate ``time_lags``.

        self.time_shift: float
             Value of the time lag that gives maximum value of correlation between two light curves.

        self.time_lags: numpy.ndarray
             An array of ``time_lags`` calculated from correlation data
        if self.dt is None:
            self.dt = dt

        if self.corr is None:
            if (self.lc1 is None or self.lc2 is None) and (self.cross is None):
                raise StingrayError(
                    'Please provide either two lightcurve objects or \
                 a [average]crossspectrum object to calculate correlation and time_shift'
                # This will cover very rare case of assigning self.lc1 and lc2
                # or self.cross and also self.corr = ``None``.
                # In this case, correlation is calculated using self.lc1
                # and self.lc2 and using that correlation data,
                # time_shift is calculated.
                if self.cross is not None:
                    self._make_corr(self.lc1, self.lc2)

        self.n = len(self.corr)
        dur = int(self.n / 2)
        # Correlation against all possible lags, positive as well as negative lags are stored
        x_lags = np.linspace(-dur, dur, self.n)
        self.time_lags = x_lags * self.dt
        # time_shift is the time lag for max. correlation
        self.time_shift = self.time_lags[np.argmax(self.corr)]

        return self.time_shift, self.time_lags, self.n
Beispiel #7
    def _make_corr(self, lc1, lc2):
        Do some checks on the light curves supplied to the method, and then calculate the time
        shifts, time lags and cross correlation.

        lc1::class:`stingray.Lightcurve` object
            The first light curve data.

        lc2::class:`stingray.Lightcurve` object
            The second light curve data.


        if not isinstance(lc1, lightcurve.Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc1 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")
        if not isinstance(lc2, lightcurve.Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc2 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if not np.isclose(lc1.dt, lc2.dt):
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have "
                                "same time binning dt.")
            # ignore very small differences in dt neglected by np.isclose()
            lc1.dt = lc2.dt
            self.dt = lc1.dt

        # self.lc1 and self.lc2 may get assigned values explicitly in which case there is no need to copy data
        if self.lc1 is None:
            self.lc1 = lc1
        if self.lc2 is None:
            self.lc2 = lc2

        # Subtract means before passing scipy.signal.correlate into correlation
        lc1_counts = self.lc1.counts - np.mean(self.lc1.counts)
        lc2_counts = self.lc2.counts - np.mean(self.lc2.counts)

        # Calculates cross-correlation of two lightcurves
        self.corr = signal.correlate(lc1_counts, lc2_counts, self.mode)
        self.n = len(self.corr)
        self.time_shift, self.time_lags, self.n = self.cal_timeshift(
Beispiel #8
    def _operation_with_other_lc(self, other, operation):
        if self.mjdref != other.mjdref:
            raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")

        common_gti = cross_two_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)
        mask_self = create_gti_mask(self.time, common_gti)
        mask_other = create_gti_mask(other.time, common_gti)

        # ValueError is raised by Numpy while asserting np.equal over arrays
        # with different dimensions.
            assert np.all(
                np.equal(self.time[mask_self], other.time[mask_other]))
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            raise ValueError("GTI-filtered time arrays of both light curves "
                             "must be of same dimension and equal.")

        new_time = self.time[mask_self]
        new_counts = operation(self.counts[mask_self],

        if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
            simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                  "We are setting the errors to zero to avoid complications.")
            new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
        elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
            new_counts_err = np.sqrt(
        # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
            raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                " Please use one of these: "

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time,

        return lc_new
Beispiel #9
    def cal_timeshift(self, dt=1.0):
        Creates Crosscorrelation Object.
        dt: float , optional, default 1.0
            Time resolution of lightcurve, should be passed when object is populated with correlation data
            and no information about light curve can be extracted. Used to calculate time_lags.
        self.time_shift: float
             Value of time lag that gives maximum value of correlation between two lightcurves. 
        self.time_lags: numpy.ndarray
             An array of time_lags calculated from correlation data 
        if self.dt is None:
            self.dt = dt

        if self.corr is None:
            if self.lc1 is None or self.lc2 is None:
                raise StingrayError(
                    'lc1 and lc2 should be provided to calculate correlation and time_shift'
                # This will cover very rare case of assigning self.lc1 and self.lc2 and self.corr = None.
                # In this case, correlation is calculated using self.lc1 and self.lc2 and using that correlation data,
                # time_shift is calculated.
                self._make_corr(self.lc1, self.lc2)
                return self.time_shift, self.time_lags, self.n

        self.n = len(self.corr)
        dur = int(self.n / 2)
        # Correlation against all possible lags, positive as well as negative lags are stored
        x_lags = np.linspace(-dur, dur, self.n)
        self.time_lags = x_lags * self.dt
        # time_shift is the time lag for max. correlation
        self.time_shift = self.time_lags[np.argmax(self.corr)]

        return self.time_shift, self.time_lags, self.n
Beispiel #10
    def _make_crossspectrum(self, lc1, lc2):

        # make sure the inputs work!
        if not isinstance(lc1, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc1 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if not isinstance(lc2, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc2 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        # Then check that GTIs make sense
        if self.gti is None:
            self.gti = cross_two_gtis(lc1.gti, lc2.gti)


        if self.gti.shape[0] != 1:
            raise TypeError("Non-averaged Cross Spectra need "
                            "a single Good Time Interval")

        lc1 = lc1.split_by_gti()[0]
        lc2 = lc2.split_by_gti()[0]

        # total number of photons is the sum of the
        # counts in the light curve
        self.nphots1 = np.float64(np.sum(lc1.counts))
        self.nphots2 = np.float64(np.sum(lc2.counts))

        self.meancounts1 = lc1.meancounts
        self.meancounts2 = lc2.meancounts

        # the number of data points in the light curve

        if lc1.n != lc2.n:
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have same number "
                                "of time bins per segment.")

        if lc1.dt != lc2.dt:
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have "
                                "same time binning dt.")

        self.n = lc1.n

        # the frequency resolution
        self.df = 1.0 / lc1.tseg

        # the number of averaged periodograms in the final output
        # This should *always* be 1 here
        self.m = 1

        # make the actual Fourier transform and compute cross spectrum
        self.freq, self.unnorm_power = self._fourier_cross(lc1, lc2)

        # If co-spectrum is desired, normalize here. Otherwise, get raw back
        # with the imaginary part still intact.
        self.power = self._normalize_crossspectrum(self.unnorm_power, lc1.tseg)

        if lc1.err_dist.lower() != lc2.err_dist.lower():
            simon("Your lightcurves have different statistics."
                  "The errors in the Crossspectrum will be incorrect.")
        elif lc1.err_dist.lower() != "poisson":
            simon("Looks like your lightcurve statistic is not poisson."
                  "The errors in the Powerspectrum will be incorrect.")

        if self.__class__.__name__ in [
                'Powerspectrum', 'AveragedPowerspectrum'
            self.power_err = self.power / np.sqrt(self.m)
        elif self.__class__.__name__ in [
                'Crossspectrum', 'AveragedCrossspectrum'
            # This is clearly a wild approximation.
            simon("Errorbars on cross spectra are not thoroughly tested. "
                  "Please report any inconsistencies.")
            unnorm_power_err = np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(self.m)  # Leahy-like
            unnorm_power_err /= (2 / np.sqrt(self.nphots1 * self.nphots2))
            unnorm_power_err += np.zeros_like(self.power)

            self.power_err = \
                self._normalize_crossspectrum(unnorm_power_err, lc1.tseg)
            self.power_err = np.zeros(len(self.power))
Beispiel #11
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.mjdref != other.mjdref:
            raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")

        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if( self.tstart < other.tstart ):
            first_lc = self
            second_lc = other
            first_lc = other
            second_lc = self

        if len(np.intersect1d(self.time, other.time) > 0):

            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "
            valid_err = False

            if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
                simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                      "We are setting the errors to zero.")

            elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
                valid_err = True
            # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics 
                raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                    " Please use one of these: "

            from collections import Counter
            counts = Counter()
            counts_err = Counter()

            for i, time in enumerate(first_lc.time):
                counts[time] = first_lc.counts[i]
                counts_err[time] = first_lc.counts_err[i]

            for i, time in enumerate(second_lc.time):
                if (counts.get(time) != None): #Common time

                    counts[time] = (counts[time] + second_lc.counts[i]) / 2  #avg
                    counts_err[time] = np.sqrt(( ((counts_err[time]**2) + (second_lc.counts_err[i] **2)) / 2))

                    counts[time] = second_lc.counts[i]
                    counts_err[time] = second_lc.counts_err[i]

            new_time = list(counts.keys())
            new_counts = list(counts.values())
                new_counts_err = list(counts_err.values())
                new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
            del[counts, counts_err]


            new_time = np.concatenate([first_lc.time, second_lc.time])
            new_counts = np.concatenate([first_lc.counts, second_lc.counts])
            new_counts_err = np.concatenate([first_lc.counts_err, second_lc.counts_err])

        new_time = np.asarray(new_time)
        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)
        new_counts_err = np.asarray(new_counts_err)
        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, err=new_counts_err, gti=gti,
                            mjdref=self.mjdref, dt=self.dt)

        return lc_new
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, time, counts, err=None, input_counts=True,
                 gti=None, err_dist='poisson', mjdref=0, dt=None):
        Make a light curve object from an array of time stamps and an
        array of counts.

        time: iterable
            A list or array of time stamps for a light curve

        counts: iterable, optional, default None
            A list or array of the counts in each bin corresponding to the
            bins defined in `time` (note: use `input_counts=False` to
            input the count range, i.e. counts/second, otherwise use

        err: iterable, optional, default None:
            A list or array of the uncertainties in each bin corresponding to
            the bins defined in `time` (note: use `input_counts=False` to
            input the count rage, i.e. counts/second, otherwise use
            counts/bin). If None, we assume the data is poisson distributed
            and calculate the error from the average of the lower and upper 
            1-sigma confidence intervals for the Poissonian distribution with 
            mean equal to `counts`.

        input_counts: bool, optional, default True
            If True, the code assumes that the input data in 'counts'
            is in units of counts/bin. If False, it assumes the data
            in 'counts' is in counts/second.

        gti: 2-d float array, default None
            [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]
            Good Time Intervals. They are *not* applied to the data by default.
            They will be used by other methods to have an indication of the
            "safe" time intervals to use during analysis.

        err_dist: str, optional, default=None
            Statistic of the Lightcurve, it is used to calculate the
            uncertainties and other statistical values apropriately.
            Default makes no assumptions and keep errors equal to zero.

        mjdref: float
            MJD reference (useful in most high-energy mission data)

        time: numpy.ndarray
            The array of midpoints of time bins.

            The array of lower time stamp of time bins.

            The array of higher time stamp of time bins.

        counts: numpy.ndarray
            The counts per bin corresponding to the bins in `time`.

        counts_err: numpy.ndarray
            The uncertainties corresponding to `counts`

        countrate: numpy.ndarray
            The counts per second in each of the bins defined in `time`.

        countrate_err: numpy.ndarray
            The uncertainties corresponding to `countrate`

        meanrate: float
            The mean count rate of the light curve.

        meancounts: float
            The mean counts of the light curve.

        n: int
            The number of data points in the light curve.

        dt: float
            The time resolution of the light curve.

        mjdref: float
            MJD reference date (tstart / 86400 gives the date in MJD at the
            start of the observation)

        tseg: float
            The total duration of the light curve.

        tstart: float
            The start time of the light curve.

        gti: 2-d float array
            [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]
            Good Time Intervals. They indicate the "safe" time intervals
            to be used during the analysis of the light curve.

        err_dist: string
            Statistic of the Lightcurve, it is used to calculate the
            uncertainties and other statistical values apropriately.
            It propagates to Spectrum classes.


        if not np.all(np.isfinite(time)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your time array!")

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(counts)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your counts array!")

        if len(time) != len(counts):

            raise StingrayError("time and counts array are not "
                                "of the same length!")

        if len(time) <= 1:
            raise StingrayError("A single or no data points can not create "
                                "a lightcurve!")

        if err is not None:
            if not np.all(np.isfinite(err)):
                raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                                 "your err array")
            if err_dist.lower() not in valid_statistics:
                # err_dist set can be increased with other statistics
                raise StingrayError("Statistic not recognized."
                                    "Please select one of these: ",
            if err_dist.lower() == 'poisson':
                # Instead of the simple square root, we use confidence
                # intervals (should be valid for low fluxes too)
                err_low, err_high = poisson_conf_interval(np.asarray(counts),
                    interval='frequentist-confidence', sigma=1)
                # calculate approximately symmetric uncertainties
                err_low -= np.asarray(counts)
                err_high -= np.asarray(counts)
                err = (np.absolute(err_low) + np.absolute(err_high))/2.0
                # other estimators can be implemented for other statistics
                simon("Stingray only uses poisson err_dist at the moment, "
                      "We are setting your errors to zero. "
                      "Sorry for the inconvenience.")
                err = np.zeros_like(counts)

        self.mjdref = mjdref
        self.time = np.asarray(time)
        if dt is None:
            self.dt = np.median(self.time[1:] - self.time[:-1])
            self.dt = dt

        self.bin_lo = self.time - 0.5 * self.dt
        self.bin_hi = self.time + 0.5 * self.dt

        self.err_dist = err_dist

        self.tstart = self.time[0] - 0.5*self.dt
        self.tseg = self.time[-1] - self.time[0] + self.dt

        self.gti = \
                                              self.tstart + self.tseg]]))

        good = create_gti_mask(self.time, self.gti)

        self.time = self.time[good]
        if input_counts:
            self.counts = np.asarray(counts)[good]
            self.countrate = self.counts / self.dt
            self.counts_err = np.asarray(err)[good]
            self.countrate_err = np.asarray(err)[good] / self.dt
            self.countrate = np.asarray(counts)[good]
            self.counts = self.countrate * self.dt
            self.counts_err = np.asarray(err)[good] * self.dt
            self.countrate_err = np.asarray(err)[good]

        self.meanrate = np.mean(self.countrate)
        self.meancounts = np.mean(self.counts)
        self.n = self.counts.shape[0]

        # Issue a warning if the input time iterable isn't regularly spaced,
        # i.e. the bin sizes aren't equal throughout.
        dt_array = np.diff(self.time)
        if not (np.allclose(dt_array, np.repeat(self.dt, dt_array.shape[0]))):
            simon("Bin sizes in input time array aren't equal throughout! "
                  "This could cause problems with Fourier transforms. "
                  "Please make the input time evenly sampled.")
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, time, counts, input_counts=True, gti=None):
        Make a light curve object from an array of time stamps and an
        array of counts.

        time: iterable
            A list or array of time stamps for a light curve

        counts: iterable, optional, default None
            A list or array of the counts in each bin corresponding to the
            bins defined in `time` (note: **not** the count rate, i.e.
            counts/second, but the counts/bin).

        input_counts: bool, optional, default True
            If True, the code assumes that the input data in 'counts'
            is in units of counts/bin. If False, it assumes the data
            in 'counts' is in counts/second.

        gti: 2-d float array, default None
            [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]
            Good Time Intervals. They are *not* applied to the data by default.
            They will be used by other methods to have an indication of the
            "safe" time intervals to use during analysis.

        time: numpy.ndarray
            The array of midpoints of time bins.

            The array of lower time stamp of time bins.

            The array of higher time stamp of time bins.

        counts: numpy.ndarray
            The counts per bin corresponding to the bins in `time`.

        countrate: numpy.ndarray
            The counts per second in each of the bins defined in `time`.

        meanrate: float
            The mean count rate of the light curve.
        meancounts: float
            The mean counts of the light curve.

        n: int
            The number of data points in the light curve.

        dt: float
            The time resolution of the light curve.

        tseg: float
            The total duration of the light curve.

        tstart: float
            The start time of the light curve.

        gti: 2-d float array
            [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]
            Good Time Intervals. They indicate the "safe" time intervals
            to be used during the analysis of the light curve.

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(time)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your time array!")

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(counts)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your counts array!")

        if len(time) != len(counts):

            raise StingrayError("time and counts array are not "
                                "of the same length!")

        if len(time) <= 1:
            raise StingrayError("A single or no data points can not create "
                                "a lightcurve!")

        self.time = np.asarray(time)
        self.dt = time[1] - time[0]

        self.bin_lo = self.time - 0.5 * self.dt
        self.bin_hi = self.time + 0.5 * self.dt

        if input_counts:
            self.counts = np.asarray(counts)
            self.countrate = self.counts / self.dt
            self.countrate = np.asarray(counts)
            self.counts = self.countrate * self.dt

        self.meanrate = np.mean(self.countrate)
        self.meancounts = np.mean(self.counts)
        self.n = self.counts.shape[0]

        # Issue a warning if the input time iterable isn't regularly spaced,
        # i.e. the bin sizes aren't equal throughout.
        dt_array = np.diff(self.time)
        if not (np.allclose(dt_array, np.repeat(self.dt, dt_array.shape[0]))):
            simon("Bin sizes in input time array aren't equal throughout! "
                  "This could cause problems with Fourier transforms. "
                  "Please make the input time evenly sampled.")

        self.tseg = self.time[-1] - self.time[0] + self.dt
        self.tstart = self.time[0] - 0.5 * self.dt
        self.gti = \
                                              self.tstart + self.tseg]]))
Beispiel #14
    def _make_crossspectrum(self, lc1, lc2):
        Auxiliary method computing the normalized cross spectrum from two
        light curves. This includes checking for the presence of and
        applying Good Time Intervals, computing the unnormalized Fourier
        cross-amplitude, and then renormalizing using the required
        normalization. Also computes an uncertainty estimate on the cross
        spectral powers.

        lc1, lc2 : :class:`stingray.Lightcurve` objects
            Two light curves used for computing the cross spectrum.

        # make sure the inputs work!
        if not isinstance(lc1, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc1 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if not isinstance(lc2, Lightcurve):
            raise TypeError("lc2 must be a lightcurve.Lightcurve object")

        if self.lc2.mjdref != self.lc1.mjdref:
            raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")

        # Then check that GTIs make sense
        if self.gti is None:
            self.gti = cross_two_gtis(lc1.gti, lc2.gti)


        if self.gti.shape[0] != 1:
            raise TypeError("Non-averaged Cross Spectra need "
                            "a single Good Time Interval")

        lc1 = lc1.split_by_gti()[0]
        lc2 = lc2.split_by_gti()[0]

        # total number of photons is the sum of the
        # counts in the light curve
        self.nphots1 = np.float64(np.sum(lc1.counts))
        self.nphots2 = np.float64(np.sum(lc2.counts))

        self.meancounts1 = lc1.meancounts
        self.meancounts2 = lc2.meancounts

        # the number of data points in the light curve

        if lc1.n != lc2.n:
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have same number "
                                "of time bins per segment.")

        # If dt differs slightly, its propagated error must not be more than
        # 1/100th of the bin
        if not np.isclose(lc1.dt, lc2.dt, rtol=0.01 * lc1.dt / lc1.tseg):
            raise StingrayError("Light curves do not have same time binning "

        # In case a small difference exists, ignore it
        lc1.dt = lc2.dt

        self.n = lc1.n

        # the frequency resolution
        self.df = 1.0 / lc1.tseg

        # the number of averaged periodograms in the final output
        # This should *always* be 1 here
        self.m = 1

        # make the actual Fourier transform and compute cross spectrum
        self.freq, self.unnorm_power = self._fourier_cross(lc1, lc2)

        # If co-spectrum is desired, normalize here. Otherwise, get raw back
        # with the imaginary part still intact.
        self.power = self._normalize_crossspectrum(self.unnorm_power, lc1.tseg)

        if lc1.err_dist.lower() != lc2.err_dist.lower():
            simon("Your lightcurves have different statistics."
                  "The errors in the Crossspectrum will be incorrect.")
        elif lc1.err_dist.lower() != "poisson":
            simon("Looks like your lightcurve statistic is not poisson."
                  "The errors in the Powerspectrum will be incorrect.")

        if self.__class__.__name__ in ['Powerspectrum',
            self.power_err = self.power / np.sqrt(self.m)
        elif self.__class__.__name__ in ['Crossspectrum',
            # This is clearly a wild approximation.
            simon("Errorbars on cross spectra are not thoroughly tested. "
                  "Please report any inconsistencies.")
            unnorm_power_err = np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(self.m)  # Leahy-like
            unnorm_power_err /= (2 / np.sqrt(self.nphots1 * self.nphots2))
            unnorm_power_err += np.zeros_like(self.power)

            self.power_err = \
                self._normalize_crossspectrum(unnorm_power_err, lc1.tseg)
            self.power_err = np.zeros(len(self.power))
Beispiel #15
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if self.tstart <= other.tstart:
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.time, other.time]))
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([other.time, self.time]))

        if len(new_time) != len(self.time) + len(other.time):
            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "

        new_counts = []
        new_counts_err = []
        # For every time stamp, get the individual time counts and add them.
        for time in new_time:
                count1 = self.counts[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
                count1_err = self.counts_err[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count1 = None
                count1_err = None

                count2 = other.counts[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
                count2_err = other.counts_err[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count2 = None
                count2_err = None

            if count1 is not None:
                if count2 is not None:
                    # Average the overlapping counts
                    new_counts.append((count1 + count2) / 2)

                    if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
                        simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                              "We are setting the errors to zero.")
                        new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
                    elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
                        new_counts_err.append(np.sqrt(((count1_err**2) +
                                                      (count2_err**2)) / 2))
                    # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
                        raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                            " Please use one of these: "

        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)
        new_counts_err = np.asarray(new_counts_err)

        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, err=new_counts_err, gti=gti)

        return lc_new
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, time, counts, err=None, input_counts=True,
                 gti=None, err_dist='poisson', mjdref=0, dt=None):

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(time)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your time array!")

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(counts)):
            raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                             "your counts array!")

        if len(time) != len(counts):

            raise StingrayError("time and counts array are not "
                                "of the same length!")

        if len(time) <= 1:
            raise StingrayError("A single or no data points can not create "
                                "a lightcurve!")

        if err is not None:
            if not np.all(np.isfinite(err)):
                raise ValueError("There are inf or NaN values in "
                                 "your err array")
            if err_dist.lower() not in valid_statistics:
                # err_dist set can be increased with other statistics
                raise StingrayError("Statistic not recognized."
                                    "Please select one of these: ",
            if err_dist.lower() == 'poisson':
                # Instead of the simple square root, we use confidence
                # intervals (should be valid for low fluxes too)
                err = poisson_symmetrical_errors(counts)
                simon("Stingray only uses poisson err_dist at the moment, "
                      "We are setting your errors to zero. "
                      "Sorry for the inconvenience.")
                err = np.zeros_like(counts)

        self.mjdref = mjdref
        self.time = np.asarray(time)
        dt_array = np.diff(np.sort(self.time))
        dt_array_unsorted = np.diff(self.time)
        unsorted = np.any(dt_array_unsorted < 0)

        if dt is None:
            if unsorted:
                logging.warning("The light curve is unordered! This may cause "
                                "unexpected behaviour in some methods! Use "
                                "sort() to order the light curve in time and "
                                "check that the time resolution `dt` is "
                                "calculated correctly!")

            self.dt = np.median(dt_array)
            self.dt = dt

        self.bin_lo = self.time - 0.5 * self.dt
        self.bin_hi = self.time + 0.5 * self.dt

        self.err_dist = err_dist

        if unsorted:
            self.tstart = np.min(self.time) - 0.5 * self.dt
            self.tseg = np.max(self.time) - np.min(self.time) + self.dt
            self.tstart = self.time[0] - 0.5 * self.dt
            self.tseg = self.time[-1] - self.time[0] + self.dt

        self.gti = \
                                              self.tstart + self.tseg]]))


        good = create_gti_mask(self.time, self.gti, dt=self.dt)

        self.time = self.time[good]

        if input_counts:
            self.counts = np.asarray(counts)[good]
            self.countrate = self.counts / self.dt
            self.counts_err = np.asarray(err)[good]
            self.countrate_err = np.asarray(err)[good] / self.dt
            self.countrate = np.asarray(counts)[good]
            self.counts = self.countrate * self.dt
            self.counts_err = np.asarray(err)[good] * self.dt
            self.countrate_err = np.asarray(err)[good]

        self.meanrate = np.mean(self.countrate)
        self.meancounts = np.mean(self.counts)
        self.n = self.counts.shape[0]

        # Issue a warning if the input time iterable isn't regularly spaced,
        # i.e. the bin sizes aren't equal throughout.
        dt_array = []
        for g in self.gti:
            mask = create_gti_mask(self.time, [g], dt=self.dt)
            t = self.time[mask]
        dt_array = np.asarray(dt_array)

        if not (np.allclose(dt_array, np.repeat(self.dt, dt_array.shape[0]))):
            simon("Bin sizes in input time array aren't equal throughout! "
                  "This could cause problems with Fourier transforms. "
                  "Please make the input time evenly sampled.")