Beispiel #1
    def test_tastis_output_linearaxis1(self, capsys):
        od3v01bfq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, LINEARAXIS1, no errors

        self.get_data("input", "od3v01bfq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "od3v01bfq_spt.fits")



        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
           "od3v01bfq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS        52X0.05             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
           "prop: 14493      visit: 01    line: 5   target: 2MASS-J23062928-0502285\n" \
           "obs date, time: 2016-09-26    04:17:57   exposure time: 10.00\n" \
           "dom GS/FGS: SB5F000135F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: SB5F000156F2\n" \
           "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
           "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(32,32)          corner=(521,500)\n" \
           "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
           "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 26\n" \
           "\n" \
           " [   0  848 3069 3432 1912  555  228]\n" \
           "\n" \
           "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
           "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
           "Estimated slew:     -0.2   0.0    -0.010  0.000     -0.007 -0.007\n" \
           "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (40210) - Pedestal (35982) = 4228 DN\n" \
           "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
           "The confirmation image has a flux between 0.8 and 2.0 times the\n" \
           "maximum flux in the peakup, which is typical of a successful ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
    def test_tastis_output_linearaxis1(self, capsys):
        od3v01bfq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, LINEARAXIS1, no errors

        self.get_data("input", "od3v01bfq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "od3v01bfq_spt.fits")



        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
           "od3v01bfq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS        52X0.05             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
           "prop: 14493      visit: 01    line: 5   target: 2MASS-J23062928-0502285\n" \
           "obs date, time: 2016-09-26    04:17:57   exposure time: 10.00\n" \
           "dom GS/FGS: SB5F000135F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: SB5F000156F2\n" \
           "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
           "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(32,32)          corner=(521,500)\n" \
           "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
           "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 26\n" \
           "\n" \
           " [   0  848 3069 3432 1912  555  228]\n" \
           "\n" \
           "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
           "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
           "Estimated slew:     -0.2   0.0    -0.010  0.000     -0.007 -0.007\n" \
           "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (40210) - Pedestal (35982) = 4228 DN\n" \
           "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
           "The confirmation image has a flux between 0.8 and 2.0 times the\n" \
           "maximum flux in the peakup, which is typical of a successful ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
    def test_tastis_zero_divide(self):
        o4er06llq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, empty

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "o4er06llq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "o4er06llq_spt.fits")

        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
Beispiel #4
    def test_tastis_zero_divide(self):
        o4er06llq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, empty

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "o4er06llq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "o4er06llq_spt.fits")

        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
Beispiel #5
    def test_header_update6(self, capsys):
        ocmv0lw6q  # ACQ/IMAGE, F25ND3, no errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocmv0lw6q_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocmv0lw6q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS      F25ND3             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 13760      visit: 0L    line: 1   target: CD-59D3300\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-09-29    23:43:50   exposure time:  1.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S4B0000993F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: S4B0000953F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1560\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.2  507.0    48.2  42.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -1.5  -9.0    -0.079 -0.457       -0.379  0.268\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1559\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.2  516.8    48.2  51.8\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.5  517.0    19.5  17.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.1  -0.2     -0.104 -0.010      -0.081 -0.067\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    -3.6  -9.2    -0.183 -0.467        -0.460  0.201\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Your ACQ appears to have succeeded, as the fluxes in the coarse\n" \
                               "and fine stages agree within 25% and the fine slews were less than\n" \
                               "4 pixels as expected\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits", "ocmv0lw6q_raw_ref.fits")]
    def test_header_update6(self, capsys):
        ocmv0lw6q  # ACQ/IMAGE, F25ND3, no errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocmv0lw6q_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocmv0lw6q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS      F25ND3             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 13760      visit: 0L    line: 1   target: CD-59D3300\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-09-29    23:43:50   exposure time:  1.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S4B0000993F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: S4B0000953F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1560\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.2  507.0    48.2  42.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -1.5  -9.0    -0.079 -0.457       -0.379  0.268\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1559\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.2  516.8    48.2  51.8\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.5  517.0    19.5  17.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.1  -0.2     -0.104 -0.010      -0.081 -0.067\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    -3.6  -9.2    -0.183 -0.467        -0.460  0.201\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Your ACQ appears to have succeeded, as the fluxes in the coarse\n" \
                               "and fine stages agree within 25% and the fine slews were less than\n" \
                               "4 pixels as expected\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocmv0lw6q_raw.fits", "ocmv0lw6q_raw_ref.fits")]
    def test_header_update7(self, capsys):
        octr11h4q  # ACQ/IMAGE, F25ND5, large fine slew error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octr11h4q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octr11h4q_spt.fits")


        tastis('octr11h4q_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octr11h4q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS      F25ND5             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 14341      visit: 11    line: 1   target: HD128620\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-08-28    19:57:49   exposure time:  0.30\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000303F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000751F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 278\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    557.0  473.0    71.0   8.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     21.3  -43.0     1.080 -2.184       -0.781  2.308\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 280\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    547.0  564.0    61.0  99.0\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.6  517.3    19.6  17.3\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     10.6  46.7      0.541  2.372       2.060 -1.295\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    31.9   3.7     1.621  0.188         1.279  1.013\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The fine slew (to center the target in the reference aperture) is larger\n" \
                               "than 4 pixels.  This may indicate a problem with your acquisition.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octr11h4q_raw.fits", "octr11h4q_raw_ref.fits")]
    def test_header_update8(self, capsys):
        ocu252cmq  # ACQ/IMAGE, F28X50OII, flux error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocu252cmq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocu252cmq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocu252cmq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocu252cmq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS     F28X50OII             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 14143      visit: 52    line: 1   target: BD+41-3306\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-06-06    08:30:05   exposure time:  2.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: N2JU001340F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: N2K1001229F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1442\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    527.8  513.1    41.8  48.1\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -7.9  -2.9    -0.400 -0.147       -0.387 -0.179\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 611\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.1  516.1    48.1  51.1\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.5  516.5    19.5  16.5\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.1  -0.4     -0.106 -0.020      -0.089 -0.061\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    -10.0  -3.3    -0.506 -0.168        -0.477 -0.239\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The fluxes in the maximum checkbox in the fine and coarse stages differ\n" \
                               "by more than 25%.  This may indicate a problem with your acquisition.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocu252cmq_raw.fits", "ocu252cmq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #9
    def test_header_update8(self, capsys):
        ocu252cmq  # ACQ/IMAGE, F28X50OII, flux error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocu252cmq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocu252cmq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocu252cmq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocu252cmq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS     F28X50OII             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 14143      visit: 52    line: 1   target: BD+41-3306\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-06-06    08:30:05   exposure time:  2.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: N2JU001340F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: N2K1001229F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 1442\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    527.8  513.1    41.8  48.1\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -7.9  -2.9    -0.400 -0.147       -0.387 -0.179\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 611\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    534.1  516.1    48.1  51.1\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.5  516.5    19.5  16.5\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.1  -0.4     -0.106 -0.020      -0.089 -0.061\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    -10.0  -3.3    -0.506 -0.168        -0.477 -0.239\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The fluxes in the maximum checkbox in the fine and coarse stages differ\n" \
                               "by more than 25%.  This may indicate a problem with your acquisition.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocu252cmq_raw.fits", "ocu252cmq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #10
    def test_header_update7(self, capsys):
        octr11h4q  # ACQ/IMAGE, F25ND5, large fine slew error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octr11h4q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octr11h4q_spt.fits")


        tastis('octr11h4q_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octr11h4q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS      F25ND5             ACQ/POINT\n" \
                               "prop: 14341      visit: 11    line: 1   target: HD128620\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-08-28    19:57:49   exposure time:  0.30\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000303F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000751F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: FLUX CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(100,100)          corner=(487,466)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 278\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global          local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    557.0  473.0    71.0   8.0\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     21.3  -43.0     1.080 -2.184       -0.781  2.308\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 280\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                       global            local\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
                               "Target location:    547.0  564.0    61.0  99.0\n" \
                               "Ref ap location:    537.6  517.3    19.6  17.3\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     10.6  46.7      0.541  2.372       2.060 -1.295\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Total est. slew:    31.9   3.7     1.621  0.188         1.279  1.013\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The fine slew (to center the target in the reference aperture) is larger\n" \
                               "than 4 pixels.  This may indicate a problem with your acquisition.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octr11h4q_raw.fits", "octr11h4q_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #11
    def test_tastis_output_geometric_center(self, capsys):
        ocoa03q2q  # ACQ/IMAGE, GEOMETRIC-CENTER

        self.get_data("input", "ocoa03q2q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocoa03q2q_spt.fits")



        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
              "ocoa03q2q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS     F28X50LP             ACQ/DIFFUSE\n" \
              "prop: 13693      visit: 03    line: 1   target: CERES-2\n" \
              "obs date, time: 2015-08-16    16:34:18   exposure time:  1.10\n" \
              "dom GS/FGS: SCHN000911F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: SCHK000675F1\n" \
              "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: GEOMETRIC-CENTER\n" \
              "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(104,104)          corner=(485,464)\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 87956\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                       global          local\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
              "Target location:    528.0  515.0    44.0  52.0\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
              "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
              "Estimated slew:     -7.7  -1.0    -0.393 -0.051       -0.314 -0.242\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 87849\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                       global            local\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
              "Target location:    534.0  517.0    50.0  54.0\n" \
              "Ref ap location:    537.3  515.4    21.3  17.4\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
              "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
              "Estimated slew:     -2.0   1.6     -0.103  0.081      -0.015 -0.130\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Total est. slew:    -9.8   0.6    -0.496  0.030        -0.329 -0.372\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Your ACQ appears to have succeeded, as the fluxes in the coarse\n" \
              "and fine stages agree within 25% and the fine slews were less than\n" \
              "4 pixels as expected\n" \
              "\n" \
Beispiel #12
    def test_tastis_output_geometric_center(self, capsys):
        ocoa03q2q  # ACQ/IMAGE, GEOMETRIC-CENTER

        self.get_data("input", "ocoa03q2q_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocoa03q2q_spt.fits")



        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
              "ocoa03q2q       HST/STIS    MIRVIS     F28X50LP             ACQ/DIFFUSE\n" \
              "prop: 13693      visit: 03    line: 1   target: CERES-2\n" \
              "obs date, time: 2015-08-16    16:34:18   exposure time:  1.10\n" \
              "dom GS/FGS: SCHN000911F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: SCHK000675F1\n" \
              "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510   checkbox: 3      method: GEOMETRIC-CENTER\n" \
              "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(104,104)          corner=(485,464)\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Coarse locate phase:           Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 87956\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                       global          local\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
              "Target location:    528.0  515.0    44.0  52.0\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
              "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)            (arcsec)\n" \
              "Estimated slew:     -7.7  -1.0    -0.393 -0.051       -0.314 -0.242\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Fine locate phase:            Target flux in max checkbox (DN): 87849\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                       global            local\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1 axis2\n" \
              "Target location:    534.0  517.0    50.0  54.0\n" \
              "Ref ap location:    537.3  515.4    21.3  17.4\n" \
              "\n" \
              "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2      V3\n" \
              "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
              "Estimated slew:     -2.0   1.6     -0.103  0.081      -0.015 -0.130\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Total est. slew:    -9.8   0.6    -0.496  0.030        -0.329 -0.372\n" \
              "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
              "Your ACQ appears to have succeeded, as the fluxes in the coarse\n" \
              "and fine stages agree within 25% and the fine slews were less than\n" \
              "4 pixels as expected\n" \
              "\n" \
Beispiel #13
    def test_header_update3(self, capsys):
        octr11hrq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octr11hrq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octr11hrq_spt.fits")


        tastis('octr11hrq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octr11hrq       HST/STIS    G430M        31X0.05NDA             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14341      visit: 11    line: 9   target: HD128621-2\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-08-28    22:33:14   exposure time:  0.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000303F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000751F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(25,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 39\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [5478    0  798 3264 4796 1923 4876]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.2   0.0     0.010  0.000      0.007  0.007\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (882661) - Pedestal (871184) = 11477 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 110% greater than the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  An excess greater than 100% indicates\n" \
                               "problems in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 57% of the recommended minimum\n" \
                               "of 20000 DN for a dispersed-light ACQ/PEAK.  The signal-to-noise in\n" \
                               "the ACQ/PEAK may be inadequate for an accurate centering.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The maximum flux in the sequence occurred at one end.\n" \
                               "This may indicate that the target was beyond that end\n" \
                               "or that a neighboring object affected the acquisition.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octr11hrq_raw.fits", "octr11hrq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #14
    def test_header_update3(self, capsys):
        octr11hrq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octr11hrq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octr11hrq_spt.fits")


        tastis('octr11hrq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octr11hrq       HST/STIS    G430M        31X0.05NDA             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14341      visit: 11    line: 9   target: HD128621-2\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-08-28    22:33:14   exposure time:  0.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000303F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000751F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(25,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 39\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [5478    0  798 3264 4796 1923 4876]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.2   0.0     0.010  0.000      0.007  0.007\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (882661) - Pedestal (871184) = 11477 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 110% greater than the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  An excess greater than 100% indicates\n" \
                               "problems in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 57% of the recommended minimum\n" \
                               "of 20000 DN for a dispersed-light ACQ/PEAK.  The signal-to-noise in\n" \
                               "the ACQ/PEAK may be inadequate for an accurate centering.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The maximum flux in the sequence occurred at one end.\n" \
                               "This may indicate that the target was beyond that end\n" \
                               "or that a neighboring object affected the acquisition.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octr11hrq_raw.fits", "octr11hrq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #15
    def test_header_update1(self, capsys):
        oc7w11viq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, RETURN-TO-BRIGHTEST

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "oc7w11viq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "oc7w11viq_spt.fits")


        tastis('oc7w11viq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "oc7w11viq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.3X0.05ND             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 13465      visit: 11    line: 3   target: HD128621-2\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2014-07-24    22:05:06   exposure time:  0.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000330F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000694F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: RETURN-TO-BRIGHTEST\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(25,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS2                  Step size (mas): 250\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [210 753   0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.0  -0.1     0.000 -0.005     -0.004  0.004\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (751752) - Pedestal (748587) = 3165 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 320% greater than the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  An excess greater than 100% indicates\n" \
                               "problems in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 16% of the recommended minimum\n" \
                               "of 20000 DN for a dispersed-light ACQ/PEAK.  The signal-to-noise in\n" \
                               "the ACQ/PEAK may be inadequate for an accurate centering.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("oc7w11viq_raw.fits", "oc7w11viq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #16
    def test_header_update1(self, capsys):
        oc7w11viq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, RETURN-TO-BRIGHTEST

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "oc7w11viq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "oc7w11viq_spt.fits")


        tastis('oc7w11viq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "oc7w11viq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.3X0.05ND             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 13465      visit: 11    line: 3   target: HD128621-2\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2014-07-24    22:05:06   exposure time:  0.10\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S7QX000330F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S7QX000694F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: RETURN-TO-BRIGHTEST\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(25,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS2                  Step size (mas): 250\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [210 753   0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.0  -0.1     0.000 -0.005     -0.004  0.004\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (751752) - Pedestal (748587) = 3165 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 320% greater than the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  An excess greater than 100% indicates\n" \
                               "problems in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is 16% of the recommended minimum\n" \
                               "of 20000 DN for a dispersed-light ACQ/PEAK.  The signal-to-noise in\n" \
                               "the ACQ/PEAK may be inadequate for an accurate centering.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("oc7w11viq_raw.fits", "oc7w11viq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #17
    def test_header_update4(self, capsys):
        ocui04xeq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocui04xeq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocui04xeq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocui04xeq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocui04xeq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS        52X0.1E1             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14086      visit: 04    line: 2   target: M62-VLA1\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-07-22    06:10:30   exposure time: 20.00\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S8ES000684F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: S8ES000207F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(32,32)          corner=(524,883)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 75\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [17007  5446  1717   993     0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.6   0.0    -0.132  0.000     -0.093 -0.093\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (56705) - Pedestal (43530) = 13175 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is only 77% of the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  Percentages below 80% often indicate problems\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The maximum flux in the sequence occurred at one end.\n" \
                               "This may indicate that the target was beyond that end\n" \
                               "or that a neighboring object affected the acquisition.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocui04xeq_raw.fits", "ocui04xeq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #18
    def test_header_update4(self, capsys):
        ocui04xeq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocui04xeq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocui04xeq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocui04xeq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocui04xeq       HST/STIS    MIRVIS        52X0.1E1             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14086      visit: 04    line: 2   target: M62-VLA1\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-07-22    06:10:30   exposure time: 20.00\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S8ES000684F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: S8ES000207F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(32,32)          corner=(524,883)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 75\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [17007  5446  1717   993     0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:     -2.6   0.0    -0.132  0.000     -0.093 -0.093\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (56705) - Pedestal (43530) = 13175 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is only 77% of the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  Percentages below 80% often indicate problems\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "The maximum flux in the sequence occurred at one end.\n" \
                               "This may indicate that the target was beyond that end\n" \
                               "or that a neighboring object affected the acquisition.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocui04xeq_raw.fits", "ocui04xeq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #19
    def test_header_update2(self, capsys):
        octka7jeq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octka7jeq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octka7jeq_spt.fits")


        tastis('octka7jeq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octka7jeq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.2X0.09             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14161      visit: A7    line: 2   target: HD-84937\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-05-09    23:15:29   exposure time:  0.20\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: N6U6000023F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: N6U7000178F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(26,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 69\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [    0 16309 83580 21884  8029]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.2   0.0     0.010  0.000      0.007  0.007\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (852814) - Pedestal (791686) = 61128 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is only 73% of the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  Percentages below 80% often indicate problems\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octka7jeq_raw.fits", "octka7jeq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #20
    def test_header_update2(self, capsys):
        octka7jeq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, flux error

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "octka7jeq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "octka7jeq_spt.fits")


        tastis('octka7jeq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "octka7jeq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.2X0.09             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14161      visit: A7    line: 2   target: HD-84937\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-05-09    23:15:29   exposure time:  0.20\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: N6U6000023F2    sub-dom GS/FGS: N6U7000178F1\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(26,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS1                  Step size (mas): 69\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [    0 16309 83580 21884  8029]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.2   0.0     0.010  0.000      0.007  0.007\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (852814) - Pedestal (791686) = 61128 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The flux in the confirmation image is only 73% of the maximum flux\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK scan.  Percentages below 80% often indicate problems\n" \
                               "in the ACQ/PEAK.\n" \
                               "\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("octka7jeq_raw.fits", "octka7jeq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #21
    def test_header_update5(self, capsys):
        ocyw05afq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, LINEARAXIS2, no errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocyw05afq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocyw05afq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocyw05afq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocyw05afq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.2X0.09             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14084      visit: 05    line: 2   target: BD-11D916\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-09-22    08:33:17   exposure time:  1.80\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S2AE000156F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S2AE000086F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(26,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS2                  Step size (mas): 150\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [ 5139 67252     0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.0   0.0     0.000  0.000      0.000  0.000\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (907707) - Pedestal (838752) = 68955 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The confirmation image has a flux between 0.8 and 2.0 times the\n" \
                               "maximum flux in the peakup, which is typical of a successful ACQ/PEAK.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocyw05afq_raw.fits", "ocyw05afq_raw_ref.fits")]
Beispiel #22
    def test_header_update5(self, capsys):
        ocyw05afq  # ACQ/PEAK-UP, LINEARAXIS2, no errors

        # Prepare input files.
        self.get_data("input", "ocyw05afq_raw.fits")
        self.get_data("input", "ocyw05afq_spt.fits")


        tastis('ocyw05afq_raw.fits', update=True)

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert captured.out == "===============================================================================\n" \
                               "ocyw05afq       HST/STIS    G430L        0.2X0.09             ACQ/PEAK-UP\n" \
                               "prop: 14084      visit: 05    line: 2   target: BD-11D916\n" \
                               "obs date, time: 2016-09-22    08:33:17   exposure time:  1.80\n" \
                               "dom GS/FGS: S2AE000156F1    sub-dom GS/FGS: S2AE000086F2\n" \
                               "ACQ params:     bias sub: 1510                     method: MAX-FLUX-CENTROID\n" \
                               "subarray (axis1,axis2):   size=(1022,32)          corner=(26,500)\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "Scan type: LINEARAXIS2                  Step size (mas): 150\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               " [ 5139 67252     0]\n" \
                               "\n" \
                               "                    axis1 axis2     axis1  axis2         V2   V3\n" \
                               "                      (pixels)        (arcsec)           (arcsec)\n" \
                               "Estimated slew:      0.0   0.0     0.000  0.000      0.000  0.000\n" \
                               "Flux in post-slew confirmation image (907707) - Pedestal (838752) = 68955 DN\n" \
                               "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
                               "The confirmation image has a flux between 0.8 and 2.0 times the\n" \
                               "maximum flux in the peakup, which is typical of a successful ACQ/PEAK.\n" \

        # Compare results
        outputs = [("ocyw05afq_raw.fits", "ocyw05afq_raw_ref.fits")]