Beispiel #1
def hps_model_anal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, harmDevSlope, minSineDur, Ns, stocf):
    Analysis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model
    x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window; N: FFT size, t: threshold in negative dB,
    nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz,
    maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz; f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
    harmDevSlope: slope of harmonic deviation; minSineDur: minimum length of harmonics
    returns hfreq, hmag, hphase: harmonic frequencies, magnitude and phases; stocEnv: stochastic residual

    # perform harmonic analysis
    hfreq, hmag, hphase = harmonicModel.harmonic_model_anal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, harmDevSlope, minSineDur)
    # subtract sinusoids from original sound
    xr = utilFunctions.sineSubtraction(x, Ns, H, hfreq, hmag, hphase, fs)
    # perform stochastic analysis of residual
    stocEnv = stochasticModel.stochastic_model_anal(xr, H, H * 2, stocf)
    return hfreq, hmag, hphase, stocEnv
Beispiel #2
def sps_model_anal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, minSineDur, maxnSines, freqDevOffset, freqDevSlope, stocf):
    Analysis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus stochastic model
    x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window; N: FFT size, t: threshold in negative dB,
    minSineDur: minimum duration of sinusoidal tracks
    maxnSines: maximum number of parallel sinusoids
    freqDevOffset: frequency deviation allowed in the sinusoids from frame to frame at frequency 0
    freqDevSlope: slope of the frequency deviation, higher frequencies have bigger deviation
    stocf: decimation factor used for the stochastic approximation
    returns hfreq, hmag, hphase: harmonic frequencies, magnitude and phases; stocEnv: stochastic residual

    # perform sinusoidal analysis
    tfreq, tmag, tphase = sineModel.sine_model_anal(
        x, fs, w, N, H, t, maxnSines, minSineDur, freqDevOffset, freqDevSlope
    Ns = 512
    xr = utilFunctions.sineSubtraction(x, Ns, H, tfreq, tmag, tphase, fs)  # subtract sinusoids from original sound
    stocEnv = stochasticModel.stochastic_model_anal(xr, H, H * 2, stocf)  # compute stochastic model of residual
    return tfreq, tmag, tphase, stocEnv