Beispiel #1
# when told to (at every step).
from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis
from stonesoup.types.track import Track

track = Track()
for measurement in measurements:
    prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=measurement.timestamp)
    hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, measurement)
    post = updater.update(hypothesis)
    prior = track[-1]

# %%
# Plot the resulting track with the sample points at each iteration.

plotter.plot_tracks(track, [0, 2], particle=True)

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3

# %%
# Key points
# ----------
# 1. Sampling methods offer an attractive alternative to Kalman-based filtering for recursive
#    state estimation.
# 2. The particle filter trades off a more subtle quantification of a non-Gaussian
#    estimate against increased computational effort.
# 3. Very often particle filters encounter sample impoverishment and require a resampling step.

# %%
# References
# do this. Storing the information is facilitated by the top-level :class:`~.Track` class which
# holds a sequence of states.
from stonesoup.types.track import Track
track = Track()
for measurement in measurements:
    prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=measurement.timestamp)
    hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(
        prediction, measurement)  # Group a prediction and measurement
    post = updater.update(hypothesis)
    prior = track[-1]

# %%
# Plot the resulting track, including uncertainty ellipses

plotter.plot_tracks(track, [0, 2], uncertainty=True)

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3

# %%
# Key points
# ----------
# 1. Stone Soup is built on a variety of types of :class:`~.State` object. These can be used to
#    represent hidden states, observations, estimates, ground truth, and more.
# 2. Bayesian recursion is undertaken by the successive applications of predict and update methods
#    using a :class:`~.Predictor` and an :class:`~.Updater`. Explicit association of predicted
#    states with measurements is necessary. Broadly speaking, predictors apply a
#    :class:`~.TransitionModel`, data associators use a
#    :class:`~.Hypothesiser` to associate a prediction with a measurement, and updaters use this
#    association together with the :class:`~.MeasurementModel` to calculate the posterior state
# Populate the track
from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis
from stonesoup.types.track import Track

track = Track()
for measurement in measurements:
    prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=measurement.timestamp)
    hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, measurement)
    post = unscented_updater.update(hypothesis)
    prior = track[-1]

# %%
# And plot

plotter.plot_tracks(track, [0, 2], uncertainty=True, color='r')

# %%
# The UT in slightly more depth
# -----------------------------
# Now try and get a sense of what actually happens to the uncertainty when a non-linear combination
# of functions happens. Instead of deriving this analytically (and potentially getting bogged-down
# in the maths), let's just use a sampling method.
# We can start with a prediction, which is Gauss-distributed in state space, that we will use to
# make our measurement predictions from.
from stonesoup.types.prediction import GaussianStatePrediction

prediction = GaussianStatePrediction(state_vector=[[0], [0], [20], [0]],
                                     covar=np.diag([1.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5]),
tracks, all_tracks = set(), set()

for n, measurements in enumerate(all_measurements):
    # Calculate all hypothesis pairs and associate the elements in the best subset to the tracks.
    hypotheses = data_associator.associate(tracks, measurements,
                                           start_time + timedelta(seconds=n))
    associated_measurements = set()
    for track in tracks:
        hypothesis = hypotheses[track]
        if hypothesis.measurement:
            post = updater.update(hypothesis)
        else:  # When data associator says no detections are good enough, we'll keep the prediction

    # Carry out deletion and initiation
    tracks -= deleter.delete_tracks(tracks)
    tracks |= initiator.initiate(measurements - associated_measurements,
                                 start_time + timedelta(seconds=n))
    all_tracks |= tracks

# %%
# Plot the resulting tracks.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3

plotter.plot_tracks(all_tracks, [0, 2], uncertainty=True)
for predictor, updater, colour, filter, particle_count \
        in zip(predictors, updaters, colours, filters, particle_counts):
    track = Track()
    prior = ParticleState(particles[:particle_count], timestamp=start_time)

    for measurement in measurements:
        prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=measurement.timestamp)
        hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(prediction, measurement)
        post = updater.update(hypothesis)
        prior = track[-1]

    plotter = Plotter()
    plotter.plot_ground_truths(truth, [0, 2])
    plotter.plot_measurements(measurements, [0, 2])
    plotter.plot_tracks(track, [0, 2], particle=True, color=colour), 30), 30)

    metric_manager = SimpleManager(
        [siap_gen], associator=TrackToTruth(association_threshold=np.inf))
    metric_manager.add_data(tracks={track}, groundtruth_paths={truth})

    pa[filter] = {
        for metric in metric_manager.generate_metrics()
        if metric.title.startswith('time-based SIAP PA')

# %%
Beispiel #6
track2 = Track()

print("Capon detections:")
for timestep, detections in detector1:
    for detection in detections:
        prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=detection.timestamp)
        hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(
            prediction, detection)  # Group a prediction and measurement
        post = updater.update(hypothesis)
        prior = track1[-1]

print("RJMCMC detections:")
for timestep, detections in detector2:
    for detection in detections:
        prediction = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=detection.timestamp)
        hypothesis = SingleHypothesis(
            prediction, detection)  # Group a prediction and measurement
        post = updater.update(hypothesis)
        prior = track2[-1]

plotter = Plotter()
plotter.plot_tracks(set([track1, track2]), [0, 2], uncertainty=True)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt