def saveTrajectoryUserTypes(inFilename, outFilename, objects): '''The program saves the objects, by just copying the corresponding trajectory and velocity data from the inFilename, and saving the characteristics in objects (first line) into outFilename''' infile = storage.openCheck(inFilename) outfile = storage.openCheck(outFilename, 'w') if (inFilename.find('features') >= 0) or (not infile) or (not outfile): return lines = storage.getLines(infile) objNum = 0 # in inFilename while lines != []: # find object in objects (index i) i = 0 while (i < len(objects)) and (objects[i].num != objNum): i += 1 if i < len(objects): l = lines[0].split(' ') l[3] = str(objects[i].userType) outfile.write(' '.join(l) + '\n') for l in lines[1:]: outfile.write(l + '\n') outfile.write(utils.delimiterChar + '\n') # next object objNum += 1 lines = storage.getLines(infile) print('read {0} objects'.format(objNum))
def saveTrajectoryUserTypes(inFilename, outFilename, objects): '''The program saves the objects, by just copying the corresponding trajectory and velocity data from the inFilename, and saving the characteristics in objects (first line) into outFilename''' infile = storage.openCheck(inFilename) outfile = storage.openCheck(outFilename,'w') if (inFilename.find('features') >= 0) or (not infile) or (not outfile): return lines = storage.getLines(infile) objNum = 0 # in inFilename while lines != []: # find object in objects (index i) i = 0 while (i<len(objects)) and (objects[i].num != objNum): i+=1 if i<len(objects): l = lines[0].split(' ') l[3] = str(objects[i].userType) outfile.write(' '.join(l)+'\n') for l in lines[1:]: outfile.write(l+'\n') outfile.write(utils.delimiterChar+'\n') # next object objNum += 1 lines = storage.getLines(infile) print('read {0} objects'.format(objNum))
def loadInteractions(filename, nInteractions = -1): 'Loads interactions from the old UBC traffic event format' from events import Interaction from indicators import SeverityIndicator file = storage.openCheck(filename) if (not file): return [] interactions = [] interactionNum = 0 lines = storage.getLines(file) while (lines != []) and ((nInteractions<0) or (interactionNum<nInteractions)): parsedLine = [int(n) for n in lines[0].split(' ')] inter = Interaction(interactionNum, TimeInterval(parsedLine[1],parsedLine[2]), parsedLine[3], parsedLine[4], categoryNum = parsedLine[5]) indicatorFrameNums = [int(n) for n in lines[1].split(' ')] for indicatorNum,line in enumerate(lines[2:]): values = {} for i,v in enumerate([float(n) for n in line.split(' ')]): if not ignoredValue[indicatorNum] or v != ignoredValue[indicatorNum]: values[indicatorFrameNums[i]] = v inter.addIndicator(SeverityIndicator(severityIndicatorNames[indicatorNum], values, None, mostSevereIsMax[indicatorNum])) interactions.append(inter) interactionNum+=1 lines = storage.getLines(file) file.close() return interactions
def loadTrajectories(filename, nObjects=-1): '''Loads trajectories''' file = storage.openCheck(filename) if (not file): return [] objects = [] objNum = 0 objectType = getFileType(filename) lines = storage.getLines(file) while (lines != []) and ((nObjects < 0) or (objNum < nObjects)): l = lines[0].split(' ') parsedLine = [int(n) for n in l[:4]] obj = MovingObject(num=objNum, timeInterval=TimeInterval(parsedLine[1], parsedLine[2])) #add = True if len(lines) >= 3: obj.positions = Trajectory.load(lines[1], lines[2]) if len(lines) >= 5: obj.velocities = Trajectory.load(lines[3], lines[4]) if objectType == 'object': obj.userType = parsedLine[3] obj.nObjects = float(l[4]) obj.featureNumbers = [int(n) for n in l[5:]] # load contour data if available if len(lines) >= 6: obj.contourType = utils.line2Floats(lines[6]) obj.contourOrigins = Trajectory.load( lines[7], lines[8]) obj.contourSizes = Trajectory.load(lines[9], lines[10]) elif objectType == 'prototype': obj.userType = parsedLine[3] obj.nMatchings = int(l[4]) if len(lines) != 2: objects.append(obj) objNum += 1 else: print("Error two lines of data for feature %d" % (f.num)) lines = storage.getLines(file) file.close() return objects
def copyTrajectoryFile(keepTrajectory, filenameIn, filenameOut): '''Reads filenameIn, keeps the trajectories for which the function keepTrajectory(trajNum, lines) is True and writes the result in filenameOut''' fileIn = storage.openCheck(filenameIn, 'r', True) fileOut = storage.openCheck(filenameOut, "w", True) lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum = 0 while (lines != []): if keepTrajectory(trajNum, lines): for l in lines: fileOut.write(l + "\n") fileOut.write(utils.delimiterChar + "\n") lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum += 1 fileIn.close() fileOut.close()
def modifyTrajectoryFile(modifyLines, filenameIn, filenameOut): '''Reads filenameIn, replaces the lines with the result of modifyLines and writes the result in filenameOut''' fileIn = storage.openCheck(filenameIn, 'r', True) fileOut = storage.openCheck(filenameOut, "w", True) lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum = 0 while (lines != []): modifiedLines = modifyLines(trajNum, lines) if modifiedLines: for l in modifiedLines: fileOut.write(l + "\n") fileOut.write(utils.delimiterChar + "\n") lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum += 1 fileIn.close() fileOut.close()
def modifyTrajectoryFile(modifyLines, filenameIn, filenameOut): '''Reads filenameIn, replaces the lines with the result of modifyLines and writes the result in filenameOut''' fileIn = storage.openCheck(filenameIn, 'r', True) fileOut = storage.openCheck(filenameOut, "w", True) lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum = 0 while (lines != []): modifiedLines = modifyLines(trajNum, lines) if modifiedLines: for l in modifiedLines: fileOut.write(l+"\n") fileOut.write(utils.delimiterChar+"\n") lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum += 1 fileIn.close() fileOut.close()
def copyTrajectoryFile(keepTrajectory, filenameIn, filenameOut): '''Reads filenameIn, keeps the trajectories for which the function keepTrajectory(trajNum, lines) is True and writes the result in filenameOut''' fileIn = storage.openCheck(filenameIn, 'r', True) fileOut = storage.openCheck(filenameOut, "w", True) lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum = 0 while (lines != []): if keepTrajectory(trajNum, lines): for l in lines: fileOut.write(l+"\n") fileOut.write(utils.delimiterChar+"\n") lines = storage.getLines(fileIn) trajNum += 1 fileIn.close() fileOut.close()
def loadTrajectories(filename, nObjects = -1): '''Loads trajectories''' file = storage.openCheck(filename) if (not file): return [] objects = [] objNum = 0 objectType = getFileType(filename) lines = storage.getLines(file) while (lines != []) and ((nObjects<0) or (objNum<nObjects)): l = lines[0].split(' ') parsedLine = [int(n) for n in l[:4]] obj = MovingObject(num = objNum, timeInterval = TimeInterval(parsedLine[1],parsedLine[2])) #add = True if len(lines) >= 3: obj.positions = Trajectory.load(lines[1], lines[2]) if len(lines) >= 5: obj.velocities = Trajectory.load(lines[3], lines[4]) if objectType == 'object': obj.userType = parsedLine[3] obj.nObjects = float(l[4]) obj.featureNumbers = [int(n) for n in l[5:]] # load contour data if available if len(lines) >= 6: obj.contourType = utils.line2Floats(lines[6]) obj.contourOrigins = Trajectory.load(lines[7], lines[8]) obj.contourSizes = Trajectory.load(lines[9], lines[10]) elif objectType == 'prototype': obj.userType = parsedLine[3] obj.nMatchings = int(l[4]) if len(lines) != 2: objects.append(obj) objNum+=1 else: print("Error two lines of data for feature %d"%(f.num)) lines = storage.getLines(file) file.close() return objects
def loadCollisionPoints(filename, nPoints=-1): '''Loads collision points and returns a dict with keys as a pair of the numbers of the two interacting objects''' file = storage.openCheck(filename) if (not file): return [] points = {} num = 0 lines = storage.getLines(file) while (lines != []) and ((nPoints < 0) or (num < nPoints)): parsedLine = [int(n) for n in lines[0].split(' ')] protagonistNums = (parsedLine[0], parsedLine[1]) points[protagonistNums] = [[float(n) for n in lines[1].split(' ')], [float(n) for n in lines[2].split(' ')]] num += 1 lines = storage.getLines(file) file.close() return points
def loadCollisionPoints(filename, nPoints = -1): '''Loads collision points and returns a dict with keys as a pair of the numbers of the two interacting objects''' file = storage.openCheck(filename) if (not file): return [] points = {} num = 0 lines = storage.getLines(file) while (lines != []) and ((nPoints<0) or (num<nPoints)): parsedLine = [int(n) for n in lines[0].split(' ')] protagonistNums = (parsedLine[0], parsedLine[1]) points[protagonistNums] = [[float(n) for n in lines[1].split(' ')], [float(n) for n in lines[2].split(' ')]] num+=1 lines = storage.getLines(file) file.close() return points
# imagePoints[i,:] = [iPoints[:,i].tolist()]; # H = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1); # cvFindHomography(imagePoints, worldPoints, H); homography = np.array([]) if args.pointCorrespondencesFilename is not None: worldPts, videoPts = cvutils.loadPointCorrespondences( args.pointCorrespondencesFilename) homography, mask = cv2.findHomography( videoPts, worldPts) # method=0, ransacReprojThreshold=3 elif args.tsaiCameraFilename is not None: # hack using PDTV from pdtv import TsaiCamera f = storage.openCheck(args.tsaiCameraFilename, quitting=True) content = storage.getLines(f) cameraData = {} for l in content: tmp = l.split(':') cameraData[tmp[0]] = float(tmp[1].strip().replace(',', '.')) camera = TsaiCamera(Cx=cameraData['Cx'], Cy=cameraData['Cy'], Sx=cameraData['Sx'], Tx=cameraData['Tx'], Ty=cameraData['Ty'], Tz=cameraData['Tz'], dx=cameraData['dx'], dy=cameraData['dy'], f=cameraData['f'], k=cameraData['k'], r1=cameraData['r1'],