def mount(location='/sd'): print('Setting up SD card') spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, location)
def mount_sd(): """Mount the SD card""" spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) sd_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, sd_cs, baudrate=6000000) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd")
def __init__(self, spi=None, cs=None, dc=None, ts_cs=None, sd_cs=None): displayio.release_displays() if spi is None: spi = board.SPI() if cs is None: cs = board.D9 if dc is None: dc = board.D10 if ts_cs is None: ts_cs = board.D6 if sd_cs is None: sd_cs = board.D5 ts_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(ts_cs) self._display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=dc, chip_select=cs) self._sdcard = None try: self._sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError as error: print("No SD card found:", error) try: # the screen might not be ready from cold boot time.sleep(0.8) self.touchscreen = Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI(spi, ts_cs) except RuntimeError: # wait and try once more time.sleep(1.0) self.touchscreen = Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI(spi, ts_cs)
def __init__(self, spi=None, cs=None, dc=None, i2c=None): displayio.release_displays() if spi is None: spi = board.SPI() if cs is None: cs = board.D9 if dc is None: dc = board.D10 if i2c is None: i2c = board.I2C() ts_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D6) self.touchscreen = Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI(spi, ts_cs) display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=dc, chip_select=cs) self.display = adafruit_ili9341.ILI9341(display_bus, width=320, height=240) self.neopixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D11, 1) self.keyboard = BBQ10Keyboard(i2c) sd_cs = board.D5 self._sdcard = None try: self._sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError as error: print("No SD card found:", error)
def save(): spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") save_pixels("/sd/splot.bmp")
def __init__(self): """ Big init routine as the whole board is brought up. """ self.hardware = { 'SDcard': False, 'ESP32': False, 'Neopixel': False, } self.payload = None self.filename = '' # Define LEDs: self._led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED) self._led.switch_to_output() # Define battery voltage # self._vbatt = analogio.AnalogIn(board.BATTERY) # Define SPI,I2C,UART self._spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) self._uart = busio.UART(board.TX2, board.RX2) # Define sdcard self._sdcs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.xSDCS) self._sdcs.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._sdcs.value = True # Initialize sdcard try: import adafruit_sdcard self._sd = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(self._spi, self._sdcs) self._vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sd) storage.mount(self._vfs, "/sd") sys.path.append("/sd") self.hardware['SDcard'] = True except Exception as e: print('[WARNING]', e) # Define ESP32 self._esp_dtr = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.DTR) self._esp_rts = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RTS) self._esp_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.TMS) #GPIO14 self._esp_rdy = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.TCK) #GPIO13 self._esp_cs.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._esp_dtr.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._esp_rts.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._esp_cs.value = True self._esp_dtr.value = False self._esp_rts.value = False # Initialize Neopixel try: self.neopixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.2, pixel_order=neopixel.GRB) self.neopixel[0] = (0, 0, 0) self.hardware['Neopixel'] = True except Exception as e: print('[WARNING]', e)
def setup_sd(self, sdcs): try: self.sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(self.sp, sdcs) except OSError: return False self.vfs = storage.VfsFat(self.sdcard) storage.mount(self.vfs, "/sd") return True
def save(): spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") print("Taking Screenshot...") save_pixels("/sd/screenshot.bmp") print("Screenshot taken")
def __init__(self, spi, i2c): cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D10) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, '/sd') # Location on the sd-card where the information is saved self.pressure_path = '/sd/pressure.txt' # The storage unit responsible for time self.rtc = adafruit_pcf8523.PCF8523(i2c)
def mount_device( request ): """Mount a USB device; wrapper around storage.mount(). """ if request.method == 'POST': mount_form = MountForm(request.POST, devices=unmounted_devices()) if mount_form.is_valid(): raw = mount_form.cleaned_data['device'] devicefile,label = raw.split(' ',1) mount(request, devicefile, label) # TODO regenerate redis caches return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('storage-index') )
def _main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger() storage.mount() time.sleep(1) storage.sync() time.sleep(1) storage.umount() configfs.clean() return 0
def __init__(self): # Set up watchdog timer self.watchdog = microcontroller.watchdog self.watchdog.deinit() self.watchdog.timeout = WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT self.watchdog.mode = WATCHDOG_MODE # Set up heartbeat output (i.e red LED) self._heartbeat = digitalio.DigitalInOut(HEARTBEAT_PIN) self._heartbeat.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._heartbeat_duration = HEARTBEAT_DURATION # Set up I2C bus i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) # Set up SPI bus spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) # Set up real time clock as source for time.time() or time.localtime() calls. print("Initialising real time clock.\n\n\n\n") clock = PCF8523(i2c) rtc.set_time_source(clock) print("Initialising display.\n\n\n\n") self.display = Display(self, DISPLAY_TIMEOUT, i2c, spi) print("Initialising lights.\n\n\n\n") self.lights = Lights(LIGHTS_ON_TIME, LIGHTS_OFF_TIME, LIGHTS_ENABLE_PIN, LIGHTS_DISABLE_PIN) print("Initialising feeder.\n\n\n\n") self.feeder = Feeder(FEEDING_TIMES, PORTIONS_PER_MEAL, FEEDER_MOTOR, FEEDER_STEPS_PER_ROTATION, FEEDER_STEP_DELAY, FEEDER_STEP_STYLE, i2c) print("Initialising temperature sensors.\n\n\n\n") ow_bus = OneWireBus(OW_PIN) self.water_sensor = TemperatureSensor(ow_bus, WATER_SN, WATER_OFFSET) self.air_sensor = TemperatureSensor(ow_bus, AIR_SN, AIR_OFFSET) # Set up SD card print("Setting up logging.\n\n\n\n") cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SD_CS) sdcard = SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") self._log_data = LOG_DATA self._log_interval = time_tuple_to_secs(LOG_INTERVAL) self._last_log = None print("Initialising Bluetooth.\n\n\n\n") self._ble = BLERadio() = BLE_NAME self._ble_uart = UARTService() self._ble_ad = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(self._ble_uart)
def mountspi(): import board,os,storage from busio import SPI from digitalio import DigitalInOut spi = SPI(board.A5,board.A7,board.A6) cs = DigitalInOut(board.A0) flash = SPIFlash(spi,cs) bdev = SPIFlashBlockDevice(flash,nblocks=2048,debug=False) try: vfs = storage.VfsFat(bdev) vfs.ilistdir('/') except OSError: print("Formatting device") storage.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) vfs = storage.VfsFat(bdev) storage.mount(vfs,"/spi")
def setup_sd(mountpoint='/sd'): import adafruit_sdcard import storage try: spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, mountpoint) print('Found SD card.') blink_led(gled, .075, 5) return sdcard, vfs except Exception as e: print('Failed to set up and mount SD card! Exception info:', str(e), '\nPrinting to console instead.') blink_led(rled, .075, 5) return None, None
def setup(): check_bootsec() print("Performing initial setup") wifi() storage.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) vfs = storage.VfsFat(bdev) storage.mount(vfs, '/') with open("", "w") as f: f.write("""\ # This file is executed on every boot (including wake-boot from deepsleep) #import esp #esp.osdebug(None) import gc #import webrepl #webrepl.start() gc.collect() """) return vfs
def _main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger()'Started mass storage gadget synchronizer') configfs.clean() configfs.define()'Defined zero gadget with mass storage') storage.mount()'Mounted storage "{storage.WATCH_PATH}"') try: while True: storage.sync() logger.debug(f'Storage synch 1 "{storage.WATCH_PATH}" for update') time.sleep(1) storage.umount() logger.debug( f'Storage unmounted "{storage.WATCH_PATH}" for update') time.sleep(1) storage.sync() logger.debug(f'Storage synch 2 "{storage.WATCH_PATH}" for update') time.sleep(1) storage.mount() logger.debug(f'Storage mounted "{storage.WATCH_PATH}" for update') f'Synced storage "{storage.WATCH_PATH}" with mass storage') time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: storage.sync() storage.umount()'Storage unmounted "{storage.WATCH_PATH}"') configfs.clean()'Cleaned mass storage gadget') return 0
def remount1( request ): """ NOTES: Storage device's device file, label, and mount_path are stored in session on mount and removed from session on unmount. When the VM is suspended and resumed, the device often becomes available with a different device file (i.e. /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdb1). The device is still "mounted" with the old device file. We need to unmount from the old device file and remount with the new device file that we get from looking directly at the system's device info. """ remount_uri = request.session.get(settings.REDIRECT_URL_SESSION_KEY, None) # device label label = request.session.get('storage_label', None) # current "mounted" devicefile devicefile_session = request.session.get('storage_devicefile', None) # the actual new devicefile devicefile_udisks = None if label: for d in removables(): if d['label'] == label: devicefile_udisks = d['devicefile'] # unmount, mount unmounted,mount_path = None,None remount_attempted = False if devicefile_session and label and devicefile_udisks: unmounted = unmount(request, devicefile_session, label) mount_path = mount(request, devicefile_udisks, label) remount_attempted = True else: messages.warning(request, STORAGE_MESSAGES['REMOUNT_FAIL']) # redirect url = reverse('storage-index') if remount_attempted and mount_path: url = remount_uri if url and (not url.find('remount') > -1): del request.session[settings.REDIRECT_URL_SESSION_KEY] # just to be sure we have a url... if not url: url = reverse('storage-index') return redirect(url)
def __init__(self, *, url=None, json_path=None, regexp_path=None, default_bg=0x000000, status_neopixel=None, text_font=None, text_position=None, text_color=0x808080, text_wrap=False, text_maxlen=0, text_transform=None, image_json_path=None, image_resize=None, image_position=None, caption_text=None, caption_font=None, caption_position=None, caption_color=0x808080, success_callback=None, debug=False): self._debug = debug try: self._backlight = pulseio.PWMOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT) # pylint: disable=no-member except ValueError: self._backlight = None self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight self._url = url if json_path: if isinstance(json_path[0], (list, tuple)): self._json_path = json_path else: self._json_path = (json_path, ) else: self._json_path = None self._regexp_path = regexp_path self._success_callback = success_callback if status_neopixel: self.neopix = neopixel.NeoPixel(status_neopixel, 1, brightness=0.2) else: self.neopix = None self.neo_status(0) try: os.stat(LOCALFILE) self._uselocal = True except OSError: self._uselocal = False if self._debug: print("Init display") self.splash = displayio.Group(max_size=15) if self._debug: print("Init background") self._bg_group = displayio.Group(max_size=1) self._bg_file = None self._default_bg = default_bg self.splash.append(self._bg_group) # show thank you and bootup file if available for bootscreen in ("/thankyou.bmp", "/pyportal_startup.bmp"): try: os.stat(bootscreen) for i in range(100, -1, -1): # dim down self.set_backlight(i / 100) time.sleep(0.005) self.set_background(bootscreen) board.DISPLAY.wait_for_frame() for i in range(100): # dim up self.set_backlight(i / 100) time.sleep(0.005) time.sleep(2) except OSError: pass # they removed it, skip! self._speaker_enable = DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE) self._speaker_enable.switch_to_output(False) = audioio.AudioOut(board.AUDIO_OUT) try: self.play_file("pyportal_startup.wav") except OSError: pass # they deleted the file, no biggie! # Make ESP32 connection if self._debug: print("Init ESP32") esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_BUSY) esp32_gpio0 = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_GPIO0) esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_RESET) esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_CS) spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) self._esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol(spi, esp32_cs, esp32_ready, esp32_reset, esp32_gpio0) #self._esp._debug = 1 for _ in range(3): # retries try: print("ESP firmware:", self._esp.firmware_version) break except RuntimeError: print("Retrying ESP32 connection") time.sleep(1) self._esp.reset() else: raise RuntimeError("Was not able to find ESP32") requests.set_interface(self._esp) if url and not self._uselocal: self._connect_esp() # set the default background self.set_background(self._default_bg) if self._debug: print("Init SD Card") sd_cs = DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) self._sdcard = None try: self._sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError as error: print("No SD card found:", error) self._qr_group = None if self._debug: print("Init caption") self._caption = None if caption_font: self._caption_font = bitmap_font.load_font(caption_font) self.set_caption(caption_text, caption_position, caption_color) if text_font: if isinstance(text_position[0], (list, tuple)): num = len(text_position) if not text_wrap: text_wrap = [0] * num if not text_maxlen: text_maxlen = [0] * num if not text_transform: text_transform = [None] * num else: num = 1 text_position = (text_position, ) text_color = (text_color, ) text_wrap = (text_wrap, ) text_maxlen = (text_maxlen, ) text_transform = (text_transform, ) self._text = [None] * num self._text_color = [None] * num self._text_position = [None] * num self._text_wrap = [None] * num self._text_maxlen = [None] * num self._text_transform = [None] * num self._text_font = bitmap_font.load_font(text_font) if self._debug: print("Loading font glyphs") # self._text_font.load_glyphs(b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # b'0123456789:/-_,. ') gc.collect() for i in range(num): if self._debug: print("Init text area", i) self._text[i] = None self._text_color[i] = text_color[i] self._text_position[i] = text_position[i] self._text_wrap[i] = text_wrap[i] self._text_maxlen[i] = text_maxlen[i] self._text_transform[i] = text_transform[i] else: self._text_font = None self._text = None self._image_json_path = image_json_path self._image_resize = image_resize self._image_position = image_position if image_json_path: if self._debug: print("Init image path") if not self._image_position: self._image_position = (0, 0) # default to top corner if not self._image_resize: self._image_resize = (320, 240) # default to full screen if self._debug: print("Init touchscreen") # pylint: disable=no-member self.touchscreen = adafruit_touchscreen.Touchscreen( board.TOUCH_XL, board.TOUCH_XR, board.TOUCH_YD, board.TOUCH_YU, calibration=((5200, 59000), (5800, 57000)), size=(320, 240)) # pylint: enable=no-member self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight gc.collect()
def __init__(self, spi, display, splash_group, debug=False): # Speaker Enable self._speaker_enable = DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE) self._speaker_enable.switch_to_output(False) self._display = display if hasattr(board, "AUDIO_OUT"): = audioio.AudioOut(board.AUDIO_OUT) elif hasattr(board, "SPEAKER"): = audioio.AudioOut(board.SPEAKER) else: raise AttributeError("Board does not have a builtin speaker!") if debug: print("Init SD Card") sd_cs = board.SD_CS if not NATIVE_SD: sd_cs = DigitalInOut(sd_cs) self._sdcard = None try: self._sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError as error: print("No SD card found:", error) try: if hasattr(board, "TFT_BACKLIGHT"): self._backlight = pulseio.PWMOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT) # pylint: disable=no-member elif hasattr(board, "TFT_LITE"): self._backlight = pulseio.PWMOut(board.TFT_LITE) # pylint: disable=no-member except ValueError: self._backlight = None self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if hasattr(board, "TOUCH_XL"): import adafruit_touchscreen if debug: print("Init touchscreen") # pylint: disable=no-member self.touchscreen = adafruit_touchscreen.Touchscreen( board.TOUCH_XL, board.TOUCH_XR, board.TOUCH_YD, board.TOUCH_YU, calibration=((5200, 59000), (5800, 57000)), size=(board.DISPLAY.width, board.DISPLAY.height), ) # pylint: enable=no-member self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight elif hasattr(board, "BUTTON_CLOCK"): from adafruit_cursorcontrol.cursorcontrol import Cursor from adafruit_cursorcontrol.cursorcontrol_cursormanager import CursorManager if debug: print("Init cursor") self.mouse_cursor = Cursor(board.DISPLAY, display_group=splash_group, cursor_speed=8) self.mouse_cursor.hide() self.cursor = CursorManager(self.mouse_cursor) else: raise AttributeError( "PyPortal module requires either a touchscreen or gamepad.") # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel gc.collect()
# setup display displayio.release_displays() tft_cs = board.D9 tft_dc = board.D10 display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs) display = adafruit_ili9341.ILI9341(display_bus, width=320, height=240) # setup keyboard kbd = BBQ10Keyboard(i2c) # setup microSD sd_cs = board.D5 sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, digitalio.DigitalInOut(sd_cs)) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, '/sd') # setup NeoPixels pix0 = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1) pix0[0] = 0x000080 pix1 = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D11, 1) # while True: k = kbd.keys for i in k: if i[0] == 1: print(i[1], end='') pix1[0] = 0x000404 elif i[0] == 3:
def check_SDCARD(): initialize_OLED() LED[10].deinit() LED[11].deinit() LED[12].deinit() LED[15].deinit() spi = busio.SPI(board.GP10, MOSI=board.GP11, MISO=board.GP12) cs = board.GP15 try: global sd sd = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sd) storage.mount(vfs, '/sd') with open("/sd/pico.txt", "w") as file: file.write("1. Hello, world!\r\n") with open("/sd/pico.txt", "r") as file: for line in file: if line == "1. Hello, world!\r\n": for i in up: buzzer.frequency = tones[i] buzzer.duty_cycle = 19660 time.sleep(0.15) buzzer.duty_cycle = 0 if I2C: oled.text('GP22 PRESSED', 30, 20, 1) oled.text('SD CARD TEST: PASS', 7, 40, 1) else: if I2C: oled.text('GP22 PRESSED', 30, 10, 1) oled.text('SD CARD TEST: FAILED', 5, 25, 1) oled.text('WRONG DATA', 33, 40, 1) buzzer.frequency = 1661 buzzer.duty_cycle = 19660 time.sleep(2) buzzer.duty_cycle = 0 time.sleep(2) storage.umount(vfs) spi.deinit() sd.deinit() except: if I2C: oled.text('GP22 PRESSED', 30, 10, 1) oled.text('SD CARD TEST: FAILED', 5, 25, 1) oled.text('NO SD CARD', 33, 40, 1) buzzer.frequency = 1661 buzzer.duty_cycle = 19660 time.sleep(2) buzzer.duty_cycle = 0 spi.deinit() if I2C: deinitialize_OLED() LED[10] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP10) LED[10].direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT LED[11] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP11) LED[11].direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT LED[12] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP12) LED[12].direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT LED[15] = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP15) LED[15].direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
def takeimage(): # Configuration: SD_CS_PIN = board.D10 # CS for SD card (SD_CS is for Feather Adalogger) IMAGE_FILE = '/sd/image.jpg' # Full path to file name to save captured image. # Will overwrite! # Setup SPI bus (hardware SPI). spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) # Setup SD card and mount it in the filesystem. sd_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SD_CS_PIN) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, '/sd') # Create a serial connection for the VC0706 connection, speed is auto-detected. uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, timeout=250) # Setup VC0706 camera vc0706 = adafruit_vc0706.VC0706(uart) # Print the version string from the camera. print('VC0706 version:') print(vc0706.version) # Set the baud rate to 115200 for fastest transfer (its the max speed) vc0706.baudrate = 115200 # Set the image size. vc0706.image_size = adafruit_vc0706.IMAGE_SIZE_640x480 # Or set IMAGE_SIZE_320x240 or # IMAGE_SIZE_160x120 # Note you can also read the property and compare against those values to # see the current size: # size = vc0706.image_size # if size == adafruit_vc0706.IMAGE_SIZE_640x480: # print('Using 640x480 size image.') # elif size == adafruit_vc0706.IMAGE_SIZE_320x240: # print('Using 320x240 size image.') # elif size == adafruit_vc0706.IMAGE_SIZE_160x120: # print('Using 160x120 size image.') # Take a picture. print('Taking a picture in 3 seconds...') time.sleep(3) print('SNAP!') if not vc0706.take_picture(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to take picture!') # Print size of picture in bytes. frame_length = vc0706.frame_length print('Picture size (bytes): {}'.format(frame_length)) # Open a file for writing (overwriting it if necessary). # This will write 50 bytes at a time using a small buffer. # You MUST keep the buffer size under 100! print('Writing image: {}'.format(IMAGE_FILE), end='') with open(IMAGE_FILE, 'wb') as outfile: wcount = 0 while frame_length > 0: # Compute how much data is left to read as the lesser of remaining bytes # or the copy buffer size (32 bytes at a time). Buffer size MUST be # a multiple of 4 and under 100. Stick with 32! to_read = min(frame_length, 32) copy_buffer = bytearray(to_read) # Read picture data into the copy buffer. if vc0706.read_picture_into(copy_buffer) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to read picture frame data!') # Write the data to SD card file and decrement remaining bytes. outfile.write(copy_buffer) frame_length -= 32 # Print a dot every 2k bytes to show progress. wcount += 1 if wcount >= 64: print('.', end='') wcount = 0 print("") print('Finished!')
def run_tests(board, binary, tests, log_key=None): serial_device_name = None for port in list_ports.comports(): if port.location and port.location[2:] == board["path"]: serial_device_name = if not serial_device_name: raise RuntimeError("Board not found at path: " + board["path"]) bootloader = board["bootloader"] tests_ok = True with redis.lock("lock:device@" + board["path"], timeout=60 * 20) as lock: # Trigger the bootloader. if bootloader in ("uf2", "samba"): s = serial.Serial("/dev/" + serial_device_name, 1200, write_timeout=4, timeout=4) s.close() time.sleep(5) if bootloader == "uf2": # Mount the filesystem. disk_path = None for disk in os.listdir("/dev/disk/by-path"): if board["path"] in disk: disk_path = disk if not disk_path: raise RuntimeError("Disk not found for board: " + board["path"]) disk_path = "/dev/disk/by-path/" + disk_path if os.path.isfile(disk_path + "-part1"): raise RuntimeError( "MCU not in bootloader because part1 exists.") sh.pmount(disk_path, "fs-" + board["path"]) mountpoint = "/media/fs-" + board["path"] redis_log( log_key, "Successfully mounted UF2 bootloader at {0}\n".format( mountpoint)) with open(mountpoint + "/INFO_UF2.TXT", "r") as f: redis_log(log_key, + "\n") shutil.copy(binary, mountpoint) # Unmount the mountpoint in case the device has disappeared already after the UF2 # was flashed. sh.pumount(mountpoint) if "circuitpython_tests" in tests: # First find our CircuitPython disk. start_time = time.monotonic() disk_path = None while not disk_path and time.monotonic() - start_time < 10: for disk in os.listdir("/dev/disk/by-path"): if board["path"] in disk and disk.endswith("part1"): disk_path = disk if not disk_path: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find CIRCUITPY disk for device: " + board["path"]) disk_path = "/dev/disk/by-path/" + disk_path disk_device = os.path.basename(os.readlink(disk_path))[:-1] with storage.mount(storage.NativeFileSystem(disk_path), "/media/cpy-" + board["path"]): mountpoint = "/media/cpy-" + board["path"] redis_log( log_key, "Successfully mounted CIRCUITPY disk at {0}\n".format( mountpoint)) # Now find the serial. serial_device_name = None for port in list_ports.comports(): if port.location and port.location[2:] == board["path"]: serial_device_name = if not serial_device_name: raise RuntimeError( "No CircuitPython serial connection found at path: " + board["path"]) with serial.Serial("/dev/" + serial_device_name, write_timeout=4, timeout=4) as conn: tests_ok = run_circuitpython_tests( log_key, board["board"], board["test_env"], mountpoint, disk_device, conn, tests["circuitpython_tests"]) and tests_ok return tests_ok
def __init__(self): """ Big init routine as the whole board is brought up. """ self.BOOTTIME = const(time.time()) self.data_cache = {} self.filenumbers = {} self.vlowbatt = 6.0 self.send_buff = memoryview(SEND_BUFF) self.debug = True self.micro = microcontroller self.hardware = { 'IMU': False, 'Radio1': False, 'Radio2': False, 'SDcard': False, 'GPS': False, 'WDT': False, 'USB': False, 'PWR': False } # Define burn wires: self._relayA = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RELAY_A) self._relayA.switch_to_output( drive_mode=digitalio.DriveMode.OPEN_DRAIN) self._resetReg = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.VBUS_RST) self._resetReg.switch_to_output( drive_mode=digitalio.DriveMode.OPEN_DRAIN) # Define battery voltage self._vbatt = AnalogIn(board.BATTERY) # Define MPPT charge current measurement self._ichrg = AnalogIn(board.L1PROG) self._chrg = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.CHRG) self._chrg.switch_to_input() # Define SPI,I2C,UART self.i2c1 = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) self.spi = board.SPI() self.uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX) # Define GPS self.en_gps = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.EN_GPS) self.en_gps.switch_to_output() # Define filesystem stuff self.logfile = "/log.txt" # Define radio _rf_cs1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF1_CS) _rf_rst1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF1_RST) self.enable_rf = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.EN_RF) self.radio1_DIO0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF1_IO0) # self.enable_rf.switch_to_output(value=False) # if U21 self.enable_rf.switch_to_output(value=True) # if U7 _rf_cs1.switch_to_output(value=True) _rf_rst1.switch_to_output(value=True) self.radio1_DIO0.switch_to_input() # Initialize SD card (always init SD before anything else on spi bus) try: # Baud rate depends on the card, 4MHz should be safe _sd = sdcardio.SDCard(self.spi, board.SD_CS, baudrate=4000000) _vfs = VfsFat(_sd) mount(_vfs, "/sd") self.fs = _vfs sys.path.append("/sd") self.hardware['SDcard'] = True self.logfile = "/sd/log.txt" except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[ERROR][SD Card]', e) # Initialize Neopixel try: self.neopixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.2, pixel_order=neopixel.GRB) self.neopixel[0] = (0, 0, 0) self.hardware['Neopixel'] = True except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[WARNING][Neopixel]', e) # Initialize USB charger try: self.usb = bq25883.BQ25883(self.i2c1) self.usb.charging = False self.usb.wdt = False self.usb.led = False self.usb.charging_current = 8 #400mA self.usb_charging = False self.hardware['USB'] = True except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[ERROR][USB Charger]', e) # Initialize Power Monitor try: self.pwr = adm1176.ADM1176(self.i2c1) self.pwr.sense_resistor = 1 self.hardware['PWR'] = True except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[ERROR][Power Monitor]', e) # Initialize IMU try: self.IMU = bmx160.BMX160_I2C(self.i2c1) self.hardware['IMU'] = True except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[ERROR][IMU]', e) # # Initialize GPS # try: # self.gps = GPS(self.uart,debug=False) # still powered off! # self.gps.timeout_handler=self.timeout_handler # self.hardware['GPS'] = True # except Exception as e: # if self.debug: print('[ERROR][GPS]',e) # Initialize radio #1 - UHF try: self.radio1 = pycubed_rfm9x.RFM9x(self.spi, _rf_cs1, _rf_rst1, 433.0, code_rate=8, baudrate=1320000) # Default LoRa Modulation Settings # Frequency: 433 MHz, SF7, BW125kHz, CR4/8, Preamble=8, CRC=True self.radio1.dio0 = self.radio1_DIO0 self.radio1.enable_crc = True self.radio1.ack_delay = 0.2 self.radio1.sleep() self.hardware['Radio1'] = True except Exception as e: if self.debug: print('[ERROR][RADIO 1]', e) # set PyCubed power mode self.power_mode = 'normal'
def __init__(self, *, url=None, headers=None, json_path=None, regexp_path=None, default_bg=0x000000, status_neopixel=None, text_font=None, text_position=None, text_color=0x808080, text_wrap=False, text_maxlen=0, text_transform=None, json_transform=None, image_json_path=None, image_resize=None, image_position=None, caption_text=None, caption_font=None, caption_position=None, caption_color=0x808080, image_url_path=None, success_callback=None, esp=None, external_spi=None, debug=False): self._debug = debug try: if hasattr(board, 'TFT_BACKLIGHT'): self._backlight = pulseio.PWMOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT) # pylint: disable=no-member elif hasattr(board, 'TFT_LITE'): self._backlight = pulseio.PWMOut(board.TFT_LITE) # pylint: disable=no-member except ValueError: self._backlight = None self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight self._url = url self._headers = headers if json_path: if isinstance(json_path[0], (list, tuple)): self._json_path = json_path else: self._json_path = (json_path, ) else: self._json_path = None self._regexp_path = regexp_path self._success_callback = success_callback if status_neopixel: self.neopix = neopixel.NeoPixel(status_neopixel, 1, brightness=0.2) else: self.neopix = None self.neo_status(0) try: os.stat(LOCALFILE) self._uselocal = True except OSError: self._uselocal = False if self._debug: print("Init display") self.splash = displayio.Group(max_size=15) if self._debug: print("Init background") self._bg_group = displayio.Group(max_size=1) self._bg_file = None self._default_bg = default_bg self.splash.append(self._bg_group) # show thank you and bootup file if available for bootscreen in ("/thankyou.bmp", "/pyportal_startup.bmp"): try: os.stat(bootscreen) for i in range(100, -1, -1): # dim down self.set_backlight(i / 100) time.sleep(0.005) self.set_background(bootscreen) board.DISPLAY.wait_for_frame() for i in range(100): # dim up self.set_backlight(i / 100) time.sleep(0.005) time.sleep(2) except OSError: pass # they removed it, skip! self._speaker_enable = DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE) self._speaker_enable.switch_to_output(False) if hasattr(board, 'AUDIO_OUT'): = audioio.AudioOut(board.AUDIO_OUT) elif hasattr(board, 'SPEAKER'): = audioio.AudioOut(board.SPEAKER) else: raise AttributeError('Board does not have a builtin speaker!') try: self.play_file("pyportal_startup.wav") except OSError: pass # they deleted the file, no biggie! if esp: # If there was a passed ESP Object if self._debug: print("Passed ESP32 to PyPortal") self._esp = esp if external_spi: #If SPI Object Passed spi = external_spi else: # Else: Make ESP32 connection spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) else: if self._debug: print("Init ESP32") esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_BUSY) esp32_gpio0 = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_GPIO0) esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_RESET) esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_CS) spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) self._esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol( spi, esp32_cs, esp32_ready, esp32_reset, esp32_gpio0) #self._esp._debug = 1 for _ in range(3): # retries try: print("ESP firmware:", self._esp.firmware_version) break except RuntimeError: print("Retrying ESP32 connection") time.sleep(1) self._esp.reset() else: raise RuntimeError("Was not able to find ESP32") requests.set_socket(socket, self._esp) if url and not self._uselocal: self._connect_esp() if self._debug: print("My IP address is", self._esp.pretty_ip(self._esp.ip_address)) # set the default background self.set_background(self._default_bg) if self._debug: print("Init SD Card") sd_cs = DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS) self._sdcard = None try: self._sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError as error: print("No SD card found:", error) self._qr_group = None # Tracks whether we've hidden the background when we showed the QR code. self._qr_only = False if self._debug: print("Init caption") self._caption = None if caption_font: self._caption_font = bitmap_font.load_font(caption_font) self.set_caption(caption_text, caption_position, caption_color) if text_font: if isinstance(text_position[0], (list, tuple)): num = len(text_position) if not text_wrap: text_wrap = [0] * num if not text_maxlen: text_maxlen = [0] * num if not text_transform: text_transform = [None] * num else: num = 1 text_position = (text_position, ) text_color = (text_color, ) text_wrap = (text_wrap, ) text_maxlen = (text_maxlen, ) text_transform = (text_transform, ) self._text = [None] * num self._text_color = [None] * num self._text_position = [None] * num self._text_wrap = [None] * num self._text_maxlen = [None] * num self._text_transform = [None] * num self._text_font = bitmap_font.load_font(text_font) if self._debug: print("Loading font glyphs") # self._text_font.load_glyphs(b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # b'0123456789:/-_,. ') gc.collect() for i in range(num): if self._debug: print("Init text area", i) self._text[i] = None self._text_color[i] = text_color[i] self._text_position[i] = text_position[i] self._text_wrap[i] = text_wrap[i] self._text_maxlen[i] = text_maxlen[i] self._text_transform[i] = text_transform[i] else: self._text_font = None self._text = None # Add any JSON translators self._json_transform = [] if json_transform: if callable(json_transform): self._json_transform.append(json_transform) else: self._json_transform.extend(filter(callable, json_transform)) self._image_json_path = image_json_path self._image_url_path = image_url_path self._image_resize = image_resize self._image_position = image_position if image_json_path or image_url_path: if self._debug: print("Init image path") if not self._image_position: self._image_position = (0, 0) # default to top corner if not self._image_resize: self._image_resize = (320, 240) # default to full screen if hasattr(board, 'TOUCH_XL'): if self._debug: print("Init touchscreen") # pylint: disable=no-member self.touchscreen = adafruit_touchscreen.Touchscreen( board.TOUCH_XL, board.TOUCH_XR, board.TOUCH_YD, board.TOUCH_YU, calibration=((5200, 59000), (5800, 57000)), size=(320, 240)) # pylint: enable=no-member self.set_backlight(1.0) # turn on backlight elif hasattr(board, 'BUTTON_CLOCK'): if self._debug: print("Init cursor") self.mouse_cursor = Cursor(board.DISPLAY, display_group=self.splash, cursor_speed=8) self.mouse_cursor.hide() self.cursor = CursorManager(self.mouse_cursor) else: raise AttributeError( 'PyPortal module requires either a touchscreen or gamepad.') gc.collect()
import adafruit_vc0706 # Configuration: SD_CS_PIN = board.D10 # CS for SD card (SD_CS is for Feather Adalogger) IMAGE_FILE = '/sd/image.jpg' # Full path to file name to save captured image. # Will overwrite! # Setup SPI bus (hardware SPI). spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO) # Setup SD card and mount it in the filesystem. sd_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SD_CS_PIN) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, '/sd') # Create a serial connection for the VC0706 connection, speed is auto-detected. uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, timeout=250) # Setup VC0706 camera vc0706 = adafruit_vc0706.VC0706(uart) # Print the version string from the camera. print('VC0706 version:') print(vc0706.version) # Set the baud rate to 115200 for fastest transfer (its the max speed) vc0706.baudrate = 115200 # Set the image size. vc0706.image_size = adafruit_vc0706.IMAGE_SIZE_640x480 # Or set IMAGE_SIZE_320x240 or
def run_test(pins, mosi_pin=MOSI_PIN_NAME, miso_pin=MISO_PIN_NAME, sck_pin=SCK_PIN_NAME, cs_pin=CS_PIN_NAME): """ Performs random writes and reads to file on attached SD card. :param list[str] pins: list of pins to run the test on :param str mosi_pin: pin name of SPI MOSI :param str miso_pin: pin name of SPI MISO :param str sck_pin: pin name of SPI SCK :param str cs_pin: pin name of SPI CS :param str filename: name of file to use as test on SD card :return: tuple(str, list[str]): test result followed by list of pins tested """ # Write characters to file on SD card and verify they were written if list(set(pins).intersection(set([mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin]))): # Tell user to connect SD card print("Insert SD card into holder and connect SPI lines to holder.") print("Connect " + cs_pin + " to the CS (DAT3) pin on the SD " + "card holder.") print("WARNING: " + FILENAME + " will be created or overwritten.") print("Press enter to continue.") input() # Configure CS pin csel = digitalio.DigitalInOut(getattr(board, cs_pin)) csel.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT csel.value = True # Set up SPI spi = busio.SPI(getattr(board, sck_pin), MOSI=getattr(board, mosi_pin), MISO=getattr(board, miso_pin)) # Try to connect to the card and mount the filesystem try: sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, csel) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") except OSError: print("Could not mount SD card") return FAIL, [mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin] # Generate test string test_str = "" for _ in range(NUM_UART_BYTES): test_str += chr(random.randint(ASCII_MIN, ASCII_MAX)) # Write test string to a text file on the card try: with open("/sd/" + FILENAME, "w") as file: print("Writing:\t" + test_str) file.write(test_str) except OSError: print("Could not write to SD card") return FAIL, [mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin] # Read from test file on the card read_str = "" try: with open("/sd/" + FILENAME, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: read_str += line print("Read:\t\t" + read_str) except OSError: print("Could not write to SD card") return FAIL, [mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin] # Release SPI spi.deinit() # Compare strings if read_str == test_str: return PASS, [mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin] return FAIL, [mosi_pin, miso_pin, sck_pin] # Else (no pins found) print("No SD card pins found") return NA, []
import adafruit_sdcard import supervisor import json # See if a card is present card_detect_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CARD_DETECT) card_detect_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT card_detect_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP print('SD card present: %s' % card_detect_pin.value) # Try to connect to the SD card sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO), digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SD_CS)) # Mount the card to a directory virtual_file_system = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(virtual_file_system, '/sd') a = {"a": 1, "b": 2} f = open('/sd/test.yaml', 'w') json.dump(a, f) f.close() def save_settings(values): with open('/sd/DAC.txt', 'w') as output_file: for i in range(8): output_file.write('%f\n' % values[i]) try: with open('/sd/DAC.txt', 'r') as input_file: values = []
def __init__(self): self.spi = busio.SPI(SCK, MOSI, MISO) self.cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(CS) self.sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(self.spi, self.cs) self.vfs = storage.VfsFat(self.sdcard) storage.mount(self.vfs, "/sd")
def __init__(self): """ Big init routine as the whole board is brought up. """ self.hardware = { 'IMU': False, 'Radio1': False, 'Radio2': False, 'SDcard': False, 'GPS': False, 'MRAM': False, 'WDT': False, 'USB': False, 'PWR': False, } # Define burn wires: self._relayA = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RELAY_A) self._relayA.switch_to_output() self._deployA = False # Define battery voltage self._vbatt = analogio.AnalogIn(board.BATTERY) # Define MPPT charge current measurement self._ichrg = analogio.AnalogIn(board.L1PROG) # Define SPI,I2C,UART self.i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL,board.SDA) self.spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK,MOSI=board.MOSI,MISO=board.MISO) #self.uart = busio.UART(board.TX,board.RX, baudrate=9600, timeout=10) # Define GPS self.en_gps = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.EN_GPS) self.en_gps.switch_to_output() # Define sdcard self._sdcs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.xSDCS) self._sdcs.switch_to_output(value=True) # Define radio self._rf_cs1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF1_CS) self._rf_rst1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF1_RST) self._rf_cs1.switch_to_output(value=True) self._rf_rst1.switch_to_output(value=True) self._rf_cs2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF2_CS) self._rf_rst2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RF2_RST) self._rf_cs2.switch_to_output(value=True) self._rf_rst2.switch_to_output(value=True) # Define MRAM (manual-mode) # self._mram_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut( # self._mram_cs.switch_to_output(value=True) # Initialize Neopixel try: self.neopixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.2, pixel_order=neopixel.GRB) self.neopixel[0] = (0,0,0) self.hardware['Neopixel'] = True except Exception as e: print('[WARNING][Neopixel]',e) # Initialize USB charger try: self.usb = bq25883.BQ25883(self.i2c) self.usb.charging = False self.usb.wdt = False self.usb.led=False self.hardware['USB'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR][USB Charger]',e) # Initialize sdcard try: self._sd = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(self.spi, self._sdcs) self._vfs = storage.VfsFat(self._sd) storage.mount(self._vfs, "/sd") sys.path.append("/sd") self.hardware['SDcard'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR][SD Card]',e) # Initialize Power Monitor try: self.pwr = adm1176.ADM1176(self.i2c) self.pwr.sense_resistor = 1 self.hardware['PWR'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR][Power Monitor]',e) # Initialize IMU try: self.IMU = bmx160.BMX160_I2C(self.i2c) self.hardware['IMU'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR]',e) # Initialize radio(s) try: self.radio1 = adafruit_rfm9x.RFM9x(self.spi, self._rf_cs1, self._rf_rst1, 433.0) self.hardware['Radio1'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR][RADIO 1]',e) try: self.radio2 = adafruit_rfm9x.RFM9x(self.spi, self._rf_cs2, self._rf_rst2, 433.0) self.hardware['Radio2'] = True except Exception as e: print('[ERROR][RADIO 2]',e)
import digitalio import storage import adafruit_pcf8523 import _bleio import adafruit_ble from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import Advertisement from import DeviceInfoService from adafruit_ble_berrymed_pulse_oximeter import BerryMedPulseOximeterService # Logging setup SD_CS = board.D10 spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SD_CS) sd_card = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sd_card) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd_card") log_interval = 2 # you can adjust this to log at a different rate # RTC setup I2C = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) rtc = adafruit_pcf8523.PCF8523(I2C) days = ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday") set_time = False if set_time: # change to True if you want to write the time! # year, mon, date, hour, min, sec, wday, yday, isdst t = time.struct_time((2020, 4, 21, 18, 13, 0, 2, -1, -1)) # you must set year, mon, date, hour, min, sec and weekday
cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5) reset = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D7) rfm9x = adafruit_rfm9x.RFM9x(lora_spi, cs, reset, 915.0) # SD card #SD_CS = DigitalInOut(board.A5) # Connect to the card and mount the filesystem. #spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) sd_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A5) sdcard = adafruit_sdcard.SDCard(lora_spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") # bme280 i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c) # change this to match the location's pressure (hPa) at sea level bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 # display #display = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c, addr=0x3c, reset=reset_pin) display = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c, addr=0x3c) display.fill(0)
def mount_eeprom(eeprom, path, readonly=False): eepromvfs = EEPROMVFS(eeprom) fs = storage.VfsFat(eepromvfs) storage.mount(fs, path, readonly=readonly) return fs