Beispiel #1
def run_ttests(simfolder):
    Make statistical t tests

    :param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
    c = configparser.ConfigParser()'{}/stosim.conf'.format((simfolder)))
    delim = utils.get_delimiter(c)

    relevant_confs = utils.get_relevant_confs(simfolder)

    # tell about what we'll do if we have at least one test
    for c in relevant_confs:
        if c.has_section("ttest1"):
            print('*' * 80)
            print("[StoSim] Running T-tests ...")
            print('*' * 80)
        print("[StoSim] No T-tests specified.")

    for c in relevant_confs:
        i = 1

        while c.has_section("ttest%i" % i):
            print("Test {}:".format(c.get('ttest%i' % i, 'name').strip('"')))
            if not (c.has_option("ttest%i" % i, "set1") and
                    c.has_option("ttest%i" % i, "set2")):
                print("[StoSim] T-test {} is missing one or both"\
                      " data set descriptions.".format(i))

            tester.ttest(simfolder, c, i, delim)
            i += 1
Beispiel #2
def make_plots(simfolder, plot_nrs=[]):
    """ generate plots as specified in the simulation conf

        :param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
        :param list plot_nrs: a list with plot indices. If empty, plot all

    simfolder = simfolder.strip('/')

    #if osp.exists("%s/plots" % simfolder):
    #   rmtree('%s/plots' % simfolder)
    if not osp.exists("%s/plots" % simfolder):
        os.mkdir('%s/plots' % simfolder)

    # tell about what we'll do if we have at least one plot
    relevant_confs = utils.get_relevant_confs(simfolder)
    for c in relevant_confs:
        if c.has_section("figure1"):
            print('*' * 80)
            print("[StoSim] creating plots ...")
            print('*' * 80)
        print("[StoSim] No plots specified.")

    # Describe all options first.
    # These might be set in plot-settings (in each simulation config)
    # and also per-figure
    general_options = {'use-colors': bool, 'use-tex': bool, 'line-width': int,
                       'font-size': int, 'infobox-pos': str,
                       'use-y-errorbars': bool, 'errorbar-every': int
    figure_specific_options = {
                       'name': str, 'xcol': int, 'x-range': str,
                       'y-range': str, 'x-label': str, 'y-label': str,
                       'custom-script': str

    def get_opt_val(conf, d, section, option, t):
        if conf.has_option(section, option):
            val = c.get(section, option).strip()
            if t is int:
                val = c.getint(section, option)
            if t is bool:
                val = c.getboolean(section, option)
            if t is float:
                val = c.getfloat(section, option)
            # config-options with '-' are nice, but not good parameter names
            d[option.replace('-', '_')] = val

    general_settings = {}
    c = configparser.ConfigParser()'{}/stosim.conf'.format((simfolder)))
    delim = utils.get_delimiter(c)
    for o, t in general_options.items():
        get_opt_val(c, general_settings, 'plot-settings', o, t)
    general_params = []
    if c.has_option('plot-settings', 'params'):
        general_params = c.get('plot-settings', 'params').split(',')

    for c in relevant_confs:
        i = 1
        settings = general_settings.copy()
        # overwrite with plot-settings for this subsimulation
        for o, t in general_options.items():
            get_opt_val(c, settings, 'plot-settings', o, t)
        if c.has_option('plot-settings', 'params'):
            general_params.extend(c.get('plot-settings', 'params').split(','))

        while c.has_section("figure%i" % i):
            if i in plot_nrs or len(plot_nrs) == 0:
                fig_settings = settings.copy()
                for o, t in figure_specific_options.items():
                    get_opt_val(c, fig_settings, 'figure%i' % i, o, t)

                plot_confs = []
                j = 1
                while c.has_option("figure%i" % i, "plot%i" % j):
                    # make plot settings from conf string
                    d = utils.decode_search_from_confstr(
                            c.get('figure%i' % i, 'plot%i' % j),
                            sim=c.get('meta', 'name')
                    # then add general param settings to each plot, if
                    # not explicitly in there
                    for param in general_params:
                        if ":" in param:
                            param = param.split(':')
                            key = param[0].strip()
                            if not key in list(d.keys()):
                                d[key] = param[1].strip()
                    # add simulation file name, then we can select accordingly
                    if c.has_option('meta', '_subconf-filename_'):
                        scfn = c.get('meta', '_subconf-filename_')
                        if scfn != '' and not 'sim' in d:
                            d['sim'] = scfn
                    # making sure all necessary plot attributes are there
                    if ('_name' in list(d.keys())and '_ycol' in list(d.keys()) and
                        '_type' in list(d.keys())):
[StoSim] Warning: Incomplete graph specification in Experiment %s
- for plot {} in figure {}. \n
Specify at least _name and _ycol.'''.format((c.get('meta', 'name'), j, i)))
                    j += 1
                plotter.plot(filepath='%s/data' % simfolder,
                             outfile_name='%s/plots/%s.pdf' \
                                % (simfolder, fig_settings['name']),\
            i += 1