Beispiel #1
    def test_decomposition_operation_compiled(self):
        """Test decomposition operation gets decomposed if compiled"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Pgate(0.43) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("Pgate", [0.43], (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog.compile(compiler="gaussian"))

        assert xir_prog.statements[0].name == "Sgate"
        assert xir_prog.statements[1].name == "Rgate"
Beispiel #2
    def test_empty_program(self):
        """Test that an empty program is correctly converted"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(4, name="")
        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        assert xir_prog.serialize() == ""
        assert xir_prog.version == "0.1.0"
Beispiel #3
    def test_program_with_options(self):
        """Test that program with options is correctly converted"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(4, name="test_program")
        sf_prog.run_options = {"shots": 2}
        sf_prog.backend_options = {"cutoff_dim": 5}
        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        assert xir_prog.options == {"_name_": "test_program", "cutoff_dim": 5, "shots": 2}
Beispiel #4
    def test_two_mode_gate(self):
        """Test two mode gate converts"""
        sf_prog = Program(4)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.BSgate(0.54, -0.324) | (q[3], q[0])

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("BSgate", [0.54, -0.324], (3, 0))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #5
    def test_free_par_str(self):
        """Test a FreeParameter with some transformations converts properly"""
        sf_prog = Program(2)
        r, alpha = sf_prog.params("r", "alpha")
        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Sgate(r) | q[0]
            ops.Zgate(3 * pf.log(-alpha)) | q[1]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("Sgate", ["r", 0.0], (0,)), ("Zgate", ["3*log(-alpha)"], (1,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #6
    def test_measure_arg_postselect(self):
        """Test measurement with argument and postselection converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureHomodyne(0.43, select=0.543) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("MeasureHomodyne", {"phi": 0.43, "select": 0.543}, (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected

        # repeat with kwargs only
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureHomodyne(phi=0.43, select=0.543) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #7
    def test_measure_arg(self):
        """Test measurement with argument converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureHomodyne(0.43) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("MeasureHomodyne", {"phi": 0.43}, (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #8
    def test_measure_darkcounts(self):
        """Test measurement with dark counts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureFock(dark_counts=2) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("MeasureFock", {"dark_counts": [2]}, (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #9
    def test_measure_postselect(self):
        """Test measurement with postselection"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureFock(select=2) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("MeasureFock", {"select": [2]}, (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #10
    def test_gate_arg(self):
        """Test gate with argument converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(2)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Sgate(0.54, 0.324) | q[1]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("Sgate", [0.54, 0.324], (1,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #11
    def test_gate_noarg(self):
        """Test gate with no argument converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Vac | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [("Vacuum", [], (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #12
    def test_measure_noarg(self):
        """Test measurement with no argument converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(1)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.MeasureFock() | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        # note that measurement parameters are always dicts
        expected = [("MeasureFock", {}, (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #13
    def test_decomposition_operation_not_compiled(self):
        """Test decomposition operation"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(4)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Interferometer(U) | q

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        assert xir_prog.statements[0].name == "Interferometer"
        param = np.array(xir_prog.statements[0].params)
        assert np.allclose(param[0], U)
        assert xir_prog.statements[0].wires == (0, 1, 2, 3)
Beispiel #14
    def test_gate_kwarg(self):
        """Test gate with keyword argument converts"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(2)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Dgate(r=np.abs(0.54 + 0.324j), phi=np.angle(0.54 + 0.324j)) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        # Note: due to how SF stores quantum commands with the Parameter class,
        # all kwargs get converted to positional args internally.
        expected = [("Dgate", [np.abs(0.54 + 0.324j), np.angle(0.54 + 0.324j)], (0,))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #15
    def test_tdm_program(self):
        """Test the TDM programs converts properly"""
        sf_prog = TDMProgram(2)

        with sf_prog.context([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]) as (p, q):
            ops.Sgate(0.7, 0) | q[1]
            ops.BSgate(p[0]) | (q[0], q[1])
            ops.Rgate(p[1]) | q[1]
            ops.MeasureHomodyne(p[2]) | q[0]

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog)

        expected = [
            ("Sgate", [0.7, 0], (1,)),
            ("BSgate", ["p0", 0.0], (0, 1)),
            ("Rgate", ["p1"], (1,)),
            ("MeasureHomodyne", {"phi": "p2"}, (0,)),
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected
Beispiel #16
    def test_gate_arg_add_declarations(self):
        """Test gate with argument converts with declarations"""
        # create a test program
        sf_prog = Program(2)

        with sf_prog.context as q:
            ops.Sgate(0.54, 0.324) | q[1]
            ops.MeasureFock() | q

        xir_prog = io.to_xir(sf_prog, add_decl=True)

        expected = [("Sgate", [0.54, 0.324], (1,)), ("MeasureFock", {}, (0, 1))]
        assert [(, stmt.params, stmt.wires) for stmt in xir_prog.statements] == expected

        assert len(xir_prog.declarations["gate"]) == 1
        assert xir_prog.declarations["gate"][0].wires == (0,)
        assert xir_prog.declarations["gate"][0].params == ["p0", "p1"]

        assert len(xir_prog.declarations["out"]) == 1
        assert xir_prog.declarations["out"][0].wires == (0, 1)
        assert xir_prog.declarations["out"][0].params == []