def __call__(self, i_str):
        if i_str:
            epoch_ticks_1, doc_id_1, epoch_ticks_2, doc_id_2 = i_str.split(',')
            epoch_ticks_1 = uuid.UUID(int=int(epoch_ticks_1))
            epoch_ticks_2 = uuid.UUID(int=int(epoch_ticks_2))
            if doc_id_1:
                assert doc_id_2, (doc_id_1, doc_id_2)
                doc_id_1 = uuid.UUID(hex=doc_id_1)
                doc_id_2 = uuid.UUID(hex=doc_id_2)
                key1 = (epoch_ticks_1, doc_id_1)
                key2 = (epoch_ticks_2, doc_id_2)
                key1 = (epoch_ticks_1, )
                key2 = (epoch_ticks_2, )
            key_ranges = [(key1, key2)]
            key_ranges = []

        for key, data in self.client.scan( 'stream_items', *key_ranges ):
            errors, data = streamcorpus.decrypt_and_uncompress(data)
            yield streamcorpus.deserialize(data)
Beispiel #2
    def __call__(self, i_str):
        if i_str:
            epoch_ticks_1, doc_id_1, epoch_ticks_2, doc_id_2 = i_str.split(',')
            epoch_ticks_1 = uuid.UUID(int=int(epoch_ticks_1))
            epoch_ticks_2 = uuid.UUID(int=int(epoch_ticks_2))
            if doc_id_1:
                assert doc_id_2, (doc_id_1, doc_id_2)
                doc_id_1 = uuid.UUID(hex=doc_id_1)
                doc_id_2 = uuid.UUID(hex=doc_id_2)
                key1 = (epoch_ticks_1, doc_id_1)
                key2 = (epoch_ticks_2, doc_id_2)
                key1 = (epoch_ticks_1, )
                key2 = (epoch_ticks_2, )
            key_ranges = [(key1, key2)]
            key_ranges = []

        for key, data in self.client.scan('stream_items', *key_ranges):
            errors, data = streamcorpus.decrypt_and_uncompress(data)
            yield streamcorpus.deserialize(data)
def get_kvlayer_stream_item(client, stream_id):
    '''Retrieve a :class:`streamcorpus.StreamItem` from :mod:`kvlayer`.

    This function requires that `client` already be set up properly::

        client = kvlayer.client()
        client.setup_namespace({'stream_items': 2})
        si = get_kvlayer_stream_item(client, stream_id)

    `stream_id` is in the form of
    :data:`streamcorpus.StreamItem.stream_id` and contains the
    ``epoch_ticks``, a hyphen, and the ``doc_id``.

    :param client: kvlayer client object
    :type client: :class:`kvlayer.AbstractStorage`
    :param str stream_id: stream Id to retrieve
    :return: corresponding :class:`streamcorpus.StreamItem`
    :raise exceptions.KeyError: if `stream_id` is malformed or does
      not correspond to anything in the database

    # Reminder: stream_id is 1234567890-123456789abcdef...0
    # where the first part is the (decimal) epoch_ticks and the second
    # part is the (hex) doc_id
    parts = stream_id.split('-')
    if len(parts) != 2:
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)
    timestr = parts[0]
    dochex = parts[1]
    if not timestr.isdigit():
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)
    if dochex.lstrip(string.hexdigits) != '':
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)

    key = (uuid.UUID(int=int(timestr)), uuid.UUID(hex=dochex))
    for k,v in client.get('stream_items', key):
        if v is not None:
            errors, bytestr = streamcorpus.decrypt_and_uncompress(v)
            return streamcorpus.deserialize(bytestr)
    raise KeyError(stream_id)
Beispiel #4
def get_kvlayer_stream_item(client, stream_id):
    '''Retrieve a :class:`streamcorpus.StreamItem` from :mod:`kvlayer`.

    This function requires that `client` already be set up properly::

        client = kvlayer.client()
        client.setup_namespace({'stream_items': 2})
        si = get_kvlayer_stream_item(client, stream_id)

    `stream_id` is in the form of
    :data:`streamcorpus.StreamItem.stream_id` and contains the
    ``epoch_ticks``, a hyphen, and the ``doc_id``.

    :param client: kvlayer client object
    :type client: :class:`kvlayer.AbstractStorage`
    :param str stream_id: stream Id to retrieve
    :return: corresponding :class:`streamcorpus.StreamItem`
    :raise exceptions.KeyError: if `stream_id` is malformed or does
      not correspond to anything in the database

    # Reminder: stream_id is 1234567890-123456789abcdef...0
    # where the first part is the (decimal) epoch_ticks and the second
    # part is the (hex) doc_id
    parts = stream_id.split('-')
    if len(parts) != 2:
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)
    timestr = parts[0]
    dochex = parts[1]
    if not timestr.isdigit():
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)
    if dochex.lstrip(string.hexdigits) != '':
        raise KeyError('invalid stream_id ' + stream_id)

    key = (uuid.UUID(int=int(timestr)), uuid.UUID(hex=dochex))
    for k, v in client.get('stream_items', key):
        if v is not None:
            errors, bytestr = streamcorpus.decrypt_and_uncompress(v)
            return streamcorpus.deserialize(bytestr)
    raise KeyError(stream_id)