Beispiel #1
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import desc

import data
from datamodel import TrendyHashtag
from datamodel import Tweet
from datamodel import Member

from streamer import HashtagLogger

app = Flask(__name__)
h = HashtagLogger(data.engine_url, oauth=data.oauth)

## Utilities
def connect():
    Separated so that the method can be run in each created thread.
    Initiates connexion to the database and starts a Session to be used to query it.
    Returns the session used to communicate with the database
    # creates engine, tries to create all the tables needed later on
    engine = create_engine(data.engine_url, echo=data.debug)
    # initiates session to the database, tries to create proper session
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

    return Session(), engine  # Bridges class to db
Beispiel #2
class Trigger():
    def __init__(self):
        # registering the signal to stop command line
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.stop_handler)

        # starting all services
        # Streamer
        print "Starting streamer"
        self.h = HashtagLogger(data.engine_url, oauth=data.oauth)

        print "Starting counter"
        #self.c = Counter(data.engine_url)

        # FIXME: Must create a wrapper to display them all periodically here
        # LeaderBoard
        # self.l = LeaderBoardAll()
        # self.l.start()

        print "Command Line utility started:"
        print "Press CTRL + C to stop application"
        print "type h, help or ? to get a list of possible commands"
        while True:
            res = raw_input(">")

    def parse(self, comm):
        Parses the command input by the user
        and triggers the corresponding action
        word = comm.lower()
        if word in ["h", "help", "?"]:
            if word.startswith("add #"):
                hashtag = word.replace("add ", "")
            elif word.startswith("rm #"):
                hashtag = word.replace("rm ", "")
                print "Unrecognized command"

    def help(self):
        Prints Help message in command line
        print "######"
        print "add [hashtag] : adds hashtag to list of interest hashtags "
        print "rm [hashtag] : removes hashtag from list of interest hashtags "
        print "WARNING: hashtag always starts with #!"
        print "######"

    def stop_handler(self, signal, frame):
        Detects when the user presses CTRL + C and stops the count thread
        print ""
        print "Stopping Streamer"
        #print "Stopping Counter"
        #print "Stopping LeaderBoard"
        print "Stopping Command Line"