Beispiel #1
    def create_instance(
        default: Any = None,
        key: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Any:
        """Create a new instance of the component.

            Must be empty; all args must be named. (This parameter exists to
            enforce correct use of the function.)
        default: any or None
            The default return value for the component. This is returned when
            the component's frontend hasn't yet specified a value with
        key: str or None
            If not None, this is the user key we use to generate the
            component's "widget ID".
            Keyword args to pass to the component.

        any or None
            The component's widget value.

        if len(args) > 0:
            raise MarshallComponentException(f"Argument '{args[0]}' needs a label")

            import pyarrow
            from streamlit.components.v1 import component_arrow
        except ImportError:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                """To use Custom Components in Streamlit, you need to install
PyArrow. To do so locally:

`pip install pyarrow`

And if you're using Streamlit Cloud, add "pyarrow" to your requirements.txt."""

        # In addition to the custom kwargs passed to the component, we also
        # send the special 'default' and 'key' params to the component
        # frontend.
        all_args = dict(kwargs, **{"default": default, "key": key})

        json_args = {}
        special_args = []
        for arg_name, arg_val in all_args.items():
            if type_util.is_bytes_like(arg_val):
                bytes_arg = SpecialArg()
                bytes_arg.key = arg_name
                bytes_arg.bytes = to_bytes(arg_val)
            elif type_util.is_dataframe_like(arg_val):
                dataframe_arg = SpecialArg()
                dataframe_arg.key = arg_name
                component_arrow.marshall(, arg_val)
                json_args[arg_name] = arg_val

            serialized_json_args = json.dumps(json_args)
        except BaseException as e:
            raise MarshallComponentException(
                "Could not convert component args to JSON", e

        def marshall_component(dg, element: Element) -> Union[Any, Type[NoValue]]:
            element.component_instance.component_name =
            element.component_instance.form_id = current_form_id(dg)
            if self.url is not None:
                element.component_instance.url = self.url

            # Normally, a widget's element_hash (which determines
            # its identity across multiple runs of an app) is computed
            # by hashing the entirety of its protobuf. This means that,
            # if any of the arguments to the widget are changed, Streamlit
            # considers it a new widget instance and it loses its previous
            # state.
            # However! If a *component* has a `key` argument, then the
            # component's hash identity is determined by entirely by
            # `component_name + url + key`. This means that, when `key`
            # exists, the component will maintain its identity even when its
            # other arguments change, and the component's iframe won't be
            # remounted on the frontend.
            # So: if `key` is None, we marshall the element's arguments
            # *before* computing its widget_ui_value (which creates its hash).
            # If `key` is not None, we marshall the arguments *after*.

            def marshall_element_args():
                element.component_instance.json_args = serialized_json_args

            if key is None:

            def deserialize_component(ui_value, widget_id=""):
                # ui_value is an object from json, an ArrowTable proto, or a bytearray
                return ui_value

            ctx = get_script_run_ctx()
            widget_value, _ = register_widget(
                serializer=lambda x: x,

            if key is not None:

            if widget_value is None:
                widget_value = default
            elif isinstance(widget_value, ArrowTableProto):
                widget_value = component_arrow.arrow_proto_to_dataframe(widget_value)

            # widget_value will be either None or whatever the component's most
            # recent setWidgetValue value is. We coerce None -> NoValue,
            # because that's what DeltaGenerator._enqueue expects.
            return widget_value if widget_value is not None else NoValue

        # We currently only support writing to st._main, but this will change
        # when we settle on an improved API in a post-layout world.
        dg = streamlit._main

        element = Element()
        return_value = marshall_component(dg, element)
        result = dg._enqueue(
            "component_instance", element.component_instance, return_value

        return result
Beispiel #2
def _serialize_dataframe_arg(key: str, value: Any) -> SpecialArg:
    special_arg = SpecialArg()
    special_arg.key = key
    component_arrow.marshall(, value)
    return special_arg