Beispiel #1
def stop():
    """Stops excecution immediately. Streamlit will not run any statements
    after `st.stop()`. We recommend rendering an informational message that
    would explain the stop in execution. When run outside of Streamlit, it
    will raise an Exception


    >>> name = st.text_input('Name')
    >>> if not name:
    >>>   st.warning('Please input a name.')
    >>>   st.stop()
    >>> st.success('Thank you for inputting a name.')

    raise StopException()
Beispiel #2
def stop() -> NoReturn:
    """Stops execution immediately.

    Streamlit will not run any statements after `st.stop()`.
    We recommend rendering a message to explain why the script has stopped.
    When run outside of Streamlit, this will raise an Exception.


    >>> name = st.text_input('Name')
    >>> if not name:
    >>>   st.warning('Please input a name.')
    >>>   st.stop()
    >>> st.success('Thank you for inputting a name.')

    raise StopException()